Quiz: Do You Drive Your Car Like You Run Your Business?
Don't Take If Someone Cut You Off This Morning!
Quiz Transcript
Quiz: Do You Drive Your Car Like You Run Your Business?
Don't Take If Someone Cut You Off This Morning!
When you're not sitting in traffic, where do you spend your time?
Running a local business
Running an online business
Getting ready to start a business
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Which quote resonates with you the most?
"I don’t think of work as work and play as play. Its all living." – Richard Branson
"Building a mission and building a business go hand in hand." – Mark Zuckerberg
"Life offers few guarantees, but generally the harder and longer you work, the more likely you will succeed." – William Harley
"When the ideas are coming, I don’t stop until the ideas stop because that train doesn’t come along all the time." – Dr. Dre
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If you could understand one thing about your clients/customers, what would it be?
What life events would cause them to buy from me?
What competitors they are going to instead of me?
How do they make purchasing decisions?
How they heard about your business and if this caused them to buy?
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Which of these images do you feel best captures your driving?
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How tech savvy is your business?
We're a tech business.
We depend on tech, but need an upgrade.
Tech is useful, but not a primary for growth.
We always stay up to date with products to increase proficiency.
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What "Drives" you to turn to a financial professional such as a CFO or Accountant?
Making sure my company is in compliance
Felt I have outgrown doing my own books/tax return
Don’t have an accountant/bookkeeper/advisor
They bring true value to saving my business money
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Which of these statements would take your business from "sitting in traffic", to "cruising in the commuter lane"?
I want to see exactly why something or somebody, is working or not working for the benefit of my business
I want to understand my market and how my business compares to others in the industry
I want increase my scope not worry about my staff taking the reins
I want to be able to completely detach and have profits stays consistant
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I say Tax, you say_________.
No thanks.
I'm a total beginner but want to know its risk and benefit.
I know it's important, but depend on someone else to take care of them.
I use them to make primary decisions in my business for better results!
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In a year, do you want to spend more time, less time, or the same amount of time in your business?
More, I am in a growth phase but know my results may take more than a year.
Less, I always want to scale my business and generate more profitability and more independence.
Same, I am completely content and my work/life balance is perfect!
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The Aggressive Optomist
The Aggressive Optimist believes that nothing they do will fail.
Kind of like putting the pedal to the medal on a dirt road, they’re willing to hit a couple bumps if the destination is worth it.
Not knowing exactly how they’ll reach their market or make crucial financial decisions, often times several life cycles need to happen before a process is perfected. However, once they align their tires on what works, you can expect the car to break down before they’ll hit the breaks.
If you’re still reading, there is a slight possibility that you’ve shaken your head at least once. If you don’t see yourself as someone who is consistent and committed, its an honor to still have you here.
Its time to see what’s under the hood...
Even though you’re used to speeding to your destination and have had this work time and time again in the past.
Your breaks are there for a reason, to keep you from overshooting your short term goal and understanding that getting to your destination early is not worth totaling your car along the way.
Take a leap of faith by tapping on the breaks, getting your mirrors in proper position, and flooring it. Do the research needed to understand why innovative solutions like automation or online marketing can save you the time of having to fail time and time again.
Decide on what it is you want to accomplish, seek guidance of someone who can help you along the way, and fuel your bank account by turning your business into what you know it can potentially be.
The Distracted Innovator
The Distracted Innovator takes pride in getting their customers to the finish line, offering a one of a kind product that is flawless. Knowing the work required for the long-haul, you place your trust in a small team, keeping your trusted circle close for procedural tune-ups and company direction. However, you feel MOST comfortable placing trust in technology and innovation and knowing your competition in your rear-view mirror.
If you’re still reading, there is a slight possibility that you’ve shaken your head at least once. If you don’t see yourself as someone who is consistent and committed, its an honor to still have you here.
Its time to see what’s under the hood...
Being distracted often times is not that big of a deal when you’re sitting in traffic. However, once growth positions a transformation from “Busy Commuter” to “NASCAR Driver”, shifting the lifeblood of business operations from “small team” to “complex employee structure” is nearly impossible without a drastic shift in motivation.
Take a turn down the road less traveled and exploring something bigger than you had previously imagined. Find happiness in the opportunities you’re presented with, the decisions you are making, and the goals you set for yourself.
By having a clear direction, garnering trust in people outside of your inner circle is manageable and scalable.
Racing with a pit crew is a lot faster than doing everything yourself, fuel your bank account and personal ambitions by turning your business into what you know it can potentially be.
The Defensive Conservative
The Defensive Conservative take their business in proven directions that have worked in the past. With steady growth and commitment to a mission, you’re sense of unwavering consistency always keeps gas in your tank and money in your bank.
If you’re still reading, there is a slight possibility that you’ve shaken your head at least once. If you don’t see yourself as someone who is consistent and committed, its an honor to still have you here.
Its time to see what’s under the hood...
Even though you are kicking butt and have incrementally seen great growth. Your fear of failure has always kept you right on the edge of kicking your business into hyperdrive.
With new innovations and inventions, having a tried and true model for success is nearly impossible without having to constantly updated your process to fit a moving society.
Step into the unknown and take a chance on something that could potentially change your business.
On a trial basis, consider trying things you see many of your competitors doing to speed ahead, and as soon as you see results PUT THE PEDAL TO THE METAL and let things like: automation, online marketing, and feedback loops do the work for you!
You might fail miserably at what you decided to do, and have to try again and again to really see the benefit. Know that its not the action that fails, its simply the planning and execution.
The Cruisin' CEO
The Cruisin’ CEO is fully self-aware of where they need take the wheel, and where they need to sit passenger.
With support from passionate employees contributing in the areas they are skilled, your main focus is to position yourself for meaningful connections with customers and staff.
By doing this you understand you market fully, jumping on trends at the perfect timing to see results significantly faster rate than others in your industry.
If you’re still reading, there is a slight possibility that you’ve shaken your head at least once. If you don’t see yourself as someone who is consistent and committed, its an honor to still have you here.
Its time to see what’s under the hood...
Cruise control isn’t as useful when you’re bumper to bumper.
For you, navigating the importance of interpersonal relationships and driving business results, often times is hard balance.
Whether its putting trust in a process, staff member, or the uncomfortable pains of large industry changes. Finding the time in your day to lead, manage, and perform, is a blessing or curse depending on how you look at it.
You my friend are KICK #$% at building brand! Understanding people in a way that many others will never be able to, your personal prioritization will continually create long term success both personally and professionally.
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