You are likely an hsp.
Thanks for submitting your response! It's likely you are an HSP. Your sensitivities are your superpower. 20% of the world's population senses and experiences the world more deeply than the other 80%. The world needs deep-sensing people like you. You may feel out of sorts with the world because 80% of the population operates differently. You can do three things right away to honor your high sensitivity.1) Understand - You've done that with this quiz. Knowing you have this trait can help you navigate life. Your nervous system takes in more so you have a rich sensory life and, you can also become more easily overwhelmed. 2) Soothe - Rest is your ally. When you give yourself quiet time alone, you can be fully soothed and ready to get back out into the busy noisy world. You also appreciate and deeply feel beauty. You can soothe your nervous system with pleasurable feels, smells, sights and sounds.3) Reframe - Growing up, you were likely misunderstood. You may have been thought of as shy or slow to respond. You may have been called a "baby" for crying easily in response to deeply sensing your own and others' emotions. If your parents didn't understand your highly sensitive nature, they may have pushed you into uncomfortable situations, not given you the time to process and perhaps even made you to feel "less than." This is common because the trait was not well understood until the mid-1990s. It is still not well-known. It may be helpful for you to go back and revisit events in your life through the knowledge of HSP traits and reframe each situation in a more positive light. Use your natural intuition to consider whether or not you'd like to work with a therapist as you do this.You have an incredible gift to offer the world in this time of transition. As old models fall away and humanity upgrades its operating system, HSPs are the ones who will lead the way. Also, being in community with other HSPs can feel amazing. Hear the stories, challenges and deep experiences of others like you, offer and receive support and build your repertoire of resources to nourish your sensitivity superpower. You're welcome to join the HSP Holistic Community. In this community, you'll find support for living a holistic life as a sensitive person. You'll get a safe and supportive space to be who you are, validation and understanding as a sensitive person, plus insights, tips and inspiration for living in tune with the seasons and cycles of nature, all in a community of other thoughtful and sensitive people like you.My mission is to empower highly sensitive women to deeply experience their sensitivities as superpowers, learn to balance rest with engagement and live in tune with the seasons and cycles of nature for robust wellbeing.If you'd like to reach out to me directly, email me at mira@mirabinzen.com. Or, call/text me at 312.391.2176.