What’s your productivity nemesis?

Take this 2-minute quiz to find out your productivity nemesis. Or do it later. But procrastination will only make things worse. Once you know what your greatest barrier to productivity is, you can train your brain to be more productive and overcome your nemesis. So, what are you waiting for?

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What’s your productivity nemesis?

Take this 2-minute quiz to find out your productivity nemesis. Or do it later. But procrastination will only make things worse. Once you know what your greatest barrier to productivity is, you can train your brain to be more productive and overcome your nemesis. So, what are you waiting for?

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You’re in charge of creating your work schedule. What do you do?

I have to set a rigid schedule with alarms to bring me back to my task if I get distracted.


I pick specific tasks and keep a running to-do list for all the things I’m tempted to multitask with.


I set tasks with deadlines, then ignore them until the day before it’s due.


I keep it consistent and need other people to keep me in check. Otherwise, I tend to miss assignments and always be late.


1 / 7

Be honest. What’s the most distracting part of your workspace?

Not having set chunks of time to work on projects. If I don’t block out work-specific time, I tend to get sucked into a vortex of rabbit trails. I need time constraints to keep me in check.


There’s, like, a million other things I have to do. Trying to do them all simultaneously can be distracting.


Everything that’s not work-related. The Twitter notifications on my phone, people talking, people walking outside…and dare I say “squirrel?”


The fact that I work from home, or in a place where there’s tons of other more interesting things I could be doing.


2 / 7

Have you ever talked to a life coach to help boost your productivity?

Nope! My productivity levels are juuust fine.


I’ve thought about it, but haven’t made the leap yet.


I have, but they weren’t very helpful.


I have, and they were super helpful!!


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Where do you work?

In an office!


In a restaurant!


I own my own business!


I work from home!


I work somewhere else!


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How much creative energy does your job take on average?

Almost none. If anything, my job sucks more energy by being boring!


A moderate amount. I get to use my creative brain, but not so much that it’s exhausting.


My job is extremely creatively draining! It might take a couple of hours of personal time to recharge my brain cells after work.


5 / 7

My biggest barrier to productivity is…

Something to do with time manage– oh, shoot! This report was due yesterday!


Multitasking. I miiight even be on the phone and making dinner while I’m taking this quiz!


Definitely every little distraction. Squirrel!


I’ll answer this question later…oh, wait. Procrastination, maybe?


6 / 7

You’ve made a plan for your day. How hard is it to stick to it?

It’s sooo hard to get motivated to just start this project. Maybe I’ll do it later?


I set alarms to manage my time, and as long as I stick to the plan, it’s all good!


It’s hard not to try doing everything at once.


The plan isn’t the problem, it’s that I find more interesting things to do when I should be working.


7 / 7

Your nemesis is… Procrastination!

Hey there, friend!

You might be extremely creative and just a little bit disorganized.

You’ve got a project deadline approaching. Fast. You know how long it’ll most likely take to finish the project, and how much effort and resources you’ll need. Now, all you need is motivation.

People prone to procrastination tend to have a higher IQ. They also tend to be perfectionists and often unknowingly avoid doing things for fear of failing.

Procrastination is a double-edged sword. If the deadline is far away, you might think you don’t have to worry about it. You might just not want to do that project. Or maybe you just feel like you have better things to be doing. So you put it off. And all of a sudden, you wake up one morning to a thousand emails reminding you that your project is due. Tomorrow.

It’s only when the panic sets in that you might feel a liiittle more inclined to get your work done. You rush through your work. You get it done just in time!

Read on for 3 tips to beat procrastination. Without sacrificing your creativity.

“If you wait for things to be perfect, you walk away with nothing. Just jump in and get started.” —Attributed to Jennifer Ritchie Payette

3 Tips to Kick Procrastination to the Curb

1. Eliminate distractions. Social media, petting your dog, the 7 million things on your to-do list… there’s always something more interesting trying to steal your attention. Don’t let it! Put your phone on “do not disturb” and move your workspace to a different room. Don’t let anything get in your way!

2. Find out why you’re procrastinating. Time for some self-reflection. Don’t be afraid to go deep! If your procrastination habits stem from a deeper issue, it’s important to identify and address the problem so you can move forward into the land of high productivity.

3. Set deadlines. For everything. If a deadline is what it takes to jumpstart your will to finish a task, do it. Tack due dates onto your work projects. Your to-do list. Your hobbies. That load of laundry you’ve had sitting in the dryer for the last week. The possibilities are endless!

“Time is not refundable; use it with intention.” – Unknown

Hi👋, I’m Josiah Hart! I’m a life and career coach who’s helped hundreds of clients overcome their productivity enemies and kick butt in terms of getting things done!

I’ve got a degree from Life Coach School, and I’ve extensively studied the psychology behind the struggle to be productive. Trust me, you’re not alone when it comes to feeling unproductive!

I’ve attended productivity workshops led by leading business coaches. And when it comes to guiding my clients, I like to apply the techniques I’ve learned.

I’ve got the tools you need to succeed in overcoming your productivity struggles!

Looking for some quick wins to instantly boost your productivity?

1. Check out my Super Productive podcast. I sit down with leading productivity researchers every week and I’m all about providing you with actionable insights. Based on your questions and comments.

2. Join the Super Productive group on Facebook. We’re a supportive community of successful folks who are always down to share encouragement and advice on how to make the most of your time.

3. Hop on a free 15-minute call with me! I’ll provide you with a whole bunch of clarity and at least one or two ways to unlock your true productive potential!

And be sure to check your inbox, because I’ll be sending you a free copy of my eBook, Productivity Secrets, and all sorts of other valuable resources!

Your nemesis is… wait, squirrel!

Hey there, friend! Your distractable tendencies make you great at multitasking and hyperfocusing on projects. The trick is staying in that zone of focus long enough to get stuff done.

Like a truly distracted human, you may have simply been trained to have a short attention span. As weird as it sounds, spending a lot of time on Social Media or watching TV can shorten your ability to focus. Think about it. Constantly scrolling, fast music, never a moment to take a breath. You get used to this, then try to focus on a long-term task and your brain fails you.

“If you wait for things to be perfect, you walk away with nothing. Just jump in and get started.” —Attributed to Jennifer Ritchie Payette

3 Tips to Kick Distractions to the Curb

1. Eliminate immediate distractions. Social media, petting your dog, the 7 million things on your to-do list…there’s always something more interesting trying to steal your attention. Don’t let it! Put your phone on “do not disturb” and move your workspace to a different room. Don’t let anything get in your way!

2. Find out why you’re so easily distracted. Time for some self-reflection. Don’t be afraid to go deep! If your distractibility stems from a deeper issue, it’s important to identify and address the problem so you can move forward into the land of high productivity.

3. Gradually increase your attention span. Time yourself to see how long you can work productively before a distraction pulls you away. Then, whenever you sit down to work, set a timer for that length of time and work until it rings. Take a break once the timer goes off.

If something really distracting comes up during your work time, write it down and choose to focus on it during your break.

Over time, add minutes to your worktime timer. You could find yourself able to focus for up to 90 minutes before you need a break. You’ll gain self-control when distractions come up and be way more productive!

Hi👋, I’m Josiah Hart! I’m a life and career coach who’s helped hundreds of clients overcome their productivity enemies and kick butt in terms of getting things done!

I’ve got a degree from Life Coach School, and I’ve extensively studied the psychology behind the struggle to be productive. Trust me, you’re not alone when it comes to feeling unproductive!

I’ve attended productivity workshops led by leading business coaches. And when it comes to guiding my clients, I like to apply the techniques I’ve learned.

I’ve got the tools you need to succeed in overcoming your productivity struggles!

Looking for some quick wins to instantly boost your productivity?

1. Check out my Super Productive podcast. I sit down with leading productivity researchers every week and I’m all about providing you with actionable insights. Based on your questions and comments.

2. Join the Super Productive group on Facebook. We’re a supportive community of successful folks who are always down to share encouragement and advice on how to make the most of your time.

3. Hop on a free 15-minute call with me! I’ll provide you with a whole bunch of clarity and at least one or two ways to unlock your true productive potential!

And be sure to check your inbox, because I’ll be sending you a free copy of my eBook, Productivity Secrets, and all sorts of other valuable resources!

Your nemesis is… Multitasking, Multitasking, aaand Multitasking!

Hey there, friend! Your multitasking skills are on point. Your mind is going a million miles an hour. You’ve got places to go and things to do, after all!

Whether you’ve bitten off more than you can chew at work, you’re a busy parent, your to-do list is 9 miles long, or you simply can’t slow your brain down enough to focus on just one task. You’ve been bit by the multitasking bug.

Research shows that if we’re constantly multitasking, we lose the ability to tune out the rest of the world and engage in deeper processing and learning.

However, multitasking isn’t all bad. Juggling one or two small tasks at a time can help you get done what you want to do. Such as listening to an audiobook and cooking dinner. Or chatting on the phone with your friend and organizing the hall closet.

“You can do two things at once, but you can’t focus effectively on two things at once.” —Gary Keller

3 Tips to Kick Over-Multitasking to the Curb

1. Eliminate immediate distractions. Social media, petting your dog, the 7 million things on your to-do list…there’s always something else trying to steal a piece of your attention. Don’t let it! Put your phone on “do not disturb” and move your workspace to a different room. Don’t give in to the temptation to multitask!

2. Find out why you’re prone to multitasking. Time for some self-reflection. Don’t be afraid to go deep! If your multitasking stems from a deeper issue, it’s important to identify and address the problem so you can move forward into the land of high productivity.

3. Make a to-do list. Throw everything on there. Your hobbies. That load of laundry you’ve had sitting in the dryer for the last week. The project that’s due at work. That phone call you’ve avoided making. The possibilities are endless! Creating a to-do list can help you lay out what you still have to do, so you can focus on one thing at a time without worrying about forgetting the rest.

“Time is not refundable; use it with intention.” – Unknown

Hi👋, I’m Josiah Hart! I’m a life and career coach who’s helped hundreds of clients overcome their productivity enemies and kick butt in terms of getting things done!

I’ve got a degree from Life Coach School, and I’ve extensively studied the psychology behind the struggle to be productive. Trust me, you’re not alone when it comes to feeling unproductive!

I’ve attended productivity workshops led by leading business coaches. And when it comes to guiding my clients, I like to apply the techniques I’ve learned.

I’ve got the tools you need to succeed in overcoming your productivity struggles!

Looking for some quick wins to instantly boost your productivity?

1. Check out my Super Productive podcast. I sit down with leading productivity researchers every week and I’m all about providing you with actionable insights. Based on your questions and comments.

2. Join the Super Productive group on Facebook. We’re a supportive community of successful folks who are always down to share encouragement and advice on how to make the most of your time.

3. Hop on a free 15-minute call with me! I’ll provide you with a whole bunch of clarity and at least one or two ways to unlock your true productive potential!

And be sure to check your inbox, because I’ll be sending you a free copy of my eBook, Productivity Secrets, and all sorts of other valuable resources!

Your nemesis is… Time Management!

Hey there, friend! Everyone deals with scrambled time management once in a while. But if you find yourself struggling with it all the time, it might be time to look a little deeper.

Whether you’ve got a project due tomorrow – that you haven’t even started – after knowing about it for a month, or you just find your daily schedule constantly disorganized, you might be struggling with poor time management.

Poor time management is often caused by an overload of stress, not setting clear goals, being unmotivated, or simply just being bad at estimating the time it will take to do something.

Once you find out what’s causing your time management issues, you can jump back on track to make the most of your time. So you can be as productive as possible.

“If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I would spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.” —Abraham Lincoln

3 Tips to Kick Poor Time Management to the Curb

1. Block out your work time. Social media, petting your dog, the 7 million things on your to-do list…there’s always something else trying to steal a piece of your attention. Don’t let it! Put your phone on “do not disturb” and move your workspace to a different room. Decide when you’re going to work, and block off that chunk of time. This is your “work only” time.

2. Find out why you’re prone to poor time management. Time for some self-reflection. Don’t be afraid to go deep! If your time management issue stems from a deeper problem, it’s important to identify and address what`s really going on so you can move forward into the land of high productivity.

3. Keep up with your calendar. Using tools such as Google Calendar or even a regular day planner is extremely helpful. Plan out your day, and block off times when you’re going to focus on just work. Make sure you include time blocks to do whatever else you need to get done in the day.

“Time is not refundable; use it with intention.” – Unknown

Hi👋, I’m Josiah Hart! I’m a life and career coach who’s helped hundreds of clients overcome their productivity enemies and kick butt in terms of getting things done!

I’ve got a degree from Life Coach School, and I’ve extensively studied the psychology behind the struggle to be productive. Trust me, you’re not alone when it comes to feeling unproductive!

I’ve attended productivity workshops led by leading business coaches. And when it comes to guiding my clients, I like to apply the techniques I’ve learned.

I’ve got the tools you need to succeed in overcoming your productivity struggles!

Looking for some quick wins to instantly boost your productivity?

1. Check out my Super Productive podcast. I sit down with leading productivity researchers every week and I’m all about providing you with actionable insights. Based on your questions and comments.

2. Join the Super Productive group on Facebook. We’re a supportive community of successful folks who are always down to share encouragement and advice on how to make the most of your time.

3. Hop on a free 15-minute call with me! I’ll provide you with a whole bunch of clarity and at least one or two ways to unlock your true productive potential!

And be sure to check your inbox, because I’ll be sending you a free copy of my eBook, Productivity Secrets, and all sorts of other valuable resources!

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