What's your authority boosting mode?

Want to grow your audience by boosting your brand's authority? đź’Ś Take this 2 minute quiz to discover the authority-building style that fits your personality like a glove. From pitching podcasts to building community, discover your secret sauce for effortlessly expanding your brand's reach.

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What's your authority boosting mode?

Want to grow your audience by boosting your brand's authority? đź’Ś Take this 2 minute quiz to discover the authority-building style that fits your personality like a glove. From pitching podcasts to building community, discover your secret sauce for effortlessly expanding your brand's reach.

Take THE Quiz

What three words BEST describe your brand?

Playful, creative, entertaining.


Friendly, supportive, calming.


Inspiring, bold, innovative.


Thoughtful, grounding, educational.


1 / 9

If you were a dessert, what would you be?

Brownie with dark chocolate ganache. I over-deliver. Plus I'll make you stop to think about all the flavors I've just delivered.


Strawberry donut with rainbow sprinkles. I'm super-fun, totally playful, and even a little wild. I help you remember what it's like to be a kid.


Classic carrot cake. I'm sweet, gentle, and I've got a classic vibe. Just thinking about me makes somebody smile.


Strawberries and champagne. I offer a refined, unmistakable, and elegant experience that makes you feel like you're living the luxe life.


2 / 9

What kind of advice do your friends ask you for?

Style advice


Relationship advice


Business advice 


Practical advice


3 / 9

What best describes your business model?

I sell products.


I sell digital products/courses.


I'm a service provider.




4 / 9

How long have you been in biz, friend?

A few months. You could say I'm dipping my toe in… before totally I dive in.


6 months to a year. I'm new but I'm completely committed to growing fast. I want to be an authority in my industry.


1-2 years. I know that building my authority is what's going to help me land my dream clients and customers faster than anything.


Several years now. I'm always looking for the most effective ways to grow my audience.


5 / 9

What's your biggest challenge when it comes to building your authority?

It's easy for me to create content for someone else, but I feel super stiff when it's for myself.


Finding the time. There are so many other aspects of my business that I'd rather focus on. Content seems like such a long game.


Knowing what, how, when, and where to post. I need some full-proof strategies, stat!


Confidence. I'm not sure I really have anything unique to add to the conversation.


None of the above… I feel pretty great about my authority-building game. I'm taking this quiz to pick up a few new tricks.


6 / 9

You've just had a hugely successful launch and it's time to take a celebratory vacation! Where are you going to go?

The Faroe Islands, Denmark. Mystical coastlines, historic sites, and gorgeous Nordic architecture.


Avignon, France. Romantic medieval streets, a vibrant art scene, and the seductive smell of olive trees.


Taos, New Mexico. Natural hot springs, a connected community, and some of the best hiking on earth.


Milan, Italy. Serious shopping, fabulous food (I see you, risotto alla Milanese!), and a gala weekend boating on Lake Como.


7 / 9

*Poof* Your brand's fairy grandmother is here and she's going to grant you one wish when it comes to building your business. Which wish do you wish?

She's dialed in my perfect offer. I now know that the offer is golden, the price is right, and the demand is there.


She's helped me nail down my ideal client/customer. I'm now super clear about who I'm serving and why.


She's helped me to discover my own special sauce that I offer to the market that nobody else does.


She's cracked my brand's conversion code! My sales pages and emails are converting like crazy.


8 / 9

Which of these quotes about success MOST speaks to you?

“Opportunities don't happen. You create them.” — Chris Grosser


“It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.” — Herman Melville


“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.” — Thomas Jefferson


“Success isn't just about what you accomplish in your life; it's about what you inspire others to do.” — Unknown


9 / 9

You’re a… Podcasting Pro

You're innovative, bold, and you know how to inspire others to take action. You're a storyteller with the gift of gab. Your authority-boosting secret weapon? Pitching podcasts, my friend!

You're determined, opinionated, and a natural-born orator. When you share your stories and teachings on podcasts, people can't help but perk their ears up.

That great thing about speaking on podcasts? Listeners spend an extended period of time with you. People can really sit with your teachings and point of view. If a podcast episode is good, people will keep listening for an hour (or more!). That's a lot more engagement than an Instagram Story.

Podcasts pre-sell people on working with you. Especially when you're generous with your strong opinion, your hard-won lessons, and your top teachings.

Podcasts will also help you to refine your brand's core stories and teach you more about what you're here to share.

Your podcasting super-power? Talk about common practices in your industry that you disagree with. Your bold nature means you're meant to stand out, so don't be afraid to speak your truth. Your perfect audience will love you for it.

Here's a mindset tip to catapult your brand into the public eye:

Even though you may not love to feel "vulnerable," it's hard for people to relate to stories of winning all the time. So (within your comfort level), share your imperfections a little bit. Let yourself be messy and scrappy from time to time. As you get real, your audience gets more dialed in.

"Speakers who talk about what life has taught them never fail to keep the attention of their listeners.” — Dale Carnegie


Here are 3 tricks for writing better copy (that really connects with your ideal clients and customers)

1. Remember what makes you unique

Block some time on your calendar to reconnect with your brand's essence. With pen and paper, write down the answers to these questions:

What's your why?

What sets you apart?

What do you do differently than most brands in your industry?

What stories do you find yourself telling again and again?

Use this journaling exercise to get really clear about the kind of content you can use to bolster your authority.

2. Research your ideal clients and customers

When it comes to marketing, copywriting, and content… research is king.

A great way to understand your ideal clients is to pay special attention to the questions people are asking on their feeds of the biggest influencers in your industry. Become intimately familiar with your customers needs, fears, desires, and dreams. Pay attention to the words they use the most, so that you can echo this language back to them.

Make this kind of research a regular habit, so you can always stay on top of what's current… and so that you're always one step ahead of the game.

3. Write a letter to your ideal customer

This is a classic copywriting exercise that will help you to really empathize with your customer. It can also become the backbone of any content you put out.

Write a letter to your ideal customer. Tell them why your product or service can help them. Get as specific as possible. Write from the heart. Write until you feel something.

Then print out your letter and put it somewhere in your office that you can see it. Keep connecting to the heartbeat of your business: your customer.

Copy cat or cool cat?

Hey Friend, I'm Olivia Chia, conversion copywriter and business coach for up-and-coming entrepreneurs who want to blast into the online space.

Wondering what drew me to copywriting? PR was my first love. I cut my teeth doing PR for global lifestyle brands… and eventually realized that I was absolutely obsessed with helping brands get more visible.

Since 2017, I've been working with entrepreneurs and fellow copywriters to stop being wallflowers and step into their own spotlight.

Former clients include photography influencer Miko Hatori, and green beauty phenom Bella Opal.

Natural born influencer

Here are some resources to grow your brand's authority faster than wild bamboo 🌱✨

1. Want copy that creates authentic connection and conversions? Check out my interview on The Copywriter Club Podcast. I share how to unlock your brand's special sauce… so that you can boost your know, like, and trust factor with your audience in no time. You'll also learn my foolproof methods to sell without sounding overly salesy.

2. Need a sales page that reads like a love letter? Grab my Super Sweet Sales Page Mini Course. In this free course, I share seven steps to writing a sales page that both converts and really sounds like you.

3. Need clarity on your copy? Book a private consultation with yours truly. In just twenty minutes, I'll help you discover your biggest opportunities to boost your audience with irresistible copy that actually converts.

đź’Ś Wrote you a love letter đź’Ś

Now that you've got some insight into how you can grow your brand's authority… head on over to your inbox for a special surprise from moi! You'll also get my Magic Words List for writing more engaging headlines.

I'm soooo excited for your brand to become a household name, friend!

You're a… Video Vixen

You're artistic, stylish, and a natural born influencer. You're also super-charismatic and entertaining. Creating vivacious video content for your audience is your ticket to amping up your authority.

Just like the medium of film, you've always been a little arty and a little ahead of the curve. Use your visionary artistic style to create videos that are as unique as you are.

This doesn't mean you need to go super high-tech right away. Instead, explore different ways to film engaging video content for your brand. Try platforms like TikTok, Instagram (reels and lives), and Youtube. Through this exploration, you're going to land on your signature style and it's not going to look like anyone else's.

The great thing about using video for your brand? It's super shareable. Plus people spend a lot more time with a video on Instagram than they do with a written post. The algorithm loves this. Video content is the future, and you're here to lead the way.

Here's a mindset tip to catapult your brand into the public eye:

You've got a lot of ideas and you love starting projects. But follow-through isn't your favorite thing. Challenge yourself to be consistent with your content. And give yourself permission to start small. Do whatever you need to do to keep showing up for your content and your audience. That's how you grow a following.

“Video marketing is, without a doubt, one of the biggest reasons I’ve been able to create a multiple six-figure business online.” — Katie Freiling


Here are 3 tricks for writing better copy (that really connects with your ideal clients and customers)

1. Remember what makes you unique

Block some time on your calendar to reconnect with your brand's essence. With pen and paper, write down the answers to these questions:

What's your why?

What sets you apart?

What do you do differently than most brands in your industry?

What stories do you find yourself telling again and again?

Use this journaling exercise to get really clear about the kind of content you can use to bolster your authority.

2. Research your ideal clients and customers

When it comes to marketing, copywriting, and content… research is king.

A great way to understand your ideal clients is to pay special attention to the questions people are asking on their feeds of the biggest influencers in your industry. Become intimately familiar with your customers needs, fears, desires, and dreams. Pay attention to the words they use the most, so that you can echo this language back to them.

Make this kind of research a regular habit, so you can always stay on top of what's current… and so that you're always one step ahead of the game.

3. Write a letter to your ideal customer

This is a classic copywriting exercise that will help you to really empathize with your customer. It can also become the backbone of any content you put out.

Write a letter to your ideal customer. Tell them why your product or service can help them. Get as specific as possible. Write from the heart. Write until you feel something.

Then print out your letter and put it somewhere in your office that you can see it. Keep connecting to the heartbeat of your business: your customer.

Copy cat or cool cat?

Hey Friend, I'm Olivia Chia, conversion copywriter and business coach for up-and-coming entrepreneurs who want to blast into the online space.

Wondering what drew me to copywriting? PR was my first love. I cut my teeth doing PR for global lifestyle brands… and eventually realized that I was absolutely obsessed with helping brands get more visible.

Since 2017, I've been working with entrepreneurs and fellow copywriters to stop being wallflowers and step into their own spotlight.

Former clients include photography influencer Miko Hatori, and green beauty phenom Bella Opal.

Natural born influencer

Here are some resources to grow your brand's authority faster than wild bamboo 🌱✨

1. Want copy that creates authentic connection and conversions? Check out my interview on The Copywriter Club Podcast. I share how to unlock your brand's special sauce… so that you can boost your know, like, and trust factor with your audience in no time. You'll also learn my foolproof methods to sell without sounding overly salesy.

2. Need a sales page that reads like a love letter? Grab my Super Sweet Sales Page Mini Course. In this free course, I share seven steps to writing a sales page that both converts and really sounds like you.

3. Need clarity on your copy? Book a private consultation with yours truly. In just twenty minutes, I'll help you discover your biggest opportunities to boost your audience with irresistible copy that actually converts.

đź’Ś Wrote you a love letter đź’Ś

Now that you've got some insight into how you can grow your brand's authority… head on over to your inbox for a special surprise from moi! You'll also get my Magic Words List for writing more engaging headlines.

I'm soooo excited for your brand to become a household name, friend!

You’re a... Community Creator

Hi, my sweet friend. You're warm, caring, and you have a knack for bringing people together. The key way for you to boost your authority is by building community.

You're generous, supportive, and the friend everyone turns to for advice. You have a knack for giving everyone a seat at the table. Creating an inclusive online community is not only going to light you up… it's what'll make you known.

Take this community on the road by hosting a podcast featuring your lovely friends. Or build a Facebook group that offers genuine connection and insight. Create a Slack group that's only for your email subscribers. Whatever you choose, make connection the bottom line. You will become known by helping others to thrive.

Here's a mindset tip to catapult your brand into the public eye:

Even though your content is going to glow up when you include your robust network… make sure to share your own insights as well. It's important that you step into your own spotlight. You have a powerful story to share. So get brave and go for it, friend!

"Reciprocity is part of a healthy ongoing relationship. Nurture it by giving before asking for a request.” — Robert Cialdini


Here are 3 tricks for writing better copy (that really connects with your ideal clients and customers)

1. Remember what makes you unique

Block some time on your calendar to reconnect with your brand's essence. With pen and paper, write down the answers to these questions:

What's your why?

What sets you apart?

What do you do differently than most brands in your industry?

What stories do you find yourself telling again and again?

Use this journaling exercise to get really clear about the kind of content you can use to bolster your authority.

2. Research your ideal clients and customers

When it comes to marketing, copywriting, and content… research is king.

A great way to understand your ideal clients is to pay special attention to the questions people are asking on their feeds of the biggest influencers in your industry. Become intimately familiar with your customers needs, fears, desires, and dreams. Pay attention to the words they use the most, so that you can echo this language back to them.

Make this kind of research a regular habit, so you can always stay on top of what's current… and so that you're always one step ahead of the game.

3. Write a letter to your ideal customer

This is a classic copywriting exercise that will help you to really empathize with your customer. It can also become the backbone of any content you put out.

Write a letter to your ideal customer. Tell them why your product or service can help them. Get as specific as possible. Write from the heart. Write until you feel something.

Then print out your letter and put it somewhere in your office that you can see it. Keep connecting to the heartbeat of your business: your customer.

Copy cat or cool cat?

Hey Friend, I'm Olivia Chia, conversion copywriter and business coach for up-and-coming entrepreneurs who want to blast into the online space.

Wondering what drew me to copywriting? PR was my first love. I cut my teeth doing PR for global lifestyle brands… and eventually realized that I was absolutely obsessed with helping brands get more visible.

Since 2017, I've been working with entrepreneurs and fellow copywriters to stop being wallflowers and step into their own spotlight.

Former clients include photography influencer Miko Hatori, and green beauty phenom Bella Opal.

Natural born influencer

Here are some resources to grow your brand's authority faster than wild bamboo 🌱✨

1. Want copy that creates authentic connection and conversions? Check out my interview on The Copywriter Club Podcast. I share how to unlock your brand's special sauce… so that you can boost your know, like, and trust factor with your audience in no time. You'll also learn my foolproof methods to sell without sounding overly salesy.

2. Need a sales page that reads like a love letter? Grab my Super Sweet Sales Page Mini Course. In this free course, I share seven steps to writing a sales page that both converts and really sounds like you.

3. Need clarity on your copy? Book a private consultation with yours truly. In just twenty minutes, I'll help you discover your biggest opportunities to boost your audience with irresistible copy that actually converts.

đź’Ś Wrote you a love letter đź’Ś

Now that you've got some insight into how you can grow your brand's authority… head on over to your inbox for a special surprise from moi! You'll also get my Magic Words List for writing more engaging headlines.

I'm soooo excited for your brand to become a household name, friend!

You're a… Guest Blogging Genius

You're whip smart, thoughtful, and pretty darn deep. You're a keen observer and an analytic wizard. Use your organizational skills to systematize guest posting and kick your authority up a notch.

Guest posting on other publications is a tried and true way to boost your authority… because you can borrow someone else's audience. It's also totally possible to get really systematic about how you pitch publications. With your love of spreadsheets and research, you could seriously light up your space with guest articles.

Here's a key tip: you don't actually have to be the best writer in the room to get published. Instead, make a list of the publications that your target audience is reading. From there, create a spreadsheet to study what the top posts have in common.

Write a post that fits the style of your chosen publication to a T, and your chance of being published is exponentially higher. Check out this post for the inside scoop on how to guest post like an analytical wizard.

Here's a mindset tip to catapult your brand into the public eye:

Although you tend to be a lone wolf, it can be super-helpful to lean on your community for opportunities to share content. Also, friends in your space can be your biggest editors and allies. So be brave, reach out to the colleagues you've got in your corner… and work together to build authority.

“The goal is to transform data into information, and information into insight.” – Carly Fiorina


Here are 3 tricks for writing better copy (that really connects with your ideal clients and customers)

1. Remember what makes you unique

Block some time on your calendar to reconnect with your brand's essence. With pen and paper, write down the answers to these questions:

What's your why?

What sets you apart?

What do you do differently than most brands in your industry?

What stories do you find yourself telling again and again?

Use this journaling exercise to get really clear about the kind of content you can use to bolster your authority.

2. Research your ideal clients and customers

When it comes to marketing, copywriting, and content… research is king.

A great way to understand your ideal clients is to pay special attention to the questions people are asking on their feeds of the biggest influencers in your industry. Become intimately familiar with your customers needs, fears, desires, and dreams. Pay attention to the words they use the most, so that you can echo this language back to them.

Make this kind of research a regular habit, so you can always stay on top of what's current… and so that you're always one step ahead of the game.

3. Write a letter to your ideal customer

This is a classic copywriting exercise that will help you to really empathize with your customer. It can also become the backbone of any content you put out.

Write a letter to your ideal customer. Tell them why your product or service can help them. Get as specific as possible. Write from the heart. Write until you feel something.

Then print out your letter and put it somewhere in your office that you can see it. Keep connecting to the heartbeat of your business: your customer.

Copy cat or cool cat?

Hey Friend, I'm Olivia Chia, conversion copywriter and business coach for up-and-coming entrepreneurs who want to blast into the online space.

Wondering what drew me to copywriting? PR was my first love. I cut my teeth doing PR for global lifestyle brands… and eventually realized that I was absolutely obsessed with helping brands get more visible.

Since 2017, I've been working with entrepreneurs and fellow copywriters to stop being wallflowers and step into their own spotlight.

Former clients include photography influencer Miko Hatori, and green beauty phenom Bella Opal.

Natural born influencer

Here are some resources to grow your brand's authority faster than wild bamboo 🌱✨

1. Want copy that creates authentic connection and conversions? Check out my interview on The Copywriter Club Podcast. I share how to unlock your brand's special sauce… so that you can boost your know, like, and trust factor with your audience in no time. You'll also learn my foolproof methods to sell without sounding overly salesy.

2. Need a sales page that reads like a love letter? Grab my Super Sweet Sales Page Mini Course. In this free course, I share seven steps to writing a sales page that both converts and really sounds like you.

3. Need clarity on your copy? Book a private consultation with yours truly. In just twenty minutes, I'll help you discover your biggest opportunities to boost your audience with irresistible copy that actually converts.

đź’Ś Wrote you a love letter đź’Ś

Now that you've got some insight into how you can grow your brand's authority… head on over to your inbox for a special surprise from moi! You'll also get my Magic Words List for writing more engaging headlines.

I'm soooo excited for your brand to become a household name, friend!