Your Magnetic Marketing Archetype is a...Hustler!

No one works harder than you. Seriously, no one! Other people call it a “grind” but you love the thrill and excitement of being in hustle mode. You work hard for the money, so hard for it honey (a la Donna Summer), but you don’t mind since it really pays off in the end.

People admire you for your fierce worth ethic, can-do attitude, and productivity. When everyone else is planning to take time off, you’d rather spend it working on projects you love. Some people may call you a “workaholic” or “workhorse,” but they can’t argue with your results. Your passion drives much of your work, and you’re one of the only people you know who loves Mondays!

Sometimes you may find yourself checking off so many tasks that it feels like your to-do list is never-ending, but don’t worry, Hustler! That just means you’re leaning into your marketing strengths as a focused master of your craft.

Our advice? Don’t let your amazing worth ethic distract you from the “why” behind your projects. You don’t want to be so busy executing tasks that you forget the big picture. Take a step back from your work every once in a while and revisit your strategies to assess how well they’re working. Then you can get back to the work you love!

“Do whatever brings you to life, then. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.”

- Elizabeth Gilbert

Ready to get personal?

Read on for 3 exercises to better understand your archetype!

As a Hustler, you may struggle in taking the time to build a strategy before you get to work. It’s only natural when you’re used to getting so much done! However, we want to help you make more sales without the hassle and hang-ups of traditional marketing. Your strategies should be as focused as you are! Here’s how to get started...


Create automated funnels.

Wait, it’s possible for a marketing funnel to work as hard as you do? Absolutely! By working smarter instead of harder, you can automate part of your marketing strategy to make more room for the work you love. (Psst… read How to Build a Marketing Funnel for more tips)


Repurpose your content.

As a Hustler, you’re already working so hard to create highly valuable blog content for your audience. Why not use your blog content to grow your email list and sales? You could even repurpose some of the best content you’ve already crafted and turn it into freebies (like quizzes) your audience will obsess over. (Psst… read our 6-Step Blogging Strategy to Drive Sales for more tips)


Measure your success.

Don’t get so caught up in your day-to-day work that you forget to measure how your work is actually performing. It’s best to determine which metrics are important to you and put a consistent time block in your calendar to make sure you keep track of them over time. (Psst… read How to Constantly Improve Your Customer Service with Data for more tips)

Hold up — let us introduce ourselves...

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We’re the small but mighty team behind Interact, the insanely intuitive quiz builder your business friends already love. We help entrepreneurs and creators just like you make personality-infused quizzes to grow their businesses and reach. Want in on the action? Check your email inbox for more info!

Not sure where to start?

These resources will show you how to get started with quiz marketing!

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It’s an archive full of Entrepreneurs’ stories just like yours! We are diving deep into overcoming obstacles when growing a business and showing other new Entrepreneurs that you aren’t alone.

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