Your focus should be on... Launch Growth!
Congratulations, friend! By completing this quiz, you're one step closer to reaching your business goals 🙌 According to your responses, you should prioritize improving your launch strategy. And I have a little something to help you with that...I've put together a playlist of episodes from The New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN NOW) that will help you focus on exactly that. By listening to this curated playlist, you will get the tools to improve your launches by learning about what has worked in our past launches. Throughout these episodes, you'll learn about how to create the perfect messaging ecosystem, create demand for your offer, how to achieve mastery over your craft, and so much more. You'll also get a behind-the-scenes look at what hasn't worked for us in launches and our Scripting Coach Katie Soy will break down some common scripting mistakes. In Q1 of 2023, my launch generated over 350 new students driving in approximately $1.2 million in NEW sales for my company and I want to take what I've learned so that you can see the launch results that you want."Who Is The Entrepreneur Behind This Quiz?" I'm Glad You Asked!Hey there, and welcome — my name's Brandon Lucero 👋 I'm the founder of the New Generation Mastery program and New Generation Entrepreneur podcast. My proven methodology works to shift how online content is created and distributed by changing beliefs, shifting perspectives, and the psychology of selling products online so you can move your audience into a buying state of mind while growing your brand.I've done over 9 six-figure launches, generated millions of views online, helped create million-dollar sales funnels, and worked with multiple 7-figure entrepreneurs like James Wedmore, Carrie Green, Caitlin Bacher, Rick Mulready, and more. I also help around 100 students inside my exclusive mentorship program experience life-changing breakthroughs in their businesses, helping them generate multiple 6 and 7 figures of revenue and hundreds of thousands of dollars in growth.