Tells Us Your Favorite Movies & We Tell You Which Composer's Operas Best Suit You


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Tells Us Your Favorite Movies & We Tell You Which Composer's Operas Best Suit You

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Which of these 2018 Oscar Best Picture Nominees Was Your Favorite?

The Shape of Water






The Post


Get Out


1 / 10

Which of these films is most up your alley?

Enter the Void


The Lives of Others








2 / 10

Pick a movie. 

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers


The Fast and the Furious




The Rules of the Game




3 / 10

What is most important to you in your movie-going experience? 

I want to go to a world I can only imagine in my dreams. 


I want complex characters in a complex world. 


I want emotional thrills. 


I want you to wreck my emotions or my mind by scaring me or just screwing with me. 


I want to laugh. 


4 / 10

Pick a director. 

Steven Spielberg


Woody Allen


Dario Argento


Kathryn Bigelow


Peter Jackson


5 / 10

Which of these movies by Stanley Kubrick is your favorite? 

2001: A Space Odyssey


Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb


The Shining


Barry Lyndon


Paths of Glory


6 / 10

Pick a genre.



Action / Adventure








7 / 10

Pick an iconic portrayal. 

Neve Campbell in "Scream" movies


Tom Cruise in "Mission Impossible"


Steve Carrell in "The Office"


Jessica Chastain in "Zero Dark Thirty"


Mark Hamill in "Star Wars"


8 / 10

Of these 2018 movie releases, which interests you the least?

Mission Impossible: Fallout


Avengers: Infinity War




Birds of Passage (Pájaros de Verano)


Ocean's 8


9 / 10

Pick a franchise. 

Star Wars


The Before Trilogy by Richard Linklater


The Hangover 


The Conjuring


Mission Impossible


10 / 10

Wagner's Mythic Epics

You're a fantasy or sci-fi nut. Probably should include the comic book movies in there as part of what you love to watch.

You'd rather be watching "Star Wars" or "Lord of the Rings" than that upcoming Oscar contender or a foreign language movie. And that's why Wagner's epics would best suit you. Wagner's "Ring" is the forbearer to the big superhero sagas and other works, such as "Lohengrin" or "Parsifal" themselves, feature heroes in the true mythical sense. Not to mention that his music is of epic proportions, right in line withe fantastical.

Verdi's Socio-Political Thrillers

You are really into political thrillers that focus on characters fighting the system.

Verdi's operas tend to take a searing look at the political landscape, constantly questioning the world of its characters. Many of his works work as political thrillers, such as "Un Ballo in Maschera," "Don Carlo," "Simon Boccanegra," "Rigoletto," "Otello," or even "La Forza del Destino," filled with great tension between its ever-complex protagonists. Watching a Verdi opera, you just never know who to side with when all is said and done. Throw in the fact that he bathes these characters with elegant and exquisite melodic invention and you will leave with a sense of emotional completeness.

Mozart's Social Comedies

You enjoy sophisticated comedies that comment on the world we live in and love to laugh at human foibles.

Mozart's comedies are gems that love to rip into the preconceived notions of what society should be. Just look at "Le Nozze di Figaro," arguably his most renowned work, which is all about the lower class giving the abusive Count in power his comeuppance in increasingly hilarious fashion. His music also gives you that little energetic boost that also gives you that high that you can only get from joy and laughter.

Alban Berg's Horrifying Experiments

You love horror movies. Maybe you also love your experimental films that distort perception in unique and fascinating ways. Whatever it may be, you love works that mess around with the human psyche.

So it only makes sense that Berg's operas would be your cup of tea. Not only is his 12-tone music (and his structural way with it in the context of opera) going to mess with your understanding of music, but the stories of his two operas, "Wozzeck" and "Lulu," are horror embodied.

Puccini's Action Melodramas

You love your action movies with their breakneck pace and instant gratification.

Puccini's operas are propulsive in nature (Fast and Furious, if you will), packing tons of emotion as quickly as he can into as little as he can. His plots add to this sense of movement, with such works as "Tosca," "La Fanciulla del West," "Turandot," and "Manon Lescaut" filled with suspenseful and gut-wrenching sequences. His music is high octane to be sure, filled with an endless array of melodies that you will undeniably remember as well as any cool stunt or fight choreography.