Which Shadow Archetype are you?

What are the shadows?Shadows are parts of us that we try to hide from the world. These are parts that we cannot get rid of, but something we need to learn to dance with. They are in us, all of us and they were created at a young age back in our childhood. The thing is that these shadows are the responses that we give out. They dominate our thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions because they are part of our belief systems. We have learned to form our beliefs based on what we have learned from our environment growing up. There are 8 main shadows:4 of them are created from empowered energy.The other 4 has been created by fear. Those are the ones we will be looking at today, based on the quiz. The mastery of the shadows is learning how to go from fear to empowerment. Learning how to use your shadows to your advantages and recognising them when they show up.Fill out the quiz and find out which Shadow Archetype you are in currently.

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