The Evaluator
Your loudest voice is The Evaluator. Even though you experience all 5 voices, this one is your loudest. Each voice is activated by a circumstance and has the ability to shrink or expand ourselves.
When you become aware of which voice is the loudest, you have the gift of awareness to change it to expansion, rather than shrinking, in that activated circumstance.
Your results:Voice: The Evaluator
Circumstance: happens when we evaluate our life and our progress
When it shrinks you: we focus on our achievements (our appearance of winning)
When it expands you: we focus on our legacy (our feelings of success)
In school, you were graded by a teacher on how well you were doing. Then, you got the green light to advance to the next grade. You did it!
Now as an adult, who’s telling you you’re doing a good job? Who’s giving you the green light to advance to the next level?
I’ll tell you who. This person is reading this as we speak…
The only one evaluating our progress and whether we’re “doing enough” is ourselves. And that metric is 100% relative to our own individuality and what’s important to us.
One person’s success might be owning a skyscraper in Manhattan with their name on it. Another person’s success might be being able to fish on a dock every evening.
Achievements are how we measure our milestones: money, fame, awards.
Success is how we feel our legacy: purpose, fulfillment, alignment.
If you can quantify it or measure it, it’s not success, it’s an achievement. Achievements aren’t bad! They’re just not our final destination.
When you’re looking in the mirror, or scrolling on social media and experience the thought of: am I good enough?
You have two options when this voice kicks in.
1- You can allow it to shrink you by counting or chasing your achievements.
a. I’m not making/doing/achieving enough.
b. I should be further along at this stage of my life.
c. I want to achieve this thing so I can show that I did it.
2- Or, you can let it expand you by defining your success.
a. I know this thing I’m doing helps a lot of people, so I enjoy it.
b. I’m pursuing my own dreams, so it’s impossible for me to be “behind.”
c. If no one knew I achieved this thing, I’d still do it because it matters to me.
Now that you know that The Evaluator is the loudest, notice how you talk to yourself in moments of reflection. Can you pause and define your success instead of chasing your achievements?