Take the lightning-fast, ultra-fun 2-minute quiz. And trust that discovering your soulFULL medicine (and the relief and results that come with it) will be totally worth it! 😉
PHYSICAL HEALTH: Feeling energized and confident in my body, free from fatigue and pain. See ya later: poor lifestyle choices, health conditions, and hormonal imbalances!
PEPPERMINT: Clear-headed and focused. I stay calm under pressure and always find a solution to a problem. Slightly spicy, I'm not afraid to push boundaries.
GET FOCUSED: Your soul seeks to slow down – give your dreams the attention they deserve and create tangible results through heart-inspired, laser-focused action.
BE CONFIDENT: Your soul seeks a deeper relationship with yourself – to see, accept, and respect who you are – value your gifts (as much as you appreciate others) and share them for prosperous results.
BE VULNERABLE: Your soul seeks fulfilling relationships and inner peace grown through vulnerability – open your heart and risk potential hurt for the possibility of profound love.
GET MESSY: Your soul seeks to let loose, have fun, and enjoy life – like a toddler devouring a bowl of cherries, giggling with juice dripping down her chin, and all over her pristinely pressed outfit. Yesss!
If you had to guess, what would you say stops you from living a life you love?
GUIDED COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP so I can connect with a coach in a supportive community of women to make consistent progress in various areas of life, like health, relationships, or work.
SMALL GROUP COACHING so I can collaborate with a few like-minded women facing similar challenges in a specific area of life, such as health, relationships, or work.