How truly assertive are you?

If you play it passive or act out aggressively during arguments, this quiz is for you. You'll come away knowing how assertive you truly are + how to respectfully state your stance and stand your ground #bossaf πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Quiz Transcript

How truly assertive are you?

If you play it passive or act out aggressively during arguments, this quiz is for you. You'll come away knowing how assertive you truly are + how to respectfully state your stance and stand your ground #bossaf πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Take The Quiz

Your friend asks to borrow $50, but they still haven't paid you back for the last time you lent them money, what do you do?

I hand over the $50 without a question.Β 


I remind them about the money they owe me.


I call them a crappy friend. #seeyounever πŸ‘‹


1 / 9

Your family members are arguing, where can I find you?

In the thick of it throwing insults and slinging straight truths!


Stating my stance and explaining the 'why' behind it.


Staring at the carpet... who needs eye contact anyway?


2 / 9

How do you usually deal with opinionated people?

Keep my cool while wishing they'd pipe down.


Respectfully agree or disagree #tryme


Stand taller, talk louder, and never back down.


3 / 9

Your neighbours are partying late into the night, what do you do?

I stomp over, bang on their door, and give 'em a piece of my mind.


I call them up and explain that I have to wake early the next morning.


I put in my noise-cancelling ear plugs and pray for sleep.


4 / 9

Your friend suggests going out for a burger, but you're craving a healthy smoothie, what do you do?

Ugh... I go along with it and get the burger. So much for clean eating...


I suggest that my friend gets their burger, I get my smoothie, and we meet up in a nearby park for a picnic.


No way I'm getting a greasy burger. And, if I have my way, they won't either.


5 / 9

Do you usually go along with what everyone else wants?

You bet. I'd rather go with the flow than risk upsetting someone...


It's 50/50. If I have strong feelings about something, I usually speak up.


No freakin' way. I'm not sacrificing my needs to accommodate others'.


6 / 9

How do feel about saying no?

I say it loud and proud!


I feel fine ff the situation warrants it.


I only say "no" to saying "no."


7 / 9

What do you struggle with most when it comes to asserting yourself?

Getting my point across without losing my cool 😑πŸ”₯


Knowing when to pipe up and protect myself.Β 


I feel anxious voicing my opinion... It's easier to stay silent.


8 / 9

Do you get scared of making phone calls?

Yeah, the phone anxiety is real...


Only if it's super importantΒ πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ


Nah, people should be nervous of me.


9 / 9

You scored a 0

You are... A Bit of a Pushover

Woop woop β€” your efforts are worth applauding! By completing this quiz, you've proven your commitment to conducting yourself with confidence πŸ‘‰ Being assertive is all about standing strong and respectfully stating your opinions. According to your responses, you are a bit of a pushover, but no worries, together, we can transform that.

Sometimes you might be a little too "nice." You're uncomfortable asserting yourself and likely feel resentful of people who aren't afraid to use their voices. Your passivity could come from a lack of confidence β€” you might think you don't deserve to express your thoughts and feelings, but nothing could be further from the truth, friend.

No matter how assertive you may or may not be, communicating and courageously asking for what you want is possible. It might take a bit of practice, but once you commit, you'll see an instant transformation. Get ready to honor your worth and watch your relationships flourish. This quiz is just the beginning πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈβœ¨πŸ™Œ

"To be passive is to let others decide for you. To be aggressive is to decide for others. To be assertive is to decide for yourself. And to trust that there is enough, that you are enough." ― Edith Eva Eger

~ How to Start Asserting Your Worth and Respectfully Speaking Your Truth ~

1. Set Strong Boundaries

Strong boundaries are essential to asserting yourself, but before you start setting them, you have to decide what they are β€” what behaviors are or aren't acceptable to you. Consider what people, places, and situations have made you uneasy in the past, and the next time you have to confront them, clearly, calmly communicate what isn't working for you.

2. Take Yourself Seriously

If you believe your voice doesn't deserve to be heard, you're so not alone. Many people silence themselves because they're scared of upsetting others. But when you choose not to speak up, you're playing small and not staying true to yourself. You're so worthy of being listened to, friend, and your unique interests and needs are just as valid as anyone else's.

3. Own Your Expectations

You're right to want certain things from life, but if you don't know how to ask, it's less likely you'll actually get them. That's why it's so vital to vocalize your expectations β€” even if it's uncomfortable. You'll be surprised how much change a word or two can make, especially when they're delivered in a respectful manner. So get out there and state your stance!

Who I Am and How I Can Help You Crank Up Your Confidence and Assert Your Worth

Hey there, I'm Anite Nilsen, Confidence and Success Coach πŸ‘‹ My mission? Motivate folks to strengthen their self-worth, stand up for their beliefs, and go after what they really want. Whether you're ready to switch up your career or your relationship dynamics, I'm here to help you along the way with online courses and 1:1 coaching.

Resources to Get Started? I've Got You Covered

1. Listen to this episode of my podcast The Courage Kickstarter. I'll fill you in on how I created my boundaries and how I make sure they're never crossed. "No" will be your new favorite word!

2. Follow me on Instagram. I post tips to keep you speaking your truth, showing up authentically, and courageously asking for everything you need.

3. Join the waitlist for my online course The New You. It'll give you the confidence you need to take the risks you've been putting off and finally live the life of your dreams.

P.S. Expect to See Me in Your Inbox With More Tips to Own Your Assertiveness

You scored a 10

You are... Just Assertive Enough

Woop woop β€” your efforts are worth applauding! By completing this quiz, you've proven your commitment to conducting yourself with confidence πŸ‘‰ Being assertive is all about standing strong and respectfully stating your opinions. According to your responses, you are just assertive enough!

You know how to make yourself seen, heard, and understood without coming off as overly aggressive. You value your voice and are comfortable asserting yourself in sticky situations. Why? Because you've got confidence! But there's always room to level up your assertiveness skills. This quiz is just the beginning πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈβœ¨πŸ™Œ

To be passive is to let others decide for you. To be aggressive is to decide for others. To be assertive is to decide for yourself. And to trust that there is enough, that you are enough." ― Edith Eva Eger

~ How to Start Asserting Your Worth and Respectfully Speaking Your Truth ~

1. Set Strong Boundaries

Strong boundaries are essential to asserting yourself, but before you start setting them, you have to decide what they are β€” what behaviors are or aren't acceptable to you. Consider what people, places, and situations have made you uneasy in the past, and the next time you have to confront them, clearly, calmly communicate what isn't working for you.

2. Take Yourself Seriously

If you believe your voice doesn't deserve to be heard, you're so not alone. Many people silence themselves because they're scared of upsetting others. But when you choose not to speak up, you're playing small and not staying true to yourself. You're so worthy of being listened to, friend, and your unique interests and needs are just as valid as anyone else's.

3. Own Your Expectations

You're right to want certain things from life, but if you don't know how to ask, it's less likely you'll actually get them. That's why it's so vital to vocalize your expectations β€” even if it's uncomfortable. You'll be surprised how much change a word or two can make, especially when they're delivered in a respectful manner. So get out there and state your stance!

Who I Am and How I Can Help You Crank Up Your Confidence and Assert Your Worth

Hey there, I'm Anite Nilsen, Confidence and Success Coach πŸ‘‹ My mission? Motivate folks to strengthen their self-worth, stand up for their beliefs, and go after what they really want. Whether you're ready to switch up your career or your relationship dynamics, I'm here to help you along the way with online courses and 1:1 coaching.

Resources to Get Started? I've Got You Covered

1. Listen to this episode of my podcast The Courage Kickstarter. I'll fill you in on how I created my boundaries and how I make sure they're never crossed. "No" will be your new favorite word!

2. Follow me on Instagram. I post tips to keep you speaking your truth, showing up authentically, and courageously asking for everything you need.

3. Join the waitlist for my online course The New You. It'll give you the confidence you need to take the risks you've been putting off and finally live the life of your dreams.

P.S. Expect to See Me in Your Inbox With More Tips to Own Your Assertiveness

You scored a 19

You are... A Little Aggressive

Woop woop β€” your efforts are worth applauding! By completing this quiz, you've proven your commitment to conducting yourself with confidence πŸ‘‰ Being assertive is all about standing strong and respectfully stating your opinions. According to your responses, you are a little aggressive, but no worries, together, we can transform that.

You tend to view conversations as competitions and will do anything to win, which makes you come across as attacking. Your aggressiveness could come from a lack of confidence β€” you might think unless you are the loudest person in the room no one will listen to you.

No matter how assertive you may or may not be, communicating and courageously asking for what you want is possible. It might take a bit of practice, but once you commit, you'll see an instant transformation. Get ready to honor your worth and watch your relationships flourish. This quiz is just the beginning πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈβœ¨πŸ™Œ

"To be passive is to let others decide for you. To be aggressive is to decide for others. To be assertive is to decide for yourself. And to trust that there is enough, that you are enough." ― Edith Eva Eger

~ How to Start Asserting Your Worth and Respectfully Speaking Your Truth ~

1. Set Strong Boundaries

Strong boundaries are essential to asserting yourself, but before you start setting them, you have to decide what they are β€” what behaviors are or aren't acceptable to you. Consider what people, places, and situations have made you uneasy in the past, and the next time you have to confront them, clearly, calmly communicate what isn't working for you.

2. Take Yourself Seriously

If you believe your voice doesn't deserve to be heard, you're so not alone. Many people silence themselves because they're scared of upsetting others. But when you choose not to speak up, you're playing small and not staying true to yourself. You're so worthy of being listened to, friend, and your unique interests and needs are just as valid as anyone else's.

3. Own Your Expectations

You're right to want certain things from life, but if you don't know how to ask, it's less likely you'll actually get them. That's why it's so vital to vocalize your expectations β€” even if it's uncomfortable. You'll be surprised how much change a word or two can make, especially when they're delivered in a respectful manner. So get out there and state your stance!

Who I Am and How I Can Help You Crank Up Your Confidence and Assert Your Worth

Hey there, I'm Anite Nilsen, Confidence and Success Coach πŸ‘‹ My mission? Motivate folks to strengthen their self-worth, stand up for their beliefs, and go after what they really want. Whether you're ready to switch up your career or your relationship dynamics, I'm here to help you along the way with online courses and 1:1 coaching.

Resources to Get Started? I've Got You Covered

1. Listen to this episode of my podcast The Courage Kickstarter. I'll fill you in on how I created my boundaries and how I make sure they're never crossed. "No" will be your new favourite word!

2. Follow me on Instagram. I post tips to keep you speaking your truth, showing up authentically, and courageously asking for everything you need.

3. Join the waitlist for my online course The New You. It'll give you the confidence you need to take the risks you've been putting off and finally live the life of your dreams.

P.S. Expect to See Me in Your Inbox With More Tips to Own Your Assertiveness