Am I working too hard?

Take this two-minute quiz to see if it’s time to slow down for better work/life balance.

Quiz Transcript

Am I working too hard?

Take this two-minute quiz to see if it’s time to slow down for better work/life balance.

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Which statement best describes your workplace?

We are so well-staffed, half of us usually get sent home early!


We have enough staff, and everyone gets the needed hours.


We don’t always have enough staff, and everyone has to work as hard as possible all day.


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How much personal time can you fit into your schedule? 

As much as I need!


I typically get evenings and weekends to myself. And my time off requests is usually approved!


I don’t usually take personal time - I’m here to work!


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What is your idea of a relaxing evening after work?

I like to go for a long walk, watch some tv, or go out with friends.


I take my dog for a walk, then I like to curl up with my favorite book. This is me time.


Take a shower and fall into bed - I have to cram as much sleep as possible.


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How much is your work life impacting your health?

I haven’t noticed any problems - I sleep well, eat well, and have time to stay fit.


I have to block out time to exercise and take care of myself.


I eat what’s convenient. Sometimes I forget to exercise or brush my teeth, but that’s no biggie. I’ve noticed more aches and pains and more frequent headaches, though.


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Do you think you’re working too hard?

Nope! My stress levels are low and I couldn’t be happier!


No. Even working full-time, I get the me-time I need.


Mayyybe just a little…sometimes I don’t have enough time to sleep or clean my house, but chugging a barrel of coffee usually makes that go away for a while.


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How do you find meaning in your life?

Life itself gives meaning!


I live for the little things - there’s beauty in everything, and I have time to savor it.


I live to work and work to live. Having a job to do brings my life meaning.


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What best describes your dream job?







Helping others!


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Yikes! You’re working too hard!

Hey, friend! You’re a hard worker. You do more than anyone else in your workplace! If they haven’t made you boss yet, they’re missing out.

Your intense work ethic, paired with your passionate personality, makes you the perfect person to be at the top of the food chain. However, the real question is, ‘Are you working too much?

You might not think so, or if you do, you’re not sure how you can get out of it now that you’ve set that standard for yourself.

Whatever the case, you’ve come to the right place.

People who work hard to keep up with life are often seen as honorable, trustworthy, and passionate and have the potential to move up in the company.

The problem comes when work takes over your entire life. It damages your interpersonal relationships. You’ll get less sleep, and fitness and nutrition will get pushed down the priority list. You’ll lose passion, motivation, and productivity. Your focus will become blurry.

It’s time to take a step back and reprioritize your life.

“It's not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It's necessary.” – Mandy Hale

Three things you can do to return to your relaxed self.

1. Prioritize some self-care. Common self-care routines involve skin care, hot baths, reading a relaxing book, napping, cooking, or even hitting the gym.

2. Set boundaries. Now that you’re a little less frazzled, re-think the boundaries you’ve set up. If the boss asks someone to work an extra shift, practice saying ‘no.’ There’s nothing wrong with helping out occasionally, but if you’re constantly working extra shifts, it’s gonna affect your personal life.

3. Lastly, learn to recognize workplace toxicity. Rumors, gossip, no opportunity for personal growth, and poor workplace communication are all red flags. If this sounds like your workplace, it’s time to set firm boundaries or change jobs.

Check out these helpful resources:

Good Job! You’re working hard. But not too hard! 

Hey there, friend! You’re a project-finishing machine! If there’s anything you’re good at, it’s getting the job done.

You work hard, efficiently, and often. If anyone’s going to be the boss's favorite, it would be you.

Fortunately, you don’t work so often that it negatively impacts your personal life. This leaves you with plenty of energy, focus, and passion so that you can enjoy life!

It’s sooo easy to get sucked into working too much - which can damage your health and interpersonal relationships and increase your stress levels.

“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” —Dolly Parton

Three things you can do to return to your relaxed self.

1. Prioritize some self-care. Common self-care routines involve skin care, hot baths, reading a relaxing book, napping, cooking, or even hitting the gym.

2. Set boundaries. Now that you’re a little less frazzled, re-think the boundaries you’ve set up. If the boss asks someone to work an extra shift, practice saying ‘no.’ There’s nothing wrong with helping out occasionally, but if you’re constantly working extra shifts, it’s gonna affect your personal life.

3. Lastly, learn to recognize workplace toxicity. Rumors, gossip, no opportunity for personal growth, and poor workplace communication are all red flags. If this sounds like your workplace, it’s time to set firm boundaries or change jobs.

Check out these helpful resources:

Awesome! Your Workload is Not Soul Crushing

Hey there, friend! You’re lucky to work a job where the weight of the world isn’t on your shoulders.

You know what you’re doing, and you do it well. If there’s anyone with untapped potential, it’s you. You’ve got great ideas but don’t always express them. It’s time for you to speak up.

“Working smarter is learning to prioritize, plan, and focus our energies with meaningful intent.”—Michael Thomas Sunnarborg

Three things you can do to return to your relaxed self.

1. Prioritize some self-care. Common self-care routines involve skin care, hot baths, reading a relaxing book, napping, cooking, or even hitting the gym.

2. Set boundaries. Now that you’re a little less frazzled, re-think the boundaries you’ve set up. If the boss asks someone to work an extra shift, practice saying ‘no.’ There’s nothing wrong with helping out occasionally, but if you’re constantly working extra shifts, it’s gonna affect your personal life.

3. Lastly, learn to recognize workplace toxicity. Rumors, gossip, no opportunity for personal growth, and poor workplace communication are all red flags. If this sounds like your workplace, it’s time to set firm boundaries or change jobs.

Check out these helpful resources: