How Much Do You Know About The Reformation?

See if you would support the Roman Catholic Church or split from it

Quiz Transcript

How Much Do You Know About The Reformation?

See if you would support the Roman Catholic Church or split from it

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Are Christians saved through faith or effort?

Christians are saved through faith


Christians are saved through effort


1 / 10

Are you more likely to go for what you believe in or follow what everyone else does?

Go for what I believe in


Follow everyone else's path


2 / 10

Do you support the 95 Theses?

Yes, I support the 95 Theses completely.


No, I do not support the 95 These.


3 / 10

Were Martin Luther's teachings better than those of the Roman Catholic Church during this time period?

No, Martin Luther's teachings were not better than the Roman Catholic Church.


Yes, Martin Luther's teachings were more valid and therefore, they were better than the Roman Catholic Church's teachings.


4 / 10

Who's view on indulgences were right in your opinion?

Martin Luther's indulgences were correct.


The Roman Catholic Church's indulgences were right because they were based on leadership and theology.


5 / 10

Were the tenets of the Roman Catholicism questionable? 

No, the beliefs of Roman Catholicism weren't questionable.


Yes, the tenets and authority of Roman Catholicism is questionable.


6 / 10

How did Martin Luther manage to gain followers in the Protestant Reformation?

He gained followers by questioning the tenets of Roman Catholicism.


Luther brought violence throughout the churches so people could protest violently with him.


7 / 10

What did Martin Luther create that split the Roman Catholic Church into different branches?

Luther created the tenets of the Roman Catholic Church. 


Luther created the 95 Theses.


8 / 10

What political effects were caused by the Reformation?

Europe became divided on confessional and territorial lines.


Warfare broke throughout Europe.


9 / 10

What religious effects were caused by the Reformation?

Warfare occurred during the period within most states and between many states.


Roman Catholicism abruptly ended because of authority disagreements.


10 / 10

You support the Roman Catholic Church completely.

You support Roman Catholicism.

You would be more likely to split from the Roman Catholic Church.

You would probably split from the Roman catholic Church during this period.

You would completely split from the Roman Catholic Church.

You would definitely without a doubt split from the Roman Catholic Church.