You need to balance your... Body Chakras
Namaste, friend! By completing this quiz, you’ve proven you’re motivated to balance your chakras and raise your vibrations! You’re awake and ready to do good work in this beautiful world. But first, you’ve got to give some time to balancing your first three chakras: Muladhara (Root), Svadhisthana (Sacral), and Manipura (Sacral). The Muladhara chakra lies at the base of the spine and pelvic floor. When it’s unbalanced, you may feel insecure in your foundation and you may suffer from lower back pain, or problems with your feet or legs. The Svadhisthana chakra is in the sex and reproductive organs. When it’s imbalanced, you may feel disconnected from your creativity, uncomfortable sharing parts of yourself, become obsessed with pleasure, or struggle to feel pleasure. The Manipura chakra is in the navel center and represents the seat of the will. When it’s imbalanced, you may have trouble with digestion, accessing your personal power, and feeling motivated.The good news? Once you balance your body chakras, energy will be more able to flow through your heart and connect you to your own divinity. Read on for some easy and accessible tools to help you get those wheels spinning!3 Steps You Can Take to Align and Strengthen Your Body Chakras1. Get Clear On Your Childhood ProgrammingDid you know that your childhood experiences including small traumas, big traumas, and just general life experiences influence how balanced your body chakras are?For example, people with abuse traumas have blocked root chakras. Or say, people who felt rejected or like they didn't belong have sacral chakra imbalances. And so on.Though you can do chakra balancing activities that we'll share below, it's really important to heal your body chakra blockages at the source by understanding your childhood programming.We recommend learning more about The Enneagram in order to understand what belief system you are running. 2. Ground in NatureGrounding in nature can be really helpful in balancing your body chakras.Grounding means walking or standing directly barefoot on the earth, preferably somewhere natural like grass or sand, not asphalt or concrete.When you walk barefoot on the Earth, your body directly absorbs the free ions from the Earth’s surface, which act as antioxidants making you feel better, improving your health, and connecting you to a sense of security and calm.While grounding, visualize yourself being connected to & supported by the Earth.Even better, practice slow belly breathing while you're grounding. Take slow 5-second inhales and try to make your belly expand. Then take a 5-second exhale and let your belly deflate. Try to extend the length of your inhale and exhale to 8-10 seconds if you can.3. Step Outside Your Comfort ZoneOur solar plexus chakra is the center of courage and action. But it's hard to do what actually makes us feel brave, bold, and courageous when we're just so busy all the time.The best way to gain balance in your Manipira is to prioritize the time to go something that makes you feel brave and bold. This could something as small as going and doing a sport you used to love as a kid. Or it could be something like going for a hike in a local spot. Staying aligned here looks as simple as asking yourself, "what do you WANT to do?" Instead of "what you think you HAVE TO do." We like using The Best Self Journal to stay accountable to asking ourselves these questions.P.S. Check out our adventure and wellness retreats! Let us guide you on an epic adventure while also taking you through guided meditation, breathwork, and learn more about your authentic Self.Want To Heal Your Body Chakras For Good?In the Be The Hero Academy, our group coaching membership, we teach you how to journal and script to release old patterns and live your best life.Be The Hero Academy was designed to give you the guidance and support you need to create vibrant health, passionate relationships, and purposeful work.The best part is, you can join Be The Hero Academy for FREE!>>> YES! I want to raise my vibration & manifest my dream life!Who Are We to Teach You How to Balance Your Chakras? Let Us Introduce Ourselves... Namaste friend, we're the Robledo Family 👋 We're a family of health & mindset coaches. We teach you haow to break free of past patterns and overcoming childhood trauma so that you can live a life you're excited to wake up to . When we're not obsessing over chakras, the Enneagram, and astrology, we're out chasing adventure through rock climbing, hiking, and surfing. We've been teaching people how to find courage, confidence, and joy in their lives for 30 years now. We know that you have what it takes to balance your chakras, overcome your limiting beliefs, and do what it takes to be the hero of YOUR life … Especially with our help! Bonus Resources to Help You Balance All of Your Chakras? Look No Further 👇1. Check out this post on my blog Chakra Healing Frequencies I break down special healing frequencies that balance all seven of your chakras.2. Discover How Your Childhood Changed How Your Chakras Are Balanced. In it, we go deep into your soul imprint and personality stamp with astrology, enneagram, and the chakra system.3. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel. We put out videos on chakras, enneagram, and astrology every week to help you be the hero of your story.P.S. Expect to See Me in Your Inbox With a Free PDF Version of Your Results and a Few Other Practices to Help You Balance Your Chakras 🎉🙌🕉