Are You A Creator? Connector? Or Mover?
Find out which is your greatest capacity
Quiz Transcript
Are You A Creator? Connector? Or Mover?
Find out which is your greatest capacity
What do you think your business needs the most?
More visibility
More organization
More innovation
1 / 7
Which is the easiest for you?
Recommending a product or service
Coming up with new projects or ideas
Keeping a long term project going
2 / 7
How often do you have new ideas?
All the time
I'm better at carrying out ideas than having them
I only get inspired every once in a while
3 / 7
If someone you know has a problem, how would you solve it?
Put them in touch with a person you know that can help them
Come up with a new idea to solve their problem
Look at what steps would need to be put in place for this to be solved
4 / 7
Which of these is the least valuable to you?
Having creative ideas
Having a vision of the future and how to get there
Having connections
5 / 7
Which of these things do you do most often?
Talk about an idea but not do them
Think out an idea in your head but not do it
Plan out your ideas and what actions to take
6 / 7
Have you been told any of these?
Do you get told that your ideas never come into existence; that you never actually create anything?
You look to far into the future and should come back down to earth
You need to stop talking about other people's achievements and take action on your own.
7 / 7
A creator is always looking for what’s possible.
Quite often they are the dreamers; they are the visionaries; they are the ones who come up with the ideas and they are looking for the energy of what to generate in life.
Creators are the people who have a million ideas of what’s possible and often they will doubt and they will judge that they can actually create anything because a lot of the time, nothing comes to fruition because they don’t have the movers and the connectors in their business and in their ideas.
A business requires a creator, a connector and a mover to make it work. You don’t need 3 people; you need the 3 energies. It is not about judging you. It is about the awareness of what your business requires.
Connectors are the people who love to talk to everybody.
Their specialty is making connections. It’s a like hairdresser can often be a good connector. Or that person who you know you cannot tell a secret to because it is going to get out.
They are great on the phone, they are not afraid to talk to anyone and they make great sales people. You need a connector for your business.
A business requires a creator, a connector and a mover to make it work. You don’t need 3 people; you need the 3 energies. It is not about judging you. It is about the awareness of what your business requires.
Movers are people who know how to run a business.
They are the ones who are energetic, ambitious and are aware of the future of what is required.
Their specialty is knowing what has to be put into place to expand the business today and tomorrow. A mover will always look at the possibilities and ask what is going to be required next.
A business requires a creator, a connector and a mover to make it work. You don’t need 3 people; you need the 3 energies. It is not about judging you. It is about the awareness of what your business requires.
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