What Is Your Instagram Style?

Best way to handle Instagram overwhelm is to stay true to you. There are many ways it can work for your business, find out what strategy is right for you!

Quiz Transcript

What Is Your Instagram Style?

Best way to handle Instagram overwhelm is to stay true to you. There are many ways it can work for your business, find out what strategy is right for you!


How long have you been in business?

I have had multiple business ventures before. 3 years +


I have just started my first business. Below 1 year.


On my way to success. 1-3 years.


I'm still in the very beginning and would love to learn more.


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How do you use Instagram for your business?

I just have a personal page with great loyal audience and they support any of my business ideas.


I have an account for my business and post occasionally when I have something to share. 


I have a business account set  up, but don't know what to post there.


I just have a private page and follow my favorite brands and bloggers.


I try to post valuable content and grow my biz.


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What's your favorite thing about Instagram that keeps you coming back?

I love to connect with people who share my interests.


I love to find out about new products.


I love watching others do cool stuff and get inspiration from it.


I love sharing my passions with the world.


I know it can explode my business and want to know how to do it.


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Which of the following words best describes you?

Artistic, creative and visual


Curious, witty, and wise


Approachable, friendly, and warm


Purposeful, creative, and unique


Ambitious, driven and cool


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What's your regular Thursday night like?

Workout, book, tomorrow plans


Usually out, checking out places, taking cool pictures


Almost as fun as Friday night


Playing phone while watching Netflix


Working late, I have goals to slay


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Your best strategy: Beautiful Storefront

You are a humble person who likes to let your work to speak for itself. You love harmony and aesthetically pleasing things, but prefer to be behind the scenes. Create a perfect Instagram feed and let your offer shine. Explore visual marketing, stay on brand and collaborate with influencers to spread the word.

Your best strategy: Personal Brand

You are the lucky person who loves attention. You love to be your own brand and can't imagine your business being separate from your personal life, it's all intertwined for you. You enjoy sharing your daily life and creating your little world in squares. It's perfect, it's easy for you to launch multiple ventures and your audience is already there waiting for it! Keep doing what you're doing, explore collaborations and feature your favorite products if you want extra income!

Your best strategy: Community

You love people! You can't imagine your life without friends, old and new. You like to discuss what matters to you, create dialogue and find like minded people. Instagram is the best place for you. Whatever you're into, your tribe is there! Build a community around your brand, connect people, make them feel welcome and safe. Share your wisdom and create connections for others, they will appreciate it!

Your best strategy: Influencer

You are so determined, you know what you want! You want to work with big brands and share their stories. You probably have your own lifestyle or fashion blog. You know your strengths, your style and can create killer content to make things look exciting. Stay on track, perfect your content creation skills, be patient and foster your own visual style. Success is on its way!

Your best strategy: Educator

Your are always learning something and eager to share your knowledge with others. You love creating courses and write books, document your process and share it with others. You really want others to succeed too. Use Instagram as a platform to share your knowledge and become a go to expert in your field!