What level of financial advice do you need?

Take this 2-minute quiz to find out which level of financial advice you need to crush your financial goals.

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What level of financial advice do you need?

Take this 2-minute quiz to find out which level of financial advice you need to crush your financial goals.

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 Which (picture/gif) best describes your financial situation?


1 / 7

Have you ever talked to a financial advisor?

A financial advisor? Never heard of it!


I’ve heard of them, but haven’t talked to one.


I’ve talked to one once or twice, but not recently.


2 / 7

What’s your experience with investments?

I’ve never invested in anything, or if I did it didn’t work out.


I had a couple of investments but I needed to cash them out because I needed the money.


I have multiple successful investments. I’m in it for the long term.


3 / 7

How much do you save?

I can’t afford to save much.


I save a little bit, but my bills come first.


I have a savings account and can afford to save for emergencies and retirement. I’m all set!


4 / 7

Be honest. How are your spending habits?

I don’t have money to spend.


I miiight have a shopping addiction…


I can buy what I want – without touching my savings or retirement accounts.


5 / 7

How’s your income situation?

I have to make every dollar stretch as far as it will go!


My job pays enough to pay the bills – sometimes a bit extra.


I’ve got everything budgeted and always pay my bills on time. I’ve also money for extras - I like to indulge myself sometimes!


6 / 7

What’s your main financial goal?

I need to figure out how to make more money. Right now saving isn’t even an option!


I want to start investing some of my savings. I’ve heard that investments are the only way to increase your wealth.


I need to expand my investment portfolio.


7 / 7

You need advice to get started!

You’re in the early stages of your investment journey. Congratulations on getting started! You’re on your way to a wealthy future.

At this point, you’re new to saving and investing. You make some money. But you might be living paycheck-to-paycheck and just scraping by. Or, you make enough money to live on, but haven’t made any investments yet.

Get your budget sorted out first, then save up an emergency fund. Once you’ve got that in place, it’s time to start investing in your future. Even if it’s only a small amount each month. Consistency is the key. You’ll be amazed at how your money will grow over time!

3 Tips for Investing

1. Be ready to learn. You can get all the advice you want, but if you aren’t willing to receive it, it’s a waste of time and money. A good adviser is worth their weight in gold - listen to their advice and watch your net worth grow.

2. Think long-term. Investments are a long-term deal. It takes time for your money to grow. If you need fast cash you’ll need to pick up a second job or rework your budget.

3. Find the right Financial Advisor. What is a trip without a map? The right Financial Advisor will give you the help you need to successfully grow your investments.

"Money is always eager and ready to work for anyone who is ready to employ it.” ―Idowu Koyenikan

Hey! I’m Sofia Smith.

I’m an investment and personal finance advisor who’s helped hundreds of clients take their investments from 0 to 100. Without the pain of trial and error!

I’ve got a Master’s degree in financial management, and I help people make money and watch it grow. In the last decade, I’ve participated in workshops with the best financial advisors in the world, taught my own, and created an online Investor Secrets podcast series. It’s jam-packed with awesome info to give you the head start you deserve!

No matter where you are financially right now, I give you the tools you need to become a more powerful investor.

Looking for some quick wins to boost your finances?

1. Check out my Investor Secrets podcast. I sit down with top investors every other week to provide you with actionable insights we discuss (based on questions and feedback you send!).

2. Join the Boost Your Wins group on Facebook. We’re a supportive community of successful investors who are always down to help each other out with financial & investment management.

3. Hop on a free 15-minute call with me! I’ll provide you with a whole bunch of clarity and at least one or two ways to kickstart the journey to crushing your financial goals!

And be sure to check your inbox, because I’ll be sending you a free copy of my Wealth Affirmations Journal. And all sorts of other valuable resources!

You need advice to upgrade your investments!

You’re in the early to middle stages of your investment journey. Congratulations! You’re on your way to a wealthy future.

At this point, you’re still fairly new to saving and investing. You make a steady income, have saved some money. You’ve probably already made a couple investments – awesome!

It’s time to level-up your investing game. Take another look at your budget. Have your income or expenses changed? Are there opportunities to increase the amount you’re investing for your future?

Assess your current investments. Perhaps it’s time to diversify or increase your contributions. Staying on top of your investment portfolio is the key to growing your net worth. You’ve got this!

3 Tips for Investing

1. Be ready to learn. You can get all the advice you want, but if you aren’t willing to receive it, it’s a waste of time and money. A good adviser is worth their weight in gold - listen to their advice and watch your net worth grow.

2. Think long-term. Investments are a long-term deal. It takes time for your money to grow. If you need fast cash you’ll need to pick up a second job or rework your budget.

3. Find the right Financial Advisor. What is a trip without a map? The right Financial Advisor will give you the help you need to successfully grow your investments.

"Money is always eager and ready to work for anyone who is ready to employ it.” ―Idowu Koyenikan

Hey! I’m Sofia Smith.

I’m an investment and personal finance advisor who’s helped hundreds of clients take their investments from 0 to 100. Without the pain of trial and error!

I’ve got a Master’s degree in financial management, and I help people make money and watch it grow. In the last decade, I’ve participated in workshops with the best financial advisors in the world, taught my own, and created an online Investor Secrets podcast series. It’s jam-packed with awesome info to give you the head start you deserve!

No matter where you are financially right now, I give you the tools you need to become a more powerful investor.

Looking for some quick wins to boost your finances?

1. Check out my Investor Secrets podcast. I sit down with top investors every other week to provide you with actionable insights we discuss (based on questions and feedback you send!).

2. Join the Boost Your Wins group on Facebook. We’re a supportive community of successful investors who are always down to help each other out with financial & investment management.

3. Hop on a free 15-minute call with me! I’ll provide you with a whole bunch of clarity and at least one or two ways to kickstart the journey to crushing your financial goals!

And be sure to check your inbox, because I’ll be sending you a free copy of my Wealth Affirmations Journal. And all sorts of other valuable resources!

You need advice to manage your investments!

You’re in the advanced stages of your investment journey. Congratulations! You’re on your way to a wealthy future.

You’ve been saving and investing for years. You have a lot of assets and you know how to build wealth.

You’re net worth is growing rapidly!

It’s time to upgrade to more sophisticated investment strategies. A high-level financial adviser can show you strategies and present opportunities for greater returns on your investments.

With greater [calculated] risk comes greater reward. The sky’s the limit!

3 Tips for Investing

1. Be ready to learn. You can get all the advice you want, but if you aren’t willing to receive it, it’s a waste of time and money. A good adviser is worth their weight in gold - listen to their advice and watch your net worth grow.

2. Think long-term. Investments are a long-term deal. It takes time for your money to grow. If you need fast cash you’ll need to pick up a second job or rework your budget.

3. Find the right Financial Advisor. What is a trip without a map? The right Financial Advisor will give you the help you need to successfully grow your investments.

"Money is always eager and ready to work for anyone who is ready to employ it.” ―Idowu Koyenikan

Hey! I’m Sofia Smith.

I’m an investment and personal finance advisor who’s helped hundreds of clients take their investments from 0 to 100. Without the pain of trial and error!

I’ve got a Master’s degree in financial management, and I help people make money and watch it grow. In the last decade, I’ve participated in workshops with the best financial advisors in the world, taught my own, and created an online Investor Secrets podcast series. It’s jam-packed with awesome info to give you the head start you deserve!

No matter where you are financially right now, I give you the tools you need to become a more powerful investor.

Looking for some quick wins to boost your finances?

1. Check out my Investor Secrets podcast. I sit down with top investors every other week to provide you with actionable insights we discuss (based on questions and feedback you send!).

2. Join the Boost Your Wins group on Facebook. We’re a supportive community of successful investors who are always down to help each other out with financial & investment management.

3. Hop on a free 15-minute call with me! I’ll provide you with a whole bunch of clarity and at least one or two ways to kickstart the journey to crushing your financial goals!

And be sure to check your inbox, because I’ll be sending you a free copy of my Wealth Affirmations Journal. And all sorts of other valuable resources!

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