Are you Gen Z ready?

Find out how to step things up for Gen Z!

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Are you Gen Z ready?

Find out how to step things up for Gen Z!

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How do you feel after you post on social media?

A ghost town. I hold myself back from liking my own posts


Good enough, but I’d still like more interaction and traction.


For the amount of work I put in, I’d expect to generate more following through than I currently do.


I think my office's social media strategy is going well.


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What is your biggest challenge when it comes to posting?

I have no idea what to post.


I don’t know how to get any sort of engagement on my posts.


I don’t know how to create a call-to-action my followers want to click on. 


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What are the majority of your posts about?

My student workers have this down.


I post for things related my institution or study abroad office.


I barely ever post because I just don't know what to post.


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How often do you schedule your posts?

I post as I go along with no real strategy. 


I schedule my posts about a month in advance.


I work on my schedule every few days.


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What part of your marketing strategy makes you feel overwhelmed?

Creating consistent content.


Making all my posts be accessible to all.


Getting my posts in front of new eyes.


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Which word(s) best describes your website?

Text heavy heavy heavy.


Confusing to navigate.




Savvy use of multimedia


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Content Planning

Knowing what your focus is on each social media platform and keeping it simple will help focus your content creating game. Creating content can be hard,but it doesn't have to be!

With a focus, strategy and sustainable plan, creating consistent content will fall into place.

Know what content you want to develop and let that lead your search. There is a lot of common use media and data, in addition to the content your generate.

As you develop content, do your check: Is this 19-year-old friendly?

Maximize Engagement

In order to grow your following, engagement is key. There is a saying: "Facts tell and stories sell". Students are impressed and drawn in by other students stories. Capitalize on the wealth of 19-year old know how by getting your students involved. Students are an untapped resource to drawn in engagement from their peers.

Its not just about getting those likes, its about following and sharing.

Thoughts on enhancing the engagement experience for Gen Zers: multimedia, peer-to-peer platforms, digital connects via SM, apps, software to make a more interactive experience.

Digital Literacy Upgrade

What ways can you tap into the digital literacy of Gen Zers to let them know that you get it and are at their level?

Doing an assessment of your SM platforms, student engagement pieces, website, and information format can help you stay relevant with Gen Zers.

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