What’s your chronotype?
Why are you always so tired, anyway? Take this 2-minute quiz to find out your Chronotype. So you can use it to your advantage and discover the best time for you to sleep, and when you’re most productive.
Quiz Transcript
What’s your chronotype?
Why are you always so tired, anyway? Take this 2-minute quiz to find out your Chronotype. So you can use it to your advantage and discover the best time for you to sleep, and when you’re most productive.
When do you feel most productive?
9am-2pm is golden for me!
It depends on the day, but I usually am good to go after 10am until I decide to go to bed.
I’m a night owl, 100%. 5pm-3am is my time to shine.
8am-12pm is my prime time.
1 / 7
What time do you usually call bedtime?
10 or 11pm.
Anytime after midnight.
9pm or earlier.
2 / 7
What’s your ideal work schedule look like?
I’m most productive in the early morning, so ideally that means taking opening shifts or working from home.
All over the place! My sleep schedule isn’t consistent enough to have preference.
I thrive with a consistent 9-5.
Work from home, so I can take advantage of my productive hours around midnight.
3 / 7
Have you ever considered investing in a sleep coach?
Sleep coach? Nah. My sleep is fine!
I’ve thought about it, but haven’t made the leap yet.
I’ve seen a sleep coach, and they were helpful!
What’s a sleep coach?
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How often do you have trouble sleeping?
Almost every night.
A few times a week.
A few times a month.
5 / 7
Be honest. How do you feel about napping?
I looove naps. I try to squeeze one in every afternoon!
I’ll take a power nap here and there, but I’m not really a fan.
Naps are for Sunday afternoons when I have no responsibilities.
I don’t like naps. They mess with my ability to stay up late and work on projects.
6 / 7
You’re up late. Why?
My creative brain is most active right now!
I’m reading a book I just can’t put down yet…one more chapter?
I never stay up late. I need my beauty sleep!
My anxieties keep me up.
7 / 7
Your chronotype is… The Bear!
Hey there, friend! Welcome to the Bear family!
As a bear, you thrive on a solid 7-8 hours of sleep each night. And you miiight hit snooze a couple times before you have to get up and face the day (come on, it always wakes you up in the middle of a good dream!)
You tend to feel most productive in the morning, and you might find yourself battling a slump in the early afternoon after lunch.
Bears make up about 50% of the population, so it comes as no surprise that most working hours are catered to you. 9-5 is your jam! You can get all your heavy brain work done in the A.M., and slog through some of the lighter stuff in the afternoon.
Bears are known to be outgoing and reliable. You’ve probably mastered the art of people skills, which makes you a great manager and leader!
Like a true Bear, you like to graze on snacks throughout the day, and you feel sleepy easily. What could be better than feeling full and content, followed by a nice nap? It’s heaven!
When it comes to diet, you do best with low to moderate carbs and a higher protein intake to keep your energy steady throughout the day.
“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” —Benjamin Franklin
3 Tips to Make the Most of Your Chronotype
1. Catch up on ZZZs. You need a solid 7-8 hours to function at your prime, and your ideal sleeping hours typically fall between 11pm and 7am.
2. Work when you’re most productive. As a Bear, your best hours for brain-heavy work are between 10am and 2pm. After lunch or between 2-4pm, you probably find yourself in a slump. To get re-energized, your best bet is to take a power nap or go for a quick walk.
3. Eat for your chronotype. You might find yourself snacking throughout the day, or eating carb-heavy meals. This can mess with your blood sugar and make you feel constantly hungry if you don’t eat when you’re used to. Focusing on proteins and non-starchy vegetables can help you feel more full and balance your energy levels.
“Having peace, happiness, and healthiness is my definition of beauty. And you can’t have any of that without sleep.” – Beyonce

Hi👋, I’m Daniella Abi!
I’m a sleep coach who’s helped hundreds of clients overcome their sleep struggles to get the ZZZs of their dreams!
I’ve got a degree from Sleep University, I’ve taken courses in sleep science and psychology, and I’ve been perfecting my practice for over a decade. I’ve been extensively researching how sleep Chronotypes link up with you - and how you can use your Chronotype to your advantage.
Looking for some quick wins to get the most out of your sleep time?
1. Check out my Sleeping Beauty podcast. I sit down with leading sleep specialists every week, and I’m all about providing you with actionable insights. Based on your questions and feedback.
2. Join the Sleeping Beauty group on Facebook. We’re a supportive community of successful snoozers who are always down to give advice and encouragement.
3. Hop on a free 15-minute call with me! I’ll provide you with a whole bunch of clarity and at least one or two ways to use your chronotype to get your most refreshing sleep yet!
And be sure to check your inbox, because I’ll be sending you a free copy of my eBook, Sleep Chronotypes and You, and all sorts of other valuable resources!
Your chronotype is… The Lion!
Hey there, friend! Welcome to the Pride!
As a lion, you thrive on a solid 7-8 hours of sleep each night. And you’re not afraid to get up early to get a headstart on your day! After all, the early bird gets the worm, right? (Not that you eat worms!)
You feel the most productive in the morning, and you might find yourself battling a slump in the early afternoon after lunch. However, have no fear. Power naps are here! Grabbing a quick nap could save yourself– and those around you- from an acute case of the low-energy grouchies.
Lions make up about 15-20% of the population, so it comes as no surprise that early morning work culture is relevant to you. Opening shifts or 9-5s are your jam! You can get all your heavy brain work done in the A.M., and slog through some of the lighter stuff in the afternoon.
Like a true Lion, you do best with a big, hearty breakfast in the A.M. to get your day off to the right start. Because you’re up earlier, you might need a snack or two to get you through the day.
Lions are known to be optimistic, and you know how to set goals and get things done. You’ve probably taken on some kind of leadership position, but you’re not one to leap into taking risks.
“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” —Benjamin Franklin
3 Tips to Make the Most of Your Chronotype
1. Catch up on ZZZs. You need a solid 7-8 hours to function at your prime, and your ideal sleeping hours typically fall between 11pm and 7am.
2. Work when you’re most productive. As a Bear, your best hours for brain-heavy work are between 10am and 2pm. After lunch or between 2-4pm, you probably find yourself in a slump. To get re-energized, your best bet is to take a power nap or go for a quick walk.
3. Eat for your chronotype. You might find yourself snacking throughout the day, or eating carb-heavy meals. This can mess with your blood sugar and make you feel constantly hungry if you don’t eat when you’re used to. Focusing on proteins and non-starchy vegetables can help you feel more full and balance your energy levels.
“Having peace, happiness, and healthiness is my definition of beauty. And you can’t have any of that without sleep.” – Beyonce

Hi👋, I’m Daniella Abi!
I’m a sleep coach who’s helped hundreds of clients overcome their sleep struggles to get the ZZZs of their dreams!
I’ve got a degree from Sleep University, I’ve taken courses in sleep science and psychology, and I’ve been perfecting my practice for over a decade. I’ve been extensively researching how sleep Chronotypes link up with you - and how you can use your Chronotype to your advantage.
Looking for some quick wins to get the most out of your sleep time?
1. Check out my Sleeping Beauty podcast. I sit down with leading sleep specialists every week, and I’m all about providing you with actionable insights. Based on your questions and feedback.
2. Join the Sleeping Beauty group on Facebook. We’re a supportive community of successful snoozers who are always down to give advice and encouragement.
3. Hop on a free 15-minute call with me! I’ll provide you with a whole bunch of clarity and at least one or two ways to use your chronotype to get your most refreshing sleep yet!
And be sure to check your inbox, because I’ll be sending you a free copy of my eBook, Sleep Chronotypes and You, and all sorts of other valuable resources!
Your chronotype is… The Wolf!
Hey there, friend! Welcome to the Wolfpack!
As a wolf, you thrive on a solid 7-8 hours of sleep. But you’re not afraid to stay up into the early hours of the next day to get stuff done. They don’t call you a Night Owl (or Wolf?) for nothing!
You typically feel the most productive in the evening and late into the night. And you might find yourself struggling to fall asleep before 11pm. There are just sooo many things you could be doing – and sleeping isn’t one of them!
Wolves make up about 15-20% of the population, and it’s unfortunate that 80% of work culture is designed for those (crazy) morning people. How do they do it??!
Like a true Wolf, you tend to wake up around 8 or 9am. And head straight for the caffeinated beverage station (hey, someone once said coffee is the drink of champions!) Once you’re up and primed for the day, you get through work or whatever else you have to get through to pass the time.
Once evening hits, you come to life. As a Wolf, you’re naturally more creative, impulsive, and emotionally intense. You’re known to be fearless and intuitive.
“No civilized person goes to bed the same day he gets up.” —Richard Harding Davis
3 Tips to Make the Most of Your Chronotype
1. Catch up on ZZZs. You need a solid 7-8 hours to function at your prime, and your ideal sleeping hours typically fall between 11pm and 7am.
2. Work when you’re most productive. As a Bear, your best hours for brain-heavy work are between 10am and 2pm. After lunch or between 2-4pm, you probably find yourself in a slump. To get re-energized, your best bet is to take a power nap or go for a quick walk.
3. Eat for your chronotype. You might find yourself snacking throughout the day, or eating carb-heavy meals. This can mess with your blood sugar and make you feel constantly hungry if you don’t eat when you’re used to. Focusing on proteins and non-starchy vegetables can help you feel more full and balance your energy levels.
“Having peace, happiness, and healthiness is my definition of beauty. And you can’t have any of that without sleep.” – Beyonce

Hi👋, I’m Daniella Abi!
I’m a sleep coach who’s helped hundreds of clients overcome their sleep struggles to get the ZZZs of their dreams!
I’ve got a degree from Sleep University, I’ve taken courses in sleep science and psychology, and I’ve been perfecting my practice for over a decade. I’ve been extensively researching how sleep Chronotypes link up with you - and how you can use your Chronotype to your advantage.
Looking for some quick wins to get the most out of your sleep time?
1. Check out my Sleeping Beauty podcast. I sit down with leading sleep specialists every week, and I’m all about providing you with actionable insights. Based on your questions and feedback.
2. Join the Sleeping Beauty group on Facebook. We’re a supportive community of successful snoozers who are always down to give advice and encouragement.
3. Hop on a free 15-minute call with me! I’ll provide you with a whole bunch of clarity and at least one or two ways to use your chronotype to get your most refreshing sleep yet!
And be sure to check your inbox, because I’ll be sending you a free copy of my eBook, Sleep Chronotypes and You, and all sorts of other valuable resources!
Your chronotype is… The Dolphin!
Hey there, friend! Welcome to the Pod!
As a dolphin, you typically feel the most productive in the late morning and early afternoon. And you might find yourself struggling to stay awake during the rest of the day.
You usually wake up sometime between 6-9am, but you don’t feel truly awake and ready to work until about 10am.
Dolphins make up about 10% of the population and are the rarest chronotype. Your sleep schedule tends to be irregular, and you may be more prone to insomnia and high blood pressure.
However, fear not. Building a consistent bedtime routine can help tremendously.
When it comes to personality, Dolphins are known for being highly intelligent, cautious, and perfectionistic. You might often find yourself more anxious than others, which can contribute to your restless sleep habits.
“No civilized person goes to bed the same day he gets up.” —Richard Harding Davis
3 Tips to Make the Most of Your Chronotype
1. Catch up on ZZZs. You need a solid 7-8 hours to function at your prime, and your ideal sleeping hours typically fall between 11pm and 7am.
2. Work when you’re most productive. As a Bear, your best hours for brain-heavy work are between 10am and 2pm. After lunch or between 2-4pm, you probably find yourself in a slump. To get re-energized, your best bet is to take a power nap or go for a quick walk.
3. Eat for your chronotype. You might find yourself snacking throughout the day, or eating carb-heavy meals. This can mess with your blood sugar and make you feel constantly hungry if you don’t eat when you’re used to. Focusing on proteins and non-starchy vegetables can help you feel more full and balance your energy levels.
“Having peace, happiness, and healthiness is my definition of beauty. And you can’t have any of that without sleep.” – Beyonce

Hi👋, I’m Daniella Abi!
I’m a sleep coach who’s helped hundreds of clients overcome their sleep struggles to get the ZZZs of their dreams!
I’ve got a degree from Sleep University, I’ve taken courses in sleep science and psychology, and I’ve been perfecting my practice for over a decade. I’ve been extensively researching how sleep Chronotypes link up with you - and how you can use your Chronotype to your advantage.
Looking for some quick wins to get the most out of your sleep time?
1. Check out my Sleeping Beauty podcast. I sit down with leading sleep specialists every week, and I’m all about providing you with actionable insights. Based on your questions and feedback.
2. Join the Sleeping Beauty group on Facebook. We’re a supportive community of successful snoozers who are always down to give advice and encouragement.
3. Hop on a free 15-minute call with me! I’ll provide you with a whole bunch of clarity and at least one or two ways to use your chronotype to get your most refreshing sleep yet!
And be sure to check your inbox, because I’ll be sending you a free copy of my eBook, Sleep Chronotypes and You, and all sorts of other valuable resources!
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