What's your manifestation style?

Want to attract more abundance, love, and happiness into your life? 🎆 Take the quiz to discover your superpower for manifesting your dreams into reality. It's time to call in your true desires!

Quiz Transcript

What's your manifestation style?

Want to attract more abundance, love, and happiness into your life? 🎆 Take the quiz to discover your superpower for manifesting your dreams into reality. It's time to call in your true desires!

Take The Quiz

If you were a nature spirit, what would you be?

I'd be a fairy. I love to laugh and play.


I'd be a mermaid/merman. I seriously go with the flow.


I'd be a gnome. I'm grounded, deep, and connected to the earth.


I'd be a unicorn. I'm super strong, and I inspire others to dream big. 


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What makes you an awesome friend?

I'm a great listener. I totally show up for my people. I help them out of sticky situations with my keen problem-solving abilities.


I see the beauty and the poetry in life, and I share that with my friends. I also throw an epic party.


I'm a great leader. I inspire my friends to take risks and be bold. I also help them get clear on what they really want.


My friends often come to me for advice and support. I foster community wherever I go, because it's super important to me.


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Let's talk about "creating your own reality"… how do you feel about it?

That sounds a little out there to me.  


I read The Secret back in the day, but it made me think too hard about my every single thought. I don't think it works for me.


I believe that we have the power to create our own reality, but I wish it was easier for me to make it happen. 


I'm all about this concept. I'm a student of manifestation and I've created many miracles in my life. 


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What high-vibe beverage is the most like you?

Cacao. I'm buzzy, invigorating, and deeply strengthening.


Turmeric Latte. I'm gentle, super-nourishing, and totally comforting. 


Strawberry Kombucha. I'm sweet, bubbly, and just a little bit tangy.


Yerba Mate. I'm stimulating without the jitters. Perfect for deep thinking.


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What's the trickiest part about manifesting to you? 

Truth be told, I'm not really sure what manifesting is, let alone how to do it. 


I get really in my head about things. I can be hard on myself when I think negative thoughts.  


Sometimes worry gets the better of me. I'm probably blocking my manifestations. 


I find it hard to receive. Even when my manifestations work out, I feel a little guilty about it.


I'm actually great at manifesting. I love bringing my dreams into being.


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 If you had a million dollars and you had to choose from one of these things, what would you buy first? 

A really awesome ride. I'd roll down the windows, listen to my theme song, and enlist a few besties to show it off with me.


Is it funny if I start with paying off all loans and debt? I'm excited for that feeling of freedom. 


I'd book a lavish spa retreat for me and a group of my friends to totally pamper ourselves.


I'd buy something extravagant and fabulous like $10,000 shoes. Because shoes complete the look, right? 


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Which quote about manifesting MOST resonates with you?

"There’s no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love. There is only a scarcity of resolve to make it happen." —Wayne Dyer 


"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined." —Henry David Thoreau 


“Stop talking about the things that are bothering you so much.”—Esther Hicks 


“Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” —Louise Hay 


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 What kind of situation are you most excited to manifest in your life?

I'm pumped to bring in more wealth, richness, and abundance. It's time I step out of lack and into prosperity. 


I'm ready to call in a positive, loving relationship. I want more love in my life all around. And I'm ready to love myself more.


I'm calling in a deeper sense of peace and calm. I want to feel confident, joyful, and peaceful in my own mind.


I'm calling in my dream career. I want to be creatively and artistically fulfilled, taking powerful strides toward my mission in life. 


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 Which wellness retreat would you MOST like to manifest?

A relaxing nature retreat in Shima, Japan. I want to quietly bathe in hot springs, appreciate ancient trees, and enjoy the minimalist architecture. 


A yoga retreat at the Cliffs of Moher. Yoga plus hiking plus cooking alongside a heart-centered community. It'll be a time to nourish myself, and make new friends. Count me in!


An astrology retreat at a winery in Italy. So that I can mix the esoteric with the social event of the season. And yes, I'll indulge in some delightful organic wine. 


An empowering retreat in Mazunte Mexico, all about being bold, defining our desires, and creating an action plan to make them happen. With breaks on the beach of course. 


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Your Manifestation Style Is… Action

You are a strong, determined go-getter. You're a leader and know what you want. Because of your decisiveness and your keen ability to go after your goals... your manifestation superpower is action.

You have the gift of strong willpower. You know that where there is a will, there's a way. That means you are able to manifest your dreams by holding fast to your vision. Not wavering. Trusting yourself. Taking strong strides toward your goal. You are all about perseverance.

Don't get discouraged if things don't manifest right away. For you, continued action is what reaps the rewards you seek. It's 1000% time to trust yourself.

Because you are a powerhouse, you can also use movement as a form of manifestation. Try taking on a power pose. Check out my article about manifesting through power poses here.

Here are some tips to find softness in your strength...

Although you are here to climb (and even move) mountains, it's important to enjoy the ride. So take things one step at a time. Appreciate all the beauty and abundance that is here for you this minute.

Keeping a daily gratitude journal is a beautiful practice for you. Especially when you record and take stock of your daily wins. That way, you'll feel full of self-love and as you climb the mountain, not just when you reach the top.

Although you're very independent, it's important for you to involve others and even lean on them in your journey to manifesting your dreams.

"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it; Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Here Are the 3 Tools You Need to Bring Your Dreams into Reality

1. Embrace the Now

In the words of Thích Nhất Hạnh, "There is no way to happiness - happiness is the way."

A cornerstone of manifestation is that if we're not feeling good now, we're not creating a path to feeling good in the future. No matter your outward circumstances, embrace the now. Love your life as much as possible in this present moment.

In those in between moments, when you're brushing your teeth or doing the dishes…

  • Resolve to be happy.
  • Smile for no reason.
  • Take five minute dance breaks.
  • Tell someone you love them.
  • Take a moment to appreciate a loved one or an animal friend in your life.

Taking these little pauses to appreciate your life will absolutely light you up. You'll be building your foundation of happiness, so that your future will be positively bright.

2. Morning and Night Rituals

The last moment before sleep and the first moment you wake up in the morning are two of the most powerful moments in the day for manifestation. That's because you're moving between conscious and unconscious states. By planting seeds of joy and happiness in those moments, you are tuning your subconscious to a very high vibration.

When you first wake up in the morning and before you go off to sleep, take some time for joy. Put a hand on your heart and think of three things you're grateful for. Think of a friend who makes you smile, or an aspect of nature that inspires you.

Breathe in this spaciousness before you start your day and before you go to bed at night. You may be surprised by how much magic this practice brings into your life.

3. Day Dream Practice

Set aside five minutes a day to day-dream. Close your eyes and start visualizing the details of your ideal reality.

Here are some fun scenarios to imagine:

  • You wake up in your dream space. Light is pouring through the windows and you're absolutely refreshed and ready to start your day. What is your dream home like? Investigate, walk around, and take it in.

  • You're on a beautiful vacation, spending the most fun day you can imagine with your ideal company. Experience this mini-vacation as fully as you possibly can.

  • Your career is moving in the direction you've always wished for. Your dreams of success are coming true. There are absolutely no limitations. What does it look like and feel like? What are you wearing? How do you feel in your body? How do you celebrate?

Then, when you're done with your day-dream, let it go. Don't hold onto the visualization too hard. This gives your manifestations space to materialize.

🦄 Hey, Magical Manifestor...

I'm Maud Adelaide, manifestation teacher and spiritual catalyst. I hail from Australia, and I call Hawaii my home. I moved to Hawaii three years ago, because I was drawn to dive deep into the Lemurian energy of the Big Island 🌺.

Obviously, I've always felt at home by the ocean.

As a manifestation guide, I teach tools that I developed over the last ten years. I studied painting in college, and I always saw visual arts as a way to create dream images.

It's my honor to help people manifest their dreams through my online community Manifesting Magic… as well as through my podcast by the same name. I've seen countless miracles unfold for my students who have decided to commit to making their dreams come true. Starting with choosing to be happy now.

Because you're here, changes are you are already an extremely powerful manifestor. I'm so excited to see this path unfold for you, beautiful one.

🌼Calling it In🌼

Find your bliss with these free resources!🌷👇

1. Join my online community MANIFESTING MAGIC. We come together twice a month through powerful workshops to manifest our dreams. Get inspiration to call in your heart's desire and receive tons of tools to claim a deeper sense of abundance, beauty, and radiance. This global community of 100s of soul-centered heart friends is here to support you.

2. Check out my Podcast. Through the "Manifesting Magic Podcast," I share crystal clear tools for you to amplify your manifestation powers. Each week, I share a powerful manifestation meditation. So that you can lift your vibration and get totally in tune with your ideal life.

3. Want to jumpstart your manifestation practice? Book a manifesting session with me. We'll start by getting crystal clear on your desires, goals, and dreams. From there, I create a space of powerful activation to magnetize your manifestations to you. I'll also give you a clear action plan for the next month of manifesting. Check out the miracles page to read my clients' unbelievable success stories.

The Manifestation Station...

What's next on your manifesting journey? Head over to your inbox for your quiz results. I've also sent you a manifestation journal, to help you get you clear on what you'd like to manifest. Over the next week, I'll be sharing tips and affirmations so that you can deepen your manifestation practice🧚‍♀️ ✨

I'm so excited for you to step deeper onto the path of making miracles happen in your life. Remember, deciding to be happy is the first choice. It all begins with how you greet the present. Find a way to celebrate how amazing you are today. Future You will thank you.

🌻 So many blessings to you, dear one! 🌻

Your Manifestation Style Is… Imagination

You're cheerful, playful, and artistic. You love exploring new territory and setting new trends. You're keenly connected to art, beauty, and creativity. This means imagination is your manifestation superpower.

You're a romantic and optimist at heart. You see the world as a space of wonder. When you let your mind wander and appreciate all the goodness that's already right in front of you, you're only going to see more magic unfold for you. As they say... like attracts like.

You have the powerful ability to use your day-dreams in order to bring more synchronicities into your life. Let your sense of fun and pleasure be your guide as you imagine your dream life. If what you're dreaming of is feeling super groovy for you, you're on the right track.

Ultimately your sense of play, your creativity, and your day-dreams can light the way to living a truly aligned life of joy.

Here's a tip to dream in your dream life...

You're very close to your friends and you really care about their input. Because you often go to others for advice, you may be indecisive at times. But knowing what you really want is key for manifesting.

Get clear with yourself about your true desires. It's likely that deep down you really know what you want. Take some time to journal and get really honest with yourself.

If you're still uncertain, be patient and kind. Let your joy be your anchor, and the divine plan will reveal itself.

"Never mind what is. Imagine it the way you want it to be so that your vibration is a match to your desire."

— Esther Hicks


Here Are the 3 Tools You Need to Bring Your Dreams into Reality

1. Embrace the Now

In the words of Thích Nhất Hạnh, "There is no way to happiness - happiness is the way."

A cornerstone of manifestation is that if we're not feeling good now, we're not creating a path to feeling good in the future. No matter your outward circumstances, embrace the now. Love your life as much as possible in this present moment.

In those in between moments, when you're brushing your teeth or doing the dishes…

  • Resolve to be happy.
  • Smile for no reason.
  • Take five minute dance breaks.
  • Tell someone you love them.
  • Take a moment to appreciate a loved one or an animal friend in your life.

Taking these little pauses to appreciate your life will absolutely light you up. You'll be building your foundation of happiness, so that your future will be positively bright.

2. Morning and Night Rituals

The last moment before sleep and the first moment you wake up in the morning are two of the most powerful moments in the day for manifestation. That's because you're moving between conscious and unconscious states. By planting seeds of joy and happiness in those moments, you are tuning your subconscious to a very high vibration.

When you first wake up in the morning and before you go off to sleep, take some time for joy. Put a hand on your heart and think of three things you're grateful for. Think of a friend who makes you smile, or an aspect of nature that inspires you.

Breathe in this spaciousness before you start your day and before you go to bed at night. You may be surprised by how much magic this practice brings into your life.

3. Day Dream Practice

Set aside five minutes a day to day-dream. Close your eyes and start visualizing the details of your ideal reality.

Here are some fun scenarios to imagine:

  • You wake up in your dream space. Light is pouring through the windows and you're absolutely refreshed and ready to start your day. What is your dream home like? Investigate, walk around, and take it in.

  • You're on a beautiful vacation, spending the most fun day you can imagine with your ideal company. Experience this mini-vacation as fully as you possibly can.

  • Your career is moving in the direction you've always wished for. Your dreams of success are coming true. There are absolutely no limitations. What does it look like and feel like? What are you wearing? How do you feel in your body? How do you celebrate?

Then, when you're done with your day-dream, let it go. Don't hold onto the visualization too hard. This gives your manifestations space to materialize.

🦄 Hey, Magical Manifestor...

I'm Maud Adelaide, manifestation teacher and spiritual catalyst. I hail from Australia, and I call Hawaii my home. I moved to Hawaii three years ago, because I was drawn to dive deep into the Lemurian energy of the Big Island 🌺.

Obviously, I've always felt at home by the ocean.

As a manifestation guide, I teach tools that I developed over the last ten years. I studied painting in college, and I always saw visual arts as a way to create dream images.

It's my honor to help people manifest their dreams through my online community Manifesting Magic… as well as through my podcast by the same name. I've seen countless miracles unfold for my students who have decided to commit to making their dreams come true. Starting with choosing to be happy now.

Because you're here, changes are you are already an extremely powerful manifestor. I'm so excited to see this path unfold for you, beautiful one.

🌼Calling it In🌼

Find your bliss with these free resources!🌷👇

1. Join my online community MANIFESTING MAGIC. We come together twice a month through powerful workshops to manifest our dreams. Get inspiration to call in your heart's desire and receive tons of tools to claim a deeper sense of abundance, beauty, and radiance. This global community of 100s of soul-centered heart friends is here to support you.

2. Check out my Podcast. Through the "Manifesting Magic Podcast," I share crystal clear tools for you to amplify your manifestation powers. Each week, I share a powerful manifestation meditation. So that you can lift your vibration and get totally in tune with your ideal life.

3. Want to jumpstart your manifestation practice? Book a manifesting session with me. We'll start by getting crystal clear on your desires, goals, and dreams. From there, I create a space of powerful activation to magnetize your manifestations to you. I'll also give you a clear action plan for the next month of manifesting. Check out the miracles page to read my clients' unbelievable success stories.

The Manifestation Station...

What's next on your manifesting journey? Head over to your inbox for your quiz results. I've also sent you a manifestation journal, to help you get you clear on what you'd like to manifest. Over the next week, I'll be sharing tips and affirmations so that you can deepen your manifestation practice🧚‍♀️ ✨

I'm so excited for you to step deeper onto the path of making miracles happen in your life. Remember, deciding to be happy is the first choice. It all begins with how you greet the present. Find a way to celebrate how amazing you are today. Future You will thank you.

🌻 So many blessings to you, dear one! 🌻

Your Manifestation Style Is… Feeling

You are kind, supportive, and deeply intuitive. When it comes to manifestation, let your strong feeling sense be your guide. Trust your emotions and intuition as a way to dream in your perfect reality.

As a feeler, manifestation is a physical process for you. From your gut reactions, to choosing thoughts that feel good. This means that you are able to manifest through physical practices that lift you up. This could be walking in nature, dancing, or practicing yoga or qigong.

As a feeler, you can also manifest through your environment. Practices like Feng Shui, altar building, and crystal gridding are ways for you to create through physical space.

You really thrive with manifestation when you focus on feeling good in the present moment. As you nourish yourself in the now, you are making space for more amazing experiences in the future.

Here are some tips to help amplify your manifestations...

Because you easily feel the feelings of others, it's important for you to take time to recharge and reset. Clear your energy and clear your space often. You can use smudge sticks, salt baths, or incense to uplift your physical and energetic space.

When in doubt, remember that nature is your refuge and your medicine.

“The greatest gift you can ever give another person is your own happiness” —Esther Hicks


Here Are the 3 Tools You Need to Bring Your Dreams into Reality

1. Embrace the Now

In the words of Thích Nhất Hạnh, "There is no way to happiness - happiness is the way."

A cornerstone of manifestation is that if we're not feeling good now, we're not creating a path to feeling good in the future. No matter your outward circumstances, embrace the now. Love your life as much as possible in this present moment.

In those in between moments, when you're brushing your teeth or doing the dishes…

  • Resolve to be happy.
  • Smile for no reason.
  • Take five minute dance breaks.
  • Tell someone you love them.
  • Take a moment to appreciate a loved one or an animal friend in your life.

Taking these little pauses to appreciate your life will absolutely light you up. You'll be building your foundation of happiness, so that your future will be positively bright.

2. Morning and Night Rituals

The last moment before sleep and the first moment you wake up in the morning are two of the most powerful moments in the day for manifestation. That's because you're moving between conscious and unconscious states. By planting seeds of joy and happiness in those moments, you are tuning your subconscious to a very high vibration.

When you first wake up in the morning and before you go off to sleep, take some time for joy. Put a hand on your heart and think of three things you're grateful for. Think of a friend who makes you smile, or an aspect of nature that inspires you.

Breathe in this spaciousness before you start your day and before you go to bed at night. You may be surprised by how much magic this practice brings into your life.

3. Day Dream Practice

Set aside five minutes a day to day-dream. Close your eyes and start visualizing the details of your ideal reality.

Here are some fun scenarios to imagine:

  • You wake up in your dream space. Light is pouring through the windows and you're absolutely refreshed and ready to start your day. What is your dream home like? Investigate, walk around, and take it in.

  • You're on a beautiful vacation, spending the most fun day you can imagine with your ideal company. Experience this mini-vacation as fully as you possibly can.

  • Your career is moving in the direction you've always wished for. Your dreams of success are coming true. There are absolutely no limitations. What does it look like and feel like? What are you wearing? How do you feel in your body? How do you celebrate?

Then, when you're done with your day-dream, let it go. Don't hold onto the visualization too hard. This gives your manifestations space to materialize.

🦄 Hey, Magical Manifestor...

I'm Maud Adelaide, manifestation teacher and spiritual catalyst. I hail from Australia, and I call Hawaii my home. I moved to Hawaii three years ago, because I was drawn to dive deep into the Lemurian energy of the Big Island 🌺.

Obviously, I've always felt at home by the ocean.

As a manifestation guide, I teach tools that I developed over the last ten years. I studied painting in college, and I always saw visual arts as a way to create dream images.

It's my honor to help people manifest their dreams through my online community Manifesting Magic… as well as through my podcast by the same name. I've seen countless miracles unfold for my students who have decided to commit to making their dreams come true. Starting with choosing to be happy now.

Because you're here, changes are you are already an extremely powerful manifestor. I'm so excited to see this path unfold for you, beautiful one.

🌼Calling it In🌼

Find your bliss with these free resources!🌷👇

1. Join my online community MANIFESTING MAGIC. We come together twice a month through powerful workshops to manifest our dreams. Get inspiration to call in your heart's desire and receive tons of tools to claim a deeper sense of abundance, beauty, and radiance. This global community of 100s of soul-centered heart friends is here to support you.

2. Check out my Podcast. Through the "Manifesting Magic Podcast," I share crystal clear tools for you to amplify your manifestation powers. Each week, I share a powerful manifestation meditation. So that you can lift your vibration and get totally in tune with your ideal life.

3. Want to jumpstart your manifestation practice? Book a manifesting session with me. We'll start by getting crystal clear on your desires, goals, and dreams. From there, I create a space of powerful activation to magnetize your manifestations to you. I'll also give you a clear action plan for the next month of manifesting. Check out the miracles page to read my clients' unbelievable success stories.

The Manifestation Station...

What's next on your manifesting journey? Head over to your inbox for your quiz results. I've also sent you a manifestation journal, to help you get you clear on what you'd like to manifest. Over the next week, I'll be sharing tips and affirmations so that you can deepen your manifestation practice🧚‍♀️ ✨

I'm so excited for you to step deeper onto the path of making miracles happen in your life. Remember, deciding to be happy is the first choice. It all begins with how you greet the present. Find a way to celebrate how amazing you are today. Future You will thank you.

🌻 So many blessings to you, dear one! 🌻

Your Manifestation Style Is… Sound

You're a deep thinker and the spiritual quality you embody is wisdom. You're also very practical, logical, and analytical. As a manifestor, you can harness both sound and silence to call in what you'd like to create.

Finding music that speaks to your soul and encourages higher thinking is extremely important to you. You can manifest positive experiences by listening to music that you absolutely love.

As you work with sound and silence, you can clear out any stuck or stagnant energy that might keep you from stepping into the life you'd love to live. You may enjoy working with healing instruments like tuning forks to keep your energy around you clear.

Another aspect of sound that's great for you to tap into is working with affirmation...

Make a list of things that are challenging you right now. Watch your thoughts over the space of a week and write down the common threads. Then replace the unhelpful thoughts with their positive opposites.

Whenever the less kind thought arises, immediately affirm in your mind the positive thought. Speak it out loud so that the affirmation is amplified by the power of sound.

Here's a tip to deepen your manifestation practice…

The mental power you have can occasionally be clouded by...overthinking. Coming home to your breath is extremely important to you. You can practice connecting to your breath through breathwork. Check out this ten minute guided meditation to make you feel calm and centered.

The more you clear out your thoughts, the more room you will have for the sound of your deep intuition. And intuition is the mother of manifestation.

"The quieter you become the more you are able to hear." – Rumi


Here Are the 3 Tools You Need to Bring Your Dreams into Reality

1. Embrace the Now

In the words of Thích Nhất Hạnh, "There is no way to happiness - happiness is the way."

A cornerstone of manifestation is that if we're not feeling good now, we're not creating a path to feeling good in the future. No matter your outward circumstances, embrace the now. Love your life as much as possible in this present moment.

In those in between moments, when you're brushing your teeth or doing the dishes…

  • Resolve to be happy.
  • Smile for no reason.
  • Take five minute dance breaks.
  • Tell someone you love them.
  • Take a moment to appreciate a loved one or an animal friend in your life.

Taking these little pauses to appreciate your life will absolutely light you up. You'll be building your foundation of happiness, so that your future will be positively bright.

2. Morning and Night Rituals

The last moment before sleep and the first moment you wake up in the morning are two of the most powerful moments in the day for manifestation. That's because you're moving between conscious and unconscious states. By planting seeds of joy and happiness in those moments, you are tuning your subconscious to a very high vibration.

When you first wake up in the morning and before you go off to sleep, take some time for joy. Put a hand on your heart and think of three things you're grateful for. Think of a friend who makes you smile, or an aspect of nature that inspires you.

Breathe in this spaciousness before you start your day and before you go to bed at night. You may be surprised by how much magic this practice brings into your life.

3. Day Dream Practice

Set aside five minutes a day to day-dream. Close your eyes and start visualizing the details of your ideal reality.

Here are some fun scenarios to imagine:

  • You wake up in your dream space. Light is pouring through the windows and you're absolutely refreshed and ready to start your day. What is your dream home like? Investigate, walk around, and take it in.

  • You're on a beautiful vacation, spending the most fun day you can imagine with your ideal company. Experience this mini-vacation as fully as you possibly can.

  • Your career is moving in the direction you've always wished for. Your dreams of success are coming true. There are absolutely no limitations. What does it look like and feel like? What are you wearing? How do you feel in your body? How do you celebrate?

Then, when you're done with your day-dream, let it go. Don't hold onto the visualization too hard. This gives your manifestations space to materialize.

🦄 Hey, Magical Manifestor...

I'm Maud Adelaide, manifestation teacher and spiritual catalyst. I hail from Australia, and I call Hawaii my home. I moved to Hawaii three years ago, because I was drawn to dive deep into the Lemurian energy of the Big Island 🌺.

Obviously, I've always felt at home by the ocean.

As a manifestation guide, I teach tools that I developed over the last ten years. I studied painting in college, and I always saw visual arts as a way to create dream images.

It's my honor to help people manifest their dreams through my online community Manifesting Magic… as well as through my podcast by the same name. I've seen countless miracles unfold for my students who have decided to commit to making their dreams come true. Starting with choosing to be happy now.

Because you're here, changes are you are already an extremely powerful manifestor. I'm so excited to see this path unfold for you, beautiful one.

🌼Calling it In🌼

Find your bliss with these free resources!🌷👇

1. Join my online community MANIFESTING MAGIC. We come together twice a month through powerful workshops to manifest our dreams. Get inspiration to call in your heart's desire and receive tons of tools to claim a deeper sense of abundance, beauty, and radiance. This global community of 100s of soul-centered heart friends is here to support you.

2. Check out my Podcast. Through the "Manifesting Magic Podcast," I share crystal clear tools for you to amplify your manifestation powers. Each week, I share a powerful manifestation meditation. So that you can lift your vibration and get totally in tune with your ideal life.

3. Want to jumpstart your manifestation practice? Book a manifesting session with me. We'll start by getting crystal clear on your desires, goals, and dreams. From there, I create a space of powerful activation to magnetize your manifestations to you. I'll also give you a clear action plan for the next month of manifesting. Check out the miracles page to read my clients' unbelievable success stories.

The Manifestation Station...

What's next on your manifesting journey? Head over to your inbox for your quiz results. I've also sent you a manifestation journal, to help you get you clear on what you'd like to manifest. Over the next week, I'll be sharing tips and affirmations so that you can deepen your manifestation practice🧚‍♀️ ✨

I'm so excited for you to step deeper onto the path of making miracles happen in your life. Remember, deciding to be happy is the first choice. It all begins with how you greet the present. Find a way to celebrate how amazing you are today. Future You will thank you.

🌻 So many blessings to you, dear one! 🌻