Yikes! Your finances need help!
You know you need to do something about your financial situation, but you may not be sure where to start.Living paycheck to paycheck, struggling with debt, and running out of money when you just need to buy one last thing for the week isn’t ideal!Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place.Kudos to you for recognizing the problem and looking for a way to fix it! Once you know what’s wrong with your financial situation, you can make a few small changes. And get rid of some of that money stress!3 Tips to Reset Your Finances1. Set up a budget. It doesn’t have to be restrictive. It’s simply a plan for every dollar. Calculate how much money you need for food and shelter. Put some money aside for your emergency fund. And when you’ve got your emergency fund set aside (financial gurus recommend $1000) it’s time to get rid of debt.2. Reduce debt. Sometimes it feels like debt is a fact of life. And although it might take a while to pay down your existing debt, you’ll breathe easier when the debt is gone!3. Put money aside for yourself. It’s easy to set up a super strict budget. However, if you don’t give yourself any wiggle room, you end up binge-spending because you just can’t resist. Give yourself a set amount of spending money so you can shop without blowing your budget!Check out these helpful resources to keep your financial management on track:financialguide.combuildwealth.cominvestments.com