What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! Plus get ready for life-changing transformations — I’m going to give you tips to boost your self-awareness and become a strong, inspiring leader...

Quiz Transcript

What’s your level of emotional intelligence?

Find out if your emotional intelligence is helping or hindering your growth! Plus get ready for life-changing transformations — I’m going to give you tips to boost your self-awareness and become a strong, inspiring leader...
Take The Quiz

Today is going all kinds of wrong — you spilled your $5 cappuccino then missed the bus to work... How do you deal?

I grab a seat down on a nearby bench and take 3 deep belly breaths — a bit of spilled espresso ain't going to ruin my day!


I try to repress my frustration but still feel totally frazzled. Why does telling myself to get a grip backfire?


I can’t stop reprimanding myself... Ugh, why can’t I get anything right? Sometimes I feel totally incapable!


1 / 10

From 1-10, how well do you typically get along with others?

1-4 — I’m not much of a people person. It’s easier for me to keep to myself. When I do socialize, it often ends in anxiety and frustration.


5-7 — I love chatting up a storm with friends and family. Sometimes I let my emotions get the best of me, but usually I'm easy to communicate with.


8 — 10 I speak my mind without coming off too domineering. I’m comfortable expressing myself + am an awesome listener. I get along with just about everyone!


2 / 10

What question do you ask yourself the most?

What’s wrong with me — I feel exhausted... And I've barely accomplished anything today. 


What can I do to find peace + presence?


Did so-and-so take what I said the wrong way? I hope he or she wasn't offended...


3 / 10

Your boss tells you your latest report isn't quite up to par. How do you deal?

I nod my head and keep a straight face. But inside, I’m lighting her office on fire…


I have to bite back my tears. I feel terrible that I’ve let her down — I can’t make anyone happy. Not even myself.


I thank her for her feedback. I understand her perspective, but I’m not about to let it affect my positive self-image.


4 / 10

What song best suits your self-image?

Crazy in Love - Beyoncé


Hot n' Cold - Katy Perry 


Love is a Losing Game - Amy Winehouse


5 / 10

Which of the following best describes your current reality most days?

I’m happiest in the morning, but as the day goes on I begin to feel drained. People ask so much of me, and I’m not great at saying ‘no.’


Usually I’m in a pretty good mood. I try not to take on more than I can manage. I know what it feels to get burned out and I’m so not about that life…


I’m calm and collected. I have a great sense of what I need and am assertive enough to ask for help when the time comes. 


6 / 10

Let’s talk boundaries — do you use 'em?

They’re definitely necessary. Sometimes it’s hard to turn things down, but I’m not going to be happy if I’m exhausted…


I love a boundary. If something drains me, it’s not happening.


I don’t feel confident saying no… If I don’t make people happy in the moment, they won’t want anything to do with me.


7 / 10

You crack open a fortune cookie... What message do you get?

You deserve some serious rest and recuperation — give yourself a break! 


You NEED to apologize for that silly mistake you made a decade ago...


Keep doing what brings you happiness and trust that good will come.


8 / 10

You can tell what someone is feeling without him/her saying a word.





9 / 10

Your friends are in a fight. How do you handle the situation?

Find me in the kitchen fixing a drink — I don’t touch conflict with a 10 foot pole.


It’s hard for me to stay on the sidelines… I tend to get too involved.


I’m the deescalation royalty. I’m helping them talk through their feelings and find a resolution!


10 / 10

You scored a 0

Your emotional intelligence is… beginning to bud! 

Friend, you may have trouble believing this, but you’ve got a lot going for you! Coworkers admire your top-tier talents. Yet, no matter their tireless praise, you don’t 100% trust your own magic...

How does this low self-esteem impact you? You’re likely reluctant to dole out constructive criticism. And when someone questions your actions, you’re quick to jump on the defensive.

Boundaries are a bit of a sore spot, too. You’re scared to say ‘no’ even when it’s in your best interest. Plus negative emotions tend to freak you out… Luckily, there’s a clear path forward!

“You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn't worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” — Louise L. Hay

Ready to boost your emotional intelligence? Try these 3 strategies...

1. Make positivity a daily practice! A little bit of optimism goes a long way, friend. Whether it’s gratitude journaling or meditating, find an activity that lifts you up and do it on the regular.

2. Choose a growth mindset. Instead of seeing failure as a dead-end, view it as an opportunity to learn. Your mind if forever expanding. Just because you didn’t do so well at a task doesn’t mean you can’t — with a bit of practice — win big!

3. Put on your best smile! Smiling boosts your mood. It also boosts the moods of everyone around you. By smiling, you show that you’re approachable and ready to engage.

Hello, friend! I’m Tyla Taylor

I’m a holistic life coach who helps millennials — just like you — achieve bigger + better.

After spending five years working in finance, I realized that the life I dreamed of in no way aligned with my current work. I wanted to add value to peoples’ lives.

Now my favorite thing is watching my clients’ lives flourish in unexpected ways. Even if you’re not 100% there for yourself, I’ve got your back.

Check out these ah-mazing resources to develop your emotional intelligence.

1. Subscribe to my podcast The New You where I interview personal transformation gurus. Trust me, you’re going to learn a lot along the way!

2. Checkout this post on my blog. I breakdown what emotional intelligence is + how you can use it to optimize your outlook 🙌

3. Follow me on Instagram for self-care inspiration! From rejuvenating cucumber masks to my favorite guided meditations, I’ve got you covered!

Plus expect to see me in your inbox with transformational tips ✨

You scored a 10

Your emotional intelligence is… about to bloom! 

Friend, you’re a joy to be around! Folks find your positive outlook refreshing as iced tea. They rely on you to turn their B- days into straight A’s. But here’s the catch: do you trust yourself as much as everyone trusts you?

Emotional intelligence isn’t just about communicating with others — the most important relationships you’ll ever have is with yourself...

Plus by honoring your needs, you’ll have more energy to lend a hand to friends and family. How do you get there? It all starts with self-love, friend. You don’t deserve any less!

“Be faithful to that which exists within yourself.” — André Gide

Ready to boost your emotional intelligence? Try these 3 strategies...

1. Make positivity a daily practice! A little bit of optimism goes a long way, friend. Whether it’s gratitude journaling or meditating, find an activity that lifts you up and do it on the regular.

2. Choose a growth mindset. Instead of seeing failure as a dead-end, view it as an opportunity to learn. Your mind if forever expanding. Just because you didn’t do so well at a task doesn’t mean you can’t — with a bit of practice — win big!

3. Put on your best smile! Smiling boosts your mood. It also boosts the moods of everyone around you. By smiling, you show that you’re approachable and ready to engage.

Hello, friend! I’m Tyla Taylor

I’m a holistic life coach who helps millennials — just like you — achieve bigger + better.

After spending five years working in finance, I realized that the life I dreamed of in no way aligned with my current work. I wanted to add value to peoples’ lives.

Now my favorite thing is watching my clients’ lives flourish in unexpected ways. Even if you’re not 100% there for yourself, I’ve got your back.

Check out these ah-mazing resources to develop your emotional intelligence.

1. Subscribe to my podcast The New You where I interview personal transformation gurus. Trust me, you’re going to learn a lot along the way!

2. Checkout this post on my blog. I breakdown what emotional intelligence is + how you can use it to optimize your outlook 🙌

3. Follow me on Instagram for self-care inspiration! From rejuvenating cucumber masks to my favorite guided meditations, I’ve got you covered!

Plus expect to see me in your inbox with transformational tips ✨

You scored a 20

Your emotional intelligence is… in full flower! 

Congratulations friend, you know that taking care of yourself is a big part of taking care of everyone in your life! You express your opinions without ever coming off as pushy or threatening.

Boundaries are a big ‘yes’ for you. You don’t overcommit because you know you can’t shine your brightest when worried about what others might think.

Give yourself a big pat on the back! You could basically teach a class on emotional intelligence.

“We plant seeds that will flower as results in our lives, so best to remove the weeds of anger, avarice, envy and doubt.” — Dorothy Day

Ready to boost your emotional intelligence? Try these 3 strategies...

1. Make positivity a daily practice! A little bit of optimism goes a long way, friend. Whether it’s gratitude journaling or meditating, find an activity that lifts you up and do it on the regular.

2. Choose a growth mindset. Instead of seeing failure as a dead-end, view it as an opportunity to learn. Your mind if forever expanding. Just because you didn’t do so well at a task doesn’t mean you can’t — with a bit of practice — win big!

3. Put on your best smile! Smiling boosts your mood. It also boosts the moods of everyone around you. By smiling, you show that you’re approachable and ready to engage.

Hello, friend! I’m Tyla Taylor

I’m a holistic life coach who helps millennials — just like you — achieve bigger + better.

After spending five years working in finance, I realized that the life I dreamed of in no way aligned with my current work. I wanted to add value to peoples’ lives.

Now my favorite thing is watching my clients’ lives flourish in unexpected ways. Even if you’re not 100% there for yourself, I’ve got your back.

Check out these ah-mazing resources to help you develop your emotional intelligence!

1. Subscribe to my podcast The New You where I interview personal transformation gurus. Trust me, you’re going to learn a lot along the way!

2. Checkout this post on my blog. I breakdown what emotional intelligence is + how you can use it to optimize your outlook 🙌

3. Follow me on Instagram for self-care inspiration! From rejuvenating cucumber masks to my favorite guided meditations, I’ve got you covered!

Plus expect to see me in your inbox with transformational tips ✨