What dog should you get?

This quiz can help you narrow down what dog group is right for you! You can explore these groups more at this website: http://nds.nationaldogshow.com/event-info-groups.php

Quiz Transcript

What dog should you get?

This quiz can help you narrow down what dog group is right for you! You can explore these groups more at this website: http://nds.nationaldogshow.com/event-info-groups.php

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How active do you want your dog to be?

Pretty calm 


Some energy


Lots of energy!


1 / 11

About how much time do you have a day to walk or play with your dog outside?

less than 30 minutes


about 30 minutes


maybe 1 hour 


2 / 11

Do you want a bigger dog, or a smaller one?

Big big big!


Somewhere in the middle


A little on the smaller side.


3 / 11

How much would fur bother you?

Fur bothers me a little


Doesn't bother me at all


As little fur as possible please!


4 / 11

How much do you mind taking your dog to the groomer?

I don't mind taking them often


Taking them sometimes is okay


As little as possible


5 / 11

Do you want a lazy, mellow dog, or an energetic, engaging dog?

I want them to be pretty calm. 


I want them to be somewhere in the middle.


I want them to be higher energy.


6 / 11

What words best describe you?

Happy, outgoing, charming


Shy, intelligent, creative


Calm, easygoing, friendly


Loyal, trustworthy, compassionate


Driven, stylish, motivated


Funny, confident, ambitious


7 / 11

What type of area do you live in?

Pretty chilly in general. 


Mostly warm.


Somewhere in the middle. 


I have all the seasons. 


8 / 11

Do you have a yard space or a nearby park?

I have a little yard space. 


I have a park that's close by. 


I don't have much of anything near me.


I have plenty of yard space and/or a park. 


9 / 11

Do you have allergies to dogs?

No, not at all. 


A little bit.


I have some, but hypoallergenic works for me. 


10 / 11

Rate your patience level on a scale of 1-5      (1 being low, 5 being high): 











11 / 11

You should get a dog from the Companion Group! 

Companion dogs are just what they sound like- a furry friend to keep you company! They are sweet, fun, loving pups that could be a good match for you! Don't forget to explore your local animal shelter before buying, and remember that these dogs, like every dog, need the best home we can give them!

You should get a dog from the Sporting Group!

These are pups are active and alert, and love to play! Your more active lifestyle could be a good fit for these smart dogs. Don't forget to explore your local animal shelter before buying, and remember that these dogs, like every dog, need the best home we can give them!

You should get a dog from the Cattle Group!

These sweet, energetic dogs are some of the most intelligent little guys you can find. They are generally loyal, attentive and love to be outside. With your lifestyle, they could be a great match for you! Don't forget to explore your local animal shelter before buying, and remember that these dogs, like every dog, need the best home we can give them!

You should get a dog from the Working Group!

These are some of the most intelligent, hardworking dogs you can find! They need proper training, and with their robust, headstrong personalities, they could be a good match for your lifestyle! Don't forget to explore your local animal shelter before buying, and remember that these dogs, like every dog, need the best home we can give them!