Masculine or feminine — What's your dominant energy?

No matter your gender, you've got a little masculine and feminine energy! Take this two-minute quiz to discover which rules your actions and emotions 🙌

Quiz Transcript

Masculine or feminine — What's your dominant energy?

No matter your gender, you've got a little masculine and feminine energy! Take this two-minute quiz to discover which rules your actions and emotions 🙌

Take The Quiz

Your coworker isn't carrying their weight around the office, what do you do?

I confront them — I don't have time to pick up their slack. Plus, what's more motivating than a bit of tough love?


I ask them what's up — Maybe they are going through something tough that's making it difficult to focus at work.


1 / 9

When you make a commitment, do you usually follow through?

Heck yeah! When I give my word, it's a done deal.


Uhm... I try my best, but I don't like feeling tied down. 


2 / 9

You keep your cool in stressful situations...

It takes a lot to ruffle my feathers!


My emotions run the show!


3 / 9

Do you enjoy hanging out with your friends and family?

Yes! Any free time I get I spend bonding with my loved ones.


Just so long as all my work is taken care of. Priorities, people!


4 / 9

You take joy in creative projects...

I love me some painting, singing, and writing!


Creative projects just don't fit on my to-do list...


5 / 9

How do you deal with change?

I embrace it! I'd rather change than stay stagnant.


I run away... My routines are routines because they work!


6 / 9

How do you feel about multitasking?

Call me an octopus 'cause I'm in eight places at once!


Nope, one thing at a time for me!


7 / 9

Do you consider yourself a rational thinker?

I've always had a thing for math, science, and reasoning.


Nope, nope, and more nope! I'm all about going with my gut.


8 / 9

Your best friend is having a breakdown, what do you do?

If my friend needs a shoulder to cry on, I'm there with Kleenex and a tub of Ben & Jerry's in 2 seconds.


I give them a call and calmly point out ways they could improve things. If there's a problem, I'm solving it!


9 / 9

Your energy is... Masculine

Congrats, friend! According to your responses, your dominant energy is masculine — You're ambitious, high-achieving, and aren't afraid to take risks if it means hitting your target...

When you set your sights on an objective, you don't waver. You solve whatever problems may stand in your way with intelligence and logical thought. Woot woot — go you 👏

Here's the thing, your masculine energy means that you may have trouble adapting to change. And when situations get tense, it's hard for you to keep your cool, but, together, we can change that!

"What is the most beautiful in virile men is something feminine; what is most beautiful in feminine women is something masculine." — Susan Sontag

Three Tools to Balance Your Masculine and Feminine Energy

1. Lean into Your Intuition

Give your analytical brain a break by tuning into your body's innate wisdom. The next time you feel a twinge in your gut, listen to what it's telling you, and, over time, those impulses will become stronger.

2. Get Creative

Whether it's writing, singing, or painting, set time aside every day to express your creativity. It doesn't need to be a Picasso level masterpiece! Just lean back, relax, and see where it takes you.

3. Embrace Your Emotions

If you've been pushing them down, it's time to let all your emotions (even the icky ones) surface. Communicating how you feel is healthy for your body and mind and can balance your masculine energy.

Hold Up — Let Me Hop in and Introduce Myself...

Hey there, and welcome — I'm Gia, Reiki Practitioner and Spiritual Healer. I'm passionate about helping people along the road to health by clearing blocked energy from their bodies and auras.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing my clients cured of acute and chronic problems. So if you're ready to experience the healing powers of energy work, don't hesitate to reach out. Friend, together, we can transform your life!

Looking for a Little Extra Guidance? Check Out These Resources

1. Read this post on my blog! It debunks the five most common misconceptions about energy work, so you can set out on your healing journey free from doubt.

2. Download my free chakra chart! It has all the information you need to know to start getting in touch with your intuition and listening to your body's needs.

3. Book a free consultation with me! If you're ready to get started ASAP, book a consultation with me today, and see for yourself if we're an energetic match.

Psst... Check Your Inbox, and You'll Find A Message From Me With More Tips Based on Your Energetic Type!

Your energy is... Feminine

Congrats, friend! According to your responses, your dominant energy is feminine — You're imaginative, conscientious, and crave genuine connection with your friends and family.

You're open to your intuition and follow it wherever it may leads, which means you're always experiencing new adventures. You solve whatever problems may stand in your way with courage and creativity. Woot woot — go you 👏

Here's the thing, your feminine energy means that you may have trouble following through. And when situations get tense, it's hard for you to keep your emotions in check, but, we can change that!

"What is the most beautiful in virile men is something feminine; what is most beautiful in feminine women is something masculine." — Susan Sontag

Three Tools to Balance Your Masculine and Feminine Energy

1. Take on a Home Project

Exercise your logical mind by building a new piece of furniture or a decoration for your home! Try searching for inspiration on Pinterest — you'll be surprised by everything you find.

2. Get Competitive

Fire yourself up with some healthy competition. If sports are so not your thing, keep it casual with a board game, cook-off, or take it to the office and try working harder and faster than your coworkers.

3. Work it Out

Take a break from yoga, pilates, and tai chi and try out a high-intensity workout. This will amp up your masculine energy and make you more assertive throughout the day. You've got this!

Hold Up — Let Me Hop in and Introduce Myself...

Hey there, and welcome — I'm Gia, Reiki Practitioner and Spiritual Healer. I'm passionate about helping people along the road to health by clearing blocked energy from their bodies and auras.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing my clients cured of acute and chronic problems. So if you're ready to experience the healing powers of energy work, don't hesitate to reach out. Friend, together, we can transform your life!

Looking for a Little Extra Guidance? Check Out These Resources

1. Read this post on my blog! It debunks the five most common misconceptions about energy work, so you can set out on your healing journey free from doubt.

2. Download my free chakra chart! It has all the information you need to know to start getting in touch with your intuition and listening to your body's needs.

3. Book a free consultation with me! If you're ready to get started ASAP, book a consultation with me today, and see for yourself if we're an energetic match.

Psst... Check Your Inbox, and You'll Find A Message From Me With More Tips Based on Your Energetic Type!