What's your child's learning style?

If you're ready to discover your child's true learning style, take this quick quiz! On top of that, I'll give you tips to help transform their mindset, so they can succeed at school ⭐️📚💯

Quiz Transcript

What's your child's learning style?

If you're ready to discover your child's true learning style, take this quick quiz! On top of that, I'll give you tips to help transform their mindset, so they can succeed at school ⭐️📚💯

Take The Quiz

Your child enjoys learning when...

I set them up with a hands-on activity.


I give them space to read and write on their own.


I tell them what to do and how to do it.


I show them an illustration to help them "get it."


1 / 9

When your child gets a new toy, they usually read the instructions before diving in...


2 / 9

What's your child's favourite type of book?

Anything with lots of pictures.


Books with exciting characters and stories.


Whatever I'll read to them.


Books? Whose kid are we talking about?


3 / 9

What's your child's fave subject?

Music! They are always singing something.


English! My child can't get enough of reading.


Art! Their notes are covered in colourful doodles.


Gym! When it comes to sports, my child is a champion.


4 / 9

Your child is usually soft-spoken...


5 / 9

What's your child's toy of choice?

Their paint-set, pencil crayons, and colouring book!


Their light-up microphone and dance mat!


Anything and everything they can play with outside!


Their LEGO, jigsaw puzzles, and board games!


6 / 9

Your child remembers people and places...


7 / 9

What do you struggle with most with your child?

My child is so talkative! Quiet time isn't their thing. 


Getting them to focus.


Stopping them from doodling all over their homework.


Encouraging them to take the lead.


8 / 9

How old is your child?

2-4 — Happy, highly excitable, and testing the boundaries.


5-8 — Playful, curious, and increasingly independent.


9-12 — Energetic, social, and always up for new experiences.


9 / 9

Your child is a... Visual Learner!

Congratulations — by completing this quiz, you've shown your commitment to understanding your child's learning style and catering to their unique strengths. According to your responses, your child is a visual learner! So, what does that actually mean? Keep reading, friend...

Your child learns better by looking at illustrations and instructional demonstrations than by listening or taking a more hands on approach. They typically have strong organization skills and are keen note-takers.

You can support your visual learner by providing them with charts and graphs that summarize the abstract concepts they learned in class. On top of that, try encouraging them to stick to an organizational system and color code their notes. Remember, school doesn't have to be a snore-fest!

"Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded." — Jess Lair

3 Tips to Help You Transform Your Child's Attitude Towards Learning 👇

1. Learn Alongside Them

Monkey see, monkey do, right? When your child notices you're excited about what they are learning, they are likely to mirror that behavior and approach school with some pep in their step. On top of that, try studying up on the subjects they are enrolled in, so you can point them in the right direction if they get lost along the way.

2. Reward Hard Work

Instead of rewarding success, reward your child for their determination, drive, and hard work. You don't have to race out and buy them the latest toy — try taking them for ice cream or simply praising them and giving them a big hug or high-five. What's most important is that you acknowledge your child's efforts... even if they didn't result in straight As.

3. Flexibility Comes First

As this quiz suggests, every child learns in a unique way, and just because yours may have trouble sitting still or can't focus unless they are in total silence, doesn't mean they are any less intelligent. Instead of writing them off, tune into their interests. Notice how they've succeeded in the past and how you can use similar strategies to support them.

"Whose the Mind Behind This Marvelous Quiz?" Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hey there, and welcome — I'm Yvonne Noé, Parenting Coach 👋 I'm here to help you through one of life's most rewarding challenges: raising a happy, healthy child. From ensuring their success in school to spotless manners, you've got a lot on your plate, and, friend, it's totally normal to feel stressed, but the truth is you don't have to do this on your own. Together, we can transform your child's mindset and set them up for real world wins!

Searching for Extra Support? I've Got Your Back

1. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook. I post tips and tricks to help you transform your relationship with your child.

2. Download my free PDF worksheet on learning styles. It'll give you everything you need to support your child through thick and thin.

3. Book a free 15-minute consultation with yours truly. Ready to get started? Tell me the time, and let's talk!

P.S. Check Your Inbox! I'll Be in There with a PDF Copy of Your Quiz Results 🙌

Your child is an... Auditory Learner!

Congratulations — by completing this quiz, you've shown your commitment to understanding your child's learning style and catering to their unique strengths. According to your responses, your child is an auditory learner! So, what does that actually mean? Keep reading, friend...

Your child learns better by hearing than looking or taking a more hands on approach. They may have to talk out information to make sense of it, and if bored, they are likely to speak, hum, or sing to themselves.

You can support your auditory learner by providing them with flashcards and encouraging them to read their class materials out-loud. On top of that, try teaching them how to turn their lessons into easily memorizable songs and stories. Remember, school doesn't have to be a snore-fest!

"Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded." — Jess Lair

3 Tips to Help You Transform Your Child's Attitude Towards Learning 👇

1. Learn Alongside Them

Monkey see, monkey do, right? When your child notices you're excited about what they are learning, they are likely to mirror that behavior and approach school with some pep in their step. On top of that, try studying up on the subjects they are enrolled in, so you can point them in the right direction if they get lost along the way.

2. Reward Hard Work

Instead of rewarding success, reward your child for their determination, drive, and hard work. You don't have to race out and buy them the latest toy — try taking them for ice cream or simply praising them and giving them a big hug or high-five. What's most important is that you acknowledge your child's efforts... even if they didn't result in straight As.

3. Flexibility Comes First

As this quiz suggests, every child learns in a unique way, and just because yours may have trouble sitting still or can't focus unless they are in total silence, doesn't mean they are any less intelligent. Instead of writing them off, tune into their interests. Notice how they've succeeded in the past and how you can use similar strategies to support them.

"Whose the Mind Behind This Marvelous Quiz?" Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hey there, and welcome — I'm Yvonne Noé, Parenting Coach 👋 I'm here to help you through one of life's most rewarding challenges: raising a happy, healthy child. From ensuring their success in school to spotless manners, you've got a lot on your plate, and, friend, it's totally normal to feel stressed, but the truth is you don't have to do this on your own. Together, we can transform your child's mindset and set them up for real world wins!

Searching for Extra Support? I've Got Your Back

1. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook. I post tips and tricks to help you transform your relationship with your child.

2. Download my free PDF worksheet on learning styles. It'll give you everything you need to support your child through thick and thin.

3. Book a free 15-minute consultation with yours truly. Ready to get started? Tell me the time, and let's talk!

P.S. Check Your Inbox! I'll Be in There with a PDF Copy of Your Quiz Results 🙌

Your child is an... Reading/Writing Learner!

Congratulations — by completing this quiz, you've shown your commitment to understanding your child's learning style and catering to their unique strengths. According to your responses, your child is a reading/writing learner! So, what does that actually mean? Keep reading, friend...

Your child learns better by reading and writing than looking, hearing, or taking a more hands on approach. They typically have strong organization skills, are keen note-takers, and excel in academic settings.

You can support your reading/writing learner by creating a calm, quiet environment for them to do their homework in. On top of that, encourage your child to rewrite their notes in their own words, hang onto handouts, and read fun, informative articles related to their lessons.

"Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded." — Jess Lair

3 Tips to Help You Transform Your Child's Attitude Towards Learning 👇

1. Learn Alongside Them

Monkey see, monkey do, right? When your child notices you're excited about what they are learning, they are likely to mirror that behavior and approach school with some pep in their step. On top of that, try studying up on the subjects they are enrolled in, so you can point them in the right direction if they get lost along the way.

2. Reward Hard Work

Instead of rewarding success, reward your child for their determination, drive, and hard work. You don't have to race out and buy them the latest toy — try taking them for ice cream or simply praising them and giving them a big hug or high-five. What's most important is that you acknowledge your child's efforts... even if they didn't result in straight As.

3. Flexibility Comes First

As this quiz suggests, every child learns in a unique way, and just because yours may have trouble sitting still or can't focus unless they are in total silence, doesn't mean they are any less intelligent. Instead of writing them off, tune into their interests. Notice how they've succeeded in the past and how you can use similar strategies to support them.

"Whose the Mind Behind This Marvelous Quiz?" Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hey there, and welcome — I'm Yvonne Noé, Parenting Coach 👋 I'm here to help you through one of life's most rewarding challenges: raising a happy, healthy child. From ensuring their success in school to spotless manners, you've got a lot on your plate, and, friend, it's totally normal to feel stressed, but the truth is you don't have to do this on your own. Together, we can transform your child's mindset and set them up for real world wins!

Searching for Extra Support? I've Got Your Back

1. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook. I post tips and tricks to help you transform your relationship with your child.

2. Download my free PDF worksheet on learning styles. It'll give you everything you need to support your child through thick and thin.

3. Book a free 15-minute consultation with yours truly. Ready to get started? Tell me the time, and let's talk!

P.S. Check Your Inbox! I'll Be in There with a PDF Copy of Your Quiz Results 🙌

Your child is an... Kinesthetic Learner!

Congratulations — by completing this quiz, you've shown your commitment to understanding your child's learning style and catering to their unique strengths. According to your responses, your child is a kinesthetic learner! So, what does that actually mean? Keep reading, friend...

Your child learns better by doing than looking, hearing, and reading/writing. They need to take a hands on approach and try things out for themselves, which means traditional academic settings can be a bit challenging.

You can support your kinesthetic learner by turning homework into fun, informative games. On top of that, try letting them move around while memorizing new material and encourage their love of physical activity. Remember, school doesn't have to be a snore-fest!

"Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded." — Jess Lair

3 Tips to Help You Transform Your Child's Attitude Towards Learning 👇

1. Learn Alongside Them

Monkey see, monkey do, right? When your child notices you're excited about what they are learning, they are likely to mirror that behavior and approach school with some pep in their step. On top of that, try studying up on the subjects they are enrolled in, so you can point them in the right direction if they get lost along the way.

2. Reward Hard Work

Instead of rewarding success, reward your child for their determination, drive, and hard work. You don't have to race out and buy them the latest toy — try taking them for ice cream or simply praising them and giving them a big hug or high-five. What's most important is that you acknowledge your child's efforts... even if they didn't result in straight As.

3. Flexibility Comes First

As this quiz suggests, every child learns in a unique way, and just because yours may have trouble sitting still or can't focus unless they are in total silence, doesn't mean they are any less intelligent. Instead of writing them off, tune into their interests. Notice how they've succeeded in the past and how you can use similar strategies to support them.

"Whose the Mind Behind This Marvelous Quiz?" Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hey there, and welcome — I'm Yvonne Noé, Parenting Coach 👋 I'm here to help you through one of life's most rewarding challenges: raising a happy, healthy child. From ensuring their success in school to spotless manners, you've got a lot on your plate, and, friend, it's totally normal to feel stressed, but the truth is you don't have to do this on your own. Together, we can transform your child's mindset and set them up for real world wins!

Searching for Extra Support? I've Got Your Back

1. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook. I post tips and tricks to help you transform your relationship with your child.

2. Download my free PDF worksheet on learning styles. It'll give you everything you need to support your child through thick and thin.

3. Book a free 15-minute consultation with yours truly. Ready to get started? Tell me the time, and let's talk!

P.S. Check Your Inbox! I'll Be in There with a PDF Copy of Your Quiz Results 🙌