What's your parenting style?
Take this two-minute quiz to find out which of the four parenting types you are: indulgent, hands-off, balanced, or strict. Plus get a few tried ‘n’ true tips for managing your time as a parent!
Quiz Transcript
What's your parenting style?
Take this two-minute quiz to find out which of the four parenting types you are: indulgent, hands-off, balanced, or strict. Plus get a few tried ‘n’ true tips for managing your time as a parent!
You're at the grocery store, and your daughter is begging you to buy a sugary breakfast cereal... What do you tell her?
'You're such a sweet girl, you deserve a sweet breakfast to match!'
'Stop pestering me. When you start earning your own money, THEN you can pick what you eat.'
'If you eat that for breakfast, you're going to have zero energy left by lunch. Why don't you try picking out something a little healthier?'
'Sure — once you pick one out, come find me in the toilet paper aisle.'
1 / 10
Are you picky about your children's friends?
Yeah, you could say that. I like to get familiar with their parents and their academic records before letting them get close with my kids.
Its their lives... My kids can hang out with whoever they want JUST as long as they don't ask me for rides.
I get to know my children's friends before making any hard and fast judgements.
No way — I'm the 'cool' parent. Have you ever met a cool parent who doesn't get along with their kids' friends? Didn't think so...
2 / 10
Your son says he's 'just not in the mood' for his violin lesson... How do you respond?
I'm the one paying, so I get to decide whether or not he goes. Hint: he's going.
I tell him that he has the final say, but sometimes we stand to learn the most by doing things even when they're hard.
Violin shmioIin... I ask him what he is in the mood for. T.V.? A milkshake? Whatever it is, I make sure he's happy.
I tell him she can skip this ONE lesson, but next week she's going — no ifs, ands, or buts.
3 / 10
How do you handle allowances with your children?
They tell me a number, and I hand over the cash. Bank of Mom and Dad, anyone?
It's flexible — I ask them how they're planning to spend their allowance, then I base my decision on that.
Since when is giving your kids food and shelter not enough? Plus what would they buy... Kit Kat bars and toy cars for me to trip on? Nuh-uh.
I set a specific amount and stick to it. No more, no less, and NO ADVANCES.
4 / 10
You come home with a headache from an exhausting day at work, and your daughter says she needs help with her homework... What do you tell her?
'Trust me, you'll learn more by figuring it out on your own. Kids are so lazy these days...'
'Okay, let's tag team this stuff. We can figure it out quick between the two of us!'
'You know what? To heck with the homework. Why don't you go watch The Avengers again... I'm sure you've had a long day, too.'
'I'll get you started with some help, but it's up to you to finish the job, deal?'
5 / 10
Aside from the school bus, how do your children get around?
Hmm, that's a good question. They just sort of turn up places. Occasionally I drive them, but mostly we mind our own business.
I like to drive my children... That way I know where they are and who they're with 24/7.
If they need a ride, I'm more than willing, but I encourage them to walk or bike — anything that'll give them a sense of independence.
I'm basically a taxi service for my kids. When they call for a pickup or drop-off, I'm waiting by the phone.
6 / 10
You're son really, really wants a pet hamster for his birthday... What do you do?
I cave after he swears that taking care of the hamster will be HIS responsibility. You won't catch me cleaning out its stinky cage...
No way, hosay. My kids are enough of a mess as it is. Like how old do they have to be before I start charging rent?
Once we talk it over as a family, I'll give it some serious thought. It's important we have everyone's O.K. before bringing a new pet into the home.
Bring on the hamster! And, hey, if he gets sick of it, I'm here to give it food and water and clean its cage.
7 / 10
How do you control your children's screen time?
Controlling isn't my cup of tea. I prefer to let my kids do what they want and let the pieces fall where they may.
I set a time-limit, but it's flexible depending on what they're up to online.
Screen time doesn't exist in my household... Unless it's for homework, in which case I'm supervising.
Control? I encourage screen time! It's my favourite babysitter.
8 / 10
Do your children get much of a say in family matters?
What they say goes! I'm their best friend — I just want to make sure they're having a blast.
I'm the parent for a reason. If they tried to weigh in on a family matter, I might listen, but, in the end, the grown-ups call the shots.
Nope, nope, and more nope. I teach my children to listen but never speak... Unless they're asked.
Of course — as family members, their perspectives deserve to be heard out! While I don't always follow my children's advice, their thoughts are important.
9 / 10
Your daughter's room is a mess! There are a week's worth of clothes on the floor, and... is that a half-eaten piece of pizza? How do you react?
I tell her I'll buy her that fancy toy she's been eyeing at the mall if she tidies up... just a bit?
No playing, no snacking, no nothing until her space is spick 'n' span. Heck, I might just lock her in there...
Oh geez... Well, someone's got to clean up, and it's not going to be my daughter, so I better get to work.
Hey, if she want to live in a pigsty, that's her prerogative. I might mention it to my daughter, but, in the end, it's her choice.
10 / 10
You're a... Indulgent Parent
As an indulgent parent, you’re your children’s best friend. No matter what mess they’re facing, they know they can trust you to pick up the pieces and Super Glue ‘em back together...
Your discipline style is lax to the max. Which is to say, you might not have high behavior expectations for your kids — you prefer to let them figure life out on their own without strict rules.
You likely avoid positioning yourself as an authority figure, which makes your children feel comfortable communicating openly with you. You’re warm, nurturing, and oh so ready to indulge their every need.
Here’s the thing though, without a healthy amount of structure, children raised by permissive parents are more likely to struggle with self-regulation (aka. the skill set that makes turning down a second red velvet cupcake easy-peasy).
So practice balancing your big heart with a bit of tough love and scheduling self-care into your jam-packed schedule. Trust me, your kids will thank you in the long term.
"We never know the love of the parent till we become parents ourselves." — Henry Ward Beecher
How to make the most of your time as an indulgent parent...
1. Teach your children tasks
At first, teaching your children how to complete household chores, might seem like a lot of work, but it’ll save you hours in the long run. On top of that, it’ll help build up their confidence and self-reliance. Sounds like a sweet deal, right?
Start with small, easy to do tasks like getting dressed for school or making a tasty sandwich!
2. Schedule in Self-Care
One of the kindest things you can do for your kids is regularly scheduling in self-care. Whether it’s a relaxing lavender-scented bath or a half an hour journaling, by giving yourself space to process and reflect, you’ll be able to show up 100%. If you don’t already, I’d recommend keeping track of your time with a planner, so you know just how much you have to spare for some much needed TLC!
3. Set Routines
Making simple morning and evening routines for your children is another great time-saving hack. By teaching them what to do as soon as they roll out of bed, you spare yourself the trouble of getting them dressed, brushing their teeth, and packing their lunch for school.
Try putting together a poster with their morning and evening routines spelled out step-by-step. Add a couple fun pictures for a bit of wow factor and hang it up in their rooms!
Hold up — let me introduce myself!

Hey there, I’m Catriona Carter 👋 I’m the mother of two beautiful little girls, eight-year-old Claire and six-year-old Cassie. When I’m not chasing them around our backyard, I’m changing lives as a certified parenting coach!
Yep, you heard right — whether it’s sibling conflict or school troubles, I give parents the guidance they need to raise happy, healthy families. Think you could use a little extra support? Book a free 15 minute consultation with me today! Together, we’ve got this 🙌
Looking for a few more resources? Fill up on these...
1. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop with my workshop schedule. Plus you’ll find a backlog of need-to-know baby-raising hacks!
2. Download my family meal plan! It’s designed to save you time and energy by having four weeks of healthy, delicious weekday meals and grocery lists laid out for you.
3. Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with yours truly. You can fill me in on your family’s deets and decide if we’d make a good fit. You’ve got nothing to lose!
P.S Expect to see me in your inbox tomorrow with more parenting type tips 🙌
You’re a... Hands-Off Parent
When it comes to your children, you take a laissez faire approach. You encourage them to make their own decisions and fend for themselves in the world — how else are they going to learn... right?
You’re not one to set strict rules. You likely have a curfew and a couple other basic behavioral expectations, but they are rarely enforced. You may operate on more of a need-to-know basis (aka. unless it’s an emergency, you don’t need to know).
Sometimes you wonder why your children don’t communicate openly with you. But it might just be that they feel you’re uninterested or don’t have enough time and energy to hear them out.
I see you friend, you are busy — you juggle a hundred and one things, and sometimes it’s overwhelming. But it’s important that your children don’t feel like they’re the last item on your mile-long to-do list...
So try getting a little more involved in their lives by showing-up for basketball tournaments and piano recitals. Your small demonstrations of love and pride will pay off big in the long term.
"Having a child is like getting a tattoo... on your face. You better be committed." — Elizabeth Gilbert
How to make the most of your time as a hands-off parent...
1. Teach your children tasks
At first, teaching your children how to complete household chores, might seem like a lot of work, but it’ll save you hours in the long run. On top of that, it’ll help build up their confidence and self-reliance. Sounds like a sweet deal, right?
Start with small, easy to do tasks like getting dressed for school or making a tasty sandwich!
2. Schedule in Self-Care
One of the kindest things you can do for your kids is regularly scheduling in self-care. Whether it’s a relaxing lavender-scented bath or a half an hour journaling, by giving yourself space to process and reflect, you’ll be able to show up 100%. If you don’t already, I’d recommend keeping track of your time with a planner, so you know just how much you have to spare for some much needed TLC!
3. Set Routines
Making simple morning and evening routines for your children is another great time-saving hack. By teaching them what to do as soon as they roll out of bed, you spare yourself the trouble of getting them dressed, brushing their teeth, and packing their lunch for school.
Try putting together a poster with their morning and evening routines spelled out step-by-step. Add a couple fun pictures for a bit of wow factor and hang it up in their rooms!
Hold up — let me introduce myself!

Hey there, I’m Catriona Carter 👋 I’m the mother of two beautiful little girls, eight-year-old Claire and six-year-old Cassie. When I’m not chasing them around our backyard, I’m changing lives as a certified parenting coach!
Yep, you heard right — whether it’s sibling conflict or school troubles, I give parents the guidance they need to raise happy, healthy families. Think you could use a little extra support? Book a free 15 minute consultation with me today! Together, we’ve got this 🙌
Looking for a few more resources? Fill up on these...
1. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop with my workshop schedule. Plus you’ll find a backlog of need-to-know baby-raising hacks!
2. Download my family meal plan! It’s designed to save you time and energy by having four weeks of healthy, delicious weekday meals and grocery lists laid out for you.
3. Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with yours truly. You can fill me in on your family’s deets and decide if we’d make a good fit. You’ve got nothing to lose!
P.S Expect to see me in your inbox tomorrow with more parenting type tips 🙌
You’re a... Balanced Parent
When it comes to raising resourceful, respectful kids, you ace the grade. You know how to strike a balance between being an authoritarian — not the scary dictatorial type — and a best friend.
Your household has rules and behavioral expectations, but you don’t bank on your children following them blindly. Instead, you explain why they are important guidelines to follow.
When a rule is broken, you administer fair and consistent discipline. You might ask your children why they acted out, which communicates to them that you are there through thick and thin.
It’s important to you that your children feel like valuable members of the family. You throw idioms like ‘children should be seen and not heard’ out the window and encourage your kids to speak their minds.
On top of that, you serve up a whole lot of nurturing warmth. You’re basically the full package. Even so, managing your time can be a bit of a challenge… That’s where I can help.
"The thing about parenting rules is there aren’t any. That’s what makes it so difficult." — Ewan McGregor
How to make the most of your time as a balanced parent...
1. Teach your children tasks
At first, teaching your children how to complete household chores, might seem like a lot of work, but it’ll save you hours in the long run. On top of that, it’ll help build up their confidence and self-reliance. Sounds like a sweet deal, right?
Start with small, easy to do tasks like getting dressed for school or making a tasty sandwich!
2. Schedule in Self-Care
One of the kindest things you can do for your kids is regularly scheduling in self-care. Whether it’s a relaxing lavender-scented bath or a half an hour journaling, by giving yourself space to process and reflect, you’ll be able to show up 100%. If you don’t already, I’d recommend keeping track of your time with a planner, so you know just how much you have to spare for some much needed TLC!
3. Set Routines
Making simple morning and evening routines for your children is another great time-saving hack. By teaching them what to do as soon as they roll out of bed, you spare yourself the trouble of getting them dressed, brushing their teeth, and packing their lunch for school.
Try putting together a poster with their morning and evening routines spelled out step-by-step. Add a couple fun pictures for a bit of wow factor and hang it up in their rooms!
Hold up — let me introduce myself!

Hey there, I’m Catriona Carter 👋 I’m the mother of two beautiful little girls, eight-year-old Claire and six-year-old Cassie. When I’m not chasing them around our backyard, I’m changing lives as a certified parenting coach!
Yep, you heard right — whether it’s sibling conflict or school troubles, I give parents the guidance they need to raise happy, healthy families. Think you could use a little extra support? Book a free 15 minute consultation with me today! Together, we’ve got this 🙌
Looking for a few more resources? Fill up on these...
1. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop with my workshop schedule. Plus you’ll find a backlog of need-to-know baby-raising hacks!
2. Download my family meal plan! It’s designed to save you time and energy by having four weeks of healthy, delicious weekday meals and grocery lists laid out for you.
3. Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with yours truly. You can fill me in on your family’s deets and decide if we’d make a good fit. You’ve got nothing to lose!
P.S Expect to see me in your inbox tomorrow with more parenting type tips 🙌
You’re a... Strict Parent
When it comes to your children, it’s your way or the highway... You push them to perform bigger and brighter than their peers. You want the best, and anything less is unacceptable.
While your high behavioral expectations come from a place of genuine love and concern — after all, you only want your children to achieve their full potential — sometimes they might come off a bit strong.
You lay down your household laws with an iron fist — ifs, ands, and buts are banned. On top of that, whether through time-outs or revoking their privileges, you aren’t afraid to punish your kids.
Communication tends to be a bit one-sided. It’s mostly you, as the parent, talking to your children. You might feel it isn't necessary to explain certain rules to them or ask their perspectives on family matters.
Here’s the thing though, children raised by overly authoritarian parents often end up with low self-esteem and high rates of anxiety, so consider softening your approach for long term success!
"Your kids require you most of all to love them for who they are, not to spend your whole time trying to correct them." — Bill Ayers
How to make the most of your time as a strict parent...
1. Teach your children tasks
At first, teaching your children how to complete household chores, might seem like a lot of work, but it’ll save you hours in the long run. On top of that, it’ll help build up their confidence and self-reliance. Sounds like a sweet deal, right?
Start with small, easy to do tasks like getting dressed for school or making a tasty sandwich!
2. Schedule in Self-Care
One of the kindest things you can do for your kids is regularly scheduling in self-care. Whether it’s a relaxing lavender-scented bath or a half an hour journaling, by giving yourself space to process and reflect, you’ll be able to show up 100%. If you don’t already, I’d recommend keeping track of your time with a planner, so you know just how much you have to spare for some much needed TLC!
3. Set Routines
Making simple morning and evening routines for your children is another great time-saving hack. By teaching them what to do as soon as they roll out of bed, you spare yourself the trouble of getting them dressed, brushing their teeth, and packing their lunch for school.
Try putting together a poster with their morning and evening routines spelled out step-by-step. Add a couple fun pictures for a bit of wow factor and hang it up in their rooms!
Hold up — let me introduce myself!

Hey there, I’m Catriona Carter 👋 I’m the mother of two beautiful little girls, eight-year-old Claire and six-year-old Cassie. When I’m not chasing them around our backyard, I’m changing lives as a certified parenting coach!
Yep, you heard right — whether it’s sibling conflict or school troubles, I give parents the guidance they need to raise happy, healthy families. Think you could use a little extra support? Book a free 15 minute consultation with me today! Together, we’ve got this 🙌
Looking for a few more resources? Fill up on these...
1. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop with my workshop schedule. Plus you’ll find a backlog of need-to-know baby-raising hacks!
2. Download my family meal plan! It’s designed to save you time and energy by having four weeks of healthy, delicious weekday meals and grocery lists laid out for you.
3. Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with yours truly. You can fill me in on your family’s deets and decide if we’d make a good fit. You’ve got nothing to lose!
P.S Expect to see me in your inbox tomorrow with more parenting type tips 🙌
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