What's your digital marketing strength?

From email to social media, take this three-minute quiz to discover your digital marketing strong suit. Plus get some easy to execute tips for growing your business's online presence and creating more conversions and sales šŸ“ˆšŸ’²šŸ™Œ

Quiz Transcript

What's your digital marketing strength?

From email to social media, take this three-minute quiz to discover your digital marketing strong suit. Plus get some easy to execute tips for growing your business's online presence and creating more conversions and sales šŸ“ˆšŸ’²šŸ™Œ

Take The Quiz

If you were struck by lightning and given a digital marketing superpower, what would it be?Ā 

Super sales strengthĀ ā€” When it comes to converting leads into happily paying customers and clients, my words pack a punch šŸ’„šŸ’Ŗ What I say and how I say it SELLS.


Target market telepathyĀ ā€” I tap into the unique needs of markets and learn the what, when, and why of how they buy... Guess I really do know it all!


Design spidey senseĀ ā€” An intuitive tingle tells me how to design streamlined, sales optimized content šŸŽØāœØšŸ•ø Whether it's a website or logo, the end product always wows.Ā 


Brand voice shapeshiftingĀ ā€” In a flashĀ āš”ļø I can morph my voice to match ANY customer or client's. No more VOC research for me!


1 / 9

I spend an embarrassing amount of timeā€¦

Checking my metrics on my online dashboard. Seriously I pour over the deets on a daily basis.


Project management af. I probably spend more time planning my work than actually doing it āœļøšŸ¤·


Scrolling Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc... It's not a total waste of time! I've made some A+ connections.


Editingā€¦ then re-editingā€¦ then editing the re-edited version of my photos and videos.


2 / 9

Which emoji best describes your relationship with the Internet?

šŸ›€Ā ā€” It's as routine as bathing. Not super excitingĀ ā€” just another task I take care of on the daily.


šŸ§šā€ā™€ļø ā€” It's my fantasy world! When I need to escape reality, I open up the Net and dive in.


ā˜”ļø ā€” It's my emergency coverage, but I don't spend any more time online than I have to.


šŸš° ā€” The Internet is like water... I NEED it to survive.


3 / 9

Youā€™re releasing your brand spanking new online course, how do you get the word out?Ā 

I pull out the stops with an attention-grabbing, super Instagramable video. Just try scrolling past that ā€” I double dare you.


Itā€™s time for me to pay-up for a Facebook ad... and hit my blog!I break down everything my students will learn. Hint: it's a lot.


Itā€™s sales funnel time, friend! Armed with nothing but thesaurus.com and my stellar storytelling skills, I woo my audience. C'mon you know you want this know-how...


A social media frenzy! Iā€™m talking about the full meal deal: an Instagram post and story, tweets, and a viral-worthy meme.


4 / 9

What's your favourite flavour of social media?



Facebook and YouTube


Twitter, Snapchat, and TikTok




5 / 9

Your digital marketing strategy is mostly...


6 / 9

Who holds you accountable?

My accountant ā€” It takes money to create top-quality images and videos... I have to know whether or not we've got the dough.Ā 


My boss ā€” Whatever company Iā€™m writing for! I bend over backwards to make sure their content fits the bill.


My followers ā€” They make sure I keep my content fresh and frequent cause... trust me... if they're unsatisfied, they'll leave as fast as they came.


My clients ā€” Each email funnel I write is unique... I need to balance my clients' needs with my own experience.


7 / 9

You want to brush up on your SEO skills, where do you turn?

Youtube is my tried 'n true teacher. Totally free in less than 10 minutes? Yes, please.


Social media ā€” I reach out to my marketing friends for advice.


Hellooo Audible! I've got to use those credits for something, right?


I invest a little $$$ in an online course. I'm dedicated to learning SEO inside and out.Ā 


8 / 9

What marketing measurements can you not stop checking?

My CTR (click through rate)... My ads have to be ON POINT to keep up with the competition.


ROI (return on investment) all the way! Plus a little CPA (cost per acquisition) or CPV (cost per view) never hurt nobody.Ā 


Itā€™s CPC (cost per click) for me! I like to keep my pay-per-click spending low as a limbo stick.


9 / 9

Your strength is in... Content MarketingĀ 

Congrats, friend! By completing this quiz, youā€™ve proven just how committed you are to a career in digital marketing. So what branch of the industry is your best fit? Well, your unique swirl of creativity and common sense makes you a clear pick for content marketing.

As a content marketer, youā€™ll be responsible for creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content for a businessā€™s target audience ā€” no spammy, pushy sales tactics necessary.

By crafting and strategizing content that offers a solution to your customersā€™ and clientsā€™ problems, youā€™ll help increase sales, cut costs, and build brand loyalty. Yep, you heard right ā€” youā€™re an asset to any team!

ā€œWe need to stop interrupting what people are interested in and be what people are interested in.ā€ ā€“ Craig Davis

Three Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Digital Marketing Campaign...

1. Know Your Target Market

Knowing your target market is 100% critical to crafting a high-converting campaign and establishing yourself as an authority in your field. To get started, figure out their demographic. Are you marketing to Instagram obsessed millennials or TikToking Gen Zs? Answering this Q will help you decide where to post your content to win over your dream audience.

Next, get clear on what problems your products or services solve and what your target market stands to gain by choosing you instead of your competitors. If your business could solve just one problem for your customers or clients, what would it be?

2. Get Visual

What makes your business stand out from the sea of online advertisements? Maybe itā€™s an expertly designed color palette or a logo šŸŽØšŸ–Œ Whatever it may be, make sure to reference your businessā€™s look in all your content. This will make it instantly recognizable to people scrolling through Facebook or Instagram. That being said, donā€™t post the same image over and over as it could come across a bit cold.

3. Invest in Advertising

Once youā€™ve got a clear picture of where your target market hangs out online, set aside a portion of your budget to advertising. Remember that not all platforms are created equal. Just because one of your competitors had sell-out results using Facebook ads doesnā€™t mean youā€™re guaranteed the same.

For newer business, aim towards social media and steer clear of Google Adwords, which works best when thereā€™s a preexisting demand for your products or services.

Who am I to Fill You in on All Things Digital Marketing? Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hey friend, Iā€™m Olivia Bell šŸ‘‹ A little bit about me? Iā€™m an online growth expert based in Santa Barbara. When Iā€™m not lounging at the beach with the latest Jennifer Weiner novel, Iā€™m helping businesses generate qualified leads and build their brand presences.

On top of that, I use my know-how to teach other aspiring digital marketers to do the same. Yep, you heard right. I offer a variety of online courses geared towards those just starting out. So whether you want someone to do it for you or to learn how to do it yourself, Iā€™m here to help šŸ™Œ

Bonus Resources to Help You Convert Like Crazy? Look No Further šŸ‘‡

1. Check out this post on my blog The Marketing Maven. I breakdown cross-platform consistency and the how and why of using it to boost your brandā€™s visibility! Get ready for a wave of new leads.

2. Listen to this episode of my podcast. I chat with conversion content queen Anna Mercia about everything from writing a viral blog post to perfecting your brandā€™s voice.

3. Sign up for my free masterclass Become a Marketing Whiz. Itā€™s perfect for anyone just heading out into the wild world of digital marketing. And donā€™t forget to bring your burning Qs.

P.S. Expect to See Me in Your Inbox With a Free PDF Version of Your Results šŸŽ‰šŸ™ŒšŸŽ

Your strength is in...Ā Email Marketing

Congrats, friend! By completing this quiz, youā€™ve proven just how committed you are to a career in digital marketing. So what branch of the industry is your best fit? Well, your unique swirl of creativity and interpersonal skills makes you a clear pick for email marketing.

As an email marketer, youā€™ll write compelling newsletters and sales funnels. Youā€™ll not only boost businessesā€™ conversions, but also build relationships between them and their customers and clients.

Your storytelling skills will help increase sales, cut costs, and build brand loyalty. Yep, you heard right ā€” youā€™re an asset to any team!

ā€œMarketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.ā€ ā€“ Seth Godin

Three Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Digital Marketing Campaign...

1. Know Your Target Market

Knowing your target market is 100% critical to crafting a high-converting campaign and establishing yourself as an authority in your field. To get started, figure out their demographic. Are you marketing to Instagram obsessed millennials or TikToking Gen Zs? Answering this Q will help you decide where to post your content to win over your dream audience.

Next, get clear on what problems your products or services solve and what your target market stands to gain by choosing you instead of your competitors. If your business could solve just one problem for your customers or clients, what would it be?

2. Get Visual

What makes your business stand out from the sea of online advertisements? Maybe itā€™s an expertly designed color palette or a logo šŸŽØšŸ–Œ Whatever it may be, make sure to reference your businessā€™s look in all your content. This will make it instantly recognizable to people scrolling through Facebook or Instagram. That being said, donā€™t post the same image over and over as it could come across a bit cold.

3. Invest in Advertising

Once youā€™ve got a clear picture of where your target market hangs out online, set aside a portion of your budget to advertising. Remember that not all platforms are created equal. Just because one of your competitors had sell-out results using Facebook ads doesnā€™t mean youā€™re guaranteed the same.

For newer business, aim towards social media and steer clear of Google Adwords, which works best when thereā€™s a preexisting demand for your products or services.

Who am I to Fill You in on All Things Digital Marketing? Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hey friend, Iā€™m Olivia Bell šŸ‘‹ A little bit about me? Iā€™m an online growth expert based in Santa Barbara. When Iā€™m not lounging at the beach with the latest Jennifer Weiner novel, Iā€™m helping businesses generate qualified leads and build their brand presences.

On top of that, I use my know-how to teach other aspiring digital marketers to do the same. Yep, you heard right. I offer a variety of online courses geared towards those just starting out. So whether you want someone to do it for you or to learn how to do it yourself, Iā€™m here to help šŸ™Œ

Bonus Resources to Help You Convert Like Crazy? Look No Further šŸ‘‡

1. Check out this post on my blog The Marketing Maven. I breakdown cross-platform consistency and the how and why of using it to boost your brandā€™s visibility! Get ready for a wave of new leads.

2. Listen to this episode of my podcast. I chat with conversion content queen Anna Mercia about everything from writing a viral blog post to perfecting your brandā€™s voice.

3. Sign up for my free masterclass Become a Marketing Whiz. Itā€™s perfect for anyone just heading out into the wild world of digital marketing. And donā€™t forget to bring your burning Qs.

P.S. Expect to See Me in Your Inbox With a Free PDF Version of Your Results šŸŽ‰šŸ™ŒšŸŽ

Your strength is in... Video and Audio Marketing

Congrats, friend! By completing this quiz, youā€™ve proven just how committed you are to a career in digital marketing. So what branch of the industry is your best fit? Well, your unique swirl of creativity and visual prowess make you a clear pick for video and audio marketing.

As a video and audio marketer, youā€™ll be responsible for creating and producing television ads. With the average individuals spending over four hours watching t.v., your trials are sure to go a long way.

Businesses will depend on you to grab viewersā€™ attention and build brand stories that resonate with their ideal audiences. Yep, you heard right ā€” youā€™re an asset to any team!

ā€œAuthenticity, honesty, and personal voice underlie much of whatā€™s successful on the Web.ā€ ā€“ Rick Levine

Three Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Digital Marketing Campaign...

1. Know Your Target Market

Knowing your target market is 100% critical to crafting a high-converting campaign and establishing yourself as an authority in your field. To get started, figure out their demographic. Are you marketing to Instagram obsessed millennials or TikToking Gen Zs? Answering this Q will help you decide where to post your content to win over your dream audience.

Next, get clear on what problems your products or services solve and what your target market stands to gain by choosing you instead of your competitors. If your business could solve just one problem for your customers or clients, what would it be?

2. Get Visual

What makes your business stand out from the sea of online advertisements? Maybe itā€™s an expertly designed color palette or a logo šŸŽØšŸ–Œ Whatever it may be, make sure to reference your businessā€™s look in all your content. This will make it instantly recognizable to people scrolling through Facebook or Instagram. That being said, donā€™t post the same image over and over as it could come across a bit cold.

3. Invest in Advertising

Once youā€™ve got a clear picture of where your target market hangs out online, set aside a portion of your budget to advertising. Remember that not all platforms are created equal. Just because one of your competitors had sell-out results using Facebook ads doesnā€™t mean youā€™re guaranteed the same.

For newer business, aim towards social media and steer clear of Google Adwords, which works best when thereā€™s a preexisting demand for your products or services.

Who am I to Fill You in on All Things Digital Marketing? Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hey friend, Iā€™m Olivia Bell šŸ‘‹ A little bit about me? Iā€™m an online growth expert based in Santa Barbara. When Iā€™m not lounging at the beach with the latest Jennifer Weiner novel, Iā€™m helping businesses generate qualified leads and build their brand presences.

On top of that, I use my know-how to teach other aspiring digital marketers to do the same. Yep, you heard right. I offer a variety of online courses geared towards those just starting out. So whether you want someone to do it for you or to learn how to do it yourself, Iā€™m here to help šŸ™Œ

Bonus Resources to Help You Convert Like Crazy? Look No Further šŸ‘‡

1. Check out this post on my blog The Marketing Maven. I breakdown cross-platform consistency and the how and why of using it to boost your brandā€™s visibility! Get ready for a wave of new leads.

2. Listen to this episode of my podcast. I chat with conversion content queen Anna Mercia about everything from writing a viral blog post to perfecting your brandā€™s voice.

3. Sign up for my free masterclass Become a Marketing Whiz. Itā€™s perfect for anyone just heading out into the wild world of digital marketing. And donā€™t forget to bring your burning Qs.

P.S. Expect to See Me in Your Inbox With a Free PDF Version of Your Results šŸŽ‰šŸ™ŒšŸŽ

Your strength is in... Social Media Marketing

Congrats, friend! By completing this quiz, youā€™ve proven just how committed you are to a career in digital marketing. So what branch of the industry is your best fit? Well, your unique swirl of creativity and visual prowess make you a clear pick for social media and influencer marketing.

As a social media and influencer marketer, youā€™ll be responsible for using platforms like Instagram and Facebook to attract traffic to your business.

Youā€™ll help your customers and clients increase their exposure and build meaningful relationships with their audience. Yep, you heard right ā€” youā€™re an asset to any team!

ā€œContent is fire; social media is gasoline.ā€ ā€“ Jay Baer

Three Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Digital Marketing Campaign...

1. Know Your Target Market

Knowing your target market is 100% critical to crafting a high-converting campaign and establishing yourself as an authority in your field. To get started, figure out their demographic. Are you marketing to Instagram obsessed millennials or TikToking Gen Zs? Answering this Q will help you decide where to post your content to win over your dream audience.

Next, get clear on what problems your products or services solve and what your target market stands to gain by choosing you instead of your competitors. If your business could solve just one problem for your customers or clients, what would it be?

2. Get Visual

What makes your business stand out from the sea of online advertisements? Maybe itā€™s an expertly designed color palette or a logo šŸŽØšŸ–Œ Whatever it may be, make sure to reference your businessā€™s look in all your content. This will make it instantly recognizable to people scrolling through Facebook or Instagram. That being said, donā€™t post the same image over and over as it could come across a bit cold.

3. Invest in Advertising

Once youā€™ve got a clear picture of where your target market hangs out online, set aside a portion of your budget to advertising. Remember that not all platforms are created equal. Just because one of your competitors had sell-out results using Facebook ads doesnā€™t mean youā€™re guaranteed the same.

For newer business, aim towards social media and steer clear of Google Adwords, which works best when thereā€™s a preexisting demand for your products or services.

Who am I to Fill You in on All Things Digital Marketing? Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hey friend, Iā€™m Olivia Bell šŸ‘‹ A little bit about me? Iā€™m an online growth expert based in Santa Barbara. When Iā€™m not lounging at the beach with the latest Jennifer Weiner novel, Iā€™m helping businesses generate qualified leads and build their brand presences.

On top of that, I use my know-how to teach other aspiring digital marketers to do the same. Yep, you heard right. I offer a variety of online courses geared towards those just starting out. So whether you want someone to do it for you or to learn how to do it yourself, Iā€™m here to help šŸ™Œ

Bonus Resources to Help You Convert Like Crazy? Look No Further šŸ‘‡

1. Check out this post on my blog The Marketing Maven. I breakdown cross-platform consistency and the how and why of using it to boost your brandā€™s visibility! Get ready for a wave of new leads.

2. Listen to this episode of my podcast. I chat with conversion content queen Anna Mercia about everything from writing a viral blog post to perfecting your brandā€™s voice.

3. Sign up for my free masterclass Become a Marketing Whiz. Itā€™s perfect for anyone just heading out into the wild world of digital marketing. And donā€™t forget to bring your burning Qs.

P.S. Expect to See Me in Your Inbox With a Free PDF Version of Your Results šŸŽ‰šŸ™ŒšŸŽ