The Happiness Quiz


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The Happiness Quiz

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Self: I know who I am, and I like myself.

Not true


Rarely true


Sometimes true


Mostly true


Very true


1 / 10

Relationships: My most important relationships get the most of my attention.

Not true


Rarely true


Sometimes true


Mostly true


Very true


2 / 10

Work: I have a strong sense of purpose and/or I love my work.

Not true


Rarely true


Sometimes true


Mostly true


Very true


3 / 10

Attitude: I choose my attitude most of the time.

Not true


Rarely true


Sometimes true


Mostly true


Very true


4 / 10

Gratitude: I appreciate my life as it happens.

Not true


Rarely true


Sometimes true


Mostly true


Very true


5 / 10

Forgiveness: I am good at letting go of past hurts and disappointments.

Not true


Rarely true


Sometimes true


Mostly true


Very true


6 / 10

Humor: I know how to have fun, and I do.

Not true


Rarely true


Sometimes true


Mostly true


Very true


7 / 10

Health: I look after myself and take care of my well-being.

Not true


Rarely true


Sometimes true


Mostly true


Very true


8 / 10

Spirituality: I know what inspires me, supports me and gives me strength.

Not true


Rarely true


Sometimes true


Mostly true


Very true


9 / 10

Now: I believe happiness is a way of traveling.

Not true


Rarely true


Sometimes true


Mostly true


Very true


10 / 10

You scored a 0

Shift Happens!

If you scored 10 to 35 points: Shift happens! You probably knew you were going to score this low before you took the test. It might be a good idea to take an honest look at why you feel the way you do. You might also consider getting help in putting together a program of personal recovery. The good news is a small change will make a big difference to your score.

You scored a 36

Self Care

If you scored 36 to 51 points: Self Care. This score is a sign that you could be looking after yourself better. Beware of unhealthy self-sacrifice. Notice the cost of self-neglect. Acknowledge the help you need. Recognize how you might be limiting your own happiness. Remind yourself that it is not someone else's job to make you happy. Remember also that your healing and your happiness is a gift to others.

You scored a 52

Semi Happy

If you scored 52 to 67 points: Semi Happy. So, how are you? Watch out for answers like "I'm fine," "Can't complain," "Mustn't grumble," "Not so bad," "Could be worse," "So-so,"—enough! Yes, you are surviving, but now it's time to start thriving! Imagine if you were to raise your happiness levels by another 10 percent immediately—what do you think you would you be doing more of, less of or differently? Being semi-happy is safe, but it's ultimately unfulfilling. Maybe it's time to take a risk.

You scored a 68

Getting There

If you scored 68 to 83 points: Getting there. This is a healthy score. If you want to take your happiness score to the next level, you need to recognize the difference between chasing after happiness and choosing happiness. Happiness is not outside you; it’s not a destination; and it’s not about “getting there.” When you stop chasing happiness, you allow yourself to be more present, more available and more open. This way you find happiness wherever you are.

You scored a 84

Call To Joy

If you scored 84 to 100 points: Call to joy. Inside each of us is a call to joy. The more you answer this call, the more you discover the truth of who you are, what is important and what your life is for. By following your joy, you experience the fullness of your being and you discover a depth of creativity and talent that inspires the world. People who follow their joy are the renaissance workers who evolve the consciousness of humanity. It’s time to answer the call!

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