What Kind of Reader are You


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What Kind of Reader are You

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Choose the word that connects to you/describes you the best:

Realistic (You are not a fantasy fan.)


Imaginative (You create new ideas and possibilities people haven't thought of before.)


Spontaneous (You like to have fun and do things without making a plan.)


Vision (You can understand why doing something today will help in the future.)


1 / 10

Choose the word that connects to you/describes you the best:

Sensible (You like knowing the rules for doing something.)


Passionate (You care deeply about ideas and how they might help others.)


Troubleshooter (You like to fix things and play with a problem.)


Competence (You want things done the right way.)


2 / 10

Choose the word that connects to you/describes you the best:

Traditional (Like Thanksgiving to stay the same... no changing the stuffing or the pie.)


Seeks harmony (You see deeply into who people are and who they can become. You want them to be happy and living in a way they gives them room to find themselves.)


Doer (Always in motion, hard time sitting still - you want to be doing something.)


Proof needed (You ask why and don't take someone else's word for it, always asking why, need an explanation.)


3 / 10

Which phrase best describes you:

I am down to earth


I want to make the world a better place


I want the freedom to do something without any rules


I’ll believe it when I’ve tested it myself.


4 / 10

Which phrase best describes you:

I like rules and I want everyone to follow the rules.


It’s important to be your genuine self...don't try to be someone you aren't.


Live for the moment


I want to find the right way...the best way to do it.  


5 / 10

Choose the word that describes/connects to you best

Practical (You like things in order, organized, and done as they should be.)


Inspiring (You understand how to reach people deeply to awaken their best dreams.)


Impulsive (You don't like rules and want the freedom to do things your way.)


Capability (You want to master an understanding and a knowing of all objects, ideas and event. There are many things you SHOULD know and SHOULD be able to do and do them well.)


6 / 10

Choose the word that describes/connects to you best

Details (You notice details and like to plan things out. You make to do lists.)


Possibilities (You see the potential in ideas and people..what might be but isn't yet.)


Puzzle pieces (You love to take something apart and play with it or fix it.)


Big picture (You see how things are connected and what they might become.)


7 / 10

Would you rather:

Belong to a club, organization or team?


 Search for the meaning of life.


Do something/work with your hands? (draw, fix, build, paint, fix a computer?)


Discuss the reasons for the Civil War?


8 / 10

Would you rather:

Follow directions carefully doing each step in order like you are supposed to?


Go on a quest?


Go fast, take a chance, or figure out how to put something together without directions?


Argue about an idea or theory?


9 / 10

If I had to choose one book to read every day for the rest of my life, it would be:

About sports, families or animals


A book about people who are finding their true selves and striving to bring goodness to the world


A book that would teach me, inform me about how a country governs itself, how a detective solved a case, how a great person thought about the problems he or she faced


Really funny or really scary (probably a graphic novel)


10 / 10


You like to read for the sense of connection that comes from getting lost in a story. You feel a true belonging in the adventures, drama, and family dynamics contained within books.


You read to feel the sense of fulfillment that comes from leading an army to victory or finding the hidden treasure, or solving the mystery. Reading is a way to get into a story and truly find joy.


You read for the thrill of it. Stories have a magical way of becoming reality, and that is truly exciting in a way that is unique to the world of books.


You read to solve problems and become part of the mysteries presented in the world of books.

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