Ep. 80

Should You Join in on the TikTok Hype for Your Biz? with Josh Haynam, Interact CEO

This episode features Interact’s CEO, Josh Haynam, and Digital Marketing Manager and Host, Jessmyn Solana.

In this episode we will cover:

  • What is short-form video content?
  • How did TikTok crack the code? Why do we think it’s taken over all of the major platforms?
  • How to get started with short-form content for your business?
  • What’s the strategy? What is TikTok SEO?
  • Do I need to be on all platforms that have short-form video content? What’s the difference?

Hi guys and welcome back to Interact’s Grow podcast. So great to be with you all. I am your host Jessmyn Solana, and with me today I have CEO, Josh Haynem. Josh, thanks for hopping on this week. Today we are going to talk about, it’s sort of tangential to YouTube last week, but different in the sense. I feel like the strategy is completely different.

The content’s different and the way you sort of attack it is totally different. So should you join in on the TikTok hype for your business? I don’t know. Let’s figure it out.  First and foremost. Okay. I wanna say that, you know, we’ve tried all of them, so I feel like we have a little bit of a good sort of insight on what the answer is to this, but like all things, it depends on you, it depends on your business, depends on what you’re comfortable with and if it makes sense with your audience. But before we sort of jump into everything, what is short term? Short term, can’t talk today. Short form video content, short term videos.

Uh, some. It feels that way. Yeah, it is actually. Maybe that’s a Freudian slip, you know, the Freudian slip where it’s like you say what you actually meant. Um, because it is kind of short for short term video. Like that’s what I’ve really noticed with the, when we’ve tried TOS and YouTube shorts, and even Instagram reel is like, you might get a bunch of traffic, but it dies immediately.

Mm-hmm. , which is kind of the opposite of like long form or long term content where it’s like you might get like three views a day. , but then over the next three years, that’s like a thousand views versus like the shorts. You’ll get a thousand views on day one and then zero after that. So maybe that is kind of what it is.

I think it’s like immediately usable content, I guess, is the best way I see it. Like where, whereas a long, long-term, long form content is meant to be something that you learn and then maybe put into practice later. A short, short term, short form video, YouTube, short, TikTok, whatever, is like, oh, I learned this thing.

I’m gonna do it right now or later today. Like, I’m gonna get a recipe, I’m gonna make it for dinner. I think that’s what I see. Or sometimes it’s not even you’ve done it before. It’s like, oh, I saw this, I saw this in someone else’s video, so let me give it a try. And it either works or doesn’t work. I never really know if it’s real or not.

If, when people say, oh, it totally works. Actually working or it’s that cut where it actually took them maybe like hours to do it. Um, and it didn’t actually happen or it did happen, I don’t know. But um, for me, I think the short, short form video content is really, like you said, yeah, that easily digestible.

And you know what’s great about it is when you. I’m gonna talk about it first from a consumer perspective. Like when you’re watching a video and the algorithm learns what you actually like to watch, what you’re really going through and you know what you’re liking or commenting on, it’s gonna continue showing you the same type of video.

And it’s really interesting. It’s almost like, um, you know, your favorite TV show that never ends because there’s always new content of the same exact thing that you’ve seen multiple times out. Right, right at your fingertips. Yeah. And as I’m just literally thinking about it as you’re describing it that way, I wonder if part of the reason why everyone talks about the TikTok algorithm and why it’s so good is it, it just has a lot more data points.

Like I was reading a bunch of research papers about. These recommendation engines, and they were mostly built in like the early to mid nineties for Amazon. You know how Amazon was the first one to be like, here’s recommended products. Everything is basically just based on that. So it’s not like this crazy thing that everyone talks about where it knows you.

It’s just really just learning your interests and then feeding you the same content. But unlike Netflix or even YouTube where they might have. I don’t know if people watch a lot of Netflix videos. Maybe you watch like 10 movies. 10 movies a week. Like, you know, you only have so much time that you’re awake, so that’s like 10 points of data that it has.

Maybe on YouTube you could watch a hundred videos a week, but on TikTok you could watch a thousand videos a week in the same amount of time. So it just has a much, much larger data set to pull from. And the way those recommendation systems work is as it just gets larger data. , the more accurate it is in giving you recommendations.

So I wonder if that’s a big part of why it’s so engaging. Right. Let’s talk a little bit about, um, from the creator’s side, right? Because I think talking about data points is really important in this when I mean, I. Tested it out for three months, I think. Four months. And what’s tough about the process of creating a TikTok video?

If you have a specific purpose, like your business, right? Or you’re trying to sell something, or you’re trying to like, build a platform rather than, you know, I’m not talking about the fun dance ones, or I’m not talking about the, you know, the, the people who go on there, um, To become an influencer. I’m, I’m talking about you have a business, you sell things or you’re, you’re selling an idea or a service and you’re trying to build a platform on social media in order to bring awareness to you and your business.

So in terms of these data points, you know, you have to. You know, create an engaging video. That’s one part. And then you have to write the caption with really targeted keywords. That’s the second part. On top of that, you have to have the right hashtags. Third part, and then within the video, when you’re editing, you also have to have those keywords in the video, and I think that’s what has to do.

Part of those data points is making sure people find you in as many ways as possible. So whether it’s the algorithm learning, uh, sort of, you know, you’re putting the right keywords into your video. So through the algorithm people find you or through search, they find you. Yeah. Cause there’s just more, more keywords that you can include, right?

Where it’s like you can have the keyword in the description in what you actually say, which TikTok is, is reading all of what you say. And you can have it as an overlay on the video. So you can have three x the keywords, and then the fourth component of that is probably just like,  whether people actually watch your videos.

And that’s, that’s probably, I mean, TikTok has open sourced their algorithm because of what’s going on with the political stuff. So you can see what it is, and it’s basically those four points. It’s like how many times is the keyword being used? And then do people who search for that keyword or have an interest in that keyword actually watch your video all the way through.

And if all four of those things happen, then you’ll eventually just get pulled into the algorithm and your videos will get.  When we were both creating videos last, um, it was towards the end of last year. We talked a lot about it each week. Um, one of the things I recall you mentioning was that if you look at some of the biggest players on TikTok, you’ll see that their views are all over the place.

right? It’s like they’ll have videos where it has like a thousand views, then it’ll jump to a million, and then it’ll be like 600,000, then maybe like 50,000. W how much of that do you think is, you know, the creator or the algorithm? Uh, so it is the algorithm, the way the algorithm works right now is that,

It basically gives you an equal chance of success. Now it’s like equal in air quotes, because it’s not actually equal. There is a waiting and a score given. If you have a highly followed account and people watch your videos a lot, you’re gonna have a higher chance of being pulled into the, you know, for your feed.

Than a brand new creator, but it’s less that way than YouTube or especially Google like Google’s. So if Google is like a 10 on, like how much authority does your site have and how much does that impact your rankings? YouTube’s like a five and TikTok is like a tour or three. So you do have a better chance of getting pulled into the algorithm and having people see your stuff.

It also means that like every time you create a new video, you don’t really have this like bulkhead to lean on the way you do on other platforms where it’s like, okay, I have a lot of subscribers on YouTube. Because if you are in the TikTok interface, right, like it’s not built around subscribers and like who you follow per se.

Like you can see that, but it’s not necessarily like the main thing. So it’s almost more of. Recommendation Entertainment engine rather than a social network is how people have been talking about it. So it does have that aspect. That is so interesting because I just realized as you said that I never look at the, there’s two tabs, right?

There’s like the four you page, which is the recommendations that they give you, and then there’s the people that you follow. And I almost never look at that part. So would you say then that on TikTok specifically, it would differ from, let’s say Instagram, because on Instagram, the number of followers does play a part in your account, whereas on TikTok, it might not.

Yeah, and I think it’s probably part of why TikTok is better, like in terms of engagement and how much time people spend on there is because it doesn’t have that bias towards like, oh, you have a lot of followers, so we’re gonna show your content to everybody. And what ends up happening on Instagram, right?

It’s like once you have a lot of followers and half of your content is ads,  and that’s not really that engaging. And so over time the engagement will drop off. You know these influencers with millions of followers, you don’t really want to see their content a lot of the time cuz it’s full of ads.

Whereas on TikTok, they’re not going to give that influencer the stage just because they have a lot of followers. That influencer actually has to do the work every single time and show up. So in that sense, it kind of does level the playing field of like if you are brand new to the platform. You have not an equal chance of success, but a more balanced chance of success versus somebody that’s got a ton of followers on there.

I will say what’s really interesting is there are, um, people that I’ve found on Instagram through their Instagram reels, um, let’s say they have like 50 K views on Instagram, I’ll go to their TikTok and they’ll have millions of views, which I always found really interesting because, um, I don’t really know what that says about sort of the difficulty in getting up there on Instagram, but it does seem like you have more of a chance on TikTok.

Yeah. But then it’s kind of like, uh, what is quickly gaining, what is quickly gained is quickly lost, right? Like mm-hmm. You know, you might get a million views on one TikTok video, and then the next one you’ll get 200 views. Whereas Instagram and Facebook and Google and Twitter and pretty much every other YouTube, like they have this following mechanism built in to incentivize creators to stick around and continue building their following over time.

Whereas, I don’t know, I mean this is more like a business problem for TikTok, but like, the connection with creators is not as great because you’re not able to build that following over time. So if you’re thinking about it right, as a marketing strategy, I think, I think those are two, two items to consider and part of why like,  Personally, I would prefer to continue creating on YouTube and then just cut those videos into those rather than trying to be a TikTok, uh, original creator, right?

Like, I’m not necessarily interested in creating original tiktoks. I’ll take what I’m making for YouTube and turn it into tiktoks. Um, but I don’t know that I would invest in TikTok being like your, you know, mountain that you’re gonna build. Yeah, let’s jump into that because me and you both tested out sort of like different types of TikTok accounts.

Last God, when was that? August, September some, somewhere around the fall of last year. And I was very much the, okay, let’s do sort of these organic TikTok style videos, make sure it’s punchy, catchy, um, tells a story and you. , your, your typical TikTok style video. It would take me so long. I think that’s why I ended up giving up on it because, you know, and I really have a big appreciation for people where that’s their whole job. It takes so long because you have to think of the strategy for, let’s say like a month, right?

And then on top of that, um, you have to create the video. And then as you’re editing the video, that actually doesn’t, it takes longer than you think. Um, when you’re editing inside of the TikTok editor, then you have to find the right sound, and then you have to like, you know, maybe do voiceover sometimes or don’t do a voiceover.

Um, it also has to be engaging and then you have to have an actual point to what you’re saying. Um, versus if you create a video like what you’re saying for YouTube, but you cut it, it’s kind of like killing two birds with one stone. Um, how long would you say that takes compared to if you were to like put your hand, your phone in front of your face and, you know, selfie style record that video.

I mean, I think any good piece of content takes a lot of time. Like, you know, there’s this, this myth, I think that content is free because it’s free to create, but it’s not like every time I create a piece of content, whether it’s a video or a blog post, or if I’m going straight to a short. I am planning it for three or four hours.

I’m writing several drafts. I’m recording maybe once or twice or three times. It’s like a six or seven hour process. Now, if you think about how much your time is worth and what else you could be doing for your business, whether it’s like having a call with a client or getting an upsell from a client or helping a client onboard or convert, right?

I think you have to weigh all those things and think. What is worth it for me to put my time into it? So I guess the answer to that is like, it doesn’t really take much time to cut a YouTube video into shorts you can use. Our tool we’re using right now is called Munch. I think it’s pretty good. I like it so far.

I basically just takes clips out of your longer videos and turns them into TikTok shorts, Instagram reel, whatever, so that you can still have a presence on those platforms. And you know it’s just gonna cut out like the best bits of your longer videos. , but then what I can do is I can dedicate that 7, 8, 9 hours to making a YouTube video.

And that’s gonna last. And it’s on a platform where it will grow over time. Like, you know, I made a video on building quizzes with AI in like November, and the views are going up like every day rather than, you know, it has one hit and then drops. Um, but I would take that, cut it into like five or six TikTok, shorts, whatever, drip those out, just so there’s a presence on those platforms and that takes you maybe an hour to like make sure they’re all good, rather than spending an additional seven hours trying to make a series of talks when in reality like it’s not something that’s going to last over time. I do wanna bring up this point of, you know,  hearing you speak about, you know, spending time on the YouTube video and then cutting it to have that presence on the platform.

As you know, from an entrepreneur’s perspective, you know, let’s say we’re talking about our customers, putting ourselves in their shoes. What’s, what would you say, I guess, is the pros and cons of, you know, needing to have that presence versus actually enjoying what you’re doing?  and, and wanting to like market in that way rather than let’s say, you know, running an ad or, um, maybe just staying on YouTube or just doing TikTok rather than YouTube.

Hmm. Yeah, I mean, I think whatever you choose, even though the TikTok, you know, you might get into the algorithm and one of your early videos goes viral, gets a lot of views, whatever. , if you actually want to use it as a main marketing channel, it’s gonna take a long time to become an expert at it, right?

Like one of my favorite YouTubers, Doug DeMiro, uh, he reviews cars and he’s been doing it basically every day since 2005. And you know, he just sold his company for like $30 million. He owns the whole thing. Great outcome. Um, but like his first, you know, 150, 200 videos weren’t even videos. They were blog posts and like no one was reading them.

And then eventually he got a part-time job writing and then he started making videos and then he’d make more videos and it’s just kind of, it’s like any skill and so I think it is important to pick one. I think that’s like really up your alley in terms of like, I actually enjoyed creating this type of content now.

It’s not all enjoyable. Like that’s the reality of life, just being an entrepreneur is like, there’s always gonna be stuff you have to deal with that you don’t love. Like it might be the editing portion, it might be like the planning portion. It might be actually talking to a camera if you feel like you need to be on camera.

Um, it’s not gonna be all just like, oh, this is exactly what I love doing. Um, but I think you can pick the one that you would actually see yourself doing for three to five years.  because in reality, like if you want to establish a real presence, it’s gonna take you several years and many, many iterations of getting better before you can have a real presence.

I think that’s the one thing, at least for TikTok, that um, I was thinking about this, I think it was this morning. I was looking through my calendar and I had a note for that six month. Of, um, it’s coming up  and I obviously did not make it to six months, but I think the one thing I sort of regret in that test was actually pulling through every single day for that full six months just to see, okay, where am I at now? I didn’t do it long enough, but that’s sort of the, I guess downside or caveat to this type of strategy is you have to be consistent and on top of that, you know, you gotta give yourself actual. To build that presence.

It’s not gonna always happen. I think people always talk about virality on TikTok especially, and hit that one video or like publish that one video that’s gonna go viral. But that could happen in three videos, but it could also happen in a hundred videos. It could happen in 200 videos. It could happen in a thousand.

We don’t, we don’t know. You won’t know until you finally kind of crack the code, I guess you could say. Um, , if you do decide to go with this strategy as a part of your marketing, you have to have that consistency. Yeah, and I mean, The overnight success, viral stuff doesn’t even work anyways, because if your third video goes viral, you don’t have any sort of mechanisms in place to actually capture the value of that virality.

Like maybe you have ads or it’s sponsored and you’ll make a quick hit of money, but like you don’t have a funnel in place for. How do you stay in touch with people that wanna learn from you more? Because you know, like we were talking about, they don’t necessarily follow you on TikTok and you’re not necessarily gonna build up that way.

Plus, if you make one video that happens to go viral, you know, there’s, uh, Remember that video of like how animals eat food on YouTube? It’s hilarious. . Yeah. Um, but like, I mean, not a knock against that channel, but like the rest of their videos are really odd and like you don’t really want to go and watch the rest of them.

So even if you have one overnight success, it’s not going to solve all the problems. Like long-term problem solving happens in building out an actual process for creating content. And then when people want to engage with you, what’s the next step and the next step and the next step. So you won’t even be ready if something does go viral.

And I think you just learn a lot more if you really invest. And I mean, I did the same thing. Didn’t stick with TikTok, but what I did stick with was YouTube and putting out at least one video a week, uh, alongside Jackie on our team. Then you guys have been super helpful in editing those.

So our YouTube channel is really taking off. And then for you as well, like you might have not stuck, stuck with TikTok but stuck with the podcast, that’s going really well. So I think you kind of have to pick and choose. Like you can’t do everything. And I think this is, I mean this is just a general business principle.

Do one thing in the world the best, like be the best in the world at one thing, and then use AI to be on the other platforms . Right. Which does bring me sort of back to when we were talking about Munch. I believe that is a type of AI specifically for editing videos. Right. How do you, or, well, how does Munch, I don’t know if you know the answer to this, but how do they pick out the best parts of your YouTube video to cut into, you know, that short.

Yeah. I mean, I would imagine like from doing my own prompt engineering stuff, like they’re probably just looking for stuff like tonality and, uh, you know, pauses in your, in your talking and where your voice, uh, sounds more excited, like sentient ana, Senti, sentient sentiment. Sentiment analysis is really easy with ai like, You can feed the transcript to an engine and it will tell you where the person sounds most excited.

So it’s probably just like pulling that stuff. Mm. Like sentiment analysis and then pulling out like, this is where the person was most excited or where they were most serious. Um, and they’ll just pull a clip from that section. I would be really interested to test out, you know, going back into like that TikTok style video, but using, you know, like ChatGPT to create a script or like an outline of those talking points.

That was one of the things I struggled with the most was what the hell do I talk about on this video that I didn’t talk about yesterday? Um, and also I think figuring out, you know, What is the point of your TikTok channel? You know? Or like your Instagram reels, they’re all so different, or they can be so different.

But I struggled with feeling like I wanted to talk about myself more and being, you know, a remote employee or working for a software company, um, you know, maybe traveling while working, things like that versus the actual topics of what we do as a software company and quizzes in general and, and how to create a quiz.

It was really hard to kind of decide, okay, well what’s the difference in that? Because I’ve seen entrepreneurs do both. I’ve seen them talk specifically about their services or. , you know, they, they, they educate you in a way that leads back to their services or, you know, they’ll show you what their product is versus somebody who you kind of really attach to because of who they are and what their story is.

And then I realized, oh, they’re an entrepreneur. They sell an actual service and this is all about, you know, this is actually like a way for them to promote themselves. So in talking about, you know, the strategy for short form content, how do you decide between that story base versus, here’s what I do.

Yeah. I think that it’s a guess and check thing, honestly. Like, you know, I’ve been on a lot of platforms, right? So starting in 2011 I started as a blogger. I’ve been still, still blogger since then. Like for, for business purposes. Um, YouTube, I think I made the first YouTube video in maybe 2014. Then, Not as consistent, but then recently much more consistent the last like two years.

Um, I’ve tried out all the social platforms and the short, short form video, and I think that my big takeaway is when you try to engineer it from the start and be like, I’m going to create this piece of content because it’s going to feed into this and that and that and that, and then that’s going to be what gets us customers.

It pretty much fails. I. The best content that I’ve ever made is something that actually solves a problem for a customer. Like I’ve been going back in and doing a lot more customer, uh, conversations recently, helping people use our ai, and it’s just really eye-opening of like, where are people getting stuck specifically and why?

And what questions do they have when they’re stuck and. , you know, how many different solutions can I try to help them get unstuck? So I might try like a hundred solutions on one tiny pinpoint of a problem. Like I’m about to make a video on, you know, how to, how to translate your offers and your products into quiz ideas.

Because a business owner always comes in and they’re like, well, I wanna, I wanna recommend these products. And then it’s like, okay, but what’s the quiz?  and there is a translation mechanism that you can use. It’s really similar to how ChatGPT works actually. It’s like a transformer. Like you have products, you want a quiz title, here’s how to do it.

Right. And that’s gonna be, I know that will be great content because I’ve actually just had that conversation like 50 times in the last month. Right. So I think that’s where the really, really good stuff comes from. And I think that doesn’t really matter what platform it’s on… If you can stick to that, then, then you’ll end up seeing good success at the end of the day.

And it doesn’t really matter which platforms come and go either. Like Google’s pretty much a mess now and it’s really hard to stand out there, but then you got YouTube and you got shorts and you got all this stuff, but you’re saying the same stuff. Like you’re really digging into what my customers are trying to do that I can actually be helpful with in a unique way and translate that over into some form of content. And that’s like where you actually hit that sweet spot of like, and, and then of course you, you are yourself, right? Like you show up, you’re the one talking about it. And people do, you know, gravitate towards certain ways of talking, which is why it doesn’t matter if there’s like 50 people in your space.

Like somebody likes the way that you talk about it more than the other person or vice versa. Totally great. There’s also this, I think, sort of unspoken fear around needing to create new content. And I wanna emphasize the word new as in like, you know, new topic, new video, um, new everything.

But kind of alluding to what you said, where you say the same thing over and over again. You could take the same content. Rework it. Obviously repurpose it in other types of content, but you can also take that same topic and create a new video on it, release it as a new video, but it’s still the same thing that you’ve said before.

And I think what’s interesting is that people don’t actually remember. And a lot of the time that is kind of what we look for. We’re thinking of short form content, like I was saying earlier, where the algorithm learns, right? Like what you like to watch. So people wanna keep rehearing that same thing. They wanna see that same thing over and over again.

And I think there’s way too much emphasis on creating new content, but you can still create new content with the same topic. Yeah, I mean, I think it’s, it’s like.  any sort of high skill environment, right? You think about Steph Curry, LeBron James, like they might come up with a new move once a year, like a new basketball move, right?

Once a year. But the rest of the year they’re practicing, practicing their old moves. Four to six hours a day every single day. And the improvement that they’re making on those moves is so minuscule that unless you are them, you can’t see it. Maybe their coach could see it, but like you will just notice, oh, when I, you know, took this step to the left.

I was 0.001 seconds faster this time, and I was, you know, 0.001% less off balance this time. So that helps me to be in a better position to make this shot. Same thing when you’re making content like, oh, this sentence had the word two in it. This is my pet peeve for myself, like it has a word two in it twice.

How can I write the same sentence without the word two in it twice next time, and it gets so, so minute in that way where it’s like you are diving into each sentence how this sentence interacts with the next sentence and the one behind it and the one in front of it, and how it connects to the music.

You watch a creator like. Casey Nasdat, who’s been on YouTube for 15 years, and it’s like every song that he has completely connects with the video. And unless you’re him, you might not notice it, but then when you watch it, you’re just like, oh, wow. Like the, the song changes every time the scene changes, or it corresponds with what’s going on in the background and you know, for him, he talks about it. It’s like shooting is easy, like making the video easy. I spend three or four hours editing that video every single time, even when he was doing it every single day. And that’s the part where you really build that skill. And so I think, I think that’s the thing is like you might come up with something net new every once in a while, but most of the time it’s just like that slow grind of making the old stuff.

Right. Slow grind. I would say consistency and also just not putting too much pressure on yourself. I think that was a big thing for me is every time I, I put out a TikTok video, I’d watch it 20 times before I actually hit publish or post, because  I was like, well, people even think this is fun, or will they think it, it’s cool, or will they think you know?

Or what if they don’t even think it makes any sense? Um, and I think that’s another part of it is just too much pressure on what other people will think or say about the content that you put out there. And at the end of the day, like you said, like people might not even notice. Yeah. The difference, you know.

Yeah. I watch, I watch and or listen back to everything once after I publish it because if I watch it before, I might be tempted not to publish it. And if it took me three days to get ready to publish this thing and then I say, oh, I’m not gonna publish it, then I miss it. Those next three days where I could get onto the next thing.

So watch it back once and kind of take some notes on, you know, I wish this had been better or that had been better. Like, oh, I was moving my head too much in this video, or the tone was not varied enough. Whatever. Take some notes in a notepad. Let it go and then next time around, work those in as best I can.

But do not overthink it too, because you overthink it, then you’re gonna spend the whole time you’re making the content thinking about all the things you’re supposed to do, and then you can just completely mess it up. So, uh, yeah, I think. It’s a mix, like there’s a certain quality bar and the quality bar continues to rise.

The longer you’re in the game, like if you’re brand new, it doesn’t matter. Just put your stuff out. If you’ve been doing it for a long time and you have a brand around a certain level of quality, then yeah, you do need to spend hours and hours refining that content before you put it up. But it still has to reach this point where it’s just.

Nothing’s ever going to be exactly perfect. And the imperfection is what makes your stuff stand out anyways. Yeah, I love that. I love that. So I wanna close out with our original question. Should you join in on the TikTok hype for your business? I think for me the answer is always, it doesn’t hurt to try.

It was really important for me. Um, at least.  to, to dive into it, try it out. And it wasn’t to say that I would never go back and try it again. I think I would do it differently next time. Um, but I can identify with, you know, working for a startup company, um, having all these different hats. It was really important to figure out one, what is like already easy for me to do, um, where, what’s taking more energy and less energy and sort of where can I invest more of my time of something that’s I, I know will actually finish and will, will give me something more immediate, like more immediate results and when it opens back up if I’m open to it, willing to kind of go back into that strategy.

Yeah, that’s, I like that perspective. Um, it’s not just like, do it or don’t do it. I think I have a similar approach. It’s not, it’s not like do it or don’t do it. I think I would weigh it against all the others. Things that you can do. We’ve been doing this a lot more in our product development, and it’s helping me a lot where it’s like, there’s five things we can do with our product.

Let’s create a ranking system of what we think the perceived value of each update is. So if you think about it as like channels you have like YouTube shorts, TikTok, blogs, and podcast. You can’t do all five, maybe you can do two. So build out a ranking system of, you know, what do you think the perceived value is to your business?

You know, short-term and long-term. What’s the risk of doing it or not doing it? Uh, which is easiest? Like what’s, which one is the lowest barrier to entry, lowest cost, et cetera. And you can kind of just work it out that way where it’s like you actually have a score for each channel, and maybe it’ll turn out that TikTok is by far the highest score.

Then go for it. I think. It’s really important to keep in mind your limited time, because also if you spend all your time trying to get on every new platform, you have no time to maintain your real business that’s gonna suffer and then that’s a long-term risk. So I would just run through a risk, uh, reward matrix and look at whether it actually makes sense for you to do.

I love that in our answers. You could really see the difference in our personalities. Mine’s very like intuitiveness. What, what does it feel like? And yours is very analytical, strategic, um, which is great because then for those of you who are either of those, you have different metrics to deciding whether or not you wanna join in.

Yeah. Yeah. That’s a good point. I think. You also gotta go with what works for you because at the end of the day, like you’re the one that’s gonna have to stick with it.  if, if it’s you. So maybe, maybe you, uh, you know, you wanna lead with your intuition and it makes no sense on paper, do it anyways.

There you go. Well, Josh, thank you so much. And for those who are listening, um, let us know what you guys think. If you’re ready to join in on the TikTok hype, and we’ll see you next time. Bye.

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Jessmyn Solana

Jessmyn Solana is the Partner Program Manager of Interact, a place for creating beautiful and engaging quizzes that generate email leads. Outside of Interact Jessmyn loves binge watching thriller and sci-fi shows, cuddling with her fluffy dog, and traveling to places she's never been before.