What's your teaching style?
Ready to realize your potential as an educator? Take this 2-minute quiz to gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses 💯 And if that isn't enough, I'll let you in on a secret that's transforming the lives (and bank accounts) of teachers across the globe!
Quiz Transcript
What's your teaching style?
Ready to realize your potential as an educator? Take this 2-minute quiz to gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses 💯 And if that isn't enough, I'll let you in on a secret that's transforming the lives (and bank accounts) of teachers across the globe!
Why did you become a teacher?
Because this world has serious problems, and I wanted to help solve them (and encourage my students to do the same).
People forget how difficult being a kid is... I thought I could offer them the support they needed to succeed in school and life.
What can I say... It's a stable job that pays pretty decently (with summers off!). Plus, I enjoy it... Most of the time...
That's a good question — can you answer it for me? Jokes aside, there are more reasons I became a teacher than I can name.
1 / 10
One of your top students has been misbehaving and handing in their homework half-finished — what to you do?
I wait it out! They are probably just going through growing pains and will come out of it in a week or two...
I explain that they have so much potential and have the power to change the world if they apply themselves.
I give them the low grades that they deserve in the hopes that it'll motivate them to do better next time.
I contact their parents to see if anything has been going on at home then give them extra support and encouragement in class.
2 / 10
Which fictional teacher is most like you?
Mr. Keating from Dead Poets Society!
Ms. Halsey from Bad Teacher!
Mr. S from School of Rock!
Professor Snape from Harry Potter!
3 / 10
What's your fave subject to teach?
Social Studies — Let's change the world by learning about it!
Math and Science — I'm a fan of sticking to the facts!
English — Literature teaches us about ourselves!
Umm... I like (and don't like) them all equally...
4 / 10
How is your classroom decorated?
My classroom is a kaleidoscope of colourful décor, student art, and comfy places where they can study. I try to encourage their creativity 24/7 🎨
In grounding colors like brown and green with a houseplant or two. I keep the decorations to a minimum — the fewer distractions, the better, right?
Decorated?! Before I think about decorating, I need to get my classroom's mess under control. It's littered with toys and spilt craft supplies 😱
Inspirational posters are my #1 pick! It's so important that I teach my students that (with a bit of courage) they can achieve ANYTHING they put their minds to!
5 / 10
A brawl breaks out between two of your students — what do you do?
I pull them apart then haul them both outside for a talk. We're about to get to the bottom of this FOR REAL.
I let them go at it and get all that aggression out of their systems. Kids will be kids, right?
I yell at them until they stop then send them both to the principal's office. It's detention time #sorrynotsorry
I break up the fight then speak to the students privately to get both sides of the story and start working towards a resolution.
6 / 10
Are you satisfied with your income?
Umm, that'd be a "no" for me. I'm passionate about teaching, but it can be stressful, and the pay doesn't reflect that.
Hmm, I guess it's okay... It would be nice to see my dedication being recognized and rewarded, though.
Yes, my income meets my household's basic needs, and sometimes there's a little bit leftover for our rainy day fund.
7 / 10
How likely would you be to recommend others become teachers?
Not Likely — It's so much work with so little payoff.
Somewhat Likely — I'd tell them that if they're truly passionate about it, they can make it work.
Very Likely — Teaching is an opportunity to change lives and the world. Who would want to miss out on that?
8 / 10
How do you handle tests?
We do a breathing exercise beforehand and I make sure to remind them that no test dictates their worth.
I'm pretty strict. No student gets more time and cheaters are punished severely.
I encourage them that if they reach for it they can do so well and this is part of building their future.
I set the clock and let them do their thing. Meanwhile, I'm catching up on my magazines at my desk...
9 / 10
Which classic teacher gift would you love to receive?
A bottle of wine!
A heartfelt card!
A cute mug!
10 / 10
Your teacher type is... The Idealist
Congratulations, friend! By completing this quiz, you've proven your commitment to becoming a better teacher and supporting your students 💯 According to your responses, your teacher type is The Idealist! Wondering what does that mean? Keep reading...
As an Idealist, you care about having a positive impact on your students and the world. You're genuinely passionate about teaching (trust me, your class can tell) and have always wanted to work with young people. On top of that, you hold social issues, such as climate change, poverty, and civil rights, close to your heart and instill those progressive value in others.
Here's the thing, no matter your teacher type, your responsibilities in the classroom might stress you out. Maybe you wonder why all your hard work isn't rewarded with a higher salary. If so, let me reassure you, there are ways you can reduce overwhelm while earning more 💸 So let me fill you in!
"The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don't tell you what to see" — Alexandra K. Trenfor
The Top 3 Side Hustles for Teachers
1. Sell Your Resources
Teaching resources, that is! That's right, friend, there's a large online community of teachers willing to pay top dollar for your one-of-a-kind teaching resources... I'm talking about independent work packets, activities, lesson plans, worksheets, assessments, and so much more. So put those printables you spent hours designing and developing for your students to work! You'll be surprised by how much extra 💲 you can earn.
2. Course Creation
You already know you're a great teacher, and wouldn't it be nice to instruct students on something other than punctuation or pre-calculous? By creating an online course, you can design your dream curriculum on subjects ranging from sewing to scuba diving. Better yet, you can record your lessons ahead of time, which means once you've launched them, there's very little upkeep required — you'll be bringing in the cash on autopilot!
3. Tutoring
And not just in-person! There are many opportunities to tutor international students through the good ol' Internet. Online tutoring has some distinct advantages over traditional tutoring, too. It's often more adaptable to your schedule and the pay rate can be quite high depending on how many years of classroom experience you have ($20 an hour? No thanks). Trust me, if you haven't already, it's worth looking into.
Wait a Second! Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hey there, my name's Elizabeth Brown 👋 I'm a Teacherpreneur Coach passionate about helping teachers earn the income they deserve while living the life of their dreams... Because it really shouldn't be this darn difficult!
I'll let you in on a secret... You don't have to be stressed out 24/7 and spend your evenings marking papers. You deserve more than that. Under my expert guidance, you'll learn how to build out better streams of revenue and take back your stability and financial security.
Looking for a Little Guidance? Here Are 3 Free Resources to Get You Going
1. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram. Stay in the loop with the latest teacherpreneur content all while finding a community of like-minded teachers who want to lift you up!
2. Listen to this episode of my podcast The Teacherpreneur! It'll give you a game plan for gathering up your teaching resources and selling them online — trust me, you can do this, friend...
3. Download my free guide Your Teacherpreneur Marketing Plan Made Easy. This guide will take the stress out of making your first marketing strategy. Get ready to earn the big bucks!
P.S. Look Forward to Seeing Me in Your Inbox With More Teacherperneur Tips!
Your teacher type is... The Practitioner
Congratulations, friend! By completing this quiz, you've proven your commitment to becoming a better teacher and supporting your students 💯 According to your responses, your teacher type is The Practitioner! Wondering what does that mean? Keep reading...
As a Practitioner, you always put your students first — they're the reason you're a teacher after all. You go to great lengths making sure that your class has the knowledge it needs to succeed out in the real world 🌎 You build their self-esteem by helping them sort out what they're really passionate about and encouraging them to pursue it fearlessly (go you!).
Here's the thing, no matter your teacher type, your responsibilities in the classroom might stress you out. Maybe you wonder why all your hard work isn't rewarded with a higher salary. If so, let me reassure you, there are ways you can reduce overwhelm while earning more 💸 So let me fill you in!
"The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don't tell you what to see" — Alexandra K. Trenfor
The Top 3 Side Hustles for Teachers
1. Sell Your Resources
Teaching resources, that is! That's right, friend, there's a large online community of teachers willing to pay top dollar for your one-of-a-kind teaching resources... I'm talking about independent work packets, activities, lesson plans, worksheets, assessments, and so much more. So put those printables you spent hours designing and developing for your students to work! You'll be surprised by how much extra 💲 you can earn.
2. Course Creation
You already know you're a great teacher, and wouldn't it be nice to instruct students on something other than punctuation or pre-calculous? By creating an online course, you can design your dream curriculum on subjects ranging from sewing to scuba diving. Better yet, you can record your lessons ahead of time, which means once you've launched them, there's very little upkeep required — you'll be bringing in the cash on autopilot!
3. Tutoring
And not just in-person! There are many opportunities to tutor international students through the good ol' Internet. Online tutoring has some distinct advantages over traditional tutoring, too. It's often more adaptable to your schedule and the pay rate can be quite high depending on how many years of classroom experience you have ($20 an hour? No thanks). Trust me, if you haven't already, it's worth looking into.
Wait a Second! Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hey there, my name's Elizabeth Brown 👋 I'm a Teacherpreneur Coach passionate about helping teachers earn the income they deserve while living the life of their dreams... Because it really shouldn't be this darn difficult!
I'll let you in on a secret... You don't have to be stressed out 24/7 and spend your evenings marking papers. You deserve more than that. Under my expert guidance, you'll learn how to build out better streams of revenue and take back your stability and financial security.
Looking for a Little Guidance? Here Are 3 Free Resources to Get You Going
1. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram. Stay in the loop with the latest teacherpreneur content all while finding a community of like-minded teachers who want to lift you up!
2. Listen to this episode of my podcast The Teacherpreneur! It'll give you a game plan for gathering up your teaching resources and selling them online — trust me, you can do this, friend...
3. Download my free guide Your Teacherpreneur Marketing Plan Made Easy. This guide will take the stress out of making your first marketing strategy. Get ready to earn the big bucks!
P.S. Look Forward to Seeing Me in Your Inbox With More Teacherperneur Tips!
Your teacher type is... The Rationalist
Congratulations, friend! By completing this quiz, you've proven your commitment to becoming a better teacher and supporting your students 💯 According to your responses, your teacher type is The Rationalist! Wondering what does that mean? Keep reading...
As a Rationalist, you turned to teaching because it offered security and financial stability. It's important to you that your place of employment offers a good quality of life for you and your family (summers off? Yes, please!). That said, you do enjoy the profession and are passionate about helping your students learn everything they need to succeed in life.
Here's the thing, no matter your teacher type, your responsibilities in the classroom might stress you out. Maybe you wonder why all your hard work isn't rewarded with a higher salary. If so, let me reassure you, there are ways you can reduce overwhelm while earning more 💸 So let me fill you in!
"The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don't tell you what to see" — Alexandra K. Trenfor
The Top 3 Side Hustles for Teachers
1. Sell Your Resources
Teaching resources, that is! That's right, friend, there's a large online community of teachers willing to pay top dollar for your one-of-a-kind teaching resources... I'm talking about independent work packets, activities, lesson plans, worksheets, assessments, and so much more. So put those printables you spent hours designing and developing for your students to work! You'll be surprised by how much extra 💲 you can earn.
2. Course Creation
You already know you're a great teacher, and wouldn't it be nice to instruct students on something other than punctuation or pre-calculous? By creating an online course, you can design your dream curriculum on subjects ranging from sewing to scuba diving. Better yet, you can record your lessons ahead of time, which means once you've launched them, there's very little upkeep required — you'll be bringing in the cash on autopilot!
3. Tutoring
And not just in-person! There are many opportunities to tutor international students through the good ol' Internet. Online tutoring has some distinct advantages over traditional tutoring, too. It's often more adaptable to your schedule and the pay rate can be quite high depending on how many years of classroom experience you have ($20 an hour? No thanks). Trust me, if you haven't already, it's worth looking into.
Wait a Second! Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hey there, my name's Elizabeth Brown 👋 I'm a Teacherpreneur Coach passionate about helping teachers earn the income they deserve while living the life of their dreams... Because it really shouldn't be this darn difficult!
I'll let you in on a secret... You don't have to be stressed out 24/7 and spend your evenings marking papers. You deserve more than that. Under my expert guidance, you'll learn how to build out better streams of revenue and take back your stability and financial security.
Looking for a Little Guidance? Here Are 3 Free Resources to Get You Going
1. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram. Stay in the loop with the latest teacherpreneur content all while finding a community of like-minded teachers who want to lift you up!
2. Listen to this episode of my podcast The Teacherpreneur! It'll give you a game plan for gathering up your teaching resources and selling them online — trust me, you can do this, friend...
3. Download my free guide Your Teacherpreneur Marketing Plan Made Easy. This guide will take the stress out of making your first marketing strategy. Get ready to earn the big bucks!
P.S. Look Forward to Seeing Me in Your Inbox With More Teacherperneur Tips!
Your teacher type is... The Moderate
Congratulations, friend! By completing this quiz, you've proven your commitment to becoming a better teacher and supporting your students 💯 According to your responses, your teacher type is The Moderate! Wondering what does that mean? Keep reading...
As a Moderate, you're incredibly open-minded and are motivated by everything from helping students realize their potential to making a lasting difference in the world. You may have chosen to teach because of the security and stability it offered you and your family, but you stuck around because you're genuinely passionate about your subject and students.
Here's the thing, no matter your teacher type, your responsibilities in the classroom might stress you out. Maybe you wonder why all your hard work isn't rewarded with a higher salary. If so, let me reassure you, there are ways you can reduce overwhelm while earning more 💸 So let me fill you in!
"The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don't tell you what to see" — Alexandra K. Trenfor
The Top 3 Side Hustles for Teachers
1. Sell Your Resources
Teaching resources, that is! That's right, friend, there's a large online community of teachers willing to pay top dollar for your one-of-a-kind teaching resources... I'm talking about independent work packets, activities, lesson plans, worksheets, assessments, and so much more. So put those printables you spent hours designing and developing for your students to work! You'll be surprised by how much extra 💲 you can earn.
2. Course Creation
You already know you're a great teacher, and wouldn't it be nice to instruct students on something other than punctuation or pre-calculous? By creating an online course, you can design your dream curriculum on subjects ranging from sewing to scuba diving. Better yet, you can record your lessons ahead of time, which means once you've launched them, there's very little upkeep required — you'll be bringing in the cash on autopilot!
3. Tutoring
And not just in-person! There are many opportunities to tutor international students through the good ol' Internet. Online tutoring has some distinct advantages over traditional tutoring, too. It's often more adaptable to your schedule and the pay rate can be quite high depending on how many years of classroom experience you have ($20 an hour? No thanks). Trust me, if you haven't already, it's worth looking into.
Wait a Second! Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hey there, my name's Elizabeth Brown 👋 I'm a Teacherpreneur Coach passionate about helping teachers earn the income they deserve while living the life of their dreams... Because it really shouldn't be this darn difficult!
I'll let you in on a secret... You don't have to be stressed out 24/7 and spend your evenings marking papers. You deserve more than that. Under my expert guidance, you'll learn how to build out better streams of revenue and take back your stability and financial security.
Looking for a Little Guidance? Here Are 3 Free Resources to Get You Going
1. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram. Stay in the loop with the latest teacherpreneur content all while finding a community of like-minded teachers who want to lift you up!
2. Listen to this episode of my podcast The Teacherpreneur! It'll give you a game plan for gathering up your teaching resources and selling them online — trust me, you can do this, friend...
3. Download my free guide Your Teacherpreneur Marketing Plan Made Easy. This guide will take the stress out of making your first marketing strategy. Get ready to earn the big bucks!
P.S. Look Forward to Seeing Me in Your Inbox With More Teacherperneur Tips!
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