What's Your Working Style?

Take The Quiz To Find Out!

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What's Your Working Style?

Take The Quiz To Find Out!

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The work setting you love most:









1 / 6

Which of the following activities is your priority while at work?

Collaborating and coming up with new ideas 


Problem solving


Checking off your to-do list


Gathering and getting feedback


2 / 6

Choose your favorite accessory:

Bubble Lamps


Trendy Hangers




Abstract Art


3 / 6

Breakfast time! What are you having?

A bowl of cereal.


I'll grab Starbucks on the way to work.


Seven-grain toast with berry jam.


A croissant and a cup of tea.


Anything with bacon of course!




4 / 6

Choose your favorite place to sit:

Rocking Chair


Wooden Chair


Cushioned Chair


5 / 6

It's cocktail hour. What are you serving?









6 / 6


You're thoughtful and like to pause, while considering the big picture. However, you can be extremely pragmatic in your approach to work.


You're very purposeful in your interactions and prefer to work in groups of 2-3 people with a defined topic. You don't mind participating through a digital device, if needed.


You thrive on getting things done and love to process, respond, and check things off your to do list. You enjoy things that drive work forward like feedback loops of emails, phone calls, texts and responding to messages. You are not a fan of "down time."


You prefer incidental and impromptu interaction with colleagues. it offers you a chance to catch up, ask a quick question, or seek out an opinion. You'll often begin with a social focus that then sparks a freakishly creative idea!

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