How Confident Are You as a Business Owner?

Bottom line, running your own business can be isolating, and sometimes it's hard to tell if you've got it all under control, or could use some help. This quiz will help you get some perspective!

Quiz Transcript

How Confident Are You as a Business Owner?

Bottom line, running your own business can be isolating, and sometimes it's hard to tell if you've got it all under control, or could use some help. This quiz will help you get some perspective!

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How organized does your workplace feel?

Not Very






1 / 14

How organized does your paperwork (& other  systems) feel?

Not Very






2 / 14

How much do you love your customers?



They're alr


They're Great!


3 / 14

How much do you love the people you work with? (If you don't have employees/co-workers, rate yourself!)

Not a lot 


They're alright


They're Great!


4 / 14

How much do you love your strategic partners? (Suppliers, affiliates, coaches, etc)

Not a lot


They work


They're Great!


5 / 14

How many days, out of the past week, did you feel rushed (or as though there were not enough hours in the day)?







6 / 14

How many days, out of the past week, did you fail to get your top priority task for the day done?







7 / 14

How many days, out of the past week, did you feel forced to do something you would have preferred not to? 







8 / 14

How many times in the past month did you struggle with a decision, for more than 4 hours?





More than 5


9 / 14

How long would it take you to think of a "win" that happened in the past month?

Less than 5 minutes


Less than 15 minutes




10 / 14

Quick - write down 3 goals you think you can achieve next month!  Now tell me, how long did that take you to think them up?

Less than 5 minutes


Less than 30 minutes




11 / 14

How excited are you about those 3 goals?



They're decent


Very Excited!


12 / 14

How confident are you that you will achieve your 5 year goals or vision?

I don't have a 5 year vision


My goals are a little fuzzy


I'm on track




13 / 14

How well do you think your Mission (or purpose statement) reflects why you're in business?

I don't have a mission


I've never really written anything down, but I can sort of explain my mission & why it relates


It's a really good start




14 / 14

You scored a 0

Not Great - Yet!

Running a business is hard. Remember that almost no one succeeds truly alone. You can & should reach out for some help when you find yourself struggling. Spending some time clarifying the specific purpose and vision of your company may help make decisions easier & keep you focused on a productive path.

You scored a 21

You're doing alright!

You're doing alright! Running a business is hard. Remember that almost no one succeeds truly alone and reach out for help when you find yourself struggling. Spending some time clarifying the specific purpose and vision of your company may help make decisions easier & keep you focused on a productive path.

You scored a 50

You're Great!

Congratulations! It looks like you're confident about the purpose and direction of your business, which makes decision making clearer and gives you a great framework for staying focused! Just remember you don't have to go it alone, everyone can use a little help and community from time to time!