What type of journaling does your soul crave?

So, you’re thinking about jumping on board the journaling trend but need a bit of direction to get started?📃 ✍️ Take the quiz to discover the journaling technique that will connect you with your higher wisdom! It will surprise you and uncover your heart's desires.

Quiz Transcript

What type of journaling does your soul crave?

So, you’re thinking about jumping on board the journaling trend but need a bit of direction to get started?

📃 ✍️ Take the quiz to discover the journaling technique that will connect you with your higher wisdom! It will surprise you and uncover your heart's desires.

Take the Quiz

Which of these best describes you?

Creative, quiet, deep


Adventurous, outdoorsy, energetic


Spiritual, thoughtful, considerate


Mysterious, Intelligent, mystical


1 / 9

What makes you an awesome friend?

I'm quite intuitive and seem to have insight into other people's challenges.


I see the beauty and the poetry in life, and I share that with my friends. I also throw an epic party.


I'm a great leader. I inspire my friends to take risks and be bold. I also help them get clear on what they really want.


My friends often come to me when they need an ear to listen and a shoulder to lean on.


2 / 9

Let's talk about mindfulness… how do you feel about it?

I’ve heard of it - my mind is definitely full!


I’m just beginning my journey into mindfulness and meditation - I love it so far and can’t wait to learn more.


I’ve had some pretty deep consciousness experiences. I had to learn patience with myself but I really feel it if I miss a day!


As the Buddha said - “All suffering is caused by attachment”. Mindfulness allows me a break from my attachment to illusion.


3 / 9

 What would you love to do if you had no obligations?

Something playful, experimental, and creative.


Spend most of my time outdoors - I love nature.


I’d focus on my entrepreneurial skills - I have so many ideas for side hustles!


Meditation and yoga - I’m feeling like turning inward for answers.


4 / 9

What would help you commit to daily journaling?

Truth be told, I’m not sure where to start with journaling 🤨


A few pointers on technique please — I think I’m doing it wrong 🤷🏽‍♀️


I could use some help with time management! ’m really busy doing life and can’t seem to squeeze it in 🐝


Actually, I’m journaling every day. I love seeing the growth in my life 🙌🏽


5 / 9

How do you feel about writing?

I’m not really a writer but I like to collect quotes and poems to include in my journal.


I’m so busy that I mostly write lists.


For some reason I’m resistant to writing but I hear it’s good for personal growth.


Sometimes I write down my dreams when I wake up - they’re pretty crazy!


6 / 9

Which quote about soul work MOST resonates with you?

"The creative adult is the child who survived." — Ursula Leguin


"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined." — Henry David Thoreau


“The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.”— Ferdinand Foch


“Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” — Louise Hay


7 / 9

What kind of things are you interested in journaling about?

I have tons of creative ideas and processes I’d like to play with - I love collecting quotes and treasures from my travels.


I'm excited to have a place to catch all my goals - get it out of my busy mind.


I'm curious about tapping my subconscious and remembering my crazy dreams - I know there’s lots going on in the quantum field.


I'm feeling called to dig deeper - meditating and being more present. I’ve heard that writing can be a great tool to add to a mystical journey.


8 / 9

Which wellness retreat would appeal to you most?

A mixed media art journaling retreat in the Pacific Northwest. Cottages near the ocean, fresh seafood and connecting with creative people.


A silent meditation retreat at an ashram . Plus cooking Vedic food alongside a heart-centered community. It'll be a time to nourish myself and meet amazing people. Count me in!


A relaxation, self-care retreat in Tulum Mexico. Spa treatments, hot stone massages, and group therapy sessions. Of course, walks on the beach and copious amounts of tropical fruit wouldn’t hurt!


An empowering retreat in the mountains, all about being bold, defining goals, and exposing a long range vision for my life. With time soaking up the scenery of course.


9 / 9

Your soul craves... Creative - Artistic Journaling!

You were born creative and have a deep appreciation for beautiful details. You’re sentimental and heart centered and can secretly be moved to emotion by a poem, painting or piece of music.

You have a fertile mind, you owe it to the world to get that plethora of creative energy up and out.

Your thoughtful, sentimental nature will have it’s chance to shine on the pages of a sketchbook.

Creative journaling is as much about letting go as it is about forging ahead — the magic happens when you become an observer and silence your logical brain. Expect your inner critic to make an appearance and be set up with tools to harness it for good!

Download this guide for alchemizing resistance into personal power.

“Journaling is like whispering to one's self and listening at the same time.”

– Mina Murray


Here Are the 3 Tools You Need to Spark Your Daily Journaling Routine

1. The right tools

In his blockbuster, The War of Art, Steven Pressfield says, “The more resistance you experience, the more important your unmanifested art/project/enterprise is to you - and the more gratification you will feel when you finally do it… It's not the writing part that's hard. What's hard is sitting down to write. What keeps us from sitting down is Resistance.”

In order to overcome the dreaded and inevitable resistance, It helps to make journaling inviting.

Set a time and schedule it.

Meditate - even 5 minutes will change your life!

Put on some inspiring tunes.

Find the right journal, ephemera, and pens that you love to use.

Set a timer for 10 minutes — AND… GO!

Taking these steps to command your life will absolutely light you up. You'll be building your foundation of happiness so that your future will be positively bright.

2. Let it flow

Combining Meditation, at the first moment you wake up, followed by a short session of stream of consciousness writing is an enlightening combination. When you're moving between brainwave states from unconscious to conscious you can tap into mysterious goodness.

When you first wake up in the morning, sit up, close your eyes, put a hand on your heart and sit in the stillness. Follow immediately by writing - let it flow without judgement.

Create spaciousness before you start your day. You may be surprised by how much magic this practice brings into your life.

3. Gratitude

I know, I had to state the obvious. But the thing is, consistently making a gratitude list every day can be a powerful addition to journaling! In the beginning, gratitude lists can feel contrived but keep going and before you know it, you’ll be overwhelmed by the flood of good vibes you feel.

Calling all Free Spirits...

I'm Nancy Tweedmire, Creative mentor author, and transformation-journal designer. I call Vancouver my home since I've always felt most peaceful by the ocean. After using transformative journaling techniques I finally found my way to the life I’d always wanted.

As a manifestation guide, I teach tools that I’ve developed over my lifetime. I studied fine art and design in University and found much more than technical skills, I discovered soul work in that creative atmosphere.

It's my honor to help people manifest their dreams through my online community SOUL SPEAK… as well as through my podcast by the same name. I've seen countless miracles unfold for my students who have decided to commit to a committed daily journal practice. Starting with choosing to be fully present.

Because you found your way here, chances are you’re already on a path of awakening. I'm so excited to see this path unfold for you, beautiful one.

🌟 Claim your magic 🌟

Find your true voice with these free resources!👇

Join my online community SOUL SPEAK. We come together twice a month through powerful writing and creative journaling workshops. Get inspiration to call in your heart's desire and receive tons of tools to claim a deeper sense of healing and self-love. This global community of 100s of soul-centered heart friends is here to support you.

Check out my Podcast. Through the "Soul Speak Podcast" I share crystal clear tools for you to grow your inner wisdom and define your purpose. Each week, I share a grounding prana meditation. So that you can lift your vibration and get totally tuned in.

Want to jumpstart your daily soul speak daily journaling? Book a free 30 minute mentoring session with me. We'll start by getting crystal clear on your desires, goals, and dreams. From there, I create a space of powerful activation and create a plan for the next month of focus. Check out the miracles page to read stories of people living in real time expansion.

Show Up For Yourself

— every.dang.day.

What's next on your actualizing journey? Head over to your inbox for your quiz results. I've also sent you a printable manifestation journal, to help you get you started right away. Over the next week, I'll be sharing tips and affirmations so that you can deepen your daily practice ✨

I'm so excited for you to step deeper onto the path of making miracles happen in your life. Remember, committing to yourself is the first choice. It all begins with how you greet the present. Find a way to celebrate how amazing you are today. Future you is doing a happy dance. 💃

Happy Journaling!

Your soul craves... Bullet Journaling

You're energetic and motivated. You somehow make accomplishing all your goals look easy. You have a bold, innovative mind and a propensity for leadership.

You're an optimist and a mentor at heart. You see the world as a space of wonder. When you let yourself write all those thoughts down you’ll be able to appreciate all the goodness you’ve created in your life. Prepare to see magic unfold for you.

Chances are good you’ve already been bullet journaling so getting focused on a daily practice will be a breeze. To-do lists are a form of bullet journaling — sound familiar?

"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it; Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."

— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Here Are the 3 Tools You Need to Spark Your Daily Journaling Routine

1. The right tools

In his blockbuster, The War of Art, Steven Pressfield says, “The more resistance you experience, the more important your unmanifested art/project/enterprise is to you - and the more gratification you will feel when you finally do it… It's not the writing part that's hard. What's hard is sitting down to write. What keeps us from sitting down is Resistance.”

In order to overcome the dreaded and inevitable resistance, It helps to make journaling inviting.

Set a time and schedule it.

Meditate - even 5 minutes will change your life!

Put on some inspiring tunes.

Find the right journal, ephemera, and pens that you love to use.

Set a timer for 10 minutes — AND… GO!

Taking these steps to command your life will absolutely light you up. You'll be building your foundation of happiness so that your future will be positively bright.

2. Let it flow

Combining Meditation, at the first moment you wake up, followed by a short session of stream of consciousness writing is an enlightening combination. When you're moving between brainwave states from unconscious to conscious you can tap into mysterious goodness.

When you first wake up in the morning, sit up, close your eyes, put a hand on your heart and sit in the stillness. Follow immediately by writing - let it flow without judgement.

Create spaciousness before you start your day. You may be surprised by how much magic this practice brings into your life.

3. Gratitude

I know, I had to state the obvious. But the thing is, consistently making a gratitude list every day can be a powerful addition to journaling! In the beginning, gratitude lists can feel contrived but keep going and before you know it, you’ll be overwhelmed by the flood of good vibes you feel.

Calling all Free Spirits...

I'm Nancy Tweedmire, Creative mentor author, and transformation-journal designer. I call Vancouver my home since I've always felt most peaceful by the ocean. After using transformative journaling techniques I finally found my way to the life I’d always wanted.

As a manifestation guide, I teach tools that I’ve developed over my lifetime. I studied fine art and design in University and found much more than technical skills, I discovered soul work in that creative atmosphere.

It's my honor to help people manifest their dreams through my online community SOUL SPEAK… as well as through my podcast by the same name. I've seen countless miracles unfold for my students who have decided to commit to a committed daily journal practice. Starting with choosing to be fully present.

Because you found your way here, chances are you’re already on a path of awakening. I'm so excited to see this path unfold for you, beautiful one.

🌟 Claim your magic 🌟

Find your true voice with these free resources!👇

Join my online community SOUL SPEAK. We come together twice a month through powerful writing and creative journaling workshops. Get inspiration to call in your heart's desire and receive tons of tools to claim a deeper sense of healing and self-love. This global community of 100s of soul-centered heart friends is here to support you.

Check out my Podcast. Through the "Soul Speak Podcast" I share crystal clear tools for you to grow your inner wisdom and define your purpose. Each week, I share a grounding prana meditation. So that you can lift your vibration and get totally tuned in.

Want to jumpstart your daily soul speak daily journaling? Book a free 30 minute mentoring session with me. We'll start by getting crystal clear on your desires, goals, and dreams. From there, I create a space of powerful activation and create a plan for the next month of focus. Check out the miracles page to read stories of people living in real time expansion.

Show Up For Yourself

— every.dang.day.

What's next on your actualizing journey? Head over to your inbox for your quiz results. I've also sent you a printable manifestation journal, to help you get you started right away. Over the next week, I'll be sharing tips and affirmations so that you can deepen your daily practice ✨

I'm so excited for you to step deeper onto the path of making miracles happen in your life. Remember, committing to yourself is the first choice. It all begins with how you greet the present. Find a way to celebrate how amazing you are today. Future you is doing a happy dance. 💃

Happy Journaling!

Your soul craves... Dream Journaling

You’re deeply intuitive. When it comes to actualizing, let your strong sixth sense be your guide. Trust your intuition and let your dreams bubble to the surface.

Staging your environment and nurturing good sleep hygiene is part of your journey. It’s all the little things that add up to the life you dream about. Blissful sleep and writing out your dreams will reveal mysterious answers hiding in your psyche.

You really thrive when you focus on self-care. Dream journaling will be especially fruitful if you set the stage for good sleep. Soak in salts and lavender before laying your head down at the same time each night.

Practices like Feng Shui, altar building, and crystal gridding are ways for you to tune-in through physical space.

Because you easily feel the feelings of others and have great empathy for what’s going on around you, it's important for you to take time to get it all out on paper. You’ll be surprised at the answers you find when you write out your dreams as soon as you wake up in the morning.

Download my dream symbols encyclopedia


Here Are the 3 Tools You Need to Spark Your Daily Journaling Routine

1. The right tools

In his blockbuster, The War of Art, Steven Pressfield says, “The more resistance you experience, the more important your unmanifested art/project/enterprise is to you - and the more gratification you will feel when you finally do it… It's not the writing part that's hard. What's hard is sitting down to write. What keeps us from sitting down is Resistance.”

In order to overcome the dreaded and inevitable resistance, It helps to make journaling inviting.

Set a time and schedule it.

Meditate - even 5 minutes will change your life!

Put on some inspiring tunes.

Find the right journal, ephemera, and pens that you love to use.

Set a timer for 10 minutes — AND… GO!

Taking these steps to command your life will absolutely light you up. You'll be building your foundation of happiness so that your future will be positively bright.

2. Let it flow

Combining Meditation, at the first moment you wake up, followed by a short session of stream of consciousness writing is an enlightening combination. When you're moving between brainwave states from unconscious to conscious you can tap into mysterious goodness.

When you first wake up in the morning, sit up, close your eyes, put a hand on your heart and sit in the stillness. Follow immediately by writing - let it flow without judgement.

Create spaciousness before you start your day. You may be surprised by how much magic this practice brings into your life.

3. Gratitude

I know, I had to state the obvious. But the thing is, consistently making a gratitude list every day can be a powerful addition to journaling! In the beginning, gratitude lists can feel contrived but keep going and before you know it, you’ll be overwhelmed by the flood of good vibes you feel.

Calling all Free Spirits...

I'm Nancy Tweedmire, Creative mentor author, and transformation-journal designer. I call Vancouver my home since I've always felt most peaceful by the ocean. After using transformative journaling techniques I finally found my way to the life I’d always wanted.

As a manifestation guide, I teach tools that I’ve developed over my lifetime. I studied fine art and design in University and found much more than technical skills, I discovered soul work in that creative atmosphere.

It's my honor to help people manifest their dreams through my online community SOUL SPEAK… as well as through my podcast by the same name. I've seen countless miracles unfold for my students who have decided to commit to a committed daily journal practice. Starting with choosing to be fully present.

Because you found your way here, chances are you’re already on a path of awakening. I'm so excited to see this path unfold for you, beautiful one.

🌟 Claim your magic 🌟

Find your true voice with these free resources!👇

Join my online community SOUL SPEAK. We come together twice a month through powerful writing and creative journaling workshops. Get inspiration to call in your heart's desire and receive tons of tools to claim a deeper sense of healing and self-love. This global community of 100s of soul-centered heart friends is here to support you.

Check out my Podcast. Through the "Soul Speak Podcast" I share crystal clear tools for you to grow your inner wisdom and define your purpose. Each week, I share a grounding prana meditation. So that you can lift your vibration and get totally tuned in.

Want to jumpstart your daily soul speak daily journaling? Book a free 30 minute mentoring session with me. We'll start by getting crystal clear on your desires, goals, and dreams. From there, I create a space of powerful activation and create a plan for the next month of focus. Check out the miracles page to read stories of people living in real time expansion.

Show Up For Yourself

— every.dang.day.

What's next on your actualizing journey? Head over to your inbox for your quiz results. I've also sent you a printable manifestation journal, to help you get you started right away. Over the next week, I'll be sharing tips and affirmations so that you can deepen your daily practice ✨

I'm so excited for you to step deeper onto the path of making miracles happen in your life. Remember, committing to yourself is the first choice. It all begins with how you greet the present. Find a way to celebrate how amazing you are today. Future you is doing a happy dance. 💃

Happy Journaling!

Your soul craves... Stream of Consciousness Journaling

You're a deep thinker and you just know there is wisdom and answers locked in your soul. As a natural and gifted manifestor, you can harness your mind to call in what you'd like to create.

You’re an abundance magnet, my friend. It’s time to call in an abundance of your best dreams.

Letting your intuition come through with stream of consciousness writing will encourage higher thinking and release the richness you’ve been craving. You can enhance your process by listening to frequency music and binaural beats while you spend time journaling.

As you work with sound and writing freely, you can clear out any stuck or stagnant energy that might keep you from stepping into the life you'll love to live.

Here's a tip to deepen your manifestation practice…

The mental power you have can occasionally be clouded by...overthinking. Coming home to your breath is extremely important to you. You can practice connecting to your breath through breathwork. Check out this ten minute guided meditation to make you feel calm and centered.

The more you clear out your thoughts, the more room you will have for writing them down from depth of your intuition and intuition is the mother of manifestation.

"The quieter you become the more you are able to hear."

– Rumi


Here Are the 3 Tools You Need to Spark Your Daily Journaling Routine

1. The right tools

In his blockbuster, The War of Art, Steven Pressfield says, “The more resistance you experience, the more important your unmanifested art/project/enterprise is to you - and the more gratification you will feel when you finally do it… It's not the writing part that's hard. What's hard is sitting down to write. What keeps us from sitting down is Resistance.”

In order to overcome the dreaded and inevitable resistance, It helps to make journaling inviting.

Set a time and schedule it.

Meditate - even 5 minutes will change your life!

Put on some inspiring tunes.

Find the right journal, ephemera, and pens that you love to use.

Set a timer for 10 minutes — AND… GO!

Taking these steps to command your life will absolutely light you up. You'll be building your foundation of happiness so that your future will be positively bright.

2. Let it flow

Combining Meditation, at the first moment you wake up, followed by a short session of stream of consciousness writing is an enlightening combination. When you're moving between brainwave states from unconscious to conscious you can tap into mysterious goodness.

When you first wake up in the morning, sit up, close your eyes, put a hand on your heart and sit in the stillness. Follow immediately by writing - let it flow without judgement.

Create spaciousness before you start your day. You may be surprised by how much magic this practice brings into your life.

3. Gratitude

I know, I had to state the obvious. But the thing is, consistently making a gratitude list every day can be a powerful addition to journaling! In the beginning, gratitude lists can feel contrived but keep going and before you know it, you’ll be overwhelmed by the flood of good vibes you feel.

Calling all Free Spirits...

I'm Nancy Tweedmire, Creative mentor author, and transformation-journal designer. I call Vancouver my home since I've always felt most peaceful by the ocean. After using transformative journaling techniques I finally found my way to the life I’d always wanted.

As a manifestation guide, I teach tools that I’ve developed over my lifetime. I studied fine art and design in University and found much more than technical skills, I discovered soul work in that creative atmosphere.

It's my honor to help people manifest their dreams through my online community SOUL SPEAK… as well as through my podcast by the same name. I've seen countless miracles unfold for my students who have decided to commit to a committed daily journal practice. Starting with choosing to be fully present.

Because you found your way here, chances are you’re already on a path of awakening. I'm so excited to see this path unfold for you, beautiful one.

🌟 Claim your magic 🌟

Find your true voice with these free resources!👇

Join my online community SOUL SPEAK. We come together twice a month through powerful writing and creative journaling workshops. Get inspiration to call in your heart's desire and receive tons of tools to claim a deeper sense of healing and self-love. This global community of 100s of soul-centered heart friends is here to support you.

Check out my Podcast. Through the "Soul Speak Podcast" I share crystal clear tools for you to grow your inner wisdom and define your purpose. Each week, I share a grounding prana meditation. So that you can lift your vibration and get totally tuned in.

Want to jumpstart your daily soul speak daily journaling? Book a free 30 minute mentoring session with me. We'll start by getting crystal clear on your desires, goals, and dreams. From there, I create a space of powerful activation and create a plan for the next month of focus. Check out the miracles page to read stories of people living in real time expansion.

Show Up For Yourself

— every.dang.day.

What's next on your actualizing journey? Head over to your inbox for your quiz results. I've also sent you a printable manifestation journal, to help you get you started right away. Over the next week, I'll be sharing tips and affirmations so that you can deepen your daily practice ✨

I'm so excited for you to step deeper onto the path of making miracles happen in your life. Remember, committing to yourself is the first choice. It all begins with how you greet the present. Find a way to celebrate how amazing you are today. Future you is doing a happy dance. 💃

Happy Journaling!