Find Your Perfect Social Media Match

Take this six-question quiz & discover where you stand out and completely shine on social media. Are you an Instagram Artist? A Pinterest Prodigy? 

Quiz Transcript

Find Your Perfect Social Media Match

Take this six-question quiz & discover where you stand out and completely shine on social media.
Are you an Instagram Artist? A Pinterest Prodigy? 

Take THE Quiz

If you want to tell your best friend about your insane day, you're most likely to:

Text her a series of emojis


Email her a zillion-word essay


Put on a face mask and log into Snapchat


Call her to chat voice-to-voice


Facetime/Skype, all the way


Write her a good, old-fashioned letter


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Where do you get your news?

The New York Times, actual paper version


Vox Sentences or The Skimm


Reading what my friends shared on Facebook


NPR and news-y podcasts


Morning and nightly news on TV 


Clicking around the News app on my phone


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Where do you waste the most time?













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Where can we find you when you're not online?

Hanging with friends at a local bar


Buying everything at Target


Cuddled up on the couch binge-watching TV


Listening to podcasts on a walk outside


Singing along at a concert


Asking the first question at a book signing


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Who's your internet celebrity girl crush?

Kim Kardashian


Emily Weiss


Sophia Amoruso


Lilly Singh


Marie Forleo


Joy Cho


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Which of these would you rather do?

Speak in front of a large group of people


Make a mood board


Film yourself goofing around via selfie stick


Paint a picture


Record a voice memo ...


Write a haiku


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You're an Instagram Artist

Everything you do is photogenic. The food you eat. The places you visit. The lattes you pour. Instagram is your ultimate hot spot for sharing your best and most consistent content. You're an artist. Do your thing.

You're a Tweet Master

You've got a sense of humor, a deep understanding of Internet culture and a propensity for shooting out short, snappy messages whenever the mood strikes. Twitter is your jam. You probably even think in tweets.

You're a Facebook Fanatic

We would argue Facebook should have a prominent place in everyone's social media strategy, but for you, Facebook is Queen. You would be great as a Facebook Group leader, facilitating conversations, sharing advice and cultivating long-lasting community.

You're a Video Vixen

You have always been comfortable on camera. From hamming it up in home movies on the ol' camcorder to Snapchatting restaurant reviews to your friends. Live video doesn't intimidate you at all, and you'd love to land your own reality show one day. You can comfortably live on YouTube, Facebook Live, Snapchat and Instagram Stories. Go for it all or choose one, but get yourself in front of the camera already!

You're a Podcast Host in the Making

While not technically a social media channel, you are SO good at broadcasting your life, you should consider adding podcasts to your content strategy. When voice memo became a thing, you knew everything was right with the world. You sort out all your best ideas out loud to anyone who will listen, including your dog. Podcasts are your absolute obsession: true crime, business advice, politics, comedy, whatever. Go ahead and order that fancy new microphone on Amazon. You're gonna be in everyone's earbuds soon.

You're a LinkedIn Natural

You like to keep it professional when it comes to talking about your work online. Collecting virtual handshakes via LinkedIn feels like a steady, stable way to you to build your network. Publishing longform articles on your own LinkedIn profile will help you develop the power of that network even more, and don't forget to do some cheerleading for your connections. They'll thank you for it!

You're a Pinterest Prodigy

You are already pinning your dreams online for all to see. When you're swimming in inspiration, your heart is truly happy. Pinning home design, braid styles, food you're making for brunch with the girls is only the start. You should also set your sights on how to rock Pinterest for your biz.