How well can you predict the weather?


Quiz Transcript

How well can you predict the weather?

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If you count the number of times a cricket chirps in 14 seconds, then add 40, you can get a close estimate of...

A. The amount of days it will rain in the coming winter


B. The percentage humidity of the air


C. The temperature in Fahrenheit


D. The number of days of sunshine in the coming summer


1 / 4

As legend has it, if cows lie down...

A. They're looking to catch some rays


B. Rain is on the way


C. Snow is imminent


2 / 4

If a groundhog emerges from hibernation and sees his shadow, there'll be...

A. Six more weeks of winter


B. Fair weather in the coming weeks


C. A rainy summer


3 / 4

Red sky in the morning means ...

A. Shepherd's delight 


B. Shepherd's warning


4 / 4

Thankfully, we have meteorologists to rely on....

See correct answers below

Thankfully, we have meteorologists to rely on.... 

See correct answers below

You'e got the hang of this... but is it science or pseudoscience?

See correct answers below

You've got the hang of this.... but is it science or pseudoscience?

See correct answers below