Discover YOUR Tech Personality Type

Figure out your Tech Personality Type in just three minutes!

Quiz Transcript

Discover YOUR Tech Personality Type

Figure out your Tech Personality Type in just three minutes!

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Where are you in your career?

I'm just starting out, and I'm trying to figure out what I want.


I've been in my career for 5-10+ years and I want to make a change.


I've taken a break from my career but I want to get back into the workforce.


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If you could change one thing about your career, what would it be?

Money! Specifically, I’d like more of it.


I’d like to be able to work from home (or remote, from anywhere in the world).


I want to do work that I actually care about. 


I want to be my own boss, set my own schedule and choose my own work.


Right now I’m not working...and that’s the problem!


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What's your biggest concern about learning tech skills?

I'm not smart or talented enough to learn tech!


It's too late in my career/life to make this big of a change.


I don't have the time to learn new skills—I'm busy as it is.


Learning to code is too expensive, I'm not sure it's worth it.


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What types of companies would you be interested in working for?

Non-profit, museum, charity organization


Media, fashion & design, or digital agencies


Big software companies like Facebook, Google, Microsoft


Financial institutions, law firms, or consulting firms


Small & local businesses


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Picture the perfect workplace for you. What do you see?

A collaborative environment where I'm a full-time member of a team


Work at home in the morning, with time for kids' soccer practice in the afternoon


A video conference with coworkers on my screen… and the beach behind it


New clients and a new challenge every day


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How much time are you able to dedicate to learning new skills?

40 hours a week or more—I'm here to learn!


5-10 hours a week is all I've got


10ish hours a month is all I can do


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How much money do you want to make?

$50,000 or more


$75,000 or more


$100,000 or more


$150,000 or more


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How quickly do you want to get a new job?

Within 3 months


Within 6 months


Within 9 months


Within the next year


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You're an Ambitious 9-to-5er!

You’re ready for a full-time, on-site career...if only you could figure out what path is right for you! You envision a bright, lucrative future ahead of you (complete with corner office, maybe?), and you’re ready to invest some time in learning the skills you’ll need to succeed.

You're a Conscious Coordinator!

You’re organized but frugal; you probably know your bank account balance down to the penny! You’re considering a change to your work arrangement to increase your paycheck (or even getting back to work to add a second income to your household), but you’re very concerned about the investment it might take to get to that point.

You're a Go-Getter!

You’re already busy enough as it is—just not doing the right kind of work or making the right amount of money. You’re looking for a full-time, on-site career that earns you the respect you deserve. Let’s face it: you need an upgrade.

You're a Pragmatic Professional!  

You want a full-time, on-site career—one that will be a fulfilling, lucrative way to grow with a great company. Tech careers are lucrative and in high demand. On top of a lot of the perks that come with working in tech spaces (office dogs, gym memberships, the bottomless candy bowl), the job security that tech skills offer is money in the bank.

You're a Freelance Hero!

With more small businesses needing websites, you’re ready to be the boss, pick your own clients, and set your own rates. No more working for peanuts on someone else’s time! Instead, how about choosing where, when, and even if you work (and for how much!) every single day. If this sounds like you, then launching a freelance career in tech is one of the best choices you can make.