What kind of cool mom are you?

Take our quick quiz to discover your cool-mom superpowers and which celebrity mom you align with most. You’re already awesome but we’ve got some tips to make your life as a hard working mom a little easier.

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What kind of cool mom are you?

Take our quick quiz to discover your cool-mom superpowers and which celebrity mom you align with most. You’re already awesome but we’ve got some tips to make your life as a hard working mom a little easier.

Take The Quiz

We all want what’s best for our kids. Your little ones will grow up to:

Be strong and resilient, they’ll work hard to get the things they want in life.


Find true happiness and have a lot fun doing it.


Smash norms and break down barriers.


Think critically and be self-sufficient.


1 / 10

Your five year-old decides they are now a stegosaurus and would like to be called by their new dino name, Roary. You:

Post pics of all the cuteness to Insta. You’re a proud mama.


Gather any supplies from around the house and show Roary how to be a strong and successful dinosaur.


Take Roary to the public library to learn all about their ancestors. Knowledge is power.


Grab YOUR dinosaur costume and rock it to the grocery store in solidarity.


2 / 10

Which parenting style most resonates with you?

Free Range. You teach your kids right versus wrong but allow them the freedom to learn from their own mistakes.


Permissive. You teach self-regulation rather than set harsh limits on your kids.


Authoritative. You set reasonable boundaries for your kids and use reasoning and positive reinforcement to guide them.


Attachment. You held your babies close and kissed every boo-boo and now you have strong and healthy bonds with your kids.


3 / 10

How competitive are you?

Very! You work hard to be on top.


Not at all. My success doesn’t hinge on the failure of others.


A little! But always in the name of fun.


I don’t feel the need to be. I’d rather focus on my personal growth.


4 / 10

What’s your biggest parenting challenge?

I don’t like confrontation. I wish I could speak my mind a little more often.


I like things to happen now and that’s just not how kids operate. I’d like help slowing down so I can enjoy each moment to the fullest.


I can be overly critical. I need guidance accepting things as they come.


I can really struggle with follow-through. I know it’s necessary sometimes, but I really hate punishing my kids.


5 / 10

What does your work/life balance most look like?

You’re willing to work hard to provide the best you can for your kids, but within reason. Your kids are still priority number one.


You spend as much time at home as possible. Your family depends on your work and support.


Your career is very important to you, but not as important as your kids. You always make it home for dinner.


You work a lot but you make sure to provide quality time with your kids too. They’re your raison-d’etre after all.


6 / 10

At work your coworkers describe you as:

The instigator! You know people and your energy gets stuff done.


The creative one! You have great ideas and follow-through.


The perfectionist! If you’re gonna do something, do it right!


Nancy Drew! You like to get to the bottom of problems to find the right solution.


7 / 10

Where do you think you could improve to be even cooler?

I’m a perfectionist and I’d like to learn to let go and enjoy each moment to the fullest.


I could use more Me-Time. I spend all my free time with my kids.


I’d like help balancing my home and work lives. I miss the kids so much when I’m at work.


I need help stepping back to let my kids make their own mistakes.


8 / 10

Your pre-teen comes to you with their first taste of heart-ache. You say:

Who needs ‘em! Let’s see a movie with your bffs this weekend.


They’re not good enough for you anyway! There are so many fish in the sea.


I know it hurts. Should we look online for some coping strategies?


You got this! Don’t let it bring you down.


9 / 10

How in tune with your kids emotions are you?

I help my kids understand their emotions by being open and honest about mine.


I see the big picture and enjoy giving advice but I can have a hard time with the emotional stuff.


My kids have learned to self-regulate but they know I’m always here for them, no matter what.


My kids tell me everything. So do their friends!


10 / 10

You’re the... Powerhouse Mom like Serena Williams

You’re living proof modern moms really can have it all, and you look so cool doing it!

You play as hard as you work and take pride in your family’s accomplishments. You’re a Big-Picture thinker and if you can approach motherhood with empathy, your good advice will never go unheard or unappreciated.

Like Serena, you can get a tad competitive, but you know it comes from wanting to challenge yourself and be ready to rise to any occasion.

You want the absolute best for your kids and you work hard to make it happen. Remember to slow down and practice patience. Stop to smell the roses every so often!

You set a high standard for yourself and your kids, managing expectations will alleviate tension and allow you to enjoy your quality time with the ones you love the most, cuz they’re the real reason you do it all.

“Every day is my favorite moment.” – Serena Williams

Ready to Make Your Life as a Cool Mom a Little Easier?

These 3 Tips Will Make Motherhood a Breeze!

1) It’s ok to be vulnerable! A little sensitivity goes a long way when it comes to children.

2) Practice patience and empathy! Your tactics will be much more effective.

3) Don’t worry about what anyone thinks! It’s your life and you know what’s best for you and your family!

And Who Am I To Tell You?

Hi there! I’m Child Psychologist Estelle Solis!

I received a PhD in clinical child psychology at Stanford University and currently teach at the University of California, Berkley.

I’m a proud mother of three beautiful and talented kids.

When I’m not teaching classes I’m helping parents learn how to ease their daily grind and get the most out of their quality time with their family.

I wrote my first blog post a few months after giving birth to my youngest. I didn’t take much time off after he was born and suffered a long and difficult period of burnout. I decided to use my expertise to reach out to help other moms who might be going through something similar.

Blogging eventually led me to develop a series of online classes that help parents navigate the needs and wants of their kids while providing useful tips to make life a little easier and a lot more fun!

Where To Go From Here?

1) Connect with me on Instagram! I post tips and fun stuff every day. I like to share how my family lives.

2) Download my free eBook! It’s jam-packed with advice and tidbits for you and your kids.

3) Take my online course! My classes dive deep into the specifics of why your kids behave the way they do. I teach a simple and straightforward method that will help you shift gears and enjoy even the smallest of moments with your kids.

P.S Expect to see me in your inbox tomorrow with more tips!

You’re An... Empowered Queen like Beyonce 

You’re raising the next generation of woke individuals and what’s more current than that?

You’re cool under pressure; you show grace and confidence in motherhood. Your kids are well-rounded because you spend quality time together and you’re open about your own struggles.

You set the ultimate example when you stand up for the rights and well-being of others. You prioritize your family and stand by your loved ones, you know it takes a village to raise a family. Staying focused and organized will help you follow through with your goals.

Like Bey, you want your children to grow up smashing norms and breaking down barriers with fierceness that will change the world. And they’ll do it because of your positive influence.

“Pregnancy is the most incredible gift anyone can have and I’m so happy I’m a woman.” - Beyonce

Ready to Make Your Life as a Cool Mom a Little Easier?

These 3 Tips Will Make Motherhood a Breeze!

1) Get organized! It’s time to clean house and ditch anything not serving you anymore.

2) Reign in the positivity! It’s great to see the sunny side of life but remember it’s not always realistic and sometimes your kids just need emotional support.

3) Don’t worry about what anyone thinks! It’s your life and you know what’s best for you and your family!

And Who Am I To Tell You?

Hi there! I’m Child Psychologist Estelle Solis!

I received a PhD in clinical child psychology at Stanford University and currently teach at the University of California, Berkley.

I’m a proud mother of three beautiful and talented kids.

When I’m not teaching classes I’m helping parents learn how to ease their daily grind and get the most out of their quality time with their family.

I wrote my first blog post a few months after giving birth to my youngest. I didn’t take much time off after he was born and suffered a long and difficult period of burnout. I decided to use my expertise to reach out to help other moms who might be going through something similar.

Blogging eventually led me to develop a series of online classes that help parents navigate the needs and wants of their kids while providing useful tips to make life a little easier and a lot more fun!

Where To Go From Here?

1) Connect with me on Instagram! I post tips and fun stuff every day. I like to share how my family lives.

2) Download my free eBook! It’s jam-packed with advice and tidbits for you and your kids.

3) Take my online course! My classes dive deep into the specifics of why your kids behave the way they do. I teach a simple and straightforward method that will help you shift gears and enjoy even the smallest of moments with your kids.

P.S Expect to see me in your inbox tomorrow with more tips!

You’re the... Solid as a Rock Mama like Jennifer Garner

You’re your family’s foundation and they know they can come to you for anything. You would do absolutely anything for your kids!

You are supportive and helpful and you may be Madame Steady-As-She-Goes but you still know how to let loose and have fun. Like Jen, you’re not afraid to put on the silly costume for the birthday party, and your kids think you’re the coolest for it!

Your drive for consistency means your children are always provided stable parenting, no matter your marital status.

You enjoy quality time with your kids so much you can forget that you also love nights out with the girls. Make time for yourself and do the things you love for a much-deserved recharge.

You set an example of compassion when your support your children’s emotional well-being. Just remember it’s ok to show your feelings sometimes. Your needs are important too. Happy mom means happy kids!

“The absolute [greatest] thing about being a parent is that every day is a fresh start. You always can say, ‘Today we’re going to try this!’ And if it goes horribly, you can say, ‘Today we’re throwing that out, and we’re trying this!’ That’s part of what I like about being a mom in general.” – Jennifer Garner

Ready to Make Your Life as a Cool Mom a Little Easier?

These 3 Tips Will Make Motherhood a Breeze!

1) Remember change is good! Kids go through many transformations in their little lives. Work on accepting the curveballs as they come.

2) Be an open book! Being emotionally available means showing your own feelings sometimes. It’s ok to be vulnerable in front of your kids.

3) Don’t worry about what anyone thinks! It’s your life and you know what’s best for you and your family!

And Who Am I To Tell You?

Hi there! I’m Child Psychologist Estelle Solis!

I received a PhD in clinical child psychology at Stanford University and currently teach at the University of California, Berkley.

I’m a proud mother of three beautiful and talented kids.

When I’m not teaching classes I’m helping parents learn how to ease their daily grind and get the most out of their quality time with their family.

I wrote my first blog post a few months after giving birth to my youngest. I didn’t take much time off after he was born and suffered a long and difficult period of burnout. I decided to use my expertise to reach out to help other moms who might be going through something similar.

Blogging eventually led me to develop a series of online classes that help parents navigate the needs and wants of their kids while providing useful tips to make life a little easier and a lot more fun!

Where To Go From Here?

1) Connect with me on Instagram! I post tips and fun stuff every day. I like to share how my family lives.

2) Download my free eBook! It’s jam-packed with advice and tidbits for you and your kids.

3) Take my online course! My classes dive deep into the specifics of why your kids behave the way they do. I teach a simple and straightforward method that will help you shift gears and enjoy even the smallest of moments with your kids.

P.S Expect to see me in your inbox tomorrow with more tips!

You’re the... Boss like Michelle Obama

You are an expert in your field, both at work and at home. You know what you’re talking about and your family listens when you speak.

Like Michelle (aka Mom-In-Chief), you’re not afraid to use your talents and wisdom to stand up for what’s right. And when it comes to being a mom, there’s nothing cooler than raising self-reliant, critically thinking kids.

You set solid examples, teach right versus wrong, encourage curiosity, and allow space for your kids to flourish. Letting go is one of the more difficult things for many moms to practice, but you known the importance of giving your children freedom to explore themselves and the world around them.

Try not to be over-critical of your kids or yourself. We all make mistakes, what’s important is that we learn from them.

You are raising fully-realized, free-thinking humans, which is exactly what the world needs from the next generation.

“Being a mother has been a master class in letting go.” – Michelle Obama

Ready to Make Your Life as a Cool Mom a Little Easier?

These 3 Tips Will Make Motherhood a Breeze!

1) It’s ok to be wrong sometimes! And remember we can learn a lot from our kids.

2) It’s not always just about the facts! Feelings play a hugely important role in how kids learn and develop.

3) Don’t worry about what anyone thinks! It’s your life and you know what’s best for you and your family!

And Who Am I To Tell You?

Hi there! I’m Child Psychologist Estelle Solis!

I received a PhD in clinical child psychology at Stanford University and currently teach at the University of California, Berkley.

I’m a proud mother of three beautiful and talented kids.

When I’m not teaching classes I’m helping parents learn how to ease their daily grind and get the most out of their quality time with their family.

I wrote my first blog post a few months after giving birth to my youngest. I didn’t take much time off after he was born and suffered a long and difficult period of burnout. I decided to use my expertise to reach out to help other moms who might be going through something similar.

Blogging eventually led me to develop a series of online classes that help parents navigate the needs and wants of their kids while providing useful tips to make life a little easier and a lot more fun!

Where To Go From Here?

1) Connect with me on Instagram! I post tips and fun stuff every day. I like to share how my family lives.

2) Download my free eBook! It’s jam-packed with advice and tidbits for you and your kids.

3) Take my online course! My classes dive deep into the specifics of why your kids behave the way they do. I teach a simple and straightforward method that will help you shift gears and enjoy even the smallest of moments with your kids.

P.S Expect to see me in your inbox tomorrow with more tips!

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