Should you get a pet?

This quiz may help you determine if you have what it takes to get a pet of your own!

Quiz Transcript

Should you get a pet?

This quiz may help you determine if you have what it takes to get a pet of your own!


If you are living with anyone, do they approve and support your wanting to get a pet?

I am living with somebody and they also want a pet.


I am living with somebody and I don’t know if want a pet.


I am living with somebody and they probably do not want a pet.


 I live alone and want a pet. 


1 / 12

Is the climate where you live suitable for a pet?

I don't know if where I live is suitable for a pet.


Where I live is probably suitable for a pet.


Where I live is perfect for my ideal pet.


2 / 12

Do you have a child under the age of four?

I have a child/children that are 5 and up.


I have a child/children that are 4 an under.


I have no kids


3 / 12

Do you have a plan of the pet's care if you are traveling and cannot take your pet with you?

I have a pretty good idea of where I would have my pet stay. 


I don't really know where my pet would stay.


I kind of know where my pet would stay.


4 / 12

Do you like animals?

Yes! Love them!


Not really...


They are okay.


5 / 12

Do you have the time daily (1-3 hours) to take care of a pet?

I don't think I have 1-3 hours to spend every day.


I have about 1-3 hours to spend daily.


I could make the time.


6 / 12

Is there enough space in your home for your ideal pet?

I could make some space.


I definitely have the space.


What space?


7 / 12

If you are looking to rent, what is the allowance for having animals?

This does not relate to me. 


I don't know the allowance.


Pets are allowed.


8 / 12

Will you be looking to move any time soon, if yes, does your new space allow for a pet?

This does not apply to me.


I'm not sure.




9 / 12

Do you have current pets that could be conflicting with a new pet?

I have other pets that might cause trouble with a new pet.


I don't have any other pets.


I have other pets, but they would get along with a new pet.


I have other pets and don't know if they would get along with a new pet.


10 / 12

Is a pet in your budget right now?

I'm not sure if a pet is in my budget right now.


A pet is definitley in my budget.


There is no room for a pet in my budget.


11 / 12

Do you have any allergies to any animals?

I have no allergies to any animals.


I might have allergies.


I have allergies to pets, but not the one I would like to have.


12 / 12

You are ready to get a pet! 

You have most of, if not all of the basic things you need to get a pet! Remember to research your pet before you get it, so that you have the perfect fit for your lifestyle. Be sure to take a look at our other quizzes to help you find the right pet for you!

You are close to being ready to get a pet!

You are almost there! Just make sure to research your ideal pet a little more, or get a more low-maintenance animal. Be sure you are prepared for all the responsibilities of having a pet. To help guide you, check out our other quizzes!

Maybe in a little while!

You might not be quite ready to get a pet! Knowing about your pet and their needs before you get them is very important. This doesn't mean that you should never get an animal though!