From thriftin’ whiz to grade A spendthrift: what’s your money M.O.?
Get ready to discover your spending style and make way for major abundance. Your best next step starts now!
Quiz Transcript
From thriftin’ whiz to grade A spendthrift: what’s your money M.O.?
A family member surprises you with $200 —how do you spend it?
I invest 90% in a green energy start-up.
I buy an online course in photography! I love spending to learn skills that could create longterm income.
I take my friends out for a wild night on the town!
1 / 10
Where do you usually get your morning coffee?
I usually grab a cappuccino and a muffin from the vegan cafe on my way to work.
French press! I’ve been using the same Bodum since I moved out of my parents’ house.
Sometimes I make my coffee at home, but I usually go to my fave coffee shop where they’ll give you a free refill if you bring your own cup!
2 / 10
Do you have any financial goals?
Number 1: stop living paycheck-to-paycheck. I make okay money, but I never seem to be able to get ahead.
Ummm… Start paying more than just the interest on my visa bill?
Totally! I’ve almost got the down payment for my first house together. Can’t wait to be a homeowner!
3 / 10
How often do you order takeout?
It’d be easier to count how many times I don’t…
Only if I need a treat or I’m crazy busy.
No need — I’m all about meal-prepping. Plus delivery charges are so not my thing.
4 / 10
What outfit are you most likely to wear?
A thrifted midi-dress — shopping used is ethical and inexpensive...
A comfy cardigan + printed dress. Zara and H&M are my stylish go-tos!
A glam romper with a designer clutch. The right price ain't always the lowest...
5 / 10
How much money do you deserve?
I deserve a plush lifestyle — definitely enough money to spend on what brings me joy.
Just enough to live comfortably. Having a surplus of cash makes me a bit uncomfortable...
Hmm, I don't know… Honestly, I don't think much about money.
6 / 10
If you had a $1,000,000, how would you spend it?
I'd invest in a regenerative fashion company — something I feel excited about + would bring longterm returns.
I'd buy a baby blue Lamborghini and drive it straight to Gucci!
I’d purchase some high-value property. Maybe a mansion in Santa Barbara... With an infinity pool and tennis court!
7 / 10
How did your parents talk about money?
No matter how much we had, they made it seem like we were totally broke.
Money was sort of a taboo topic in our household. My parents rarely discussed out finances.
When we had money, my parents loved to talk about how rich we were. When we didn’t, they complained constantly...
8 / 10
What's your ride of choice?
Who pays for gas when you can pedal for free?
Comfortable but never over-the-top.
Sleek + expensive is so my taste.
9 / 10
What's your retirement fund's prognosis?
My retirement fund is an investment account — I love sitting back and watching it grow!
Can we talk about this later? You're stressing me out.
It's not too shabby. I’ve been putting a bit of money into my savings monthly.
10 / 10
You scored a 0
You’re a (drumroll, please)... Grade-A Spendthrift
No one accuses you of not livin’ it up. You’re all about the present + spending big here and now. Which makes you a lot of fun to hang with. That and that you’re probably buying a round for everyone at the bar.
You’re next-level generous. You value spontaneity and aren’t afraid to bet on the long shot. Sometimes your risk-taking pays big. But more often than not you find yourself paying-up...
I get it. You like the lifestyle—Power to you! BUT (forgive me for sounding like your mother) have you thought much about the future? I’m talking mortgage down payments and retirement plans, baby...
Here’s the sitch. Whether or not you’re throwing stacks, you’re a badass. Your worth isn’t defined by that Gucci belt you’re sporting. And saving cash doesn’t always have to be a buzz-kill.
If you can’t appreciate all you’ve got. Odds are you don’t need more.
“If you live for having it all, what you have is never enough.” — Vicki Robin
Read on for your personalized abundance playbook!
1. Focus on the future. Does your current spending style align with your goals? Maybe you see yourself at sixty-two cruising the Mediterranean on a king-sized Yacht. Unless you’re making six-figures a year, I’d recommend double-knotting those purse strings.
2. Get real with your budget. It’s homework time, friend. Breakdown what you can afford to spend on the basics: rent, groceries, and your cellphone bill. Split whatever amount is left-over between fun-money and savings.
3. Check your habits. Some daily rituals are more equitable than others. When you get so used to sipping an almond milk latte every morning that you don’t think twice before swiping your card, the expense sneaks up. I’m not saying deny yourself—Just make sure the cost is worth the gain!
Who am I to tell you how to spend your dough? Funny you should ask…

Hey, I’m Lexie Hamlin ✌️
I’m a finance blogger from San Fran—yeah, you heard that right. And I’m about to tell you how to save + spend your way to success.
After five-years waitressing at a local sports bar, I decided to switch up the game...
I invested my tips in alternative energy stocks and watched my profits soar! Now I want to teach you how to do the same.
Take it from me, friend. Life is too precious to sit around worrying about cash.
Abundance doesn’t have to be a grind! I’m here to help you take your first steps to financial freedom. Riches aren’t for the unseen few. You deserve this. You got this. And I got you 🙌
Ready To Make Bank Like A Boss? Here’re Three Sweat-Free Steps!
1. Catch me crushing money misconceptions on my podcast Femme Finance — new episode every Friday, friend. From crafting a monthly budget to investing for retirement, I’ve got the scoop.
2. Download my app Piggy Bank to track spending. So the price of your morning smoothie doesn’t pile-up.
3. Email me to book a free fifteen minute consultation. Whatever stage you’re at on the path to big money, I can get you there faster. Whether you’re a business or just someone trying to get out of debt, I want to hear from you!
Meet me in your inbox? I’m going to be sending you some emails to help you stay on track with your saving!
You scored a 11
You’re a (drumroll, please)... Balanced Budgeter
Not going to lie—When it comes to money, you’ve got it going on! You know when to spend and when to make for Value Village and save, baby, save.
Odds are you’re balanced in most areas of life. You like to have fun, but you’re never a mess. You get annoyed, but no one has to worry about you flipping a table—What’d be the point?
Moderation has always earned you more than pinching or pouring pennies. Skimping? Sometimes. Shopping sprees? Rarely. But you know better than to ever say never, right?
O.K., you get it. Your money game is looking good...
My big challenge for you? Dream bigger. Maybe your books only seem balanced because you’re not setting your sights high enough. You’re budgeting for a Jetta when you really want a Jaguar.
“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
Read On For Your Personalized Abundance Playbook!
1. Grow your goals. Who convinced you that crazy wealth—I’m talking Rolex watches and trips to Dubai—is out of the cards? O.K. maybe designer bling and private planes aren’t your heart’s calling. Try asking yourself what you’ve been too scared to admit wanting.
2. Get acquainted with the gig-economy. Odds are you’ve got a skill someone else is missing. I’m giving you permission (right here, right now) to capitalize on that and turn it into a new revenue stream.
3. Check your habits. Some daily rituals are more equitable than others. When you get so used to sipping an almond milk latte every morning that you don’t think twice before swiping your card, the expense sneaks up. I’m not saying deny yourself—Just make sure the cost is worth the gain!
Who am I to tell you how to spend your dough? Funny you should ask...

Hey, I’m Lexie Hamlin ✌️
I’m a finance blogger from San Fran—yeah, you heard that right. And I’m about to tell you how to save + spend your way to success.
After five-years waitressing at a local sports bar, I decided to switch up the game...
I invested my tips in alternative energy stocks and watched my profits soar! Now I want to teach you how to do the same.
Take it from me, friend. Life is too precious to sit around worrying about cash.
Abundance doesn’t have to be a grind! I’m here to help you take your first steps to financial freedom. Riches aren’t for the unseen few. You deserve this. You got this. And I got you 🙌
Ready To Make Bank Like A Boss? Here’re Three Sweat-Free Steps!
1. Catch me crushing money misconceptions on my podcast Femme Finance — new episode every Friday, friend. From crafting a monthly budget to investing for retirement, I’ve got the scoop.
2. Download my app Piggy Bank to track spending. So the price of your morning smoothie doesn’t pile-up.
3. Email me to book a free fifteen minute consultation. Whatever stage you’re at on the path to big money, I can get you there faster. Whether you’re a business or just someone trying to get out of debt, I want to hear from you!
Meet me in your inbox? I’m going to be sending you some emails to help you stay on track with your saving!
You scored a 21
You’re a (drumroll, please)... Thriftin’ Whiz!
When it comes to cash, you cut every corner (and coupon)!
Let me set the scene—you’re out at that bougie new bistro downtown. But all you order is water and the house salad. You know how much that bottle of Pinot Merlot costs. And it sure as heck ain’t $55 off the shelf!
Props, friend, you’ve got amazing self-control. Your long-term financial goals are never far from mind. You’re A-O.K. denying yourself in the present if it means big pay-offs in the future...
Here’s the hold-up—If you’re saving up for your dream home or retirement, fair enough. Just make sure you’re investing a lil’ in your right-now happiness, too.
I know it’s hard. But treat yourself once in a while. This doesn’t have to mean a Louis Vuitton clutch or a pair of red bottoms. Maybe there's an online class you’ve been obsessing over—
Pay-up (just a bit). Don’t tell your mother I said this, but sometimes spending can get you further than saving!
“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” — Albert Einstein
Read on for your personalized abundance playbook!
1. Pull out your notebook! It’s soul-searching time, friend. Write down where you want to be in five years. What do you need to invest in to get you there? Be honest with yourself...
2. Save on the basics, sure. But spend when it counts. If you feel like you’re missing out by tightening the purse strings, loosen up.
3. Put fun back in your budget. You’re not going to feel bad spending if it’s part of the masterplan! Plus—stick with me here—it’s healthy to spend on what makes you happy...C’mon, just a bit?
Who am I to tell you how to spend your dough? Funny you should ask...

Hey, I’m Lexie Hamlin ✌️
I’m a finance blogger from San Fran—yeah, you heard that right. And I’m about to tell you how to save + spend your way to success.
After five-years waitressing at a local sports bar, I decided to switch up the game...
I invested my tips in alternative energy stocks and watched my profits soar! Now I want to teach you how to do the same.
Take it from me, friend. Life is too precious to sit around worrying about cash.
Abundance doesn’t have to be a grind! I’m here to help you take your first steps to financial freedom. Riches aren’t for the unseen few. You deserve this. You got this. And I got you 🙌
Ready To Make Bank Like A Boss? Here’re Three Sweat-Free Steps!
1. Catch me crushing money misconceptions on my podcast Femme Finance — new episode every Friday, friend. From crafting a monthly budget to investing for retirement, I’ve got the scoop.
2. Download my app Piggy Bank to track spending. So the price of your morning smoothie doesn’t pile-up.
3. Email me to book a free fifteen minute consultation. Whatever stage you’re at on the path to big money, I can get you there faster. Whether you’re a business or just someone trying to get out of debt, I want to hear from you!
Meet me in your inbox? I’m going to be sending you some emails to help you stay on track with your savings!
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