You're Shamefully Submitting To Your Anxiety
Your anxiety has you defeatedChances are life hasn't been the smoothest ride for you. There have been some significant challenges along the way and, while you have managed to survive 100% of your worst days, you're exhausted. Maybe you have experienced anxiety for a while, or maybe it is new to you. Either way, the feeling is one of being overwhelmed and tired. You might be saying things like "I'll never be normal again" or "I can't cope with this" to yourself. Maybe you have even thought that no-one enjoys having you around when you're anxious and so you have withdrawn from friends and family. Its probably true that your inner critic is really loud and punitive. Do you find yourself using words like "pathetic", "stupid", and "useless" when you talk about yourself? And now that anxiety is here, you feel this even more strongly, right? It has you believing that you're a wreck . You're embarrassed that you feel this way and maybe even a little ashamed that you haven't managed to get it together. (Pretty hard on yourself, right?)Your response to anxiety is one of SHAMEFUL SUBMISSIONYou're not alone.Most people with challenging backgrounds tend toward this response type with anxiety. They believe they are somehow 'damaged' and they are easily defeated by anxiety. The easiest way to cope with the anxiety is simply to avoid! Avoid everyone and everything because you simply don't believe you can cope. But all this avoidance is actually keeping anxiety stuck.Think about it: Submitting to the awful things anxiety has you believing about yourself gives your anxiety power and leaves you feeling more vulnerable and anxious. The more you submit to it, the more of a bully you believe anxiety to be.But, truth is: Anxiety is a natural human response designed to keep you safe. It is meant to serve you. But I know that is hard to believe right now. How can anything this painful be helpful, right?Well, it's not meant to be this painful. That's why there are ways in which we can shift anxiety back to where it belongs. ...Painful anxiety is STUCK anxiety. ...And STUCK anxiety is not helpful!I want you to get your response to anxiety sorted so that it can go back to being an UNSTUCK response that is HELPFUL!SIMPLE STEPS TO GET STARTED:1. Empower yourselfit is really important for you to understand how and why your anxiety has originated in the first place. This is often because of a traumatic experience of some sort. or a challenging life event. When you understand the mechanism of anxiety and how it works then it is easier to get your power back and stop viewing it as an overwhelmingly powerful bully.2. Accept AnxietyI know this feels out of reach but anxiety is not the same as the inner critic beating down on you. In fact the two are separate and anxiety often pops up as a result of the negative core beliefs you (misguidedly) hold about yourself. Anxiety indicates that you're feeling vulnerable and it can be your friend. Take time to look carefully at what you are telling yourself about your anxiety. While it might feel like it is anxiety's fault that you feel this way, the truth is that there is more beneath the surface causing you to feel this way. Once you're able to separate anxiety from the experience of being bullied, you will be able to put a stop to the bullying itself.3. Shift FocusIt's time to stop focussing on the messages of the inner critic. The lies you're being told about how 'useless', 'pathetic' or 'damaged' you are need to stop. Shift focus to a gratitude practice where you acknowledge your wins for the day (however small they may be). Appreciate yourself a little and practice some real self - compassion. When you shift focus in this direction you give yourself some breathing room and anxiety begins to shift.Interested in taking this a little further? Then grab my free online training to RESET ANXIETY...