What limiting mindset is holding you back?

Are you up to your armpits in big dreams and goals but feeling a little short on chutzpah? Everyone gets tripped up by self doubt sometimes. Take the quiz to pinpoint which limiting belief is holding you back from crushing at life.

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What limiting mindset is holding you back?

Are you up to your armpits in big dreams and goals but feeling a little short on chutzpah? Everyone gets tripped up by self doubt sometimes. Take the quiz to pinpoint which limiting belief is holding you back from crushing at life.

Take the Quiz

What’s your favorite way to socialize?

I’m a bit of a party animal. I love a night out dancing with friends… the more the merrier!


Once a year I host a perfectly curated gathering with all the right people. Otherwise I don’t socialize much


I love meeting new people and learning about their interesting lives.


I love a night in with just a couple of my fave peeps sharing snacks.


1 / 9

What would your friends say are your best personality traits?

Loyal, skeptical, Rational.


Helpful, generous, caring.


Intelligent, productive, accomplished.


Confident, thoughtful, hard working.


2 / 9

What's your experience been with therapy?

I’ve thought about seeking therapy, lots of my friends go, but I've never seen a therapist myself.


I've tried therapy in the past, but I've never found a therapist or schedule that really clicks with me or my life.


I’m seeing a therapist… I do appreciate talking about myself but shouldn’t they be fixing me?


I don’t think therapy is my jam!


3 / 9

How would you describe your closest relationships?

I worry that I’m way out of my league.


I have a few close friends but I tend to overthink everything… it’s exhausting.


I love all my people! I want to hug them and help them and show them love all the time!


I have an amazing posse of high achievers, we’re constantly outdoing each other!


4 / 9

Which mind chatter tends to dominate your thoughts?

I gravitate to mistakes of the past, it’s super annoying


I fixate on decisions until I know every detail


I’m always thinking about what I can do for others but kinda put myself at the bottom of the list


I often feel like I don’t fit in but I’m pretty good at faking it


5 / 9

Which superhero do you secretly admire?

Kitty Forman from That 70’s Show. Always ready with brownies for the bake sale, and eager to help a friend in need, Kitty sometimes struggles to feel seen and appreciated by her husband, the ever-cranky Rhett.


Mike Ross from Suits. You’re a super gifted person with a lot to offer, but you tend to just go along with what’s easy instead of working hard to find the right path for yourself.


Amy Farrah Fowler-Cooper from Big Bang Theory. Cerebral almost to a fault, you have your fun and whimsical side that you only let those closest to you see. Tiara, anyone?


Tony Stark of Ironman fame. A little moody but always ready to kick some serious butt and perceptive enough to see people’s shortcomings.


6 / 9

What area of life do you struggle with most?

I sometimes feel unappreciated, which is crazy, because I do so much for others.


I really have a hard time opening up and trusting others. But then, I also feel like I’m not always open with myself.


I’m not sure anyone actually sees the real me.


I sometimes have a hard time letting my heart lead the way in my friendships. I’m always so caught up in my head.


7 / 9

How likely are you to seek out a therapist?

I’m seeking a therapist but it’s like finding a needle in a haystack.


I keep meaning to find some kind of therapy for my self worth issues.


I’ve already got a therapist, but I’m open to more ideas… I can use all the help I can get!


I’ve had people tell me to get therapy but I’m not really interested.


8 / 9

What, if anything, makes you resentful?

I wouldn’t say I’m resentful but sometimes I feel unappreciated.


I struggle with jealousy when it seems like my friends are moving forward easily in life and I’m stuck.


It drives me crazy when other people at work get all the credit when it feels like I’m doing the heavy lifting!


I really resent people giving me advice. I mean it’s not like they have it all together, right?


9 / 9

Your limiting mindset is... Risk Aversion

You’re naturally skeptical and like to challenge systems, but your trust is unwavering — once it’s been earned.

Your carefully earned middle name is trustworthy. You’re the most loyal supporter, but also one who will challenge those around you to be the best versions of themselves.

It’s honorable to make sure every choice you approach is safe and solid but at some point you gotta throw caution to the wind and move forward. It’s ok to make mistakes, Boo.

No wonder you’re the go-to friend for researching decisions.

It’s easy to believe you’re the only person that you can really trust.

Trust is at the molten core of your fudgy lava cake, but you’ve got to get through that cakey exterior to fully appreciate the best of you.

How do you know if risk aversion is really what you should focus on in therapy?

Let’s play “Tick the boxes!”

Do you…

☑️ Have a difficult time making decisions

☑️ Not validate your own experience/ reality

☑️ Value external opinions over your own

☑️ Frequently second guess yourself

☑️ Shy away from speaking up for yourself and your needs

☑️ Struggle with self worth

☑️ Dwell on your mistakes

☑️ Undermine or dismiss your previous success and feel regret

☑️ Try to control everything and everyone

☑️ Compare yourself to others

☑️ Minimize your responsibility/choice

☑️ Silence your intuition

☑️ Would rather have others make decisions for you and have a difficult time committing

...if you check even 3 of these boxes, then chances are you doubt yourself enough that it’s holding you back, and it might even be seriously damaging your relationships.

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." — Walt Disney

Getting To Know You

Therapy is an often misunderstood practice, and while it does involve talking about feelings, it’s more about taking a closer look inside yourself to see what really makes you tick.

Don’t you want to learn more about why you do the things that you do. And how to address some of the ways you unknowingly sabotage yourself?

Other than learning to Trust, let’s take a look at some of the foundations of therapy.

Balance – The key to a happy life isn’t abundance and never ending chill days, it’s all about balance.

The grind of day-to-day life can become a repetitive, life-sucking rut if you aren’t careful to create healthy boundaries between work, play, and the everyday.

With the help of a therapist, you can delve deep into where your imbalances come in life, and how to make changes to restore a much needed life balance.

Check out our online workshop on Balance and Your To-Do List

Self-awareness – It’s easy to wander through life without much direction, reacting to the world instead of purposely creating a life.

This can lead to a feeling of not being seen or heard, and always feeling like you just fit in, instead of actually belonging.

When you don’t know yourself very well, it can be hard to find the right friends or job to fulfill you and challenge you into new growth.

Self-Awareness is a core focus of any therapeutic journey. Check out our Online Self-Awareness Workshop to learn more about yourself, and how you can align your life with who you truly are.

Self-Worth – It can be very difficult to establish and maintain boundaries that are meant to protect your peace when you’re constantly putting others before yourself.

It isn’t bad to want to help others, but when your selflessness becomes a complete loss of self, it’s time to do some work on your own core values and boundaries.

Learn how to show up as an advocate for yourself so you can give your loved ones empowered, resounding ‘yes’s and firm, healthy ‘no’s, without feeling guilty or selfish.

Awareness is Everything...

Howdy pardner, I’m Les Austin, SoCal’s premier Licensed Trauma Therapist and Empowerment Coach.

After a few years of growing my counselling practice I started to see a common theme sabotaging my clients personal growth. Limiting beliefs were standing in between them and the life they dreamed of.

It’s my mission to eradicate toxic mindsets one self actualizer at a time.

Modern therapy is designed to create self-awareness so you can better understand yourself, and to give you therapy tools so you can better manage some of the areas in your life where you’ve struggled in the past.

Check me out on your fave podcast app, including “Kick-ass self-care ” and “Beyond Trauma,” and you can find my best selling book, “Write a new Story,” at booksellers everywhere (especially independent local ones).

Dig Deeper...

Here are some resources to help you on your journey within.

Love a good life-hack? Check out my Youtube Channel, Write Your Own Superhero Story. Every week I share an actionable empowerment tool to help you overcome many different limiting mindsets.

Need a daily motivational fairy in your pocket Follow me on Instagram where I share uplifting messages and mindful resources.

Don’t know where to begin but you know you’re ready for therapy? Book a call with me to discuss which modalities to focus on to help you find a new direction.

🏛️ You are the architect of your life 🏘️

There’s a present in your inbox! I’ve sent you my Shift Happens digital handbook and companion daily meditation. Hit reply and let me know what you think?

Over the next few days, I'll be sharing more ideas with you to help catapult your growth and awareness!

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all." — Dale Carnegie

Your limiting mindset is... Perfectionism 

Ever watchful, with a keen eye for detail, you’re a highly cerebral person who likes to make observations, and figure out ways to improve. But sometimes your superbrain has you overachieving to a fault.

Conditioning can have you thinking that perfectionism is a positive trait rather than a flaw. You've more than proven your skills at delivering excellence, but you’re starting to feel a bit like you're riding a train to burn out land.

Striving to win the top position in other people’s eyes can throw you out of balance. Somehow you’re left feeling like you’ve let someone down, somehow...

That someone is you.

Your computer brain works like a machine, but your heart brain was left to run out of gas long ago.

In staying on top of the details, and taking care of business as usual, you forgot to pay attention to the more emotional needs of your soul.

How do you know if you need help taming the overthinker in your psyche?

How many red flags do you check…

🚩 Can’t perform tasks unless you know you can do it perfectly.

🚩 View the end product as the most important part of any undertaking.

🚩 Trouble calling something finished, or take an excessive amount of time, until it’s done to impossible standards.

🚩 Procrastination. Perfectionism can stall out tasks that you’re not confident you can crush.

🚩Take an excessive amount of time to complete a task that does not typically take others long to complete.

🚩 You’re exhausted, even though you don’t feel like you didn’t accomplish anything.

Sounds like you’re on the tightrope of life, and it’s getting pretty shaky!

"My dad encouraged us to fail. Growing up, he would ask us what we failed at that week. If we didn't have something, he would be disappointed. It changed my mindset at an early age that failure is not the outcome, failure is not trying. Don't be afraid to fail." — Sara Blakely

Getting To Know You

Therapy is an often misunderstood practice, and while it does involve talking about feelings, it’s more about taking a closer look inside yourself to see what really makes you tick.

Don’t you want to learn more about why you do the things that you do. And how to address some of the ways you unknowingly sabotage yourself?

Other than learning to Trust, let’s take a look at some of the foundations of therapy.

Balance – The key to a happy life isn’t abundance and never ending chill days, it’s all about balance.

The grind of day-to-day life can become a repetitive, life-sucking rut if you aren’t careful to create healthy boundaries between work, play, and the everyday.

With the help of a therapist, you can delve deep into where your imbalances come in life, and how to make changes to restore a much needed life balance.

Check out our online workshop on Balance and Your To-Do List

Self-awareness – It’s easy to wander through life without much direction, reacting to the world instead of purposely creating a life.

This can lead to a feeling of not being seen or heard, and always feeling like you just fit in, instead of actually belonging.

When you don’t know yourself very well, it can be hard to find the right friends or job to fulfill you and challenge you into new growth.

Self-Awareness is a core focus of any therapeutic journey. Check out our Online Self-Awareness Workshop to learn more about yourself, and how you can align your life with who you truly are.

Self-Worth – It can be very difficult to establish and maintain boundaries that are meant to protect your peace when you’re constantly putting others before yourself.

It isn’t bad to want to help others, but when your selflessness becomes a complete loss of self, it’s time to do some work on your own core values and boundaries.

Learn how to show up as an advocate for yourself so you can give your loved ones empowered, resounding ‘yes’s and firm, healthy ‘no’s, without feeling guilty or selfish.

Awareness is Everything...

Howdy pardner, I’m Les Austin, SoCal’s premier Licensed Trauma Therapist and Empowerment Coach.

After a few years of growing my counselling practice I started to see a common theme sabotaging my clients personal growth. Limiting beliefs were standing in between them and the life they dreamed of.

It’s my mission to eradicate toxic mindsets one self actualizer at a time.

Modern therapy is designed to create self-awareness so you can better understand yourself, and to give you therapy tools so you can better manage some of the areas in your life where you’ve struggled in the past.

Check me out on your fave podcast app, including “Kick-ass self-care ” and “Beyond Trauma,” and you can find my best selling book, “Write a new Story,” at booksellers everywhere (especially independent local ones).

Dig Deeper...

Here are some resources to help you on your journey within.

Love a good life-hack? Check out my Youtube Channel, Write Your Own Superhero Story. Every week I share an actionable empowerment tool to help you overcome many different limiting mindsets.

Need a daily motivational fairy in your pocket Follow me on Instagram where I share uplifting messages and mindful resources.

Don’t know where to begin but you know you’re ready for therapy? Book a call with me to discuss which modalities to focus on to help you find a new direction.

🏛️ You are the architect of your life 🏘️

There’s a present in your inbox! I’ve sent you my Shift Happens digital handbook and companion daily meditation. Hit reply and let me know what you think?

Over the next few days, I'll be sharing more ideas with you to help catapult your growth and awareness!

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all." — Dale Carnegie

Your limiting mindset is... Imposter Syndrome

You’re the unanimously voted Life of the Party, always ready to entertain and eager for the next challenge or new thing.

When it comes to hidden talents, you have an embarrassment of riches, but having so many things come easily can be a disadvantage all by itself.

Being a gifted Jack of All Trades can leave you adrift, wondering what your real passion and purpose in life is.

For someone with such a seemingly strong sense of self, you can sometimes struggle with feeling out of place, which can all be tied back to self-worth. Or lack thereof.

The real challenge for you is choosing the right life for you, instead of striving to fit into roles that don’t align with your soul.

How do you know if you’re living your true purpose?

Tick some boxes with me.

Do you:

☑️ Avoid sitting still or idle

☑️ Feel too overwhelmed by your past choices to learn from them, so you just try to ignore them

☑️ Want to find peace and contentment, but every time you’re almost there, panic sets in

☑️ Think vulnerability seems like a nice thing... for other people

☑️ Focus on career, relationships, and success, instead of yourself

☑️ Don’t trust yourself to learn from your mistakes

☑️ Burn out easily and need lots of recovery time

It’s ok, we all struggle with self-awareness sometimes, so if you don’t check any boxes, go back and try again, but be honest with yourself this time.

When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.” — Ralph Ellison

Getting To Know You

Therapy is an often misunderstood practice, and while it does involve talking about feelings, it’s more about taking a closer look inside yourself to see what really makes you tick.

Don’t you want to learn more about why you do the things that you do. And how to address some of the ways you unknowingly sabotage yourself?

Other than learning to Trust, let’s take a look at some of the foundations of therapy.

Balance – The key to a happy life isn’t abundance and never ending chill days, it’s all about balance.

The grind of day-to-day life can become a repetitive, life-sucking rut if you aren’t careful to create healthy boundaries between work, play, and the everyday.

With the help of a therapist, you can delve deep into where your imbalances come in life, and how to make changes to restore a much needed life balance.

Check out our online workshop on Balance and Your To-Do List

Self-awareness – It’s easy to wander through life without much direction, reacting to the world instead of purposely creating a life.

This can lead to a feeling of not being seen or heard, and always feeling like you just fit in, instead of actually belonging.

When you don’t know yourself very well, it can be hard to find the right friends or job to fulfill you and challenge you into new growth.

Self-Awareness is a core focus of any therapeutic journey. Check out our Online Self-Awareness Workshop to learn more about yourself, and how you can align your life with who you truly are.

Self-Worth – It can be very difficult to establish and maintain boundaries that are meant to protect your peace when you’re constantly putting others before yourself.

It isn’t bad to want to help others, but when your selflessness becomes a complete loss of self, it’s time to do some work on your own core values and boundaries.

Learn how to show up as an advocate for yourself so you can give your loved ones empowered, resounding ‘yes’s and firm, healthy ‘no’s, without feeling guilty or selfish.

Awareness is Everything...

Howdy pardner, I’m Les Austin, SoCal’s premier Licensed Trauma Therapist and Empowerment Coach.

After a few years of growing my counselling practice I started to see a common theme sabotaging my clients personal growth. Limiting beliefs were standing in between them and the life they dreamed of.

It’s my mission to eradicate toxic mindsets one self actualizer at a time.

Modern therapy is designed to create self-awareness so you can better understand yourself, and to give you therapy tools so you can better manage some of the areas in your life where you’ve struggled in the past.

Check me out on your fave podcast app, including “Kick-ass self-care ” and “Beyond Trauma,” and you can find my best selling book, “Write a new Story,” at booksellers everywhere (especially independent local ones).

Dig Deeper...

Here are some resources to help you on your journey within.

Love a good life-hack? Check out my Youtube Channel, Write Your Own Superhero Story. Every week I share an actionable empowerment tool to help you overcome many different limiting mindsets.

Need a daily motivational fairy in your pocket Follow me on Instagram where I share uplifting messages and mindful resources.

Don’t know where to begin but you know you’re ready for therapy? Book a call with me to discuss which modalities to focus on to help you find a new direction.

🏛️ You are the architect of your life 🏘️

There’s a present in your inbox! I’ve sent you my Shift Happens digital handbook and companion daily meditation. Hit reply and let me know what you think?

Over the next few days, I'll be sharing more ideas with you to help catapult your growth and awareness!

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all." — Dale Carnegie

Your limiting mindset is... People Pleasing

Supporting others is your calling in life. You seem to give endlessly, but sometimes you’re left feeling stretched a bit thin, and maybe even unappreciated.

For someone who loves to love others, it can be jarring and upsetting when your offerings aren’t appreciated. Resentment can sneak up on you and have you feeling irritable or worse, lead to burnout!

Believe or not, resentment is a signal that you need some self care.

When your love and support turned outward leaves you drained and angry, it’s time to look at your own worth and how you can align yourself to get what you want, and what you truly deserve.

You see, as a loving, supportive person, it’s easy for others to take advantage of your generous heart.

But why does that mean you so often have to come in last?

Are you guilty of being a chronic people pleaser?

Let’s tick some boxes!

If you:

☑️ Know that having low self-worth is a problem.

☑️ Have a seriously hard time saying ‘no’

☑️ Are always the first to volunteer, even if you’re too busy

☑️ Struggle to make good decisions for yourself

☑️ Know you deserve better but still have uncertainty

☑️ Sometimes interpret feedback as criticism

☑️ Feel like you can’t do anything right

☑️ Get burned out and overwhelmed easily

☑️Want to identify the barriers to regaining your own self worth

If you tick a few of those boxes, chances are good you could use some me time and some practice learning to say “NO”.

“When you say yes to others, make sure you aren’t saying no to yourself.” — Paulo Coehlo

Getting To Know You

Therapy is an often misunderstood practice, and while it does involve talking about feelings, it’s more about taking a closer look inside yourself to see what really makes you tick.

Don’t you want to learn more about why you do the things that you do. And how to address some of the ways you unknowingly sabotage yourself?

Other than learning to Trust, let’s take a look at some of the foundations of therapy.

Balance – The key to a happy life isn’t abundance and never ending chill days, it’s all about balance.

The grind of day-to-day life can become a repetitive, life-sucking rut if you aren’t careful to create healthy boundaries between work, play, and the everyday.

With the help of a therapist, you can delve deep into where your imbalances come in life, and how to make changes to restore a much needed life balance.

Check out our online workshop on Balance and Your To-Do List

Self-awareness – It’s easy to wander through life without much direction, reacting to the world instead of purposely creating a life.

This can lead to a feeling of not being seen or heard, and always feeling like you just fit in, instead of actually belonging.

When you don’t know yourself very well, it can be hard to find the right friends or job to fulfill you and challenge you into new growth.

Self-Awareness is a core focus of any therapeutic journey. Check out our Online Self-Awareness Workshop to learn more about yourself, and how you can align your life with who you truly are.

Self-Worth – It can be very difficult to establish and maintain boundaries that are meant to protect your peace when you’re constantly putting others before yourself.

It isn’t bad to want to help others, but when your selflessness becomes a complete loss of self, it’s time to do some work on your own core values and boundaries.

Learn how to show up as an advocate for yourself so you can give your loved ones empowered, resounding ‘yes’s and firm, healthy ‘no’s, without feeling guilty or selfish.

Awareness is Everything...

Howdy pardner, I’m Les Austin, SoCal’s premier Licensed Trauma Therapist and Empowerment Coach.

After a few years of growing my counselling practice I started to see a common theme sabotaging my clients personal growth. Limiting beliefs were standing in between them and the life they dreamed of.

It’s my mission to eradicate toxic mindsets one self actualizer at a time.

Modern therapy is designed to create self-awareness so you can better understand yourself, and to give you therapy tools so you can better manage some of the areas in your life where you’ve struggled in the past.

Check me out on your fave podcast app, including “Kick-ass self-care ” and “Beyond Trauma,” and you can find my best selling book, “Write a new Story,” at booksellers everywhere (especially independent local ones).

Dig Deeper...

Here are some resources to help you on your journey within.

Love a good life-hack? Check out my Youtube Channel, Write Your Own Superhero Story. Every week I share an actionable empowerment tool to help you overcome many different limiting mindsets.

Need a daily motivational fairy in your pocket Follow me on Instagram where I share uplifting messages and mindful resources.

Don’t know where to begin but you know you’re ready for therapy? Book a call with me to discuss which modalities to focus on to help you find a new direction.

🏛️ You are the architect of your life 🏘️

There’s a present in your inbox! I’ve sent you my Shift Happens digital handbook and companion daily meditation. Hit reply and let me know what you think?

Over the next few days, I'll be sharing more ideas with you to help catapult your growth and awareness!

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all." — Dale Carnegie

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