What candle should you burn to manifest your heart’s desires?

You’ve got a great life but there’s always room to improve. Take our fun, quick quiz to reveal which candles you should light to ignite your life and bring your greatest desires to you.

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Quiz Transcript

What candle should you burn to manifest your heart’s desires?

You’ve got a great life but there’s always room to improve. Take our fun, quick quiz to reveal which candles you should light to ignite your life and bring your greatest desires to you.

Take the Quiz

Close your eyes and think about what your life could really use right now… what is it?

A partner. More than just a fun time lover, someone to enrich my life and reignite the fire, ifyaknowwhatimean. 


Direction! Ugh, I feel like I’ve just been living day to day for too long. 


There’s been something that’s been weighing heavily on my chest and I need to say something! But I don’t know how to without making a big mess. Ugh! Adulting is hard! 


My life is pretty dandy, but I see so much struggle and hardship for people I care about. I’d love to be able to help them somehow.


1 / 9

Which picture resonates with you most?

Adventure is afoot! Someone’s starting a fun new journey! 


Ooh lala! Love is in the air! 


Everyone is safe and protected, so nice and cozy! 


The bright yellow and white make me feel hopeful and full of health! 


2 / 9

Which movie feels the most like your life right now?

Crazy Stupid Love. A difficult conversation and an emotional betrayal leads to a family turned upside down and some radical self-growth for a man who had lost touch with his own identity. (4)


What’s Your Number? The story of a woman who decides she’s had enough of trying to meet Mr.Right and goes back in time to see if her past flings might not have been Mr.JustNotRightThen, but then ends up finding her perfect match where she least expects it. (1)


One Week. A startling piece of news inspires a man to undertake a motorcycle journey of self-discovery, while stopping at some pretty absurd and wonderful places along the way. (2)


Infinity War: Endgame. The world is turned upside down and it’s up to the mighty heroes to save the day. (3)


3 / 9

How full would you say your cup is?

I’m not worried about my cup. I want to know how full the cups of my friends and loved ones are. 


It’s so full I’m ready to share it with someone special. 


It’s overflowing with too much day-to-day busy-ness, and not enough joyfulness and success.


I’d like to talk about the cup, so we can learn about the cup, and hopefully heal any tumultuous feelings the cup might have. 


4 / 9

When was the last time you bought some candles for the purpose of manifesting your heart’s desires?

I’ve honestly never tried it before, but I’m curious about the whole thing. 


I have a big collection of different candles at home but I could always use more! I seem to manifest better when the flame guides my thoughts.


Aren’t candles meant to make the room smell pretty?


I keep emergency candles for when the light goes out. I pray that it will come back on soon, does that count? 


5 / 9

Where’s your happy place?

Bed, definitely, even better with someone I love in there with me. 


A new and exciting place, going somewhere meaningful, living my best life. 


On the other side of a hard but healing conversation with someone I care about. Nothing beats the feeling of clearing the air. 


Surrounded by my loved ones, feeling joy in their success and happiness. 


6 / 9

What’s been holding you back from achieving complete happiness?

I’m having trouble finding the words to communicate what I want and need. I’m unbalanced and don’t know how to regain my equilibrium. 


I hate to admit it, but loneliness. It’s just so hard to find someone to connect with. 


I feel pretty happy, myself, but I want to share it with those who need it. 


I don’t really know what happiness looks like, and definitely don’t know how to get there. I need some clarity and direction! 


7 / 9

How do you feel about fire?

Fire is the element of change, right? I’m ready for something new! 


Fire = Passion. Gimme somma that! 


Fire can be used to protect and heat those who need it.


Fire cleanses the way for new growth, burning out old and harmful things in favor of healthy beginnings. 


8 / 9

Which quote about candles resonates with you the MOST?

“How far that little candle throws its beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world.” - William Shakespeare 


“In one way, I suppose, I have been in ‘denial’ for quite some time, knowingly burning the candle at both ends and finding that it often gives a lovely light.” - Christopher Hitchens 


“Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” ― William Arthur Ward 


“To enlarge or illustrate this power and effect of love is to set a candle in the sun.” ― Robert Burton 


9 / 9

You should light a… Red & Pink Candle!

You’re ready to start a fire, alright, but no little candle flame will burn bright enough for your heart’s desires. Luckily, you can light a candle to set your intention and manifest the love and *ahem* fullfilment that you’re looking for.

You’ve been feeling a bit underwhelmed by love lately and passion seems like a pastime of a previous version of you.

You’re ready to reignite your barely smoldering embers of passion –but you want to attract only the most fulfilling of love matches.

Red candles encourage love, sex, and passion, obv, while pink candles stoke those passionate fires with romance and enduring love.

Amp up your candle ritual with Crystals and the power of Tarot.

Crystals are amazing for energy focus and clear intention setting.

Agate Crazy Lace for laughter, joy, playfulness. It promotes friendship, fun, and spontaneity, all things that you’d want in a new partner and lover.

Honey Calcite is a potent crystal that enables you to step into the experience of joy, pleasure, and gratitude. It increases your sense of self-worth, and encourages you to drop stressful habits and thinking. Honey calcite promotes positive action, including exercise *wink* and a well-rounded, balanced life path.

Tarot can help to direct your meditations by giving clarity to your visualizations.

The Empress - The grounded confidence of The Empress represents a deep-seated understanding of one's body as the root of their sexuality. Pleasure is wild, free, and undeniably hers. This card can reflect self-pleasuring, sexual generosity with healthy boundaries, and valuing pleasure for pleasure's sake.

The Magician - A card of vibrant sexual agency, The Magician shows us moments where we take things into our own hands (*wink wink*) and pursue our passions. Seeking out what attracts us and taking the risk of approaching it is a valuable and confidence-building exercise. How else would The Magician have gained his experience? Look to this card for sexual invigoration and inspiration and the confidence to let things unfold naturally.

“From a little spark may burst a flame.” — Dante Alighieri

🔥Are You Ready To Get Lit?🔥

How to manifest whatever your heart desires...

Step 1: What are you trying to manifest?

Think of what you want to bring into your life. Be specific, realistic, positive, and kind.

Clarify your intentions into a single sentence or mantra, like “I need to find a healthy means of expressing my emotions and sharing myself with others.”

Tune into our YouTube Channel “Meditation Mantras” where you can choose from a list of guided meditations to help ease you into your candle session.

Step 2: Create your ritual.

The most basic candle ritual is to visualize your goal, speak your mantra, and light the candle.

Choose the candle’s color carefully, and make sure it aligns with your goal. You don’t want to be lighting a sexy red candle when you’re really needing a healing blue.

You can also place some related crystals, flowers, or herbs around your candle to further amplify your vibe and channel your meditation.

Visit us in store or check us out online for a vast selection of crystals and herb sticks to round out your candle ritual.

Step 3: Dress the Candle

The aim is to forge an intention – a link – between you, the candle, and your goal. This is called “dressing the candle.”

First, rub the candle with oil, (click here for our selection of Intention Oils, boosted with energy enhancing essential oils for all your candle dressing desires.)

Rub the entire candle, but skip the wick, all while focusing internally on your intention. You can even carve your mantra or specific words into the candle to help you visualize your goal even better.

Don’t be afraid to chant your mantra, it’s just you and the candle here.

When you feel like your candle – and you – are sufficiently prepared, it’s time to reach for fire.

Step 4: Get lit

Ok, you’re ready for action!

Take a few deep breaths, let all your distractions flow away, and clear your mind.

Next, visualize your goal as if it’s already happened. Imagine how you’d feel and what life would look like. When your heart is full of that happy future and good vibes— light the candle.

Focus on the flame growing brighter and brighter as it spreads your goal and intention beyond the room you’re in. Hold your vision in your mind as long as you can.

When you feel the energy wane or your focus waver, blow out the candle and you’re done! Good intentions set for the day!

🧨Come on, baby, light my fire.🧨

Hey there, candle in the wind! I’m Phoebe Phalange, and I’m the owner and curator of Ye Olde Candle Shoppe, candle maker and local holistic apothecary.

At the Candle Shoppe, we want every customer to be able to find the right candle to fit their needs — and maybe some crystals and herbs to go with it.

We also have a wee coffee shop in the back of the store where we offer tarot readings and cappuccinos.

We’ve been featured in “Get Lit” magazine and have been guests on such podcasts as “Fire & Soul” and “Light It Up” and can be found at all the local holistic fairs.

Light It Up

Check out these resources to fan your flames!

Love a good daily meditation and tarot card reading? Follow us on Instagram and we’ll share 3 Card Tarot draws every morning, to help you start your day with reflection and intention.

Always on the hunt for a good holistic fair? Subscribe to our Social Schedule and be the first to know about any local events we’ll be attending. Never be the last to know, or the one who hears about it the day after it happened! We always have our booth up, sharing in the energy of holistic and craft fairs, and we’d love to see you there!

Curious about specific candles or crystals? Check out our blog, where we show our making process and ingredients, and share our opinions on what’s a must-have, and what’s overrated.

Inspiration Station

Now that you've got some insight into what candle would best manifest your desires, check your inbox for your custom curated Candle Ritual recommendations based on your quiz answers.

Over the next week, I'll be sharing more tips and tricks to refine your candle lighting rituals and unlock the power of manifestation through meditation.

🔥“A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.” — James Keller🔥

You should light a… Purple & Orange Candle!

Life has been feeling a little stagnant lately and you’re in desperate need of an infusion of ambition and direction. If you want to receive a message about your true purpose in life, then open the channels of mindful intention that reside in the flickering flame of your favorite candle.

It’s possible you’ve been feeling the rut that is the busy-ness of life.

Caught up in the day-to-day, always checking off the ol’ To-Dos, it’s time to take a step outside of the rat race, cast your gaze inwards, see what brings you joy and abundance, and what’s dragging you down and depleting you.

By finding clarity on what’s actually serving you and getting clear on your purpose, you’ll be able to honestly and emphatically say yes to the things that will fill you cup, all the way to the brim!

Which leads me to a couple of Tarot Cards that will go nicely with your candle choice when you begin to manifest your new life success...

Amp up your candle ritual with Crystals and the power of Tarot.

The Four Of Cups - calls you to bring your attention inward, all the better to discover what grounds and truly fulfills you. This is a good time to shut out any external distractions for a short period of time and reflect.

The Sun - The Success card in the tarot deck, feel the radiant glow of positive energy and accomplishment for everything you have achieved. Maintain that positivity and multiply your success!

Also, Crystals are amazing for energy focus and clear intention setting.

Agate Moss for new beginnings, victory and thriving. Full of love, joy and abundance, agate moss helps get things off the ground, and allows you to thrive, experience exponential growth, and get the most from your connection to the natural world.

Opalized Agate for centering, self-acceptance, and intuition. A truly peaceful and loving stone, white opalized agate brings all the comfort and stability of agates along with enhanced spiritual understanding, deeper reflection, and a willingness to journey inward.

“There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” — Edith Wharton

🔥Are You Ready To Get Lit?🔥

How to manifest whatever your heart desires...

Step 1: What are you trying to manifest?

Think of what you want to bring into your life. Be specific, realistic, positive, and kind.

Clarify your intentions into a single sentence or mantra, like “I need to find a healthy means of expressing my emotions and sharing myself with others.”

Tune into our YouTube Channel “Meditation Mantras” where you can choose from a list of guided meditations to help ease you into your candle session.

Step 2: Create your ritual.

The most basic candle ritual is to visualize your goal, speak your mantra, and light the candle.

Choose the candle’s color carefully, and make sure it aligns with your goal. You don’t want to be lighting a sexy red candle when you’re really needing a healing blue.

You can also place some related crystals, flowers, or herbs around your candle to further amplify your vibe and channel your meditation.

Visit us in store or check us out online for a vast selection of crystals and herb sticks to round out your candle ritual.

Step 3: Dress the Candle

The aim is to forge an intention – a link – between you, the candle, and your goal. This is called “dressing the candle.”

First, rub the candle with oil, (click here for our selection of Intention Oils, boosted with energy enhancing essential oils for all your candle dressing desires.)

Rub the entire candle, but skip the wick, all while focusing internally on your intention. You can even carve your mantra or specific words into the candle to help you visualize your goal even better.

Don’t be afraid to chant your mantra, it’s just you and the candle here.

When you feel like your candle – and you – are sufficiently prepared, it’s time to reach for fire.

Step 4: Get lit

Ok, you’re ready for action!

Take a few deep breaths, let all your distractions flow away, and clear your mind.

Next, visualize your goal as if it’s already happened. Imagine how you’d feel and what life would look like. When your heart is full of that happy future and good vibes— light the candle.

Focus on the flame growing brighter and brighter as it spreads your goal and intention beyond the room you’re in. Hold your vision in your mind as long as you can.

When you feel the energy wane or your focus waver, blow out the candle and you’re done! Good intentions set for the day!

🧨Come on, baby, light my fire.🧨

Hey there, candle in the wind! I’m Phoebe Phalange, and I’m the owner and curator of Ye Olde Candle Shoppe, candle maker and local holistic apothecary.

At the Candle Shoppe, we want every customer to be able to find the right candle to fit their needs — and maybe some crystals and herbs to go with it.

We also have a wee coffee shop in the back of the store where we offer tarot readings and cappuccinos.

We’ve been featured in “Get Lit” magazine and have been guests on such podcasts as “Fire & Soul” and “Light It Up” and can be found at all the local holistic fairs.

Light It Up

Check out these resources to fan your flames!

Love a good daily meditation and tarot card reading? Follow us on Instagram and we’ll share 3 Card Tarot draws every morning, to help you start your day with reflection and intention.

Always on the hunt for a good holistic fair? Subscribe to our Social Schedule and be the first to know about any local events we’ll be attending. Never be the last to know, or the one who hears about it the day after it happened! We always have our booth up, sharing in the energy of holistic and craft fairs, and we’d love to see you there!

Curious about specific candles or crystals? Check out our blog, where we show our making process and ingredients, and share our opinions on what’s a must-have, and what’s overrated.

Inspiration Station

Now that you've got some insight into what candle would best manifest your desires, check your inbox for your custom curated Candle Ritual recommendations based on your quiz answers.

Over the next week, I'll be sharing more tips and tricks to refine your candle lighting rituals and unlock the power of manifestation through meditation.

🔥“A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.” — James Keller🔥

You should light a… Black & Blue Candle!

You’ve got a heart of gold and it’s always thinking of others, so when you’ve got a friend in need, you reach for your Black and Blue Candles to send them good vibes of protection and healing.

Always a ray of sunshine and pillar of strength for your friends, you’ve got positivity to spare, and you know a little candle love will be just the thing when life gets a bit rough for the people you love.

You’re always down for a bit of healing meditation and can only benefit from taking the time to look inwards before directing your gaze outward, to the people you love and care about.

After all, a light shines brightest behind clean glass.

Amp up your candle ritual with Crystals and the power of Tarot.

Tarot can help to direct your meditations by giving clarity to your visualizations.

The Star - A symbol of hope, inspiration, and healing, this is the #1 card to see when healing from any situation: illness, divorce, grief, emotional turbulence, surgery, etc. When the star is present, healing is on the way!

The High Priestess - Exudes divine protection that prevents harm from coming to a person. It offers inner peace and a serene time to contemplate your life decisions, while defending against people who might clash with you.

Crystals are amazing for energy focus and clear intention setting.

Amber for healing, comfort, and joy. It relieves pain and discomfort, eases stress, and invites relaxation. Bring on the positive energy, vitality, and good flow!

Gray Botswana Agate for soothing and protection. A crystal for sensitive types who can feel bombarded by the outside world, it soothes and lessens anxiety and can bring comfort when grieving.

“All the darkness in the world can’t extinguish the light from a single candle.” — St. Francis of Assisi

🔥Are You Ready To Get Lit?🔥

How to manifest whatever your heart desires...

Step 1: What are you trying to manifest?

Think of what you want to bring into your life. Be specific, realistic, positive, and kind.

Clarify your intentions into a single sentence or mantra, like “I need to find a healthy means of expressing my emotions and sharing myself with others.”

Tune into our YouTube Channel “Meditation Mantras” where you can choose from a list of guided meditations to help ease you into your candle session.

Step 2: Create your ritual.

The most basic candle ritual is to visualize your goal, speak your mantra, and light the candle.

Choose the candle’s color carefully, and make sure it aligns with your goal. You don’t want to be lighting a sexy red candle when you’re really needing a healing blue.

You can also place some related crystals, flowers, or herbs around your candle to further amplify your vibe and channel your meditation.

Visit us in store or check us out online for a vast selection of crystals and herb sticks to round out your candle ritual.

Step 3: Dress the Candle

The aim is to forge an intention – a link – between you, the candle, and your goal. This is called “dressing the candle.”

First, rub the candle with oil, (click here for our selection of Intention Oils, boosted with energy enhancing essential oils for all your candle dressing desires.)

Rub the entire candle, but skip the wick, all while focusing internally on your intention. You can even carve your mantra or specific words into the candle to help you visualize your goal even better.

Don’t be afraid to chant your mantra, it’s just you and the candle here.

When you feel like your candle – and you – are sufficiently prepared, it’s time to reach for fire.

Step 4: Get lit

Ok, you’re ready for action!

Take a few deep breaths, let all your distractions flow away, and clear your mind.

Next, visualize your goal as if it’s already happened. Imagine how you’d feel and what life would look like. When your heart is full of that happy future and good vibes— light the candle.

Focus on the flame growing brighter and brighter as it spreads your goal and intention beyond the room you’re in. Hold your vision in your mind as long as you can.

When you feel the energy wane or your focus waver, blow out the candle and you’re done! Good intentions set for the day!

🧨Come on, baby, light my fire.🧨

Hey there, candle in the wind! I’m Phoebe Phalange, and I’m the owner and curator of Ye Olde Candle Shoppe, candle maker and local holistic apothecary.

At the Candle Shoppe, we want every customer to be able to find the right candle to fit their needs — and maybe some crystals and herbs to go with it.

We also have a wee coffee shop in the back of the store where we offer tarot readings and cappuccinos.

We’ve been featured in “Get Lit” magazine and have been guests on such podcasts as “Fire & Soul” and “Light It Up” and can be found at all the local holistic fairs.

Light It Up

Check out these resources to fan your flames!

Love a good daily meditation and tarot card reading? Follow us on Instagram and we’ll share 3 Card Tarot draws every morning, to help you start your day with reflection and intention.

Always on the hunt for a good holistic fair? Subscribe to our Social Schedule and be the first to know about any local events we’ll be attending. Never be the last to know, or the one who hears about it the day after it happened! We always have our booth up, sharing in the energy of holistic and craft fairs, and we’d love to see you there!

Curious about specific candles or crystals? Check out our blog, where we show our making process and ingredients, and share our opinions on what’s a must-have, and what’s overrated.

Inspiration Station

Now that you've got some insight into what candle would best manifest your desires, check your inbox for your custom curated Candle Ritual recommendations based on your quiz answers.

Over the next week, I'll be sharing more tips and tricks to refine your candle lighting rituals and unlock the power of manifestation through meditation.

🔥“A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.” — James Keller🔥

You should light a… Yellow & White Candle!

There’s almost nothing harder than having a difficult conversation with someone that you care about, but it’s because you care that it’s so difficult. Even with the best of intentions, some conversations can lead to emotional fallout. Especially if it’s one that centers around a wound that needs attention and healing.

When you’re about to rip off the bandaid and poke the wound, it can help to set the scene and intention with Yellow candles for expression and White candles for healing.

Because these discussions often come with huge feelings around them, it’s important that you approach them from your own most balanced self, ready to roll with whatever emotions the healing process dredges up.

Amp up your candle ritual with Crystals and the power of Tarot.

Crystals are amazing for energy focus and clear intention setting.

Amber for healing, comfort, and joy. It relieves pain and discomfort, eases stress, and invites relaxation. Bring on the positive energy, vitality, and good flow!

Amazonite for truth and self expression. Helps those in a state of confusion find clarity and is wonderful for helping you express your heart when you communicate.

Tarot can help to direct your meditations by giving clarity to your visualizations.

The Star - A symbol of hope, inspiration, and healing, this is the #1 card to see when healing from any situation: illness, divorce, grief, emotional turbulence, surgery, etc. When the star is present, healing is on the way!

Temperance - Like the Star, Temperance shows that balance is being restored. Things are coming back to a centered, calm place. The future is bright!

"It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness" - Eleanor Roosevelt

🔥Are You Ready To Get Lit?🔥

How to manifest whatever your heart desires...

Step 1: What are you trying to manifest?

Think of what you want to bring into your life. Be specific, realistic, positive, and kind.

Clarify your intentions into a single sentence or mantra, like “I need to find a healthy means of expressing my emotions and sharing myself with others.”

Tune into our YouTube Channel “Meditation Mantras” where you can choose from a list of guided meditations to help ease you into your candle session.

Step 2: Create your ritual.

The most basic candle ritual is to visualize your goal, speak your mantra, and light the candle.

Choose the candle’s color carefully, and make sure it aligns with your goal. You don’t want to be lighting a sexy red candle when you’re really needing a healing blue.

You can also place some related crystals, flowers, or herbs around your candle to further amplify your vibe and channel your meditation.

Visit us in store or check us out online for a vast selection of crystals and herb sticks to round out your candle ritual.

Step 3: Dress the Candle

The aim is to forge an intention – a link – between you, the candle, and your goal. This is called “dressing the candle.”

First, rub the candle with oil, (click here for our selection of Intention Oils, boosted with energy enhancing essential oils for all your candle dressing desires.)

Rub the entire candle, but skip the wick, all while focusing internally on your intention. You can even carve your mantra or specific words into the candle to help you visualize your goal even better.

Don’t be afraid to chant your mantra, it’s just you and the candle here.

When you feel like your candle – and you – are sufficiently prepared, it’s time to reach for fire.

Step 4: Get lit

Ok, you’re ready for action!

Take a few deep breaths, let all your distractions flow away, and clear your mind.

Next, visualize your goal as if it’s already happened. Imagine how you’d feel and what life would look like. When your heart is full of that happy future and good vibes— light the candle.

Focus on the flame growing brighter and brighter as it spreads your goal and intention beyond the room you’re in. Hold your vision in your mind as long as you can.

When you feel the energy wane or your focus waver, blow out the candle and you’re done! Good intentions set for the day!

🧨Come on, baby, light my fire.🧨

Hey there, candle in the wind! I’m Phoebe Phalange, and I’m the owner and curator of Ye Olde Candle Shoppe, candle maker and local holistic apothecary.

At the Candle Shoppe, we want every customer to be able to find the right candle to fit their needs — and maybe some crystals and herbs to go with it.

We also have a wee coffee shop in the back of the store where we offer tarot readings and cappuccinos.

We’ve been featured in “Get Lit” magazine and have been guests on such podcasts as “Fire & Soul” and “Light It Up” and can be found at all the local holistic fairs.

Light It Up

Check out these resources to fan your flames!

Love a good daily meditation and tarot card reading? Follow us on Instagram and we’ll share 3 Card Tarot draws every morning, to help you start your day with reflection and intention.

Always on the hunt for a good holistic fair? Subscribe to our Social Schedule and be the first to know about any local events we’ll be attending. Never be the last to know, or the one who hears about it the day after it happened! We always have our booth up, sharing in the energy of holistic and craft fairs, and we’d love to see you there!

Curious about specific candles or crystals? Check out our blog, where we show our making process and ingredients, and share our opinions on what’s a must-have, and what’s overrated.

Inspiration Station

Now that you've got some insight into what candle would best manifest your desires, check your inbox for your custom curated Candle Ritual recommendations based on your quiz answers.

Over the next week, I'll be sharing more tips and tricks to refine your candle lighting rituals and unlock the power of manifestation through meditation.

🔥“A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.” — James Keller🔥

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