What emoji describes your email marketing plan?
Take the quiz to find out what emoji describes your email marketing plan!
Quiz Transcript
What emoji describes your email marketing plan?
Take the quiz to find out what emoji describes your email marketing plan!
Choose the answer that best fits your email marketing strategy right now:
I have my email service set up and I have sign-up forms on my website, but I have no idea what to send to subscribers.
I've got a small email list and I send out emails when inspiration strikes or when I write a new blog post.
I'm really struggling with the strategy behind my email marketing so I can convert my subscribers.
I strategically plan every email a month ahead of time. Every email gets sent on the same day, at the same time, each week. My subscribers read my emails and sometimes even respond.
1 / 8
How often do you send emails to your subscribers?
Um, I have never sent an email...ever.
Every once in a while when you get a really cool idea but never consistently
Once a month or less, somewhat consistently.
Multiple times a month and on a regular basis
2 / 8
When it comes to email content, what do you like to send to your subscribers?
I never know what to send to them.
I send my blog feed or an email when my latest blog post or something new is published.
My email subscribers get secret content that I create just for them, updates about my blog or company, and sometimes even personal stories from my own experiences.
I don't even have an email subscriber list yet.
3 / 8
Pick which one you feel like you relate to most. I feel like...
I don’t know where to start with email marketing.
I don’t have consistency with my email marketing.
I’m not connecting or converting my ideal clients.
I don’t know how to automate and scale my email marketing.
4 / 8
Pick which one best describes you:
Have opened an email marketing platform account…and that’s about it.
Been sending out emails (when you remember!) and have a few on your list.
You are a little overwhelmed on what to say but send the emails anyway
Are currently building a list pretty strongly with an automation you set up.
5 / 8
When it comes to email automation, where do you think you stand?
The only email automated is the subscription confirmation.
I have a welcome email and email series automated.
I have a welcome email as well as regular update emails set up to send to my subscribers automatically.
I haven't gotten to automating anything yet.
6 / 8
If you had to pick your biz bestie that was most like you, it would be:
Lauren Eliz Love
Rachel Hollis
Gary Vee
Amy Porterfield
7 / 8
Email marketing makes you feel:
Like you want to give up
Confident. You know what you're doing and you are constantly trying to strengthen your marketing strategy and open and click-through rates
Confused. You just can't seem to get it right. It's always a hit or miss situation.
8 / 8
🤔 - “#WhatPlan?”
You know email marketing can be a gamechanger for your business, but you are just a bit confused on *how* to get started.
😬 - “#just wingin’ it”
Heyyy! You're getting the hang of things now. You've got some great strategies that you take advantage of, but there are definitely a couple areas that you know you need to work on.
Keep checking those stats and testing different subject lines, different types of copy or calls to action. You'll get it, I can feel it.
🙄 - “#forthebirds”
What are you doing here? You've got great conversion rates and you know exactly what your readers and customers want and need.
You utilize automation to the extreme and have your email content planned out well in advance.
😍 - “#killin’it”
You're an email whiz. You know what works and what doesn't.
Keep up the good work!
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