What do your kids need to hear?

Take this two-minute quiz to find out what your kids are asking for more of. Plus get my tried ‘n’ true tips for managing emotions within the family dynamic. Ready to get started?

Quiz Transcript

What do your kids need to hear?

Take this two-minute quiz to find out what your kids are asking for more of. Plus get my tried ‘n’ true tips for managing emotions within the family dynamic. Ready to get started?

Take the Quiz

My child is...

Anxious about change


Overwhelmed easily by stimulus like busy places


Needing a lot of validation


Developmentally behind their peer group


1 / 4

My child mostly enjoys...

Nature and animals


Being alone to play


Playing games with friends and family


Learning new and complex things


2 / 4

My child gets upset about...

Changes in routine


Being over tired, over stimulated or neglected


Confusion or lack of direction


Comparing themselves to others


3 / 4

My child copes with stress by...

Withdrawing and finding a space they feel safe


Talking a lot, verbally processing their fears


Overthinking and trying to reason things out in their mind


Crying and erratic emotions


4 / 4

Your kid needs to hear…“I accept you exactly as you are!”

Life can be tricky when you’re little.

Even the most confident child needs to be affirmed that they’re fine the way they are. Learning to navigate the world is a journey you have to take with baby steps and self compassion.

As a parent, you might get hyper-focused on your kid’s basic physical needs.

Shove some food in, put the shoes on, race from activity to activity, we sometimes overlook that there’s emotional and spiritual aspects to these tiny beings in our care.

While a healthy amount of structure is imperative, don’t discount time to lay in the grass and listen to which cloud animals your child sees or how they delight in a bird or butterfly that flits by.

Radical acceptance, truly seeing and hearing your little bean, will empower them to be fully themselves down the line, when they become adults making hard decisions.

A child that learns to trust themselves becomes the healthiest adult!

"We never know the love of the parent till we become parents ourselves." — Henry Ward Beecher

Three tips for leaving time each day to witness the wonder of your child’s experiences...

1. Meditate as a family

Studies have shown that even 10 minutes a day in meditation can reduce anxiety and enhance mental clarity. Meditating with your child will be a bonding experience for both of you.

Here is a simple way to introduce meditation to your family.

Find a quiet place and set aside family time. Phones on mute!

Let your little ones take turns choosing crystals, a candle or some incense, set the scene and make it fun. Check out our YouTube channel’s guided meditations for families and children to get you started. You could also choose calming frequency music or nature sounds to see what you like best. Now, set a timer, dim the lights and sink into your meditation.

2. Schedule in Self-Care

One of the kindest things you can do for your kids is regularly scheduling in self-care. Whether it’s a relaxing lavender-scented bath or a half an hour journaling, by giving yourself space to process and reflect, you’ll be able to show up 100%.

If you don’t already, I’d recommend keeping track of your time with a planner, so you know just how much you have to spare for some much needed TLC!

3. Leave space in your hectic schedule

Leaving empty space in your calendar is as important as cramming a thousand goals and tasks in. This can be tough if you’re an A-type, goal- oriented person, but the peace in your home will be a palpable outcome.

Replace one visit a week to the gym with a coffee date just you and your little one. Book off work an hour early on Fridays and go to a park or for a bike ride. As hard as this might sound, I know you can do it!

My clients always tell me how much easier it was to find time for their families than they thought it would be.

Let me introduce myself!

Hello there, I’m Nancy Clareborn 👋

I’m the mother of two beautiful grown children, 19-year-old David and 22-year-old Crissy.

I’m changing lives as a certified parenting coach! I wasn’t always proud of my parenting, but with learning and dedication, I turned things around miraculously with my family.

This is why I’m so passionate about working with you!

Yep, you heard right — whether it’s evening chaos or poor communication you struggle with, I give parents the guidance they need to raise happy, healthy families. Think you could use a little extra support?

Book a free 15 minute consultation with me today!


Together, we’ve got this


Looking for a few more resources? Fill up on these...

1. Access a veritable library of communication and parenting tips by following me on Instagram and joining my private Facebook group.

Plus you’ll get exclusive access to coaching workshops that I don’t offer anywhere else!

2. Download my assortment of family meditations.

It doesn’t have to be rocket science to learn how to meditate. Let me get you started!

3. Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with me and my team.

You can fill me in on your family’s deets and decide if we’d make a good fit. Schedule your free 20 minute phone call, you’ve got nothing to lose!

P.S. Expect to see me in your inbox with more tips to help you create space for your child to become the soul they’re meant to be!

Your child needs to hear… “Sensitivity is your superpower”

Did you know that approximately 20% of the animal kingdom is thought to be highly sensitive?

Modern psychology has coined the term “Highly Sensitive People” or “HSP”. Highly sensitive children often have empathy and sophisticated feelings about beauty and suffering.

If you suspect your child is an HSP consider yourself blessed.

And also… brace yourself for an amazing ride.

Learn alongside them about the wonder of every tiny detail of the world and reframe any thoughts you may have about them being “too emotional” or “difficult”. Your little one is perfect the way they are and there’s a good chance they will teach you to see your own life in a more beautiful way.

Sometimes, you wonder why your child doesn’t communicate openly with you. But it might just be that they feel you have trouble accepting their uniqueness.

I see you friend, you are busy — you juggle a hundred and one things, and sometimes it’s overwhelming. But it’s important that your children don’t feel like they’re the last item on your mile-long to-do list...

So try getting a little more involved in their lives by asking them what they noticed each day or what they are feeling.

“HSP’s hear nearly every sound, notice every movement, and process the expression on every person’s face. And that means that simply walking through a public space can be an assault on their senses.”

— Andre Sólo

Three tips for leaving time each day to witness the wonder of your child’s experiences...

1. Meditate as a family

Studies have shown that even 10 minutes a day in meditation can reduce anxiety and enhance mental clarity. Meditating with your child will be a bonding experience for both of you.

Here is a simple way to introduce meditation to your family.

Find a quiet place and set aside family time. Phones on mute!

Let your little ones take turns choosing crystals, a candle or some incense, set the scene and make it fun. Check out our YouTube channel’s guided meditations for families and children to get you started. You could also choose calming frequency music or nature sounds to see what you like best. Now, set a timer, dim the lights and sink into your meditation.

2. Schedule in Self-Care

One of the kindest things you can do for your kids is regularly scheduling in self-care. Whether it’s a relaxing lavender-scented bath or a half an hour journaling, by giving yourself space to process and reflect, you’ll be able to show up 100%.

If you don’t already, I’d recommend keeping track of your time with a planner, so you know just how much you have to spare for some much needed TLC!

3. Leave space in your hectic schedule

Leaving empty space in your calendar is as important as cramming a thousand goals and tasks in. This can be tough if you’re an A-type, goal- oriented person, but the peace in your home will be a palpable outcome.

Replace one visit a week to the gym with a coffee date just you and your little one. Book off work an hour early on Fridays and go to a park or for a bike ride. As hard as this might sound, I know you can do it!

My clients always tell me how much easier it was to find time for their families than they thought it would be.

Let me introduce myself!

Hello there, I’m Nancy Clareborn 👋

I’m the mother of two beautiful grown children, 19-year-old David and 22-year-old Crissy.

I’m changing lives as a certified parenting coach! I wasn’t always proud of my parenting, but with learning and dedication, I turned things around miraculously with my family.

This is why I’m so passionate about working with you!

Yep, you heard right — whether it’s evening chaos or poor communication you struggle with, I give parents the guidance they need to raise happy, healthy families. Think you could use a little extra support?

Book a free 15 minute consultation with me today!


Together, we’ve got this


Looking for a few more resources? Fill up on these...

1. Access a veritable library of communication and parenting tips by following me on Instagram and joining my private FaceBook group.

Plus you’ll get exclusive access to coaching workshops that I don’t offer anywhere else!

2. Download my assortment of family meditations.

It doesn’t have to be rocket science to learn how to meditate. Let me get you started!

3. Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with me and my team.

You can fill me in on your family’s deets and decide if we’d make a good fit. Schedule your free 20 minute phone call, you’ve got nothing to lose!

P.S. Expect to see me in your inbox with more tips to help you create space for your child to become the soul they’re meant to be!

Your child needs to hear… ”Wherever we are together is home.” 

Life is always changing which can make even the most laid-back kid a bit uneasy.

Moving house, parental breakups, a new school, a new baby are all examples of what can leave your little one longing for reassurance. As stressed out as you may be by life changes, the most important thing to demonstrate is that YOU are their home and no-one gets left behind…

As Lilo said, "Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind."

You might ask your child calmly why they acted out, which communicates to them that you are there to listen through thick and thin.

It’s important to you that your children feel like valuable members of the family. You throw idioms like ‘children should be seen and not heard’ out the window and encourage your kids to speak their minds.

On top of that, you serve up a whole lot of nurturing warmth. I know this might all sound daunting, managing your time and energy can be challenging… That’s where I can help.

"What can you do about world peace? Go home and love your family” Mother Teresa

Three tips for leaving time each day to witness the wonder of your child’s experiences...

1. Meditate as a family

Studies have shown that even 10 minutes a day in meditation can reduce anxiety and enhance mental clarity. Meditating with your child will be a bonding experience for both of you.

Here is a simple way to introduce meditation to your family.

Find a quiet place and set aside family time. Phones on mute!

Let your little ones take turns choosing crystals, a candle or some incense, set the scene and make it fun. Check out our YouTube channel’s guided meditations for families and children to get you started. You could also choose calming frequency music or nature sounds to see what you like best. Now, set a timer, dim the lights and sink into your meditation.

2. Schedule in Self-Care

One of the kindest things you can do for your kids is regularly scheduling in self-care. Whether it’s a relaxing lavender-scented bath or a half an hour journaling, by giving yourself space to process and reflect, you’ll be able to show up 100%.

If you don’t already, I’d recommend keeping track of your time with a planner, so you know just how much you have to spare for some much needed TLC!

3. Leave space in your hectic schedule

Leaving empty space in your calendar is as important as cramming a thousand goals and tasks in. This can be tough if you’re an A-type, goal- oriented person, but the peace in your home will be a palpable outcome.

Replace one visit a week to the gym with a coffee date just you and your little one. Book off work an hour early on Fridays and go to a park or for a bike ride. As hard as this might sound, I know you can do it!

My clients always tell me how much easier it was to find time for their families than they thought it would be.

Let me introduce myself!

Hello there, I’m Nancy Clareborn 👋

I’m the mother of two beautiful grown children, 19-year-old David and 22-year-old Crissy.

I’m changing lives as a certified parenting coach! I wasn’t always proud of my parenting, but with learning and dedication, I turned things around miraculously with my family.

This is why I’m so passionate about working with you!

Yep, you heard right — whether it’s evening chaos or poor communication you struggle with, I give parents the guidance they need to raise happy, healthy families. Think you could use a little extra support?

Book a free 15 minute consultation with me today!


Together, we’ve got this


Looking for a few more resources? Fill up on these...

1. Access a veritable library of communication and parenting tips by following me on Instagram and joining my private FaceBook group.

Plus you’ll get exclusive access to coaching workshops that I don’t offer anywhere else!

2. Download my assortment of family meditations.

It doesn’t have to be rocket science to learn how to meditate. Let me get you started!

3. Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with me and my team.

You can fill me in on your family’s deets and decide if we’d make a good fit. Schedule your free 20 minute phone call, you’ve got nothing to lose!

P.S. Expect to see me in your inbox with more tips to help you create space for your child to become the soul they’re meant to be!

Your child needs to hear… “You are exactly where you need to be!”

Western ideals have got most of us chasing our tails and caught up in “shoulds”.

Don’t you love it when someone tells you “you are exactly where you need to be on your life path”? Children are no different than adults in their needs to be seen and heard. Maybe if more of us were teaching our children acceptance, we would be living in a whole world of blissed out grownups…

Just because society might make it feel impossible not to compare your child’s growth and development to the other kids in the playground doesn’t mean there isn’t room for them to be an individual.

In some cases you have to put our blinders on to outside messages and see our kids for who they truly are. It can be helpful to get advice from doctors and teachers but there is no replacement for a parents intuition and Love. Noticing a little one’s successes will far outweigh correcting them for not being the same as others.

“Your kids require you most of all to love them for who they are, not to spend your whole time trying to correct them." — Bill Ayers

Three tips for leaving time each day to witness the wonder of your child’s experiences...

1. Meditate as a family

Studies have shown that even 10 minutes a day in meditation can reduce anxiety and enhance mental clarity. Meditating with your child will be a bonding experience for both of you.

Here is a simple way to introduce meditation to your family.

Find a quiet place and set aside family time. Phones on mute!

Let your little ones take turns choosing crystals, a candle or some incense, set the scene and make it fun. Check out our YouTube channel’s guided meditations for families and children to get you started. You could also choose calming frequency music or nature sounds to see what you like best. Now, set a timer, dim the lights and sink into your meditation.

2. Schedule in Self-Care

One of the kindest things you can do for your kids is regularly scheduling in self-care. Whether it’s a relaxing lavender-scented bath or a half an hour journaling, by giving yourself space to process and reflect, you’ll be able to show up 100%.

If you don’t already, I’d recommend keeping track of your time with a planner, so you know just how much you have to spare for some much needed TLC!

3. Leave space in your hectic schedule

Leaving empty space in your calendar is as important as cramming a thousand goals and tasks in. This can be tough if you’re an A-type, goal- oriented person, but the peace in your home will be a palpable outcome.

Replace one visit a week to the gym with a coffee date just you and your little one. Book off work an hour early on Fridays and go to a park or for a bike ride. As hard as this might sound, I know you can do it!

My clients always tell me how much easier it was to find time for their families than they thought it would be.

Let me introduce myself!

Hello there, I’m Nancy Clareborn 👋

I’m the mother of two beautiful grown children, 19-year-old David and 22-year-old Crissy.

I’m changing lives as a certified parenting coach! I wasn’t always proud of my parenting, but with learning and dedication, I turned things around miraculously with my family.

This is why I’m so passionate about working with you!

Yep, you heard right — whether it’s evening chaos or poor communication you struggle with, I give parents the guidance they need to raise happy, healthy families. Think you could use a little extra support?

Book a free 15 minute consultation with me today!


Together, we’ve got this


Looking for a few more resources? Fill up on these...

1. Access a veritable library of communication and parenting tips by following me on Instagram and joining my private FaceBook group.

Plus you’ll get exclusive access to coaching workshops that I don’t offer anywhere else!

2. Download my assortment of family meditations.

It doesn’t have to be rocket science to learn how to meditate. Let me get you started!

3. Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with me and my team.

You can fill me in on your family’s deets and decide if we’d make a good fit. Schedule your free 20 minute phone call, you’ve got nothing to lose!

P.S. Expect to see me in your inbox with more tips to help you create space for your child to become the soul they’re meant to be!