How hooked are you on social media?

Is FOMO a daily occurrence for you or are you just totally disinterested in the online life? Find out here!

Quiz Transcript

How hooked are you on social media?

Is FOMO a daily occurrence for you or are you just totally disinterested in the online life? Find out here!

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Do you check your social media as soon as you wake up?







1 / 7

How often do you post on social media?

Every day


Once every few days


Once every 2 weeks


Once every month


Once every few months


I don't have social media


2 / 7

How many hours a day do you spend on social media?

Around 30minutes to an hour


1-2 hours


3-5 hours


5+ hours


I don't have social media


3 / 7

If I am unable to use social media, I start to feel irritated and upset.

Strongly agree


Somewhat agree




Somewhat disagree


Strongly disagree


4 / 7

Having a large social media following makes me feel better about myself and my image.

Strongly agree


Somewhat agree




Somewhat disagree


Strongly disagree


5 / 7

If I don't check my social media, I feel completely out-of-the-loop on everything going on.

Strongly agree


Somewhat agree




Somewhat disagree


Strongly disagree


6 / 7

I use social media more when I am feeling lonely or upset.

Strongly agree


Somewhat agree




Somewhat disagree


Strongly Disagree


7 / 7

You scored a 0

Not a huge fan, I see...

Social media is just something that exists to you, not really a part of your life and, without it, nothing would change!

You scored a 9

Casual Instagrammer

While social media isn't #EVERYTHING to you, it still plays a role in your life and you can't help but check to see what all your besties are up to and let them know about the important events in your life!

You scored a 18

You're hooked on the 'Book!

You can't even imagine a world where you aren't able to check Facebook every chance you get. Your Instagram is full of #tbt's and selfies galore. Your stories on Snapchat are chock full of videos from your vacations and fun times at school. Without social media, you literally cannot even!!