What's your leadership style?

From directing to delegating, take this two-minute quiz to discover your leadership style! On top of that, I’m going to give you my top tips for creating a happy, healthy workplace ✨👩‍💻

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What's your leadership style?

From directing to delegating, take this two-minute quiz to discover your leadership style! On top of that, I’m going to give you my top tips for creating a happy, healthy workplace ✨👩‍💻

Take The Quiz

From 1-10, how much do you trust your team with important decisions?

1-4 — I make the big decisions, and they take care of the busy work. When my employees prove themselves responsible, then *and ONLY THEN* will they earn my trust.


5-7 — It makes me a bit nervous, but I DO let them take charge now and then. I want my workers to feel like they're important pieces of the puzzle that is my company 🧩💲🙌


8-10 — I empower my team by giving them opportunities to exercise their decision-making skills. If I thought they weren't capable, I wouldn't have hired them in the first place.


1 / 9

How do you make sure your employees reach their goals?

I tell them, then I tell them again LOUDER... They know if they fall short, there're thousands of other qualified folks to fill their positions.


I let them know that we're all in this together. Team work makes the dream work, am I right? Plus I kind of like getting my hands dirty.


My office doors are open – I make myself available to give them the guidance they need to not just meet, but exceed their goals. I'm a one-stop support shop.


I delegate tasks to help my team to reach its goal. It lets them know they're all equal, and everyone has to carry their fair share of responsibility. 


2 / 9

Your employees call you their...









3 / 9

Ever since their divorce, an employee has been underperforming, what do you do?

I invite them into my office for a cup of coffee, then I share my own relationship story to make them feel better. If they know I've experienced something similar, maybe it'll inspire them to pick themselves back up.


What's happening off-the-clock in my employees' lives is none of my business. I tell them loudly and proudly that they need to start bringing their A game into the office ASAP. 


I encourage their closest coworkers to give the employee a pep talk. I don't have the time to unpack my team's emotional baggage, but I'm not about to punish someone for how they're feeling...


I grab a seat at their desk, and, together, we come up with a plan to get them on track. I'm willing to give my employees whatever they need to bounce back from challenging circumstances. 


4 / 9

It's time for a new content marketing strategy, what do you do?

I create it all by myself – hey, I'm the boss for a reason. I know what works and what REALLY doesn't.


I ask my employees for their insights before finalizing anything. Those guys 'n gals have the best ideas 💡💥


I tell my team to take the wheel! I want to see what crazy amazing creative strategies they come up with.


I assign a different task to everyone on my team – I know their work will come together wonderfully.


5 / 9

How do you reward your highly-motivated employees?

I don't... My team doesn't need rewards to perform at the top of its game. Even my most creative employees are subject to the same protocols as everyone else.


I give them freedom! They're allowed to take more initiative and continue to prove themselves in new, inspiring ways.


I allow them to step up into a more managerial position. They help me decide how to delegate tasks – after all, they probably know their coworkers better than I do.


6 / 9

Woot woot! You've got a new hire, how do you train them up?

I sit with them for the first few hours to ensure they can keep up with my office's pace. They've got to know there're high-standards in place 🤷


I invite them to a meeting with the department heads. First order of business, get comfortable with your co-workers.


I let them dive right in! Doing = learning. Plus I don't want to give them cold sweats with an intense training session right off the bat...


7 / 9

Your two top employees are arguing nonstop, what do you do?

I tell them to get the heck over it! Hellooo, we've got deadlines to meet... 


I speak to them both separately to get a better sense of their conflict, then I guide them towards a resolution.


I assign them to desks on opposite sides of the office – maybe if they just don't see one another, the conflict will solve itself.


I set up a meeting for the three of us, so we can get everything out on the table.


8 / 9

It's crunch time! You're way behind schedule on a project – how do you catch up?

I send everyone on my team a list of tasks to get done ASAP –PLUS I get them to give me a status update every hour.


I make sure my employees know exactly how much time we've got to work with. I trust them to get the job done.


I ask my high-performing team members for their opinions. Sometimes it's best to admit when you don't have the answer.


I can't help but lose my cool. I just don't understand why it's SO impossible for people to get their work done on time...


9 / 9

Your Style is... Directing

Your directing leadership style means you have high expectations for your team, and anyone who underperforms – even a teensy bit – simply isn't a fit. You're a stickler for the rules and discourage experimentation. You might believe procedures are in place for a reason and should rarely be questioned.

On top of that, it takes a lot of commitment to win over your trust. In part, this is due to you not giving your employees enough opportunities to prove themselves. You prefer to take the leading role in your business and make all the major decisions.

While your directing style means your office rarely falls out of order, it can still be an emotionally challenging work environment. Your team may feel under-appreciated and become uninspired. Try giving them a bit more freedom, and you might be happily surprised.

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." – John Quincy Adams

3 Quick Tips for Transforming Your Work Environment

1) Listen to Your Team

Let your employees know their thoughts are valuable by setting aside time to hearing them out. If you have any especially quiet team members, try directly asking them for their opinions. Stay open to innovative ideas – just because something hasn’t worked in the past doesn’t mean it’s not a possibility in the present. And – whatever you do – don’t immediately reject whatever your workers have had the courage to share with you. Empowerment should be your endgame!

2) Reward Hard Work

This tip should almost go without saying. Your team is going to work harder and more efficiently with an incentive system in place – if you can’t afford bonuses, recognition will do the trick. Take a couple minutes out of your staff meeting to address their accomplishments. You could also try letting them leave work early or come in late. This’ll show everyone in your office that their hard work doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated ✨🤗💕

3) Have Some Fun

If your employees spend the majority of the work day at their desks, they might become a little lethargic. Try mixing up their routine with a few fun, no-planning-needed activities. Encourage them to decorate their cubicles with photographs. If you’re willing to do a little more work, try organizing a team retreat, and you can be sure to see the pay-off in their forthcoming projects.

Before We Go Any Further – Let Me Introduce Myself

Hi there, I’m Alyssa Morgan, founder and CEO of Workplace Solutions Co. If you’re a start-up OR an established biz, I’m willing to bet my team can teach you a thing or two about workplace conflict resolution – seriously, click here to check out our catalogue of online courses...

And if you’re looking for more of a hands on experience, we’ve got your back, too 🙌 With nearly a decade of experience, whether it’s a leadership or personality-based issue, we can smooth out the snags so you can get back to what’s really important (a.k.a your business)!

Extra Resources to Create a Welcoming Work Environment? Read on, Friend...

1) Read this post from Workplace Solutions Co’s blog to level-up your company’s communication skills. Hint: positive workplace relationships are impossible without clearly stated expectations...

2) Listen to this episode of the Workplace Solutions podcast! We chat with guest (and former student) Anna about how she created a calm, encouraging atmosphere at her explosive office 🔥🥵

3) Book a free 15 minute consultation with one of our qualified team members. We’ll chat about the struggles you might be facing and you can see for yourself if we’re the right folks to solve ‘em.

Plus Expect to See Us in Your Inbox Soon With Your Custom Path Towards Workplace Peace ✌️

Your Style is... Coaching

Your coaching leadership style means you bring some serious vision to the workplace. Your team looks up to you for your non-stop stream of innovative ideas – just because something worked once, doesn't mean there isn't a better way, am I right?

You make your employees feel valuable by offering them opportunities to share their thoughts. You have no qualms about asking their opinions on choices you've made or are in the process of making – your office door is always open.

So what's your hold up? While you're great at listening, you might find it difficult to fully pass over the reigns. You could become so committed to your vision that you don't see all the possibilities and end up missing something important.

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." – John Quincy Adams

3 Quick Tips for Transforming Your Work Environment

1) Listen to Your Team

Let your employees know their thoughts are valuable by setting aside time to hearing them out. If you have any especially quiet team members, try directly asking them for their opinions. Stay open to innovative ideas – just because something hasn’t worked in the past doesn’t mean it’s not a possibility in the present. And – whatever you do – don’t immediately reject whatever your workers have had the courage to share with you. Empowerment should be your endgame!

2) Reward Hard Work

This tip should almost go without saying. Your team is going to work harder and more efficiently with an incentive system in place – if you can’t afford bonuses, recognition will do the trick. Take a couple minutes out of your staff meeting to address their accomplishments. You could also try letting them leave work early or come in late. This’ll show everyone in your office that their hard work doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated ✨🤗💕

3) Have Some Fun

If your employees spend the majority of the work day at their desks, they might become a little lethargic. Try mixing up their routine with a few fun, no-planning-needed activities. Encourage them to decorate their cubicles with photographs. If you’re willing to do a little more work, try organizing a team retreat, and you can be sure to see the pay-off in their forthcoming projects.

Before We Go Any Further – Let Me Introduce Myself

Hi there, I’m Alyssa Morgan, founder and CEO of Workplace Solutions Co. If you’re a start-up OR an established biz, I’m willing to bet my team can teach you a thing or two about workplace conflict resolution – seriously, click here to check out our catalogue of online courses...

And if you’re looking for more of a hands on experience, we’ve got your back, too 🙌 With nearly a decade of experience, whether it’s a leadership or personality-based issue, we can smooth out the snags so you can get back to what’s really important (a.k.a your business)!

Extra Resources to Create a Welcoming Work Environment? Read on, Friend...

1) Read this post from Workplace Solutions Co’s blog to level-up your company’s communication skills. Hint: positive workplace relationships are impossible without clearly stated expectations...

2) Listen to this episode of the Workplace Solutions podcast! We chat with guest (and former student) Anna about how she created a calm, encouraging atmosphere at her explosive office 🔥🥵

3) Book a free 15 minute consultation with one of our qualified team members. We’ll chat about the struggles you might be facing and you can see for yourself if we’re the right folks to solve ‘em.

Plus Expect to See Us in Your Inbox Soon With Your Custom Path Towards Workplace Peace ✌️

Your Style is... Supporting

Your supporting leadership style means you're all about collaboration. By working together, you know your team can accomplish big, bright things. You don't have to be the star of the show to shine...

On top of that, you give your employees space to make important decisions. This makes them feel valuable to your business. And if someone performs highly, you're keen to reward their efforts with more freedom and responsibility.

You trust your employees to get the job done, which lets you take a step back from your desk and relax once in awhile – but rest assured, you've earned it!

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." – John Quincy Adams

3 Quick Tips for Transforming Your Work Environment

1) Listen to Your Team

Let your employees know their thoughts are valuable by setting aside time to hearing them out. If you have any especially quiet team members, try directly asking them for their opinions. Stay open to innovative ideas – just because something hasn’t worked in the past doesn’t mean it’s not a possibility in the present. And – whatever you do – don’t immediately reject whatever your workers have had the courage to share with you. Empowerment should be your endgame!

2) Reward Hard Work

This tip should almost go without saying. Your team is going to work harder and more efficiently with an incentive system in place – if you can’t afford bonuses, recognition will do the trick. Take a couple minutes out of your staff meeting to address their accomplishments. You could also try letting them leave work early or come in late. This’ll show everyone in your office that their hard work doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated ✨🤗💕

3) Have Some Fun

If your employees spend the majority of the work day at their desks, they might become a little lethargic. Try mixing up their routine with a few fun, no-planning-needed activities. Encourage them to decorate their cubicles with photographs. If you’re willing to do a little more work, try organizing a team retreat, and you can be sure to see the pay-off in their forthcoming projects.

Before We Go Any Further – Let Me Introduce Myself

Hi there, I’m Alyssa Morgan, founder and CEO of Workplace Solutions Co. If you’re a start-up OR an established biz, I’m willing to bet my team can teach you a thing or two about workplace conflict resolution – seriously, click here to check out our catalogue of online courses...

And if you’re looking for more of a hands on experience, we’ve got your back, too 🙌 With nearly a decade of experience, whether it’s a leadership or personality-based issue, we can smooth out the snags so you can get back to what’s really important (a.k.a your business)!

Extra Resources to Create a Welcoming Work Environment? Read on, Friend...

1) Read this post from Workplace Solutions Co’s blog to level-up your company’s communication skills. Hint: positive workplace relationships are impossible without clearly stated expectations...

2) Listen to this episode of the Workplace Solutions podcast! We chat with guest (and former student) Anna about how she created a calm, encouraging atmosphere at her explosive office 🔥🥵

3) Book a free 15 minute consultation with one of our qualified team members. We’ll chat about the struggles you might be facing and you can see for yourself if we’re the right folks to solve ‘em.

Plus Expect to See Us in Your Inbox Soon With Your Custom Path Towards Workplace Peace ✌️

Your Style is... Delegating 

Your delegating leadership style means you're happy to step back and let your employees lead the charge... within reason. You assign them tasks with faith they'll come back with something great.

You're unlikely to offer more support and guidance than necessary. You have enough responsibilities of your own without micromanaging your team's every move. Knowing this, you're careful to hire folks who deserve your trust and give them in-depth training.

Ensure your employees feel valuable by giving them the praise they deserve. On top of that, make a point of showing up at employee functions so everyone knows just how tuned in to your business you truly are.

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." – John Quincy Adams

3 Quick Tips for Transforming Your Work Environment

1) Listen to Your Team

Let your employees know their thoughts are valuable by setting aside time to hearing them out. If you have any especially quiet team members, try directly asking them for their opinions. Stay open to innovative ideas – just because something hasn’t worked in the past doesn’t mean it’s not a possibility in the present. And – whatever you do – don’t immediately reject whatever your workers have had the courage to share with you. Empowerment should be your endgame!

2) Reward Hard Work

This tip should almost go without saying. Your team is going to work harder and more efficiently with an incentive system in place – if you can’t afford bonuses, recognition will do the trick. Take a couple minutes out of your staff meeting to address their accomplishments. You could also try letting them leave work early or come in late. This’ll show everyone in your office that their hard work doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated ✨🤗💕

3) Have Some Fun

If your employees spend the majority of the work day at their desks, they might become a little lethargic. Try mixing up their routine with a few fun, no-planning-needed activities. Encourage them to decorate their cubicles with photographs. If you’re willing to do a little more work, try organizing a team retreat, and you can be sure to see the pay-off in their forthcoming projects.

Before We Go Any Further – Let Me Introduce Myself

Hi there, I’m Alyssa Morgan, founder and CEO of Workplace Solutions Co. If you’re a start-up OR an established biz, I’m willing to bet my team can teach you a thing or two about workplace conflict resolution – seriously, click here to check out our catalogue of online courses...

And if you’re looking for more of a hands on experience, we’ve got your back, too 🙌 With nearly a decade of experience, whether it’s a leadership or personality-based issue, we can smooth out the snags so you can get back to what’s really important (a.k.a your business)!

Extra Resources to Create a Welcoming Work Environment? Read on, Friend...

1) Read this post from Workplace Solutions Co’s blog to level-up your company’s communication skills. Hint: positive workplace relationships are impossible without clearly stated expectations...

2) Listen to this episode of the Workplace Solutions podcast! We chat with guest (and former student) Anna about how she created a calm, encouraging atmosphere at her explosive office 🔥🥵

3) Book a free 15 minute consultation with one of our qualified team members. We’ll chat about the struggles you might be facing and you can see for yourself if we’re the right folks to solve ‘em.

Plus Expect to See Us in Your Inbox Soon With Your Custom Path Towards Workplace Peace ✌️

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