What's Your Top Life Assignment?

Please read the below before beginning the quiz!***We each come into this life with important lessons to learn during our time in “Earth School” and this quiz is designed to help you discover what those are depending on who you are. Through a series of 20 questions (don’t worry, they’re short), you will respond to real-life scenarios that will help you better understand what you’re here to learn and to teach. Many of us are working on more than one lesson at a time, which is why you’ll see the lessons broken out into groups, since they tend to present themselves in similar ways. You’ll get your top groupings at the end of the quiz.***These questions are hypothetical and, while you may not have experienced each scenario, please choose the answer that MOST aligns with how you’d likely respond. Since these questions are focusing on “unfinished homework”–aspects of our lives that we are still working on and have not yet mastered–some of the material may feel triggering. That’s okay, and to be expected. Try to approach the questions without judgment and answer as truthfully as you can. Unlike many personality-based tests out there, like Myers Briggs or Strengthsfinder, and so on, this test is NOT a reflection of who you are, or will become. Rather, it’s reflective of your state of mind, your reactions and responses to certain situations—all of which can change. So, don’t overthink it. Go with the first answer that pops out to you or resonates initially. The more authentic your responses, the more accurate your results will be.***If the quiz does not resonate with you or you already feel that you know what your life lessons are, feel free to go straight to the Change It, Run It, Tap It (CRT) page and select your life lesson group. There, you'll find access to the CRT program and the other tools that I have prepared to help you explore these life assignments.***One last step before taking the quiz…***You may want to take a few moments to ground, center, and connect to your higher self so that you are in a more neutral state of mind and can move through this with greater clarity, self honesty, and truth. Below is an optional exercise that you can use!***Close your eyes and take a few centering breaths to get present and still. ***Imagine a beam of light acting as a grounding cord, going from the base of your spine all the way down into the core of Mother Earth. ***Next, draw that light back up the cord, all the way up your body, up and out the top of your head plugging into a giant golden sun above you. ***Now, breathe that light back down the cord with the intention of moving your awareness down, out of your head and dropping into your heart, filling, opening and expanding your heart center with this light of Truth.***Recite this intentional prayer either silently or out loud:***I call upon my higher self and my Divine team in Spirit to assist me now in receiving the Divine Guidance, insight, and wisdom that I need to help me better understand my soul lessons in this lifetime. I ask that this be done with grace and ease, for my highest truth and healing, to assist me in my spiritual expansion and ascension process. ***One last reminder, choose one answer for each question that most resonates with you even if more than one answer feels true or applies. Try not to overthink it; just go with your gut. Your top ‘life lessons’ will be provided at the end of the quiz.

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