Which memoir method is right for you?

So you want to get your life story out on paper? Take this 2-minute quiz to discover which style of memoir will get your confessions published and lead to literary success 📚✨

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Which memoir method is right for you?

So you want to get your life story out on paper? Take this 2-minute quiz to discover which style of memoir will get your confessions published and lead to literary success 📚✨

Take the Quiz

What are three words your bestie would use to describe you?

Charismatic, gritty, controversial.


Courageous, risky, adventurous.


Creative, quirky, inspiring.


Fascinating, mysterious, curious.


1 / 9

If your life story was food, what would it be?

Carnita tacos from a little food truck by the beach 🌮


A giant pan of Paella with layers of saffron rice, seafood, and chorizo, sprinkled with fresh cilantro 🥘


Chocolate raspberry swirl cheesecake with Callebaut ganache and vanilla infused whipped cream 🍰


A McDonald's hamburger with a side of small fries... but they forgot to salt the fries 🍔 🍟


2 / 9

You're at a famous literary cafe in Paris in the 1920s, where can I find you?

I'm sitting in the corner with a glass of whiskey, a cigarette, and my thoughts. Plus, this is the best people-watching ever.


I'm dancing on a table with Anais Nin and some other rebels. I'm turning this gathering into a party.


I'm having a heart to heart about love, grief, and humanity with Gertrude Stein.


I'm getting into a heated debate about whose life was more painful, and everyone's stopped to hear me and Hemingway hold court.


3 / 9

How long have you been thinking of writing a memoir?

A long time! I can’t remember exactly but I’ve often thought my colorful past might make a good read 🕑


Just recently! I’m getting older so it’s about time 🕰️


I’ve been keeping journals since I was 17, so it’s been twenty years in the making ⏲️


About 5 years but I’m not a writer, so I’d like to find someone to ghost write and guide me through the process 👻


4 / 9

What’s your main motivation for getting your story authored?

I’d like to leave something behind for the next generations of my family.


I think it’s important for the world to know the truth right from the source.


I’m hoping my phoenix rising from the ashes story will help others heal from their trauma.


I’d like it if my extreme adventures inspired people to take risks and live on the edge.


5 / 9

*Poof* Your story is magically a manuscript, what’s the main gist of the finished story?

It’s insightful about growing up on the heels of trauma. Distressing but inspiring.


It’s a beautiful curation of essays that stand alone yet flow together. The reader will want to come back to parts more than once.


It’s a portrait of intrigue and mystery that people can hardly believe is true. Life imitating art!


It’s a wild adventure with shocking twists, turns, and cliffhangers!


6 / 9

Which plan of attack do you think you’ll approach your writing?

I’d like to start with a framework that follows a timeline.


I’m going to compile and edit my collection of poems and journal entries.


It’ll be a stream of consciousness free-for-all of my crazy adventures.


I’m looking for a collaborative and supportive ghost writer to work with.


7 / 9

Which of these quotes by memoir writers MOST speaks to you?

“Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation.” — Elizabeth Gilbert


“History is written by the victors, but it's victims who write the memoirs.” — Carol Tavris


“For a moment, or a second, the pinched expressions of the cynical, world-weary, throat-cutting, miserable bastards we've all had to become disappears, when we're confronted with something as simple as a plate of food.” — Anthony Bordain


“A memoir should have some uplifting quality, inspiring or illuminating, and that's what separates a life story that can influence other people.” — Mitch Albom


8 / 9

What makes a great life story?

I'm drawn to intimate, juicy, jaw dropping details that let me into someone's personal experience.


I love true confessions about famous people.


Gripping, cliffhanging, adventure stories with a twist. The ones where the hero pushes their limits to journey into themselves.


I love reading beautiful prose and short stories. I want to be romanced and swept away by poetisism.


9 / 9

Your memoir method is… Personal Confessional

Have you been keeping your personal journey to yourself?

You’ve lived life on the edge and found yourself in the middle of some hair-raising moments. But your story also has a phoenix-rising-from-the-ashes element that’s sure to inspire...

So it’s time to spill the beans!

It’s time to confess the whole kit and kaboodle. Don't hold back! Strong opinions, wild encounters, and even some battle scars… get them down on paper as the gift you give to the world!

Readers everywhere crave gritty stories that have them staying up all night turning pages.

“A book, a true book, is the writer's confessional. For, whether he would have it so or not, he is betrayed, directly or indirectly, by his characters, into presenting publicly his innermost feelings.”

― Nelson Algren, Entrapment and Other Writings

The key to making your personal story resonate with your audience is by being authentic and vulnerable... Write about what you did, your hard-won lessons, and new ways of looking at challenges.

Collect a bank of your best stories in the most selfish way possible. In this case it really is all about you!

Or check out this blog post of 55 prompts.

It may seem scary showing your vulnerability, but your audience doesn't just want to hear about your wins. They want to know about your losses, too.

Most importantly, don't be afraid to pack your prose with your glorious personality and unique way of seeing the world.

"If you're going to have a story, have a big story, or none at all."

— Joseph Campbell

3 Tricks for Effective Journal Writing.

1. Create a ritual, set the stage

What are your creativity quirks, your strange little practices that make the words flow? Making an altar or sacred space can be the first commitment to effective story-telling because, let’s face it, commitment is everything.

Things to consider: Your best time of day, stimulate your senses, block out the world unless of course, you have a muse that helps you channel. Move your body and get that cosmic energy flowing.

Be as weird and personal as possible… Gertrude Stein wrote in a moving car, Dan Brown believes that hanging upside-down on an inversion table is one of the best ways to relax and gain concentration, and Lewis Carroll wrote in purple ink in the 1870’s (when purple ink wasn’t a thing).

Download this list of strange rituals of creatives throughout history.

2. Make friends with the voice recorder on your phone

Let’s face it, everyday life, voyeurism, and the world are your best inspiration. Sitting at a computer for endless hours might have you producing, but it’s being out and about that makes your ideas lively. You have an easy little recorder on your phone where you can collect them for later. Set it up on your home screen and never lose a chapter again. Here’s an app for that if you don’t have one.

3. Join a virtual writing community

Having a creative accountability group can be the missing link to propelling toward consistently showing up at the page. Humans are naturally herding animals. I see you introverts, yes, even you need some homies to keep you fresh and inspired! Join Prose and pros free memoir writing community today. We host 2 annual publishing competitions, have endless resources, and facilitate matching you with the right mentors and accountability buddies to keep you moving forward.

Salutations, Storyteller ✍️

Pleased to meet you, I'm Alicia Poetic, memoir editor and ghostwriter to the stars.

After publishing my own best-selling memoir I began breathing life into my friends’ and colleagues' stories as well. 15 years and 20+ life stories I’ve seen and heard it all, I’m somewhat of an expert!

I decided to use my intuitive creative writing gifts to help soul-centered citizens see their narratives published on pages to be read by adoring fans.

Empowering others to capture their personal stories is my superpower… and I’m eagerly awaiting seeing yours come to life!

So You Have a Tale to Tell?

✨ A couple more resources to have your words flowing ✨

1. Want to sound more authentic in your memoir? Tune in to the "Poetic Proclamations" Podcast.

2. Build your audience as you go. Join my FREE Masterclass: Build your readership before you publish. I share seven avenues to connection that sticks.

3. Download my 500 journal prompts for great storytelling.

📩 You've Got Mail 📮

Now that you're well on your way, I hope you're inspired to dig into daily writing.

Check your email for a love letter from yours truly. Inside, you'll get your quiz results as well as my go-to memoir framework guide.

Over the next week, you'll be getting more inspiration from me so you don’t get lost in the weeds. I’ve got your back, friend!

Here's to smashing resistance and making your great, great grandchildren proud!

Your memoir method should be a… Portrait. 

Do you have a juicy journey that’s just niggling at you to be documented? Do people sometimes tell you, “you should write a book”

You’ve lived on the edge and found yourself in the middle of some fascinating moments.

The thing is, you’d love to be published but there’s a few factors keeping you from getting going… possibly confidence in your writing skills or maybe you’re just too dang busy living your book worthy life?!

Never fear, there’s skilled ghost writers, editors and collaborators at the ready to work with you. Portrait memoir writers do this very thing for a living and will know exactly how to get you started in a variety of ways and in varying budgets.

It’s time to spill the beans and dish the whole kit and kaboodle of your life to date. Strong opinions, wild encounters and even some battle scars… get them down on paper as the gift you give to the world!

You’re clearly a very interesting person even if sometimes it doesn’t seem that way inside your own head. Your secret writer will use their experience and gifts to draw it all out of you and get it written way faster than if you try to do it by yourself. It’s still your story, you just need a team to help you get it out into the world.

“A ghost who has only a lay knowledge of the subject will be able to keep asking the same questions as the lay reader, and will therefore open up the potential readership of the book to a much wider audience.”

― Robert Harris, The Ghost

The key to making your personal story resonate with your audience is by being authentic and vulnerable... Write about what you did, your hard-won lessons, and new ways of looking at challenges.

Collect a bank of your best stories in the most selfish way possible. In this case it really is all about you!

Or check out this blog post of 55 prompts.

It may seem scary showing your vulnerability, but your audience doesn't just want to hear about your wins. They want to know about your losses, too.

Most importantly, don't be afraid to pack your prose with your glorious personality and unique way of seeing the world.

"If you're going to have a story, have a big story, or none at all."

— Joseph Campbell

3 Tricks for Effective Journal Writing.

1. Create a ritual, set the stage

What are your creativity quirks, your strange little practices that make the words flow? Making an altar or sacred space can be the first commitment to effective story-telling because, let’s face it, commitment is everything.

Things to consider: Your best time of day, stimulate your senses, block out the world unless of course, you have a muse that helps you channel. Move your body and get that cosmic energy flowing.

Be as weird and personal as possible… Gertrude Stein wrote in a moving car, Dan Brown believes that hanging upside-down on an inversion table is one of the best ways to relax and gain concentration, and Lewis Carroll wrote in purple ink in the 1870’s (when purple ink wasn’t a thing).

Download this list of strange rituals of creatives throughout history.

2. Make friends with the voice recorder on your phone

Let’s face it, everyday life, voyeurism, and the world are your best inspiration. Sitting at a computer for endless hours might have you producing, but it’s being out and about that makes your ideas lively. You have an easy little recorder on your phone where you can collect them for later. Set it up on your home screen and never lose a chapter again. Here’s an app for that if you don’t have one.

3. Join a virtual writing community

Having a creative accountability group can be the missing link to propelling toward consistently showing up at the page. Humans are naturally herding animals. I see you introverts, yes, even you need some homies to keep you fresh and inspired! Join Prose and pros free memoir writing community today. We host 2 annual publishing competitions, have endless resources, and facilitate matching you with the right mentors and accountability buddies to keep you moving forward.

Salutations, Storyteller ✍️

Pleased to meet you, I'm Alicia Poetic, memoir editor and ghostwriter to the stars.

After publishing my own best-selling memoir I began breathing life into my friends’ and colleagues' stories as well. 15 years and 20+ life stories I’ve seen and heard it all, I’m somewhat of an expert!

I decided to use my intuitive creative writing gifts to help soul-centered citizens see their narratives published on pages to be read by adoring fans.

Empowering others to capture their personal stories is my superpower… and I’m eagerly awaiting seeing yours come to life!

So You Have a Tale to Tell?

✨ A couple more resources to have your words flowing ✨

1. Want to sound more authentic in your memoir? Tune in to the "Poetic Proclamations" Podcast.

2. Build your audience as you go. Join my FREE Masterclass: Build your readership before you publish. I share seven avenues to connection that sticks.

3. Download my 500 journal prompts for great storytelling.

📩 You've Got Mail 📮

Now that you're well on your way, I hope you're inspired to dig into daily writing.

Check your email for a love letter from yours truly. Inside, you'll get your quiz results as well as my go-to memoir framework guide.

Over the next week, you'll be getting more inspiration from me so you don’t get lost in the weeds. I’ve got your back, friend!

Here's to smashing resistance and making your great, great grandchildren proud!

Your memoir method should be… An Anthology. 

You have a quirky, artistic communication style that is sure to ploy your audience, your writing is mysterious and poetic. You have a rare gift for seeing the world through a lens all your own.

You’re highly sensual and have rich inner world that makes for mystical storytelling. Many writers would trade their left foot to be able to wax poetic the way you do. Now’s your time to shine, friend. Crack the spines on those old journals you’ve been noodling in forever and weave them into your memoir.

An anthology is the type of book that your readers will want to revisit over and over, unlike most other types of memoirs that tend to only get devoured once. A great volume of short stories and poems becomes a cherished keepsake for generations to come.

As an anthology writer you’re in esteemed company; Ernest Hemingway, Truman Capote, and Neil Gaiman have stood apart by capturing big ideas with moving words.

“Writing has laws of perspective, of light and shade just as painting does, or music. If you are born knowing them, fine. If not, learn them. Then rearrange the rules to suit yourself.”

- Truman Capote

The key to making your personal story resonate with your audience is by being authentic and vulnerable... Write about what you did, your hard-won lessons, and new ways of looking at challenges.

Collect a bank of your best stories in the most selfish way possible. In this case it really is all about you!

Or check out this blog post of 55 prompts.

It may seem scary showing your vulnerability, but your audience doesn't just want to hear about your wins. They want to know about your losses, too.

Most importantly, don't be afraid to pack your prose with your glorious personality and unique way of seeing the world.

"If you're going to have a story, have a big story, or none at all."

— Joseph Campbell

3 Tricks for Effective Journal Writing.

1. Create a ritual, set the stage

What are your creativity quirks, your strange little practices that make the words flow? Making an altar or sacred space can be the first commitment to effective story-telling because, let’s face it, commitment is everything.

Things to consider: Your best time of day, stimulate your senses, block out the world unless of course, you have a muse that helps you channel. Move your body and get that cosmic energy flowing.

Be as weird and personal as possible… Gertrude Stein wrote in a moving car, Dan Brown believes that hanging upside-down on an inversion table is one of the best ways to relax and gain concentration, and Lewis Carroll wrote in purple ink in the 1870’s (when purple ink wasn’t a thing).

Download this list of strange rituals of creatives throughout history.

2. Make friends with the voice recorder on your phone

Let’s face it, everyday life, voyeurism, and the world are your best inspiration. Sitting at a computer for endless hours might have you producing, but it’s being out and about that makes your ideas lively. You have an easy little recorder on your phone where you can collect them for later. Set it up on your home screen and never lose a chapter again. Here’s an app for that if you don’t have one.

3. Join a virtual writing community

Having a creative accountability group can be the missing link to propelling toward consistently showing up at the page. Humans are naturally herding animals. I see you introverts, yes, even you need some homies to keep you fresh and inspired! Join Prose and pros free memoir writing community today. We host 2 annual publishing competitions, have endless resources, and facilitate matching you with the right mentors and accountability buddies to keep you moving forward.

Salutations, Storyteller ✍️

Pleased to meet you, I'm Alicia Poetic, memoir editor and ghostwriter to the stars.

After publishing my own best-selling memoir I began breathing life into my friends’ and colleagues' stories as well. 15 years and 20+ life stories I’ve seen and heard it all, I’m somewhat of an expert!

I decided to use my intuitive creative writing gifts to help soul-centered citizens see their narratives published on pages to be read by adoring fans.

Empowering others to capture their personal stories is my superpower… and I’m eagerly awaiting seeing yours come to life!

So You Have a Tale to Tell?

✨ A couple more resources to have your words flowing ✨

1. Want to sound more authentic in your memoir? Tune in to the "Poetic Proclamations" Podcast.

2. Build your audience as you go. Join my FREE Masterclass: Build your readership before you publish. I share seven avenues to connection that sticks.

3. Download my 500 journal prompts for great storytelling.

📩 You've Got Mail 📮

Now that you're well on your way, I hope you're inspired to dig into daily writing.

Check your email for a love letter from yours truly. Inside, you'll get your quiz results as well as my go-to memoir framework guide.

Over the next week, you'll be getting more inspiration from me so you don’t get lost in the weeds. I’ve got your back, friend!

Here's to smashing resistance and making your great, great grandchildren proud!

Your memoir method should be an… Adventure, quest. 

You were born with wanderlust in your veins and dreams of conquering far off lands on your mind. You’ve escaped many a harrowing hazard and lived to tell the colorful tales.

You’re Peter Pan, Jane Goodall, and Sir Edmund Hillary all rolled into one. A storehouse of cultures with a birds eye view of humanity. At the heart of it all is your deep inner desire to find the meaning of life, a modern day crusader of sorts.

You kind of owe it to your adoring fans (even the ones that don’t know you yet) to compile it all in one adventure quest memoir!

“We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.”

― Anaïs Nin

The key to making your personal story resonate with your audience is by being authentic and vulnerable... Write about what you did, your hard-won lessons, and new ways of looking at challenges.

Collect a bank of your best stories in the most selfish way possible. In this case it really is all about you!

Or check out this blog post of 55 prompts.

It may seem scary showing your vulnerability, but your audience doesn't just want to hear about your wins. They want to know about your losses, too.

Most importantly, don't be afraid to pack your prose with your glorious personality and unique way of seeing the world.

"If you're going to have a story, have a big story, or none at all."

— Joseph Campbell

3 Tricks for Effective Journal Writing.

1. Create a ritual, set the stage

What are your creativity quirks, your strange little practices that make the words flow? Making an altar or sacred space can be the first commitment to effective story-telling because, let’s face it, commitment is everything.

Things to consider: Your best time of day, stimulate your senses, block out the world unless of course, you have a muse that helps you channel. Move your body and get that cosmic energy flowing.

Be as weird and personal as possible… Gertrude Stein wrote in a moving car, Dan Brown believes that hanging upside-down on an inversion table is one of the best ways to relax and gain concentration, and Lewis Carroll wrote in purple ink in the 1870’s (when purple ink wasn’t a thing).

Download this list of strange rituals of creatives throughout history.

2. Make friends with the voice recorder on your phone

Let’s face it, everyday life, voyeurism, and the world are your best inspiration. Sitting at a computer for endless hours might have you producing, but it’s being out and about that makes your ideas lively. You have an easy little recorder on your phone where you can collect them for later. Set it up on your home screen and never lose a chapter again. Here’s an app for that if you don’t have one.

3. Join a virtual writing community

Having a creative accountability group can be the missing link to propelling toward consistently showing up at the page. Humans are naturally herding animals. I see you introverts, yes, even you need some homies to keep you fresh and inspired! Join Prose and pros free memoir writing community today. We host 2 annual publishing competitions, have endless resources, and facilitate matching you with the right mentors and accountability buddies to keep you moving forward.

Salutations, Storyteller ✍️

Pleased to meet you, I'm Alicia Poetic, memoir editor and ghostwriter to the stars.

After publishing my own best-selling memoir I began breathing life into my friends’ and colleagues' stories as well. 15 years and 20+ life stories I’ve seen and heard it all, I’m somewhat of an expert!

I decided to use my intuitive creative writing gifts to help soul-centered citizens see their narratives published on pages to be read by adoring fans.

Empowering others to capture their personal stories is my superpower… and I’m eagerly awaiting seeing yours come to life!

So You Have a Tale to Tell?

✨ A couple more resources to have your words flowing ✨

1. Want to sound more authentic in your memoir? Tune in to the "Poetic Proclamations" Podcast.

2. Build your audience as you go. Join my FREE Masterclass: Build your readership before you publish. I share seven avenues to connection that sticks.

3. Download my 500 journal prompts for great storytelling.

📩 You've Got Mail 📮

Now that you're well on your way, I hope you're inspired to dig into daily writing.

Check your email for a love letter from yours truly. Inside, you'll get your quiz results as well as my go-to memoir framework guide.

Over the next week, you'll be getting more inspiration from me so you don’t get lost in the weeds. I’ve got your back, friend!

Here's to smashing resistance and making your great, great grandchildren proud!

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