Which region of France is a tailored fit for your personality?

From espresso and buttery croissants to Pinot Gris and fresh mozzarella, France has a lot to offer — and it’s not all food! Tourists flock to the country for its rich history and art… Think you could be next? Moi aussi! 

Quiz Transcript

Which region of France is a tailored fit for your personality?

From espresso and buttery croissants to Pinot Gris and fresh mozzarella, France has a lot to offer — and it’s not all food! Tourists flock to the country for its rich history and art… Think you could be next? Moi aussi! 

Take The Quiz

Your ideal day consists of…

Window shopping my way through the trendy boutiques. A violet-colored peplum blouse? Oui merci! 


Sifting through stacks of antique books. You never know what’s waiting at the bottom of the pile…


 Catch me chillin’ on a chaise longue. Preferably with a cold cocktail in my hand… Salted rim, s’il vous plait.


I’m thinking dinner and a drink… Or three. I’m all about the flavour, and a bottle of Bordeaux never disappoints!


1 / 10

Which candy is the most craveable?

Wine gums. A little sweet but not over the top. Plus wine… Need I further explain myself?


Skittles. It’s like eating a fruit salad… Made in a lab. At least each colour is a unique flavour!


Lollipops are so laid-back. Plus you don’t have to worry about getting your fingers sticky if you’re out in the sun.


 Dark chocolate. I’m a bit of a traditionalist. I like my treats rich and nourishing. Sweeter doesn’t equal better…


2 / 10

Pick a French proverb!

“Quand on a pas ce que l’on aime, il faut aimer ce que l’on a” — “When one doesn’t have the things that one loves, one must love what one has.”  


“Petit a petit, l’oiseau fait son nid” — “Little by little, the bird makes its nest.”


“Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir” — “It is better to prevent than to heal.” 


“Qui vivra verra” — “He/she who lives, shall see.”


3 / 10

 Have you ever travelled en France?

Oui, oui! It was magnifique! 


No — but I’m planning on it soon!  


It’s not on the top of my wanderlust list…


Honestly, I’m sort of a homebody. It’s nice to think about travelling, but I’m not interested right now.   


4 / 10

What most makes you want to visit France someday?

The food, oh mon cher! Be it coq au vin — chicken braised in wine — in a fancy restaurant or escargot from a trendy food truck, I’m sold. 


The art… Just thinking about The Louvre and the Museé de l’Orangerie has me longing to paint!


I love a good outfit — and Parisians can pull anything off! Plus my collection of French handbags is looking a little scant… 


The French Riviera! It seems so glamorous and dreamy. I’m going to lay on those sandy beaches all day.


5 / 10

What was your favourite subject in school and why? 

Film studies: I love the fantasy of cinema!


History: learning about the world’s past is a passion of mine.


Social Studies: cultural diversity inspires me. I live knowing that there are thousands of different ways of thinking.


Home Economics: not just because this class was an easy A… I genuinely love cooking. Learning new recipes is an ongoing hobby.


6 / 10

Pick your dream resort in France!

Somewhere with easy access to the Mediteranean, merci!


A little AirBnB in the heart of the city so I can people-watch from home!


When I travel, I do it in style, mon cher! Bonus points if the hotel has five-star room service.


Resort? Nah. I'll stay in a hostel. I’m saving money for what counts. Namely, entrance fees to every museum in the country! 


7 / 10

What to you is the closest thing to real magic

Experiencing a Van Gogh in person.


A bottle of cool Champagne on a warm summer evening.


Anything with a Chanel logo. 


Walking along the beach while seagulls gust on the breeze.


8 / 10

What are you hoping to learn while in France?

How to pick-up every note — from cinnamon to plum — in a glass of wine.


How to properly pull off a silk neck scarf.


What can I learn while relaxing in the sunlight?


I’m packing my notebooks, mon cher. By the time I return, I’ll have learned enough about French history to write a book!


9 / 10

 Fill in the blank: Life is nothing without _________ 

Time to take it all in.


Good food and even better drink.


Family, friends… Even strangers. I love people!


Learning about the world.


10 / 10

You’re A… Metropolitan Parisian

Fashion, food, and the finest of art — you love it all. Guess what? Paris has it all! And at a fast pace that’s sure to have you ultra-excited. Trust me, you’ll fit in perfectly with the trendy Parisians!

Paris is the world’s 1# tourist destination for a reason, mon cher! The experiences you’ll have in the city are incomparable. Picture dripping your vanilla macaron in a fresh espresso. Très délicieux!

You don’t want to miss out on Paris’ romantic spirit! Think it’s too good to be true. Non, it’s perfect for you.

“Paris is always a good idea.” — Audrey Hepburn

Want To Know What Not To Miss Out On In Paris… Keep Scrolling, Mon Cher 💋

1) Hang with Mona Lisa at The Louvre. There are certain things you shouldn’t be allowed to leave Paris without seeing — and this is one of them. This mysterious portrait is famous for the number of times it’s been stolen… Don’t get any ideas!

2) Find inspiration at the Eiffel Tower. Duh! The Eiffel Tower is the internationally known symbol of Paris. If you’re not up for the stairs, take the elevator to the top. The view doesn’t disappoint!

3) Take a stroll down the Champ Élysés. On this iconic walk, you’ll find a mind-boggling variety of boutiques and streetfront cafés. Treat yourself to an espresso while people watching!

Hola, bonjour… And hello! I’m Chantel Jackson, founder of The Trendsetting Traveller!

Since I was kid, I knew I’d go places most people only dreamed of 🗺 It wasn’t enough for me to hear about exciting cities, I had to see them for myself. It’s all about the experience!

I decided to start my wanderlust blog back in 2016. I posted pics from Taipei to Tampa… And everywhere in between!

My blog quickly expanded. These days I offer cutting-edge articles + quizzes from a diverse crew of travellers. Wherever you're off to next, we’ve got the must-know deets! Come back now, you hear?

Looking For Un Peu Plus (A Little More) Travel Inspiration?

1) Check out this article on France’s secret gems! I spill all the hottest spots most tourists have never even heard of. Trust me, you’ll regret not scheduling these in...

2) Take this quiz on which French museum is best suited for your artistic tastes! There are so many galleries in France, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But don’t panic — I’m about to make your decision a whole lot simpler.

3) Download my free PDF worksheet Planning Your Victorious Vacation. It’s got some amazing tips — if I do say so — to help you get the most out of your trip!

Plus Expect To See Me In Your Inbox Soon With More Must-See Sights En France 🥐

You’re a Perfect Fit For… Lyon  

Your craving for knowledge — and croissants — makes Lyon an excellent choice! Given downtime, you can likely be found reading the classics while sipping an espresso… Why not do that in France!

Located at the confluence of the Rhône and Saône Rivers, Lyon is France’s thriving center of renaissance history — Nearly the whole city is a registered UNESCO World Heritage site. Meaning you’ve got a whole lot to learn about while touring.

Whether you’re a student of art, literature, or history, Lyon is sure to inspire! Picture yourself oohing and awing your way through the ornate Renaissance architecture. Think it’s too good to be true? Non, it’s perfect for you!

“The French air cleans up the brain and does good — a world of good.” — Vincent Van Gogh

Want To Know What Not To Miss Out On In Lyon… Keep Scrolling, Mon Cher 💋

1) Visit the Vieux Lyon. This renaissance-era district will have you travelling back in time. It was home to hundreds of wealthy silk merchants throughout the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries!

2) Tour through the Traboules. Traboules are one of Lyon’s most unique architectural features! They’re a series of underground passages built during the Renaissance that merchant’s used to safely transport their precious textiles.

3) Snap a photo at the Fourvière Basilica. Located in Lyon’s oldest district, this church is a centuries-old pilgrimage site dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It’s towers offer a beautiful bird’s eye view of the city.

Hola, bonjour… And hello! I’m Chantel Jackson, founder of The Trendsetting Traveller!

Since I was kid, I knew I’d go places most people only dreamed of 🗺 It wasn’t enough for me to hear about exciting cities, I had to see them for myself. It’s all about the experience!

I decided to start my wanderlust blog back in 2016. I posted pics from Taipei to Tampa… And everywhere in between!

My blog quickly expanded. These days I offer cutting-edge articles + quizzes from a diverse crew of travellers. Wherever you're off to next, we’ve got the must-know deets! Come back now, you hear?

Looking For Un Peu Plus (A Little More) Travel Inspiration?

1) Check out this article on France’s secret gems! I spill all the hottest spots most tourists have never even heard of. Trust me, you’ll regret not scheduling these in...

2) Take this quiz on which French museum is best suited for your artistic tastes! There are so many galleries in France, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But don’t panic — I’m about to make your decision a whole lot simpler.

3) Download my free PDF worksheet Planning Your Victorious Vacation. It’s got some amazing tips — if I do say so — to help you get the most out of your trip!

Plus Expect To See Me In Your Inbox Soon With More Must-See Sights En France 🥐

You’re a Perfect Fit For... Saint-Tropez 

You’re all about the glamour… And what’s more glamorous than sunbathing on the sandy beaches of Saint-Tropez? This town has been a go-to celebrity getaway since the 1960’s. Now it’s your turn!

Located along the French Riviera, Saint-Tropez has become the stuff of myths. Imagine warm currents from the Mediterranean Sea splashing your ankles… Sound too good to be true? Non, it’s perfect for you...

You’re all about relaxing during the day to party-up at night. Luckily Saint-Tropez has one of the most lively clubbing scenes in all of France. So you can show off those new designer sandals you picked up while shopping at the boutiques!

“You were never told that Saint-Tropez is paradise?” — Karl Lagerfeld

Want To Know What Not To Miss Out On In Saint Tropez… Keep Scrolling, Mon Cher 💋

1) Visit Vieux Port or Old Port. This atmospheric sight is the heart n’ soul of Saint Tropez, which began as a small fishing village. Plus grab an espresso at one of the many exquisite outdoor cafés.

2) Take a tour at the Chapelle Notre-Dame de l'Annonciade. This inspiring art museum is located in a historic chapel. It features famous Impressionist paintings. And is only steps from the harbour!

3) Sunbathe at the Plage de Bouillabaisse. This breath-taking public beach is the perfect place to catch some rays. With crystal clear waters and wide sandy stretches, you’re sure to leave feeling fresh.

Hola, bonjour… And hello! I’m Chantel Jackson, founder of The Trendsetting Traveller!

Since I was kid, I knew I’d go places most people only dreamed of 🗺 It wasn’t enough for me to hear about exciting cities, I had to see them for myself. It’s all about the experience!

I decided to start my wanderlust blog back in 2016. I posted pics from Taipei to Tampa… And everywhere in between!

My blog quickly expanded. These days I offer cutting-edge articles + quizzes from a diverse crew of travellers. Wherever you're off to next, we’ve got the must-know deets! Come back now, you hear?

Looking For Un Peu Plus (A Little More) Travel Inspiration?

1) Check out this article on France’s secret gems! I spill all the hottest spots most tourists have never even heard of. Trust me, you’ll regret not scheduling these in...

2) Take this quiz on which French museum is best suited for your artistic tastes! There are so many galleries in France, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But don’t panic — I’m about to make your decision a whole lot simpler.

3) Download my free PDF worksheet Planning Your Victorious Vacation. It’s got some amazing tips — if I do say so — to help you get the most out of your trip!

Plus Expect To See Me In Your Inbox Soon With More Must-See Sights En France 🥐

You’re a Perfect Fit For... Bordeaux  

You appreciate the finer things… And wine is simply the finest!

Especially when paired with the perfect cheese 🧀 Luckily, Bordeaux — known as la cité du vin or the city of wine — is home to some of France’s finest sommeliers.

Your laid-back, naturally relaxed nature is a perfect fit for Bordeaux. It’s slower paced than Paris but with many similar attractions: history, art, and mouth-watering food…

Imagine strolling through the city’s ornate architecture while sipping a fresh espresso. Perhaps sifting through the antique bookshops. Think it’s too good to be true? Non, it’s perfect for you!

“Why tie to gold? Why not 1982 Bordeaux?” — Richard Thaler

Want To Know What Not To Miss Out On In Bordeux… Keep Scrolling, Mon Cher 💋

1) Visit the historic Place de la Bourse. This awe-inspiring building was designed way back in the 1720’s by Louis XV’s favourite architect Jacques Gabriel. It quickly became symbolic of Bordeaux.

2) Opt-in on a guided tour of the city’s wineries. Bordeaux is the world’s 2nd largest producer of wine. Take the guesswork out of where to try next by letting a wine expert choose for you!

3) Attend a concert or fair at the Esplanade des Quinconces. This public square is the place to be during the summer. Plus make sure to take a photo by the famous Monument aux Girondins statue.

Hola, bonjour… And hello! I’m Chantel Jackson, founder of The Trendsetting Traveller!

Since I was kid, I knew I’d go places most people only dreamed of 🗺 It wasn’t enough for me to hear about exciting cities, I had to see them for myself. It’s all about the experience!

I decided to start my wanderlust blog back in 2016. I posted pics from Taipei to Tampa… And everywhere in between!

My blog quickly expanded. These days I offer cutting-edge articles + quizzes from a diverse crew of travellers. Wherever you're off to next, we’ve got the must-know deets! Come back now, you hear?

Looking For Un Peu Plus (A Little More) Travel Inspiration?

1) Check out this article on France’s secret gems! I spill all the hottest spots most tourists have never even heard of. Trust me, you’ll regret not scheduling these in...

2) Take this quiz on which French museum is best suited for your artistic tastes! There are so many galleries in France, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But don’t panic — I’m about to make your decision a whole lot simpler.

3) Download my free PDF worksheet Planning Your Victorious Vacation. It’s got some amazing tips — if I do say so — to help you get the most out of your trip!

Plus Expect To See Me In Your Inbox Soon With More Must-See Sights En France 🥐